actualy you cant. this is a claim of specifics dealing with criminal activity, in court if he has no evidence to back him up he will be eaten alive. the fact that he is a lawyer who has specialized in defamation law suits means that he will be held to a higher standard by both the judge and any jury. if lin wood had stuck to being very general about what he said then yes being a public celebritie would make it hard to sue....If you say I suspect there is a criminal activity going on that is to general for a defamation suit but claiming someone is a pedophile that is subspecific enough to get you in trouble with civil court. I am just a laymen so I ask for any lawyers to verify what I just said.
Yeah, especially online and because lin is not in a position to benefit from the defamation of these people. Therefore, a case cannot be made that he acted with malice.
Its incredibly hard to bring a case, as a public figure, against random people.
We all know Epstain didn't kill himself. And Wood is an anti defamation lawyer. He won't post stuff like this without KNOWING it's true.
BTW, have any of the accused tried to debunk these claims or even tried to sue him? No. Dominion is going after Powell, but that's it. That alone should tell everyone Wood ain't lyin.
Dominion is pretending to go after Powell. They’ll drop it before discovery, or it will get tossed out when they refuse to comply with discovery. (At least, it should)
All the cameras were knocked out leading up Epstein cell and out the jail. We don't if anyone came in or if anyone left. I remember reading the cameras had worked for 6yrs prior with no incident but malfunctioned that night -what are the chances?
Im not saying he's alive but it surely deserves our suspicion
Doesn't sound like he's concerned about dates or time limits. Maybe Trump isn't either.
If they have concrete proof of Biden in child sex trafficking, he won't be standing on any podium taking an oath of office.
I’ve heard one option for Trump is to turn power over to the military, and there will be no president for a while they hold military tribunals on ships off the coast. They didn’t post a source though, so take it with a grain of salt.
I've thought a lot about how it might go down and I kept coming up with a high ranking military general coming on the EBS and saying that there has been an attempted coup and that the military has stepped in and is taking action, and has everything under control and everyone needs to remain calm and lockdown (No problem since we've been doing that all year). No details would be given. The Left would think Trump attempted a coup and the military stopped him. The Right will think Trump is finally taking action. Only after everything is secure will there be an announcement, and it will provide details and high level evidence for the crimes. Something like " Military intelligence intercepted communications..... which definitively prove the 2020 election and the GA runoff election were rigged by an international conspiracy with the following individuals involved. We have sworn confessions....blah blah blah. Military tribunal will commence on x date and will be televised." At least something like that, keeping Trump from appearing to be directly leading it.
Who are AG Barrs' replacements?
One wrote a paper on foreign interference in our elections and the other is a Military Judge and prosecutor....specializing in military tribunals....
Why is that important? lol
Agreed. And what exactly is gonna happen? Who is going to expose it? What does 'exposing it' do when they can just say it's a conspiracy theory just like they always do.
Lets pray they have them, expose these evil rats, As a father of 2 beautiful girls, I just can't wrap my head around how you can get sexual pleasure from hurting innocent babies, it's so fucking sick. I truly hope they suffer miserable deaths.
Most witnesses (and sometimes even victims) in cases involving violent crime are unsavory individuals. Your sweet Christian grandmoms aren’t usually in the room where this stuff happens.
I do wonder, what would happen if concrete proof that the election was a fraud was revealed sometime after Jan 20? Assuming whatever important individuals receiving the information would actually fucking listen.
We already have concrete proof and these ppl know that. They're not gonna listen, why would they? Don't think they have the peoples interest in mind. Only their own.
When you name names, you better be correct. Nobody more aware of that than Lin wood. I'd take what we used to speculate about and put money on it as hard truth if Lin says it.
Or... you could just be 100% wrong. But who's counting.
Defamation law is clear that individuals are held to the same standard for what they say online as offline, but as of yet there have been no known lawsuits that have proceeded through the legal system, all the way to damage calculations, for online libel.
Good. The Pedo swamp must be drained once and for all! Anyone involved with the trafficking and abusing of children must be brought to justice. No more hiding in the shadows!
not many reporting this so it's not 100 per cent yet but here is a link regarding the pope everyone is trying to get in there so several refreshes may be necessary.
enter text
1: Thanks for the link. I wanted to read the article anywas.
