We have to laugh to keep from crying. If we loose our senses of humor we are surely screwed. Have a good day fren, hope the monitor is going to be okay. lol
He did use proper English. Just incorrect capitalization. And yeah you're a dick. Perhaps a hobby? Something else you can do, other than flex your self imposed superiority. God bless!
You really expect me to believe that? That people would just chuck freedom for Joeys nightmare just because some anonymous idiot doesnt know the difference between your and you're? I wonder what they would think about YOUR almost incomprehensible sentence structure? Suicide? Mass shootings? YOU'RE ridiculous.
FR though, that particular error gaining so much traction is kind of amazing to witness. Sure, language can evolve and change but it can also just be wrong.
Correcting with grace is a tough skill to both attain and master, but literally any effort is better than often using incorrect words, making one look like a fool who is out of their depth in many situations.
https://i.maga.host/byvieSj.png here, I agree that it's not correct usage, but it's actually coming from Scottish immigrant dialect. No idea why the "to be" is left out there but I've heard youtubers from Scotland doing the same thing. "This really wants repaired," for example. So it's not really a your / you're, there / their / they're, kind of mistake; can't blame it on fluoridation and common core, basically.
Who is Chris Jackson, and why would he use the same photo? Update: I just saw his twatter. It’s people like this.. can’t wait to see their reaction when they find out the truth
What I find hilarious is if you point out the obvious on Twitter, it gets called hate speech or inciting violence. Yet severed Trump head... Ok, Doxxing folk (as long as they are Trump supporters)...OK, sharing pictures and videos of underaged kids in sexually suggestive poses/actually involved in those acts.... ok.
I will say it as Q said it, these people are STUPID.
Look at the woman talking about this pony show impeachment (the one that looks like the nerdy kid off of The Little Giants) saying that a politician can't use the First Amendment as an excuse when "inciting violence" is involved.... yet, is that not their own argument with all those lefties in office calling for violence all year long???
can some of you guys make sure this comparison gets blasted all over the other social platforms? Let the world know what a fake, lying SOB this @chrisdjackson is....!
I am off ALL other platforms so I have no influence.... we need this disseminated....show the proof of lies.
It's not lying, it's like marketing. They didn't say it was an actual picture from that, it's just a picture. It obviously suggests the picture is from the same day, but everyone draws that conclusion themselves.
Aside from the obvious, 4 more observations: (1) In order to limit capacity, churches have cordoned off certain pews. In this case, it looks like Biden or one of his handlers took down the rope that was blocking off the pew where his is photographed sitting. He's setting a wonderful example. (2) Are mean tweets now worse than with a stroke of a pen putting thousands of people out of work? Are these leftists so privileged that they do not understand how devastating it generally is to be laid off? I guess mean tweets is the most hardship they have experienced in their lives and the only hardship they understand. (3) Golfing is wrong now? When did this happen? What harm does it cause and to whom? Is it because Trump likes to golf and because of that, golfing has become taboo/bad now? Is Trump some sort of ultra powerful mystical being to these leftist. (4) I have to agree with the gaslighting. Trump has apparently gaslit these leftists into thinking he's some ultra powerful mystical being around whom everything revolves. I'm not sure how he did this, but kudos to him for that. He lives in their heads 24/7 rent free.
Though I disagree, I can understand them complaining about the tweets. But what's the deal with complaining about golf? Even if all he did was literally play -- I believe he was often also conducting meetings -- so what? He can't get an occasional bit of recreation in?
He’s been sitting there for 3 months. Someone forgot to grab him. I’m guessing rigor mortise has set in at this point. ??
Thank you for my morning spew-coffee-on-my-screen moment.
We have to laugh to keep from crying. If we loose our senses of humor we are surely screwed. Have a good day fren, hope the monitor is going to be okay. lol
That’s made me lol. Good one.
I regret that I have only one updoot to give for this comment
Top Kek!!
Chris Jackson? you're a dick
You’re. Not to be a dick but we all need to use proper English.
I appreciate it! fixed
Receiving corrections with grace is just as hard a skill as telling someone; MAD props and I hope others learn from you! <3
He did use proper English. Just incorrect capitalization. And yeah you're a dick. Perhaps a hobby? Something else you can do, other than flex your self imposed superiority. God bless!
You realize that he did already make an edit. Thanks for truly being a retard.
Nope, didn't know that. But you're still a classless ass. Cheers
I've had multiple friends close to getting red pilled come here and see that 9/10 times people spell your wrong, and that was their blue bill.
Their now making jokes about the site your on and loosing the election. See? It looks really bad.
See you're so dumb you can't even spot a sarcastic example with three grammatical errors, not just one.
Not a good look for us
You really expect me to believe that? That people would just chuck freedom for Joeys nightmare just because some anonymous idiot doesnt know the difference between your and you're? I wonder what they would think about YOUR almost incomprehensible sentence structure? Suicide? Mass shootings? YOU'RE ridiculous.
Sounds like a... Loose/Lose situation.
FR though, that particular error gaining so much traction is kind of amazing to witness. Sure, language can evolve and change but it can also just be wrong.
