No offense meant but I have been studying Trump before he was elected in and realize the connection here with JFK Jr. but there are Man of us that do Not know why to get excited with some possible Intern posting a pin by Trump Tower when No One even knows where he is other than he is most likely in Florida after seeing the Superbowl video.
Why is it So Exciting to see George News by Trump Tower??
It means nothing, and I am far from a Doomer but it appears that if you speak critically about George News the users are not able to comprehend it and get upset, WHY?
If you show me ONE George time stamp or otherwise that aligns to a Q post with proof that it resulted in something then I will listen, seriously.
These are all legitimate points and more people more should be questioning rather than blindly following. I feel like it’s just someone trying to capitalize on Q and string us all along
Bingo! I was there at teh birth of Q and George News just entered the chat very recently.
In my opinion they are REALLY trying to capitalize on current events and become relevant and they have a number of Interns here that will downvote any user who disagrees.
The Mods should see if there is a pattern to their voting in George posts.
I'm OP and I'd welcome that investigation. I want to get down to the truth, there's so much coming at us from all sides. I just figured it's worth sharing because it could mean something but you never know!
I am not sure if you have seen the comments on other posts but it is weird how George news has all of a sudden blossomed onto the board, just because JFK JR started it and he was buddies with POTUS.
Some of us feel it is just guerilla marketing in a sense.
I don't like to tell others how to think but take a look.
No I understand all this.
What's got me odd was Lara Trump.
In one sense you can say there is something worth diving into, but we gotta admit if she is involved to some extent the question is why ?
Yet, wouldn’t it make sense, seriously! He’d been getting blocked everywhere just cause folks can identify that it’s him somewhere for sure so whatever site he gets on gets shut down. Why not an alias?
Plus, can you imagine all of the death threats that he, his family and any standing up for him must be getting for his and their courage, bravery and unrelenting push for justice and truth.
God Bless, keep, protect, surround w/angels, lead and guide them,
In Jesus Almighty, All Powerful name,
I remember seeing GeorgeNews links pop up in qresearch at least a year ago, if not longer. It was clear they were marketing to the Q crowd, they would spam the board with an article and it would be followed by several hype-shills talking about how awesome it was that Georgenews revealed something...
And then you would click and it would take you to a fledgling site that seemed a little shady with a re-posted article from RT or something. Relevant information maybe, but not something they wrote themselves and yoi couldn't find elsewhere.
They seem to have come a long way since then. Thing is, I don't actually have a problem if someone wants to build a news aggregator for anons, like Drudge for digital soldiers or something...
But lately I have been thinking, when you call yourself "George" and now you post live locations at Trump Tower, you're doing something else! You aren't just a digital soldier in the cause helping to biild the new media, you are stringing people along with what is very likely well-played deception.
So at this point, they better be someone connected because they have certainly crossed the line of suggesting it.
I'm not going attack mode on GN yet just because it seems some important people have shared them lately. But I am monitoring them cautiously with a raised eyebrow.
Amidst the multibillion $ loss during his presidency, campaigns and legal bills against fraud/theft, I’d say askng for help from supporters may be in order.
I've been following George News since 2019 when they called themselves "The Collective." Their twitter was @TheCollectiveQ. Around mid 2019 they suddenly rebranded to George News and launched their website and Youtube channel. It may seem like they're capitalizing on the JFK jr name but I've never seen them ask for donations nor shill merchandise (until very recently and it's still very limited). In any case, I happen to enjoy their content, especially their military insider videos, so I see no reason to throw them under the bus.
Consider this;
While still very wealthy, President Trump, the Trump family and their industry/corp, whatever it is called lost a few billion during his Presidency and campaign and I can imagine many legal bills for lawsuits to prove voter fraud and theft, why not ask for help??
That seems unfortunate. I don't know if it's been considered, but does this mean that, for example, a dedicated group could arrange a silent subversion effort, using 20 or 40 accounts to upvote/downvote posts, without ever actually commenting at all? Meaning they could control post visibility and influence opinions without even risking the inconvenience of having their vote bots banned?
