571 ABC is down. The New York Offical Website Is Down. CBS All Acess Is Down. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by CaptainChrisPBacon 4 years ago by CaptainChrisPBacon +572 / -1 56 comments download share 56 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Tons of DDOS all around the globe tonight from the looks of it. Even popular games like League of Legends in EU are unplayable since yesterday.
do you have a website that you use to track this information?
Edit : Besides down detector
Testing 123. It works, return feed.....
Outages are in major cities.
I live in the Detroit area market and ABC is not down for me.
What up doe! We out here toward Novi
Almost every communications network spiked recently with outages.
Making popcorn ?
Screw the popcorn, I got 3 bags of beef jerky
you've reminded me of the 24 pack i just bought. giddy
Giant tub of peanuts, checking in
Beer for me, fren.
I just had two scoops of ice cream. Talk about coincidences.
I've got both lol
Yo wtf me too?
I've got some Takis. A good spicy chip for a good spicy news night.
Looks like people are also reporting problems with DirecTV, and for some reason CBSSports and NFL Network.
Correct. Football game was blacked out for a few minutes. 10 miles from NYC.
CBS ok where I am
The Outages are in major cities.
I see that now! Thanks will keep eye out!!
NFL Network went down. Verizon. Direct TV Just went down. Edit Dish is going out.
What part of country??
I have DirecTV in Detroit metro area and it's working fine for me.
From my area, CBS all access is up.
Nope. ABC is on in Los Angeles.
I can reach abc.com from the UK, but that might just be cache servers
Sites appear to be up now.
Ok, if your gonna report an outage, mention your city/state and the time please.
Better than "we're down", if we're gonna track things.
Can we sticky or just create a fresh one?
Was down for me for about 15 minutes. Back up now. Long Island NY.
Looks like things are coming back?
Both services have the same amount of outage. Interesting...We still have both in east central FL
People need to avoid MSM anyways, true outage is the whole map is red and not just little dots over cities,
MF'er, I was going to watch some Star Trek today!
It's up calm your tits..
Link: https://downdetector.com/status/abc-us/map/
From outside a major metro, ABC News is up at ABCNews.go.com
Cnn is shill up...................
Dallas market is fine.
It was out in NY for most of 1st quarter, but back on now. Very strange. Only that channel.
Maybe the news channels took themselves down so not have to report about Obama and Al Qeda funding
They aren't down now.
Well, the background "theme" on my Roku has changed to an empty couch with a TV showing static. What the actual F**k!?!? Its cool, though.
Some guy I know is claiming this is part of The Great Reset.
I've never heard anything like that, so I think he's talking out of his ass. Anyone else hear anything about this?
Great Reset is cabal plan. Cull 90% of population. Reset currency.
Yes, now that I do know.
I was just making sure there weren't two dueling narratives on the outages today.