2: I really don't trust Conservative Beaver as they've posted too-good-to-believe stories in the past. I believe they posted an article about some other big figure supposedly being arrested that turned out to not be true. This was about a month ago.
3: In the article they post "The FBI is reportedly making arrangements to fly in and interrogate him once Interpol is done with him."
What, the FBI is actually going to start doing their job and fight pedophilia now? BS. They're agents of the deep state and would do absolutely nothing to fight the globalist pedophiles.
EDIT: 4: I reallyreally hope I'm wrong about Conservative Beaver and that all of this arresting the Pope stuff is legitimate.
It seems to be happening behind the scenes right now. I just watched a Robert David Steele video 3 minutes. I know lots don't like him but hey it sounds plausible so it doesn't hurt to listen and try to verify elsewhere.
He must be over the target. I get a 504 error when trying to get to Lin's Parler site online, but I have no trouble getting to any of the other Parler sites I have bookmarked......yet.....
It would be a mistake for anyone to join Gab at the moment as they will likley not come back. It is virtually unusable and has been for a couple of days. Feeds not shoing, groups not appearring. I don't know what is going on with the servers but Andrew has dropped the ball there. If POTUS decided to sign up he absolutely will think it is garbage.
They'll all probably go to Clouthub when Parler goes down.
FFS Gab sort you servers out before doig stuff like video and phones.
Edit: to be fair I'm not finding this site to be the fastest at the moment maybe there is more going on that is hitting various networks?
Yeah I figured, but you would think as they have been preparing for this day for a long time that they would have made sure the servers could cope. Clearly they can't.
People who are finally going there are not getting a good impression and are unlikely to come back as this has been going on for a couple of days.
I've been on Parler telling people to go to Gab if Parler goes down when they ask where to go, but many kept saying it just hangs for them. They'll only try for a while before giving up and Clouthub seems to becoming the new place to migrate to for many at the moment.
I think Andrew and Co, should have been more prepared and made sure the servers were solid and could cope with huge amounts of traffic instead of diversifying into TV and now a phone. I mean, they are great and all but if the servers suck people are just gonna drift away.
Given the level of increased traffic and the short time span in which the increase has happened I would say that it is damned impressive that they are only slow and a bit spotty.
Twitter and other major socials have in the past gone down with sudden and unexpected increases in traffic, but GAB hasn't............
Yeah you are probably right. Was checking the groups I'm in - groups themselves don't load but I can see on the side bar that in a few days GA has seen an increase from 70k+>121k+, QAnon Patriots from 30k+ >80k and The Donald 60k+>115k so guess it was even more than they planned for. It is just very frustrating.
Thank god for this site!
Interesting thing is on the rare occasions I got to see a post newcomers were commenting how many more followers they have than on twitter. Roosh said it took him 12 years to build 80k followers on twat and on Gab he got 150k in a few days. gained over 250k in just a few days.
Word will get out about that which will hopefully be another nail in Dorseys coffin.
That's fun and all, but if the MSM won't even report the biden laptop, it sure as hell won't report this.
And if every conservative is SILENCED on big tech, how will the word ever spread around?
Don't tell me the EBS will be used for that....
Some kind of MSM takeover has to occur first.
I don't recall the details, but when Codemonkey left 8Kun it was to start some new site with some sort of technology that could not be silenced. Forget if it was blockchain (I don't know what blockchain is)??
On Twitter Codemonkey insinuated it was ready and would roll out at the right time. Maybe that coincides with Trump saying they are gonna do their own platform.
Don Jr had people going on his website to put in your email and you'll receive emails from him if he gets booted off Twitter.
Then release it now. No reason to wait 10 to 14 days. So tired of the BS from Wood. Where are the servers that were in Germany and Spain?, Now they are in Italy?, Where next? As one TD said, On the far side of the Moon.
Yep fuck right off. You'd be better off somewhere else. We come together here. Throw out information and then try to verify or debunk, it's that simple. We're adults and we are patient. Of course we're anxious to see it happen and it will.
Don't be like the gold miner who digs and chops and tunnels mightily, hour after day, week after month...then tires, weakens and gives up....twelve inches before he was about to strike the biggest vein in the land
Apparently you've never gone hunting for gold.
