100% chance he dont get arrested, no one has or will
Then he lied about the Diamons must be returned cause of the stolen election, if he lets them have a full term then no diamonds
if he waits till 2024 then he obviously lied about the diamons being returned, he let them have a whole 4 years then
OMG Another State Election Violation! Yeah, the AZ Audit really did alot lol
lol keep putting this shit out for months and nothing happens ever
How long do we have to wait for this so called Evidence? 2 More weeks?
Just liek his Boring nothing Happened Shitposuyim, he just wants to sell his Pillows
People read the post and the other post, Trump says the Destruction of the COUNTRY not the OLD GUARD IE The Libtards
What happened to the Diamons will be returned? If we let these idiots have a full 4 years then trump lied, they literally stole an election
Still waiting for an actual arrest here in the USA. not happening
Didnt He say the Storm is upon s I dont know a dozen times over the past 10 months?
Hes doing it alot in that video with the 6 symbol for his hand, pllenty more of him doing that but thats just 1
Theres one video of him doing the 6 sign alot in his campain, many more then that sir so STFU
he did it in a alot during his first run and rallies
If you noticed at alot of trump rallies he did that with his hands too
soon lol Id say When Barron is old enough to run maybe
Hitlery is still good and shes the worse of the 2, also how the hell did Q know Clinton would get shit like this 2 years ago?