Do we even know if their internet is cut, and who made it "be cut"?
For example, let's say the elite who didn't get in, asked their elite buddies running the ISP to cut the internet, so people get pissed... it wouldn't be the same as the government shutting down the internet.
Note the "appear to have cut". This is to make sure you can't "debunk" by verifying some people still have it.
Then they can move the goalpost to "most", then "lots" the to "some" until it's not relevant to the narrative anymore.
This is how "news" use weasel words to do propaganda.
cutting the internet seems like a surefire way to get more people out into the streets, out of sheer boredom if nothing else.
Unless they intend to broadcast evidence of election fraud and want everyones full attention....lets see if they do it.
It would make a lot of sense to test-run this whole gameplan on a smaller scale in someplace like this before scaling up to something that would effect the whole world like a shakeup in the US would.
According to the Bangkok Post about 200 NLD loyalists, mostly students, turned out to protest. The number could grow, but I would guess that outside of the universities most people are simply going to take it in stride. You'll likely find just as many people offering flowers to the soldiers. I really don't think you can compare the response by general citizens in Burma to what would happen in the USA.
I honestly don't believe this is any kind of a trial run. Coups like this are too commonplace in this part of the world. I think it is simply a domestic issue between a corrupt government that rigged an election, a military who didn't appreciate it, and a small group of young activists that are idealists. It's only even getting coverage because of the global spotlight on election fraud due to the theft in the USA.
Wide scale protests don't happen in SE Asia without professional coordination and millions of $$$ in funding to pay the protesters. No cash incentive? Everyone will just shrug and keep going. Let's wait and see if anyone ponies up the cash for a serious protest. Then we might understand if there is more to this coup than meets the eye.
I say try to forgive the students; they are young and dumb on average no matter where they're from.
Damned are those who stole their minds though. This fits right into the going theme of those in power robbing youth of agency.
They may carry some blame for giving their minds up to ideas and people like that but when it's drilled into your psyche from the time you're conscious, I feel like they don't have much chance until they can grow up and see more of the world.
If then they don't wake up then yes, they have become another box in the cabal's game. Gives "losing your mind" a while new perspective.
I agree. In most parts of the world, the level of education has gone down significantly because they've been pumping propaganda into the school systems. Just look at the US alone, where kids come out of schools who can read but are illiterate because they are told how they should be interpreting what's written and what to believe, not to coming to their own conclusion. In other parts of the world, it's been happen just the same though different methods have been incorporated. You may have great doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc., but they may be indoctrinated to follow whatever their government no matter the logic or lack thereof. Anyone who speaks against the government suddenly disappears.
You make an interesting point, for sure. But what's interesting is that the MSM is actually covering the Myanmar situation, while they basically refused to acknowledge the election fraud situation in the United States. It's more of the actions by the media that surprise me here, because if they didn't want to draw attention to election fraud caused by Smartmatic software, you'd think they would just shut up already about Myanmar. But they haven't, really
So... let me get this straight...
I’m a little sleepy forgive me.
We’re hoping that an unaccountable global power stops another unaccountable global power.
This completes the picture for me, I need to digest.
This is so human it’s totally believable.
Global Conquest never stopped after WWII it didn’t even skip a beat... the representation of influence changed from lands directly to people because physical location became less of a factor for the influence of people.
There’s no longer a need to conquer lands, only minds.
Lol gotta love how the deep state is trying to spin this as negative as possible, which means their military taking over is a GOOD thing, this wasn't a coup, it was a COUTER COUP.
Shutting of all socials controlled by DS is likely as they are used both to organize riots but also to spread bullshit on a large scale and of a type that serves DS agenda, and it is spread in a direct ground level up format rather than the top down that is news media.
Wouldn't surprise me if GAB and 8kun was still accessible....
Many will disagree, but if it somehow happened here I think that would be one of the greatest things ever with respect to stopping the brainwashing of American lemmings . . . .
If it's from the Rothchilds owned AP or Reuters it's fake news. Don't believe a word of it ok.
It really looks like a test - what deep state assets will be deployed in this kind of situation.
Edit: I'm also wondering: Will Space Force test TV broadcasting?
Do we even know if their internet is cut, and who made it "be cut"?
For example, let's say the elite who didn't get in, asked their elite buddies running the ISP to cut the internet, so people get pissed... it wouldn't be the same as the government shutting down the internet.
Note the "appear to have cut". This is to make sure you can't "debunk" by verifying some people still have it.
Then they can move the goalpost to "most", then "lots" the to "some" until it's not relevant to the narrative anymore.
This is how "news" use weasel words to do propaganda.
Am AlMoSt DiEdEd
cutting the internet seems like a surefire way to get more people out into the streets, out of sheer boredom if nothing else.
Unless they intend to broadcast evidence of election fraud and want everyones full attention....lets see if they do it.
It would make a lot of sense to test-run this whole gameplan on a smaller scale in someplace like this before scaling up to something that would effect the whole world like a shakeup in the US would.
According to the Bangkok Post about 200 NLD loyalists, mostly students, turned out to protest. The number could grow, but I would guess that outside of the universities most people are simply going to take it in stride. You'll likely find just as many people offering flowers to the soldiers. I really don't think you can compare the response by general citizens in Burma to what would happen in the USA.