MANY magnitudes of more people have died from being nowhere near gold, than have made it rich.
Nothing will happen to him, because...
Exactly. You can say bullshit about people that are public celebrities.
actualy you cant. this is a claim of specifics dealing with criminal activity, in court if he has no evidence to back him up he will be eaten alive. the fact that he is a lawyer who has specialized in defamation law suits means that he will be held to a higher standard by both the judge and any jury. if lin wood had stuck to being very general about what he said then yes being a public celebritie would make it hard to sue....If you say I suspect there is a criminal activity going on that is to general for a defamation suit but claiming someone is a pedophile that is subspecific enough to get you in trouble with civil court. I am just a laymen so I ask for any lawyers to verify what I just said.
There are so many computers, laptops and servers that has all the evidence that will back him up.
Yeah, especially online and because lin is not in a position to benefit from the defamation of these people. Therefore, a case cannot be made that he acted with malice.
Its incredibly hard to bring a case, as a public figure, against random people.
and thousands more....
Come Lord Jesus, come
He also said Epstein was alive
Maybe he is. The movie isn't over yet.
It's more likely than accepting the 'Epstein killed himself' narrative.
We all know Epstain didn't kill himself. And Wood is an anti defamation lawyer. He won't post stuff like this without KNOWING it's true.
BTW, have any of the accused tried to debunk these claims or even tried to sue him? No. Dominion is going after Powell, but that's it. That alone should tell everyone Wood ain't lyin.
Dominion is pretending to go after Powell. They’ll drop it before discovery, or it will get tossed out when they refuse to comply with discovery. (At least, it should)
All the cameras were knocked out leading up Epstein cell and out the jail. We don't if anyone came in or if anyone left. I remember reading the cameras had worked for 6yrs prior with no incident but malfunctioned that night -what are the chances?
Im not saying he's alive but it surely deserves our suspicion
Doesn't sound like he's concerned about dates or time limits. Maybe Trump isn't either. If they have concrete proof of Biden in child sex trafficking, he won't be standing on any podium taking an oath of office.
Yeah, it seems like it's happening on GEOTUS' timeline. His calmness the entire time is at least kind of indicative of that.
I’ve heard one option for Trump is to turn power over to the military, and there will be no president for a while they hold military tribunals on ships off the coast. They didn’t post a source though, so take it with a grain of salt.
I've thought a lot about how it might go down and I kept coming up with a high ranking military general coming on the EBS and saying that there has been an attempted coup and that the military has stepped in and is taking action, and has everything under control and everyone needs to remain calm and lockdown (No problem since we've been doing that all year). No details would be given. The Left would think Trump attempted a coup and the military stopped him. The Right will think Trump is finally taking action. Only after everything is secure will there be an announcement, and it will provide details and high level evidence for the crimes. Something like " Military intelligence intercepted communications..... which definitively prove the 2020 election and the GA runoff election were rigged by an international conspiracy with the following individuals involved. We have sworn confessions....blah blah blah. Military tribunal will commence on x date and will be televised." At least something like that, keeping Trump from appearing to be directly leading it.
That sounds like that could play well.
That would be epic - serious freedom boner stuff - the only way you could top that is to have Barry Hussein's firing squad shown in HD
Who are AG Barrs' replacements? One wrote a paper on foreign interference in our elections and the other is a Military Judge and prosecutor....specializing in military tribunals.... Why is that important? lol
If the stuff about Joe comes out before the inauguration...then maybe the 14 days are afterwards to clean house for others.
Agreed. And what exactly is gonna happen? Who is going to expose it? What does 'exposing it' do when they can just say it's a conspiracy theory just like they always do.
Military was always the only way.
Epstein tapes in the good guys possession, that was my hunch for months.....
Yeah. I think the DVDs were in his New York house he bought off that Victoria Secret guy for really cheap.
Lets pray they have them, expose these evil rats, As a father of 2 beautiful girls, I just can't wrap my head around how you can get sexual pleasure from hurting innocent babies, it's so fucking sick. I truly hope they suffer miserable deaths.
I think they should get a choice of death method. Hung with piano wire or a Pinochet chopper ride. Adolph or Augusto.
