wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

This sounds positive. The couple of times that I did Spring Break: Going to the beach down South in the 90's, it was a let down anyway. Lot's of dudes busy trying to attract a much smaller number of women. And a good amount of people weren't actually there on their break from college, but instead were just taking a regular spring vacation at the beach. It wasn't really like what the MTV Spring Break specials showed us back then, hah.

wxR7D7 6 points ago +6 / -0

Seems like this beef is over his recent trip to Ukraine, but it's interesting to note that the Dem's former Space Man Mark Kelly, is being critical of Elon Musk who among other things, builds the Falcon 9 rockets and Dragon capsules that astronauts trust will take them safely into space and return.

wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think she's providing other older women Democrats with some key phrases and words to remember and tell their friends when asked why they are leaving the Democratic party. Examples: brainwashed, dishonest, criminals, and monstrous.

wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha, I remember their website's mystery countdown timer to ... paid memberships. Maybe they did it to throw Anons off of the scent back then.

wxR7D7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good point. Kek about walking into a hardware store. Looks like the recent Enron tweets were fakes meant to fool people.

wxR7D7 27 points ago +27 / -0

I watched the recent MAGA influencer drama on X too. Laura Loomer was virtually pounding her fists like a child, about not getting invited to the White House to receive an Epstein binder. Hmmm, interesting outburst. It's a good reminder that Kappy once warned everyone about her and a few other MAGA influencers.

wxR7D7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Enron has also been posting that they are now shipping egg shaped nuclear reactors meant to power individual homes. I would think that this would be making bigger news, but maybe Enron is gearing up for a big comeback. I remember it's very public accounting scandal and bankruptcy back in the 2000's.


wxR7D7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hung's Virginia Senate election loss, leading to a possible better opportunity, reminds me of the now EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin's election loss to become New York State Governor back in 2022. One door closes, but then an even bigger door opens up!

wxR7D7 9 points ago +9 / -0

I would think that experience working for DOGE, is going to become legendary, as time goes on. Link to the DOGE job application form here: https://doge.gov/join

wxR7D7 1 point ago +1 / -0

One Plane Fag's opinion: This type of request coming from, either ATC to "Go around" or from a pilot "Going around", is to ensure enough separation, isn't an uncommon event. And an airliner on approach can sometimes observe 1-2 other planes depart from the same runway it's using, from the time it lines up with the approach runway. This Fox news report seems like they are trying to milk the unsafe narrative.

wxR7D7 3 points ago +3 / -0

It seems like part of a well thought out strategy. I consider that DOGE likely already has in it's database of Federal Employees, a field measuring the certainty of which employees are "NO OP"s, No Show's, or working two jobs during the same hours of the day. And it sounds like the e-mail requesting the 5 items, is an easy lifeline to any employee looking to fix their ways in order to continue their income, by initiating contact with the DOGE. ("NO OP" is a computer instruction that means "do no operation"/nothing)

wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, all those protestor boo's when Kevin Kiley went straight to the truth about the high speed rail project being the greatest failure.

wxR7D7 1 point ago +1 / -0

That guy Sam Chui is annoying and smug. Maybe now we know his secret for getting invited to go on an impossible number of exclusive flights all over the world.

wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since large payouts can be made without any normies questioning them "because anyone can get lucky and win", it would seem logical that lotteries have been rigged and used for large payments things services rendered, like hit jobs. Also, with all the money at their disposal, it's easy to simply pay off anyone who gets serious about filing a lawsuit against the lottery for any reason at all. It's interesting to note the locations of the stores who sold the winning tickets, and wonder if the winner picked it as to not arouse any suspicions and make it again seem like it could happen to anyone.

wxR7D7 1 point ago +1 / -0

These sexual blackmailer types and their enablers, are scum and their scheme needs to be exposed. I would guess that most of their targets at first didn't even know what they were getting into by having the sex. But then later they figure it out, when the blackmailer makes a comment in jest like "Now you wouldn't want your wife to find out about that, now would you?". The guy is owned from then on, and he never tells anyone about it, allowing the blackmailer to even reuse his scheme on the friends of the target, who would normally discuss anything in the world between them.

wxR7D7 8 points ago +8 / -0

Also: The Library of Congress started scanning and digitizing their collection, beginning in the 2000's. I can only imagine what dots AI has been connecting, in regards to our world's history, using that data.

wxR7D7 1 point ago +1 / -0

During the first quarter, I did some yard work outside, picking up tree branches and blowing leaves. I decided to watch the rest of the game since it was getting dark outside. I was wondering if they were still going to manipulate the score, with Trump watching on. The game was almost going to be a shut out, so it reminded me of the old NFL games where one team would basically win the game early on.

wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

These job cuts are epic. Free plane ticket back to the US within 30 days, too. It's probably a wise idea to accept it, before the host countries learn more about USAID like the rest of us are now.

wxR7D7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not much discussion so far about HUD either. When I once looked into it, HUD's a large recipient of the US Federal Black Budget. The general public's perception is that that money is being spent on secret stealth bombers and black ops, and not going to something as mondain sounding as HUD.

wxR7D7 4 points ago +4 / -0

ADS-B tracking using Source = MLAT (like this helicopter), is often jumpy, because of how the ADS-B website itself is figuring out the position of the aircraft using triangulation from multiple receivers feeding data to the website. But Source = ADSB is more accurate, because the aircraft is transmitting it's exact position data coming from it's onboard GPS receiver.

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