All the time they reference to the election being rigged, but then they follow it up with "we have to call our representatives to make sure they understand that if they dont listen to our concerns we're going to vote them out of office!" Wait, what? How is voting going to make any difference if we know for a fact that they can decide the results? If something isnt done NOW then voting at any point will be about as fruitful as shooting yourself in the foot to scratch an itch.
The DS has become so blasé with the rigging that nothing will stop them from doing this in perpetuity to make sure a patriot like Trump is never put into a position of power again. And threatening these spineless Rinos with voting them out isnt worth the breath you'd waste calling them.
They've distanced themselves from Q quite a lot, which I can understand on some level, but now they've admitted defeat and do nothing but scream about AOC and future elections, as if we have a choice anymore, they're basically turning into Tim Pool.
I listened to them all before the election - Hannity, Levin, Bongino, Beck, etc - but right after Trump lost they began with this careful “rage” about the “irregularities”, but fell far short of making any overt accusations. After Jan 6, though, Glenn Beck didn’t seem the least bit worried he might get censored for his rage against “Trump supporters” who participated in the “riots” that cost people their lives. And that was when I realized they’re not really on our side at all - not if it’s going to get them de-platformed. Even the prophets are calling out what the conservative media won’t. That’s when I came looking for someone who wasn’t going to whitewash the reality of this just to keep their show on TV. I don’t blame them but not one of them even mentioned the pedophilia, etc. It was all about election fraud - like that was the only crime. That’s nothing compared to what’s really going on - but they have too much to lose to call the Left out for what their real crimes are.
the only media network that calls out the satanism, the pedophilia, and the election fraud is one of the most derided networks on this website... because "mossad".
hard to wrap my head around, but ive tried.
We are the media.... I have stopped listening to them. I pray with BardsFM listen to X22 and spend most of my time right here!
Brainwashed cult.
At first I liked Glenn Beck (and I’m not Mormon if that means anything) but I really thought he was playing right into the set-up when he got SO angry about Jan 6th and really seemed to believe Trump supporters were responsible. That’s not how we operate and he should know that. I haven’t watched him since, and I’m mad because I paid for a years’ subscription to BlazeTV back in Oct because I wanted a conservative platform to watch the election results come in. Now I never turn it on to watch anything. (The other guy - Stu - he basically became a complete doomer immediately after it appeared Trump had “lost”. No vision, no faith!)
Crowder is launching a massive lawsuit against Facebook. He has even admitted that it’s time for us to take a bigger stance but do it the right way so it wins. He is fired up since he came back. I also heard he was looking at running for Gov of MI. Where I am. If the election does get over turned and these crooks get locked up we are gonna need one of those. Lol
Tim Pool I don’t get him. He has lurked here and admitted to checking out Q drops. He was also apart of VICE which just recently released a video on Qanon? Not sure the correlation.
I personally get the feeling that Bongino knows something. Or he has def eluded to it. He’s almost in like hiding? He is recording from a different location and Joe his producer isn’t around. He said he couldn’t tell us what was up just yet. He has made multiple comments that would suggest he is very much apart of this movement.
Personally I feel like they all know something we don’t know. These are just my personal observations of course.
Making you feel like they have "inside info" is what keeps you watching. ??
"High level sources tell me... watch 'til the end, you won't want to miss this... "
Oh yeah def. I’m newer to Q, but we had been watching Crowder and Pool for awhile. I started watching Bongino around the election. Actually Pool sent me here! Hahaha well to TDW. Then I started researching for myself and ended up here.
I actually avoid listening to people who think they know what’s going on. Because I feel no one actually knows, we can speculate all day.
Remember, Gavin Mcginness founded VICE, and that fucker is extremely based
Oh, we're WAY past "calling our representatives" cuz WTF are THEY going to do? Call for a study? ...a Congressional investigation?... four years of more inaction? Bullshit.
You're right about so called "conservative" commentators....all they do is COMMENT. We have outgrown them, and now it's time for action. The military is the only way, but we should all throw our support solidly behind them.
Bring the pain, show us the truth, we can take it. I've waited a lifetime for this moment.
Unhinged crazy talk lmao
I can't listen to anyone anymore. They're acting like the steal was a one time thing which is mind blowingly retarded. It's almost like it's their job to get us to move on and ignore the red pill.
It's almost like...
It’s a lot better than some of the other recent stickies.
Because they're all controlled oppo and either in on the plan, are just good mouthpieces, or are generally that stupid. And since most of these people are coll he educated, I tend to lean toward the first reason, with the second being what makes them effective at keeping the rest of the Republican Party and the World in general from doing something about the blatant corruption and evil we see everyday. They're good at whining and blustering about the issues, but at the end of the day, they take their paychecks from [those] that wish to destroy us and control the world.
Fuck Crowder.
What a fake personality. He reminds me of infomercial characters: "Quickly and Easily".
I wonder if he fucks his wife the same way.
Not a fan of Crowder, I watch him sometimes but never make through an entire video. The over the top sarcasm is more than I can take. I wish his shows would have the same down to earth feeling as his "Change My Mind" talks.
Pretty tough world to be in as a truth seeker.