Correcting with grace is a tough skill to both attain and master, but literally any effort is better than often using incorrect words, making one look like a fool who is out of their depth in many situations.
here's another one that makes me crazy. "Needs painted" instead of needs painting, fixing, mowing, etc.,. Anyone using this, please just stop.
https://i.maga.host/byvieSj.png here, I agree that it's not correct usage, but it's actually coming from Scottish immigrant dialect. No idea why the "to be" is left out there but I've heard youtubers from Scotland doing the same thing. "This really wants repaired," for example. So it's not really a your / you're, there / their / they're, kind of mistake; can't blame it on fluoridation and common core, basically.
Didn't know o the Scottish origin. I've heard it rural America quite a lot,
How about 'i could care less' when it should be 'i couldn't care less' lol
Yes! Please make it go away, thank you.
I swear I see 'payed' instead of 'paid' like 90% of the time these days.
A lot of the misspellings have to do with the slide typing on a phone
And a moron to boot.
He might not know what "gaslight" means.
Who is Chris Jackson, and why would he use the same photo? Update: I just saw his twatter. It’s people like this.. can’t wait to see their reaction when they find out the truth
Some big noise on the Biden campaign.
They know already.
Because he's talking about him going to church and in the photo he's in church
Because hussein never golfed...in hawaii...at private resorts...on our dime.
Why would that make you respect him??
And from the same fucking user. These people are deranged. u/#kek
I pray for the day anyone who does this instantly loses credibility
Anyone whose profile pic includes a mask, is a grade A faggot and is not to be listened to
Completely agree
Have to love how bright it is outside at 3am. He goes to church near the south pole? Strange.
And who goes to church at 3 AM...and 5 AM?
who the hell tweets at 3 AM?
3 AM eastern time = 4 PM china time...
Please tell me someone has twitted this back to him...
Pro-abortion politicians need to stop being described as devout Catholics by Chris Jackson, Jen Psaki, etc. Stop it. It's incredibly offensive.
Better check him. He might be dessicated, sitting there since they replaced him with Robo-Joe.
Not using the same picture.
Trump is that you?
What I find hilarious is if you point out the obvious on Twitter, it gets called hate speech or inciting violence. Yet severed Trump head... Ok, Doxxing folk (as long as they are Trump supporters)...OK, sharing pictures and videos of underaged kids in sexually suggestive poses/actually involved in those acts.... ok.
I will say it as Q said it, these people are STUPID.
Look at the woman talking about this pony show impeachment (the one that looks like the nerdy kid off of The Little Giants) saying that a politician can't use the First Amendment as an excuse when "inciting violence" is involved.... yet, is that not their own argument with all those lefties in office calling for violence all year long???
"He didn't mean tweet" Lmfao!
That rope on the pew next to "Biden"... looks like a NOOSE!!!!
Quick!! Someone call the FBI to investigate. :>)
Anyone has a picture of them with a mask on as a profile picture is a flaming faggot cuck, change my mind
That devil never went near the building. Tis a set I say! Who’s head of that anyway... what a joke.
They suck at this
Lol wtf
They are really that stupid ... good grief!
can some of you guys make sure this comparison gets blasted all over the other social platforms? Let the world know what a fake, lying SOB this @chrisdjackson is....!
I am off ALL other platforms so I have no influence.... we need this disseminated....show the proof of lies.
Weekend at Bernie's comes to mind...
It's not lying, it's like marketing. They didn't say it was an actual picture from that, it's just a picture. It obviously suggests the picture is from the same day, but everyone draws that conclusion themselves.
Aside from the obvious, 4 more observations: (1) In order to limit capacity, churches have cordoned off certain pews. In this case, it looks like Biden or one of his handlers took down the rope that was blocking off the pew where his is photographed sitting. He's setting a wonderful example. (2) Are mean tweets now worse than with a stroke of a pen putting thousands of people out of work? Are these leftists so privileged that they do not understand how devastating it generally is to be laid off? I guess mean tweets is the most hardship they have experienced in their lives and the only hardship they understand. (3) Golfing is wrong now? When did this happen? What harm does it cause and to whom? Is it because Trump likes to golf and because of that, golfing has become taboo/bad now? Is Trump some sort of ultra powerful mystical being to these leftist. (4) I have to agree with the gaslighting. Trump has apparently gaslit these leftists into thinking he's some ultra powerful mystical being around whom everything revolves. I'm not sure how he did this, but kudos to him for that. He lives in their heads 24/7 rent free.
Though I disagree, I can understand them complaining about the tweets. But what's the deal with complaining about golf? Even if all he did was literally play -- I believe he was often also conducting meetings -- so what? He can't get an occasional bit of recreation in?
Reporters are too lazy to tweet their own photos, they just steal them from work.
Hope someone pointed this out to Mr. Jackson on Twitter
China Joe is as much a devout Catholic as he is a duly elected president.
Catholic Bishop Says Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Isn’t Truly a Faithful Catholic
He definitely wouldn't be sitting alone. 5 billion Dogecoin says that's just some random shlep.
Looks like an inner city black church not a Catholic Church. So sick of being used as cover for this child rapist!