I honestly don't believe this is any kind of a trial run. Coups like this are too commonplace in this part of the world. I think it is simply a domestic issue between a corrupt government that rigged an election, a military who didn't appreciate it, and a small group of young activists that are idealists. It's only even getting coverage because of the global spotlight on election fraud due to the theft in the USA.
Wide scale protests don't happen in SE Asia without professional coordination and millions of $$$ in funding to pay the protesters. No cash incentive? Everyone will just shrug and keep going. Let's wait and see if anyone ponies up the cash for a serious protest. Then we might understand if there is more to this coup than meets the eye.
Fuck those students tbh. It's always the same. It's always fucking students.
I say try to forgive the students; they are young and dumb on average no matter where they're from.
Damned are those who stole their minds though. This fits right into the going theme of those in power robbing youth of agency.
They may carry some blame for giving their minds up to ideas and people like that but when it's drilled into your psyche from the time you're conscious, I feel like they don't have much chance until they can grow up and see more of the world.
If then they don't wake up then yes, they have become another box in the cabal's game. Gives "losing your mind" a while new perspective.
I agree. In most parts of the world, the level of education has gone down significantly because they've been pumping propaganda into the school systems. Just look at the US alone, where kids come out of schools who can read but are illiterate because they are told how they should be interpreting what's written and what to believe, not to coming to their own conclusion. In other parts of the world, it's been happen just the same though different methods have been incorporated. You may have great doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc., but they may be indoctrinated to follow whatever their government no matter the logic or lack thereof. Anyone who speaks against the government suddenly disappears.
We are where we are because of universities Nd the commies taking them over. Same model in every a Nation.
People on this forum are putting in too much faith in Myanamar military.
That countries been in conflict an authoritarian rule most of its existence.
No shit the public are going to panic when they have a few short years of democracy and then instantly taken away. Weather corruption or not...
Let’s not pretend that the military dictatorship that proceeded didn’t have corruption.
People are putting in way too much faith in myanamar military on this forum. And frankly it has little to do with Q or the USA situation.
its just broke students getting paid by soros.
Thats why its always students.
Dumb ducks with college degrees abound.
lol Smartmatic, Soros, Killary and Obama have their hands all over their FAKE ELECTION, just like ours..
and you think they're not connected.
That is fucking laughable and I downvoted you, bigly.
I think shills are afraid of this. Because what if they have evidence with video confessions to back it up.
My god if they talk about industrial scale child trafficking's its going to be game over.
My friend do you know who was counting the votes in Myanmar's last election?
You make an interesting point, for sure. But what's interesting is that the MSM is actually covering the Myanmar situation, while they basically refused to acknowledge the election fraud situation in the United States. It's more of the actions by the media that surprise me here, because if they didn't want to draw attention to election fraud caused by Smartmatic software, you'd think they would just shut up already about Myanmar. But they haven't, really
Good point, "let's just give er a try over here first"
So... let me get this straight... I’m a little sleepy forgive me. We’re hoping that an unaccountable global power stops another unaccountable global power. This completes the picture for me, I need to digest. This is so human it’s totally believable. Global Conquest never stopped after WWII it didn’t even skip a beat... the representation of influence changed from lands directly to people because physical location became less of a factor for the influence of people.
There’s no longer a need to conquer lands, only minds.
Could be ruse to see the d.s. moves.
Trustung Feelings will fuck you over.
Trust truth
I think the poster may mean trust your intuition.
I would agree with both of you on that, if so.
Feelings, emotions -- those can lead you astray.
Truth often comes through intuition...that gut feeling. We have a second brain, essentially, in our gut.
And it can sometimes process information faster than our intellect, particularly if we use our intellect to hide information from ourselves.
Trusting news who say "internet seems to be cut" and following their narrative building will fuck you over even more.
Interesting about the drugs.
Lol gotta love how the deep state is trying to spin this as negative as possible, which means their military taking over is a GOOD thing, this wasn't a coup, it was a COUTER COUP.
I thought this was a given. Always good to study fake news.
Almost like it's a road map for what's going to go down in America.
If Biden is telling the Military to let her go - then we want to KEEP HER.
What appears to me is the MILITARY has taken over the country so there may be a REVOTE.
What they want us to believe is that the people are in PANIC mode and are under something they do not want.
I believe they want democracy and this woman they are holding is getting paid to be a human traffick DEMONQUEEN.
Ivanka posted something about Myanmar being HUGE into this ring.
Who's leading the riots? Could it be Greta Thunberg and her handlers?
Shutting of all socials controlled by DS is likely as they are used both to organize riots but also to spread bullshit on a large scale and of a type that serves DS agenda, and it is spread in a direct ground level up format rather than the top down that is news media.
Wouldn't surprise me if GAB and 8kun was still accessible....
Many will disagree, but if it somehow happened here I think that would be one of the greatest things ever with respect to stopping the brainwashing of American lemmings . . . .
Get your HAM radios!
Be nice that happened here then people would snap out of the mind control
Everyone locked day.. kill the internet. Sit back and watch.
maybe all of Qs stuff was never meant to be about the U.S.??
How do they "cut the internet"? power cuts you mean?
This is what we would Have seen on steroids if presidents teM did this differently.