Yep, I'm with ya on this. The fact that Crowder and timmy "Money Eases The Pain Of Having No Balls" pool are both still allowed to be on Youtube while better men have been banned really makes me wonder if they are actually paid opposition. They'll spit on anything to do with Q and pretend that it's still two-party politics usual. And anyone who is proceeding under that assumption should be completely disregarded because that is, objectively, no longer the reality we live in.
Sad, as I used to find Crowder very entertaining. But knowing that his opinions are based on a reality where elections are still valid, there is no longer any point in listening.
bogus thought process...elections are never easy of fair....the stealing of this election is destroying the networks that these criminals use.
Crowder is a greedy, deceitful, closet sodomite. He betrayed his original crew (not gay Jared, Sven Computer, Owen Benjamin) and all he cares about is getting rich. I could care less what some Canadian who likes dudes thinks or says.
Totally agreed. You will never win an election again. People just don't seem to get it.
Are recalls effective r are they rigged also?
I'm watching the Gavin Newsome thingy closely.
Cue in the old fisherman saying "OOOO you almost got it!!" ;)
BLM: Ba'al. Lucifer. Moloch.
Totally agree.
As such I’ve turned off conservative radio, there is no conservative TV.
There is no next time, there is no “regroup and strategize” to vote them out. I’m done with these right wing blowhards who also make millions being outraged. If there’s nothing to be outraged about, coffer dry up.
Nope, this is our country at stake, our very existence. Not just another 4 year election cycle.
Crowder has always been a conservative gatekeeper. His schtick is amusing at first but amounts to little more than “check out how hypocritical these college students are guys!”
I also think his wardrobe of ladies clothes may actually be bigger than his wife’s
We don't live in a world where they can do more than that. I get the annoyance with what they're saying, as I've basically just stopped listening to them all myself. But the fact is that they don't have options. They have to talk about something - something their Global Tech overlords will allow them to talk about.
Yeah, like I appreciate the values that they’re fighting for. But if they count the votes, it means nothing.
Nothing is over until you are over. Stop ffs. Did you notice that Florida had election issues until it didn't?
The thing is though they’ve spent so many resources this last election it might be possible to get good people elected at least at a local level. Also the AOC stuff is just culture war and mocking them as much as possible is good that’s how we win and get through to the normies. Even if the plan is still good and going to happen we still need people fighting on that front and there’s really nothing else people like Crowder can do anyway.
Also the fact that the DS is not at all acting like they won and are pushing lies and propaganda like crazy just shows that it’s not over, they are still terrified and if not because of the plan then because they’ve shot all of their bullets and now they can’t rig the next elections as much as 2020.
Can't exactly fault him as much given the depths we have to go through to fully understand the movement's legitimacy until we get proper results even normies can fathom. I'll see about his thoughts after this blows over.
People smart refuse or pretend to refuse to talk about the Cabal because:
Their family or themselves are threatened or feel threatened; or
They are part of the Cabal.
I tend to believe SC falls in the first category.
When good things start to happen, they will turn their narratives very quickly.
Duh-mockracy is mob rule....we have a Republic that we must restore.
This. That's the Mockingbird term drilled into our heads. Democracy leads to communism.
We still need to demand. We need to demand someone to take legal action. The congress, the military. Someone must take responsibility for defeating the cyber attacks
Maybe this is NOT our last stand? Obama won and the end is near, Nobody knows what's going to happen except our Creator! IF they try to take our guns away then I will agree it's our last stand. I don't see anybody coming for the guns
You’re obviously not paying attention to the bill in the House regarding the latest gun grab.
Poland is democracy now.
Biggest paytriot, can't wait for his downfall.
They're grifters siding their bets on who they think is going to win.
News flash: it's not we the people.
And when we win, we will remember these cowards' actions
Next election cycle? Nope. Now or never folks. Now or never. Next thing I participate in is war. However I believe it will be corrected before it comes to that. But, if they think I'm supporting them in four years if they can't get it done now they are nuts
I'm sorry I have but one upvote to give.
Pretty disappointing seeing crowder cuck out but he’s got his $$$ and he’s not giving it up. His wife and family are a lot more real to him than Q because he’s never really researched it. Understandable.
It also doesn't matter if they believe it or not if nothing can stop what is coming, you know?
They allude to pedophilia and satanism through sarcastic jokes and offhand insults but refuse to speak about it in-depth, like they're mocking the idea. Even if they dont believe it they haven't even given the evidence the time of day.
Yet people are calling them patriotic news. At the end of the day for them it's all about the money, rather than waking people up to the greatest battle of good v evil going on right now, just like the rest of the MSM establishment cronies. They're basically no better than TYT.
they do enough to redpill disaffected lefties - they are front line gateway conservatives, not Next Level rabbit holers like us. So they serve a good purpose. And they cant talk about the deep state pedo cabal without either scaring off the curious moderates and also nuking themselves from all platforms and then we lose that front line of soldiers so let them do their thing. It all helps in the end.
"Buy my book"
Exactly! His bread and butter is actually hitching about it, arguing in the pit. If all the corruption would end tomorrow, then so would his revenue stream...
What do you want him to do? Organize an insurrection? I mean seriously even if you want to overthrow the gov you can’t just broadcast it
Needs to just stop acting like we can fix this in four years. We can't. We do it now or we don't do it at all.