I have considered this except that entire documentary of women saying he’s a snake and there are pics of him with them when they’re like 15-16
Most witnesses (and sometimes even victims) in cases involving violent crime are unsavory individuals. Your sweet Christian grandmoms aren’t usually in the room where this stuff happens.
We have what ever it takes now. We are in control.
I do wonder, what would happen if concrete proof that the election was a fraud was revealed sometime after Jan 20? Assuming whatever important individuals receiving the information would actually fucking listen.
We already have concrete proof and these ppl know that. They're not gonna listen, why would they? Don't think they have the peoples interest in mind. Only their own.
When you name names, you better be correct. Nobody more aware of that than Lin wood. I'd take what we used to speculate about and put money on it as hard truth if Lin says it.
Obama's 65k hot dog party. Gross.
Just vile to think about. I cannot wait for these people to be brought to justice.
well 65k pizza party, but either way those emails were disgusting as fuck. and the comet pizza back door order page, WTF
He was with that handler girl too. Q had a pic of some young girl at one point.
It was 65k worth of hot dogs flown in from Chicago.
at 1:30 in the morning......code for something dispicable
Or... you could just be 100% wrong. But who's counting.
Lin Woods is putting his balls well and truly on the line.
The CCP supporters in the establishment want the blood of Trump supporters.
This would land him in jail if Beijing Biden takes office considering the current frenzy.
He must be oretty sure he has the goods .
Agreed. He stated clearly he has seen the evidence.
Fully agreed Patriot.
He's aligned with Flynn and Sidney Powell. Flynn knows what's up. Hell, Flynn is probably part of Q team. That's why Soetoro targeted him first.
Holy crap!
I just saw Devin Nunes Parley about losing communication tomorrow. Have you seen it? First message currently.
Maybe he means Amazon is taking down Parler at midnight, and Twitter already purged.
That looks like it might be a spam account. Has this been VERIFIED as Devin Nunes account ?
Good. The Pedo swamp must be drained once and for all! Anyone involved with the trafficking and abusing of children must be brought to justice. No more hiding in the shadows!
Honestly say a prayer for this, Patriot. Good must win. Dark to Light.
Is he facing lawsuits for defamation yet? I mean he is a defamation lawyer, and aware of the repercussions of lying about people.
not many reporting this so it's not 100 per cent yet but here is a link regarding the pope everyone is trying to get in there so several refreshes may be necessary. enter text
1: Thanks for the link. I wanted to read the article anywas.
2: I really don't trust Conservative Beaver as they've posted too-good-to-believe stories in the past. I believe they posted an article about some other big figure supposedly being arrested that turned out to not be true. This was about a month ago.
3: In the article they post "The FBI is reportedly making arrangements to fly in and interrogate him once Interpol is done with him."
What, the FBI is actually going to start doing their job and fight pedophilia now? BS. They're agents of the deep state and would do absolutely nothing to fight the globalist pedophiles.
EDIT: 4: I really really hope I'm wrong about Conservative Beaver and that all of this arresting the Pope stuff is legitimate.
Why over 10-14 days if even Linn Wood saw the eveidence? And where did he see it?
10 days would be Inauguration day. Maybe once Trump is inaugurated the hammer immediately drops.
Have seen, from Lin and a couple others on Parler, that the pope was arrested last night. Lin posted a story from
Not sure what to make of this site/info. Anyone out there more familiar with these guys?
Why wait?
It seems to be happening behind the scenes right now. I just watched a Robert David Steele video 3 minutes. I know lots don't like him but hey it sounds plausible so it doesn't hurt to listen and try to verify elsewhere.
Everything is always “within the next X days” to cover their asses...
Wait and see, plans can change.
He must be over the target. I get a 504 error when trying to get to Lin's Parler site online, but I have no trouble getting to any of the other Parler sites I have bookmarked......yet.....
Shills are hysterical right now at tdw. PEdo shills doing the work of their evil masters. Good will prevail.
Duke of Edinburgh? All of Hollywood thats for sure
Gotta be Soros or maybe the House of Wettin?
The committee of 300.
Wish he would get on GAB as there is NO FUCKING WAY I'm signing up to Parler.
Parler is owned by the Mercers, which is basically Cambridge Analytica.............
