So my mom calls a little while ago after having just got off the phone with my niece. Over the weekend, my nice kept posting crap on my mom's facebook wall--first, it was her gleefully bouncing about the shutdown of the Keystone pipeline, then she started quoting the Bible to diss my mom and basically call her a bad Christian for thinking the HHS secretary shouldn't be psychologically disturbed enough to think he's a girl. She didn't even come out and say that--she just put out a pic of the tranny that had "Biden's HHS secretary" at the bottom and said, "Really?" It set my virtue signalling idiot of a niece off. Once wasn't good enough, she did it again last night. Fast forward to today.
She calls my mom, apparently wanting to drive the point home about how great she and Biden are because they aren't "mean." My mom didn't let her get far before she asked her, "So you voted for Biden?" My niece went off like all libtards do, proudly declaring her support of Biden, open borders, socialism, the New Green Deal, and every other stupid fucking thing liberals love so much. My mom asked the fool if she realized she voted for a pedophile. Then, before the twit could argue, she asked how many videos she watched of him sniffing children. If she knew that he got a boatload of money from Ukraine and got his child-screwing, hooker-screwing, coke-sniffing son a boatload of money, too. My niece's response? "That didn't happen. I didn't hear it."
My mom kept going, reiterating that he's a pedophile, then asking her what she thinks will happen to gas prices with the pipeline project killed. My niece: "Derrrr...." My mom told her the prices would skyrocket, just like they did with Obama. My niece responded that she was in college then and it didn't affect her. My mom said, sure it didn't because your parents were footing the bill. Then my niece started about how horrible it is not to let illegals come in as they please (since she was losing the argument) and my mom asked how much she'll like it when she's gang raped by a bunch of 3rd worlders who think it's their right to rape whatever woman they want. She told her to go look into all the rapes in Europe due to the influx of people who aren't civlized enough to live with others then come back and talk to her.
My niece was so pissed off, she could hardly talk. She just said, "well at least they aren't mean! Trump is horrible.... blah blah blah." My mom told her that she supposed she'd rather have a president that's a not-mean communist who practices pedophilia than someone who tells it like it is, but that's what she'd expect from someone who can't think for herself and reason through things like she has a brain. Then she got off the phone with her and called me.
I told her I was proud of her. She expects my niece's parents to be calling to bitch her out. If I were them, I'd think twice about it. My mom is not in the mood for any more libtard bullshit.
Dayamn, your mother deserves a medal for that.
You have a based mom! Feel blessed as both of my parents are biden voters ? But at least they agree that the election was stolen.
I'm truly sorry for the passing of your parents. How long have they been gone? To have parents pass away is, beyond words, devastating. But then to know that they, in all likelihood, then become Democrat voters is adding insult to injury. This needs to stop.
My dad always said when he died he would become a democrat. He was a hardcore trump supporter, even on his deathbed in March/April he was talking about how pissed he was at his doctor because he wouldn't be able to live to vote in November.
My dad died in 2015. He got cancer and I got him into a good hospital in hopes they could save him. When they checked him in, they were asking questions to make sure the cancer hadn't affected his mind. One of them was: "Do you know who the president is?" My dad's response? "It's that asshole Obama! And he's destroying this damned country!" The doctors laughed at it, but given where we were, I have no doubts they were Obummer voters. But my dad did not give a shit. Don't ask if you don't want the answer.
Redpilled implies they woke up to the bullshit they been spoon fed. Sounds like she still has work to do.
Good job mom, we feel you were sick of it all to
Go Mom!!!!
YAY MOM!!!!!
Amen, if only such straight talk could puncture the thickening brains of lefties.
I am 0 for 3. Three people who once thought the world of me, had the utmost respect for me, trusted me implicitly, opted to decide there is something wrong with me, because I have shared with them uncomfortable truths, challenged them with difficult questions, and had the nerve to ask them to share with me information that supports their (warped and demented) perspectives.
They could not support their perspectives or attack my message, so they opted to attack me ... Lucky I know a lot smart people too (a good pool of friends who have seen the light). I have to just accept that those few are lost ... (& hope they don't come for me with a straight jacket!!)
Not saying we're prophets, but this same principle seems to have applied: Jesus once said "A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown, and among his relatives, and in his household."
Lots of people are seeing those who are close to them are somehow the hardest to reach, but people further from their circle seem quite EASY to get through to!
Also (kinda weirdly) that since the ignorguration of FakePresident Potato, liberals seem to have mellowed slightly and are willing to chat again.
I find that very true in my life. My ex-friend, someone who I thought would understand me and where I’m coming from, refuse to even hear me out. My random coworkers and a former coworker were actually open to listening to what I have to say.
Same here. Close family? Nope. Acquaintances all over the country? Yep. Redpilled a ton of people and can't get through to the handful that matters the most. So weird!
I suppose it is possible that the way I speak to THEM is more urgent since I do actually worry about them being ambushed by REALITY.
Yep, me too. I'm so sick of these people that think it's more important not to hurt anyone's feelings or offend them than to do what's right.
I talked to my mom again a little while ago and she told me more of the conversation. According to my niece, Biden is the only president to be a regular church goer. My mom's response: "That's bullshit." She schooled her on that as well.
