wwvax 1 point ago +1 / -0

i know, but he said a lot of things that haven't been confirmed yet.

wwvax 2 points ago +3 / -1

Q has said that the US government was accumulating precious metals under Trump and the US Treasury has already taken over the Fed alluding to the possibility that once the fiat dollar collapses, a new US Treasury dollar backed by gold/silver will be issued.

Q never said any of those things. those were just anon theories. the only things related to monetary gold Q said was confirming that we had it and that it shall destroy FED. that's all.

wwvax 2 points ago +2 / -0

the problem with going on a government led gold standard right now is that they, the banks, roths, etc., already own most of the gold. it would be an improvement over fiat over the long run, but initially, without some type of redistribution, the wealth gap that would ensue would even make most millionaires nil. we have to have a free market for currencies and ban 'money' creation via new loans.

wwvax 2 points ago +2 / -0

all he had to say was that the board/trip was comped and post confirming. instead the fake q names watkins (not Q like) and then uses a different trip on a different board on the same site? that doesn't make any sense. it's more like trying to divide and push FUD.

wwvax 4 points ago +5 / -1

i'm with trip Q still. if his trip was comped, he would've posted some type of confirmation on one of the other chans with a pic or something, not whine on kun about kun being comped and continue to post on kun. that's lame af.

wwvax 1 point ago +1 / -0

i don't video anything, but if there's a heart attack onboard and the flight gets diverted for emergency landing and those are common, there's gonna be hundreds if not thousands of videos by people giving their play by play, even if they're not taping the injured.

wwvax 0 points ago +1 / -1

i mean it's a good theory and rational conclusion, but why aren't the passengers dying midflight? or are they? if a bunch of passengers were having heart attacks midflight, there would be all kinds of vids and emergency landings, no?

EDIT: to put it in numbers, if the avg flight has 200 passengers and pilots are susceptible to having heart attacks, each flight should have at least one, probably more passenger heart attacks.

wwvax 22 points ago +25 / -3

i wanna think that it appeared that way cause of optics. i wanna believe that right now, he's brushing up on military tribunals in a hollow tree with an oil lamp.

wwvax 3 points ago +3 / -0

not saying it's right in this case, but that's always been a thing. if someone is in jail for i think over 90 days, maybe more, all VA benefits, by statute, are supposed to stop cause whatever benefits they are entitled (healthcare, disability) is supposedly not needed, since the correctional facility is supposed to take care of their needs.

wouldn't shock me if the VA tries to claw back what they think are over payments.

wwvax 4 points ago +4 / -0

So where are the posts with the bad trip codes?

the bad trips can't post, cause they need to be whitelisted.

wwvax 2 points ago +2 / -0

tbh, being involved since the beginning, it negatively impacted my life. too many ways to describe here, but i'm still expecting a good ending.

by gamepwn
wwvax 0 points ago +1 / -1

that's like one short clip. not saying it's not true, but to me, they look more like cops in camo ie swat team. they don't move like soldiers, they move like pigs.

wwvax 4 points ago +4 / -0

i'm around a lot of old school, very high IQ tech people. people with phd's, awards, patents, and who rub shoulders with science area nobel prize winners. the seemlessness of the internet and PCs wouldn't be what it is without them. it's scary and sad that most of them have fallen for it. the way i reconcile this is their innocence of heart. my theory is that since they work with code and each glitch can be found if looked hard enough, they can't imagine a world where evil rules without good people having rooted them out before they reached all encompassing power.

wwvax 1 point ago +1 / -0

i get that this is a popular belief, but is there solid evidence that those are US marshals pins? i haven't been able to find an exact match. also, at least obummer and trump both had SS wear custom pins.

by BQnita
wwvax 1 point ago +1 / -0

i get you. thanks for the info

by BQnita
wwvax 3 points ago +3 / -0

i mean i get the first part of what you're saying. i feel the same way. and if you think trump was referring to GME, i can understand why you would hodl. but for the vast majority of GME holders, even if they believe in the first part, they obviously don't have a clue about what trump might have alluded to, so it doesn't make that much sense to me. disclosure.. i own shares, not even sure why, i guess i believe the DD to a certain degree, but i haven't DRS'd. but i don't hodl thinking it's gonna 10000x or even 1000x or even 100x. i'd be very surprised and happy if it 10x'd from here tbh. i have much more in PM's and DWAC.

by BQnita
wwvax 3 points ago +3 / -0

the idea/belief is that short positioned hedge funds and financial institutions will have to buy at any price to cover. i think they'll just change the rules. but who really knows.

by BQnita
wwvax 2 points ago +2 / -0

i always had a question about gme that would be never get answered and i would get attacked as a shill on reddit.

aren't shares, even if DRS'd, just paper claims? i've read the DD, prob not all of them, but enough to know that some people think it will 10000x or more. after everything that's happened, everything we know, do you really think shares will make you rich at the cost of the rest of the financial system? don't you think they'll just make up a new rule? i get that it'll be interesting to force/see how things play out, but can't see how the entire system says 'ok, now we'll be poor so they can be rich. bye.'

wwvax 3 points ago +3 / -0

fucker. u can't post something like this and not reference


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