It would be a mistake for anyone to join Gab at the moment as they will likley not come back. It is virtually unusable and has been for a couple of days. Feeds not shoing, groups not appearring. I don't know what is going on with the servers but Andrew has dropped the ball there. If POTUS decided to sign up he absolutely will think it is garbage.
They'll all probably go to Clouthub when Parler goes down.
FFS Gab sort you servers out before doig stuff like video and phones. Edit: to be fair I'm not finding this site to be the fastest at the moment maybe there is more going on that is hitting various networks?
People going to GAB is the reason for it suddenly being a bit iffy, their traffic has... increased...
They're just slow and taxed as fuck due to the increased traffic...
Yeah I figured, but you would think as they have been preparing for this day for a long time that they would have made sure the servers could cope. Clearly they can't.
People who are finally going there are not getting a good impression and are unlikely to come back as this has been going on for a couple of days.
I've been on Parler telling people to go to Gab if Parler goes down when they ask where to go, but many kept saying it just hangs for them. They'll only try for a while before giving up and Clouthub seems to becoming the new place to migrate to for many at the moment.
I think Andrew and Co, should have been more prepared and made sure the servers were solid and could cope with huge amounts of traffic instead of diversifying into TV and now a phone. I mean, they are great and all but if the servers suck people are just gonna drift away.
Given the level of increased traffic and the short time span in which the increase has happened I would say that it is damned impressive that they are only slow and a bit spotty.
Twitter and other major socials have in the past gone down with sudden and unexpected increases in traffic, but GAB hasn't............
Yeah you are probably right. Was checking the groups I'm in - groups themselves don't load but I can see on the side bar that in a few days GA has seen an increase from 70k+>121k+, QAnon Patriots from 30k+ >80k and The Donald 60k+>115k so guess it was even more than they planned for. It is just very frustrating.
Thank god for this site!
Interesting thing is on the rare occasions I got to see a post newcomers were commenting how many more followers they have than on twitter. Roosh said it took him 12 years to build 80k followers on twat and on Gab he got 150k in a few days. gained over 250k in just a few days.
Word will get out about that which will hopefully be another nail in Dorseys coffin.
Judges have their sights set on Dorsey and twitter(and a few others) and with GAB taking of there really is no real reason to save twatter...
He literally said this two weeks ago
Okay. Just saying he said it again this morning.
A bit tired of "2 more weeks"
That's fun and all, but if the MSM won't even report the biden laptop, it sure as hell won't report this. And if every conservative is SILENCED on big tech, how will the word ever spread around?
Don't tell me the EBS will be used for that.... Some kind of MSM takeover has to occur first.
I don't recall the details, but when Codemonkey left 8Kun it was to start some new site with some sort of technology that could not be silenced. Forget if it was blockchain (I don't know what blockchain is)??
I remember it was called Project Odin. Otherwise don't know any details either.
Perhaps, but the drops in question are supposed to come out VERY SOON?
Blockchain is the seemingly unhackable decentralized technology used to support bitcoin integrity.
On Twitter Codemonkey insinuated it was ready and would roll out at the right time. Maybe that coincides with Trump saying they are gonna do their own platform.
Don Jr had people going on his website to put in your email and you'll receive emails from him if he gets booted off Twitter.
Then release it now. No reason to wait 10 to 14 days. So tired of the BS from Wood. Where are the servers that were in Germany and Spain?, Now they are in Italy?, Where next? As one TD said, On the far side of the Moon.
Just go home shill.
This isn't T_D
Yep fuck right off. You'd be better off somewhere else. We come together here. Throw out information and then try to verify or debunk, it's that simple. We're adults and we are patient. Of course we're anxious to see it happen and it will.
Some very credible people confirmed that happened.
Not shut down, that would force an increased number of people out(checking on loved ones and what not).
It is likely that parts, elements and some nodes going down though(what the major social and news media goes through for instance)...
Amen. I will only give up when POTUS gives up.
Apparently you've never gone hunting for gold.
MANY magnitudes of more people have died from being nowhere near gold, than have made it rich.
Yes, it was today.
Here is his account
Fuck your "god". The crusades are starting all over. Were comin.
lorl im an enemy of islam. the name is to mock him