Sounds like more of a roasting than a redpilling...
...But good work giving her the real info, I guess.
Redpill is about the aftermath of the roast. If she was truly redpilled, she would doubt, go back & investigate, start thinking for herself, see the truth.
Now it's a matter of how she handles it. Does she investigate or memory hole it all?
I suppose you'll find out soon enough, though!
If I had to bet, it won't work. My niece is a typical lefty, refusing to consider any information that clashes with what she believes. She could watch Joe molest a child on TV and would deny it happened. But she needed to hear the truth. And she needs to know that if she gets in people's faces and spouts her BS that they won't always just take it and not give her a dose of reality.
People are waking up all over. I was paying a bill today and talking to the woman behind the desk. She said "I've been reading." She knows. I told her to keep up hope, as there are things going on that most of us don't know about.
It amazes me how many completely uninformed people vote. If their black box or idiots on tumblr tell them to vote for someone, they do it and never bother checking to see what they're voting for.
Well technically your niece still opted for the blue-pill, but good on your mom for trying.
Your mother sounds wonderful!
Need more people like her. send her there
Your mom is based! ??????
Sick and tired
Hey, after all, libtards r stoopid :-)
Your mother sounds like one hell-of-a-woman for doing that!!! She's got more balls than a lot of soy boys...GOOD FOR HER!!!
She's definitely a hell of a woman. She'll be 82 this year and she's tough as hell. It makes me proud--and also makes me realize where I get it from, lol.
I'm not a Q- uh ... Bro.., I'm just a pede over here looking to score some hopium. Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of "I just threw an emotional hand grenade into my sister's house, cut all ties, AND AND IT FELT GREEEEAAAAT BABBY!" type posts. On both boards.
I know we're pissed off RN, and the commies are being weird Orwellian turbo counts, but I think this is the wrong solution. We should be trying to keep families together. We shouldn't be the ones throwing away dear old friends even if theyre into stupid ideologies. That's commie behavior. We should be better.
I agree with you, in theory, but you can't keep families together when you have people like my niece, attacking my mom on social media anytime she posts something that points out the problem with this new regime.
Yes, we should all try to get along, but there is no reason for people to accept being treated like garbage by family members who refuse to see the truth of the matter. We should not submit to this liberal, communist bullshit, nor should we just accept people shoving it in our faces like my niece was doing with my mom. What's that saying? Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'? Well, that applies to family, too. My niece chose poorly.
We have the best moms, don't we folks?
The Warriors - Can You Dig It? -
I love your mother too!
I think your mom and my mom would get on like a house on fire(my mom would probably bring the Molotov's...)
My mom is woke too, I’m so thankful for that!
My niece doesn't like the military because they're "killing innocent people." But don't point out to her that Trump is the only president in forever that didn't start a war because she "never heard about that" and doesn't want to know. She thinks the Muslim countries are persecuted and that we "asked for" 9/11 (she was like 10 at the time, so of course she knows everything).
She also "never heard about" Biden calling the troops stupid bastards. She just refuses to hear anything bad about Biden. She has TDS, in a huge way. Plus, she's a fucking idiot. Today, my mom said she was back to stalking her on Facebook, quoting the Bible about what makes a good Christian, implying my mom is not. I told my mom to delete her. She doesn't have to put up with this shit.
This is great, but I thought you meant your niece got a clue and was redpilled. Glad to see your mom is slinging facts and not backing down. Go maga mom.
She told my niece to go look those things up. And to talk to some people who lived under communism in Cuba or Venezuela so she can see how things really are. She lives by that old adage, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink." She said she led my nice to the water--whether she drinks or not is up to her. She can choose to remain ignorant and stupid, or she can learn the truth.
So great
Not one more inch.
Based mom!!
I fear my idiot niece will never learn. All she kept telling my mom was that nothing affects her. For example: "The $15 minimum wage is great, but if it puts some people out of work, then they need to find something else to do. It's only fair to have a living wage!" She's one of those people who could literally be gang raped by illegals and she'd blame Trump supporters for it. That's how fucking stupid she is.
You want to know the most disturbing part of her attitude with this? She's an accountant. She just got her CPA and she works on taxes during tax season (she's in the audit department, usually), so she sees on a regular basis how things are. Her mom, who is also an accountant (not a CPA), constantly goes off about earned income credits and how ridiculous they are. My niece, on the other hand, thinks it's great to give more money to people who don't pay taxes. She complained about how "rich" small business owners are and how greedy they are for wanting to make money.
I told my brother once that she and her brother are the result of him and his wife never requiring anything from them. My nephew lived with my husband and I for a couple of years after he graduated college, so he could save enough money for a house--but he contributed to the household with groceries, repairing broken items, etc. (and he bought a new refrigerator when ours went kaput to make up for the fact that he hadn't been paying rent). So he learned, and he's a lot smarter than her, anyway. But my niece? Never had a job until after college (which her mom got for her), still had a babysitter when she was sixteen freaking years old, never had chores to do around the house, and never had to pay for anything herself. So she never learned a damned thing about life. And, if she actually loses her job or needs something she can't afford, my brother and his wife will buy it for her. So she will probably never learn.