viking12344 6 points ago +6 / -0

TDS is very real. They would rather see this country burn then to vote for the right person. You can do an awful lot to make your own reality anything you want. I have done it myself through the years with different things. It's so easy to lie to yourself and buy in.

viking12344 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to think the next place we are going has nothing to do with timelines. The answer of what happens to us is known, for certain, but knowledge is power. I have even heard these evil people ruling this place, the ones we don't know of, are locking down a way to not only control us here but in the first phase of the afterlife. And before any of the religious folks here say God wont allow that, think about this:

Satan rules this earth. Everything of this earth is his. By submitting to his system, which we all have btw it will be allowed. But how have we submitted? We watch their movies. We work in their system. We eat their food. We partake in their pleasures. We use their money. I could keep going. But how would we survive if we did not use their system?


viking12344 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think it was the Q team also. If it was fake, why? It served no purpose and they could have had a lot of fun and created a lot of confusion if it was an imposter. In other words, if you are impersonating Q and got away with it(because a lot of people bought in it was q) why not keep it going every so often and fuck around?

viking12344 2 points ago +2 / -0

And when they start calling states for her on election night its going to be infuriating. The military is the only way.....I am getting a tshirt made that says that.

viking12344 3 points ago +3 / -0

On Conspiracy Theory Three on saving democracy from the Democrats, I couldn’t agree more. The best way to evaluate it is to imagine Republicans doing to Democrats what Democrats are currently doing to Republicans. Imagine the reaction to any Republican President loading up Nancy Pelosi with dozens of felony charges, and changing voting laws at the last minute to benefit Republicans. The Heavens would not be big enough to contain the outrage of every journalist and social-media influencer and devoted NGO activist and educated-class American displaying a KAMALA lotus yard-sign in their yard.******

viking12344 3 points ago +3 / -0

74 percent of americans are obese? Holy sheet.

viking12344 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its brilliant. Trump can do ads like this, starring just Harris and he will never run out of ammo. You know she watches these and I bet it just KILLS her lol.

viking12344 3 points ago +3 / -0

That would be suicide for lowes. We all know most liberals pay people for home improvements and most of them are conservatives. They would lose 90 percent of their customer base overnight.

viking12344 33 points ago +33 / -0

.I have seen that trend on facebook and X. Its quite remarkable and amazing whats happening. Listening to RFK tell the truth about his 0wn ex party is devastating to them, I don't care what the extremists say. The moderate democrats that have backed RFK are joining us. Some have been shook awake today. This is unprecedented really.

viking12344 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have been there and had to start over. It sucks my fren but you are a fighter, its obvious. I know this sounds lame but if you have your health right now, that is what's most important. I am sending as much positive energy your way that I can. Good luck.

viking12344 3 points ago +3 / -0

I honestly don't know what will happen if Trump wins. Meaning how the standard of living will be at the end of his 4 years. I am pretty sure I know what will happen if Harris wins and its nothing but bad news and more of the same decline. I am putting my trust in the Q plan right now and am waiting to see what will happen. I do feel, Q plan aside, that if anyone can turn the ship around its Trump. If he can't do it.....who can?

viking12344 24 points ago +24 / -0

I like RFK, always have. I don't agree with him on everything but the guy has huge balls to call out his ex shit party, go independant and now endorse our guy. This is a great speech.

viking12344 2 points ago +2 / -0

It sounds great compared to the baseball all star game version. Or home run derby or whatever it was. I doubt this was meant as anything but what it was. They looked very nervous.

viking12344 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you read through the replies a few libs brought that up and started their own poll. It was the same result

viking12344 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just want to say, if you read through the comments, a few libtards brought that up and started their own poll. It ended up the same way.

viking12344 5 points ago +5 / -0

I read yesterday that x has 37 million democrats, 32 million republicans and several million fence sitters.

viking12344 3 points ago +3 / -0

No way they have any kind of majority on that. No one but the extreme left wants these people here and getting what they are getting. If they try this it just may unite the rest of us. The left, the right, the libertarians and the fence sitters.

viking12344 5 points ago +5 / -0

I live in florida and am 55. I fear something serious going wrong with myself. I am on no medications besides advil and I workout like I have OCD. If something goes wrong I may just take a bun ch of sleeping pills with a bottle of whiskey and move on. I trust none of these hospitals and those who work there. They have god complexes. Read that, I would rather just end it then put myself in their hands. Very sad its come to this but I am not being dramatic, I mean it

viking12344 6 points ago +6 / -0

I could not agree more. Putin is showing massive restraint right now and I respect the guy for that. I can only see surface level. I don't know what the real game is or the next 5d chess move but what's going on over there has just been kicked up to unprecedented levels. MSM is too busy talking about Kamala's "joyfull" campaign and making fun of white people for not seasoning taco meat. If the goal is to cancel the upcoming election because of ww3...well it looks to be on course.

viking12344 4 points ago +4 / -0

If our tanks are in russia that is endangering the lives of every single american. The current braintrust needs to be removed immediately. Could you imagine russian tanks in texas? Nukes would be flying. Get us the fuck out of there.

I give Putin great respect for being as restrained as he has been. This is insanity.

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