Oh I wasn't implying Trump was doing anything here. I'm talking about antifa/storm shills. The entire reddit style of discussion boards is extremely susceptible to manipulation, and as you said, it's their main MO. I'd honestly want to recommend the site administration consider making at least a small adjustment to the way it works, but I doubt anyone would be in favor of it anyway.
I decided to get creepy after seeing you stepping down. I officially think you are George. But the George I found is 79. And I have a hard time believing a 79 year old can add gifs to a site like this. But I could be wrong ? either way. You stepping down sucks. I’ve come to see you as a fren. A great mod. Hate you won’t be responding to messages. So we can’t even talk to you. If this has anything to do with other mods. I’m out.
I believe George News is run by white hats. From the very beginning of their appearance they have dropped crumbs just as JFK Jr did with George magazine. I haven't noticed a connection to time stamps and postings but there is definitely a connection and I don't think it's a scam.
Remember how we found out that 8kun was using a DOD server? Lately George News has given/relayed messages from White hats like the most recent one..."promises made, promises kept".
Sorry I'm a little late to comment, but Codemonkey Z , Ron Watkins pinned a message about a month ago saying he was working on a new project, and I'm wondering if he's behind George with his connection to 8kun, and his radio silence?
His live chat was in florida, but that Trump Tower pin was 20-30 seconds before it vanished. I was on the toilet on my phone so I was able to catch it XD
Its an easier to swallow Pill than people too afraid or stupid to use 8kun. You know, a format they're more comfortable with that can do the same things as the Chan or Kun but with sugar on it to make it go down better.
Cant argue the effectiveness, as I realized this explanation myself by listening to people I know talk shit about the Boards but "Oh hey do you know about this online magazine called George?" I laugh inside knowing its just a refined version of the Boards they're so afraid of.
I've spoken to quite a few who do not know how to navigate the Kun or the Chan before it and found them intimidating, as well as shocking with all the talk there.
True seekers know it for what it is and know how to tune aspects out to get to the nuggets, but there's quite a few who dont know how to do that. Result is it turns them off.
George news had domains and accounts previously registered as chans-names. Speakes Q-like.
Jfk jr had George magazine.
The chans domains suddenly changed to george news and it links based stuff.
No one knows for sure but now they were just at trump tower he had it up for a few seconds and took it down.
I just caught it.
8kun's website is but if you go to it redirects to George News.
George News is relatively new but they seem to be posting a bunch of based things and have pics and videos that often require clearance. They had a video from inside the B2 bomber that flew over the superbowl yesterday it was a video of them refueling it before it did the fly-over.
3 bombers as a flyover is really odd, as they usually use fighter jets. Just interesting to note, I'm not super well-versed, others know more than me.
Both possible times he posted EST as it lapsed between the two while I looked to see where he was and realized it was Trump tower on the turn of the minute.
Came here to say this. You can just spoof GPS and make it appear that you are anywhere..... thousands of kids were doing it during the Pokemon Go craze.
This. Neither Q or George or any of the military white hats have PROVEN that “we are in control”. Doesn’t matter if either is real or not until then. The US military has traditionally been nothing but brainwashed minions doing the will of the cabal under the guise of Patriotism.
I still hold hope. God is on the side of good. That is OUR side. And God has PROVEN to me that he has the power.
You have missed way to much info sir. The placement of General Flynn as the pacific Commander, front line against the Chinese is pretty much the proof the military isnt listening to Biden.
Just curious but it has been rumored for a very long time that the Trump family was interested in acquiring a social media outlet/publication. Last year there were rumblings of Don Jr investing in OANN.
I always figured the reason they didn't go big was because Trump was still the sitting president. Conflict of interest and all that.
But now there is nothing stopping the family from starting their own media empire.
Maybe they are going to buy or at least take controlling interest of George?
I took the screen shot at 11:12 or 11:13 EST I took it right away but I did spend some time looking around at first.
1112 or 1113 what do we have boys and girls? What are the Q drops from there?
Apr 09, 2018 7:27:43 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 No. 973468
Apr 09, 2018 7:23:54 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 18808b No. 973390
Apr 09, 2018 7:23:10 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: c27bec No. 973381
Witch Hunt has GOT to be referring to Hillary Clinton being under investigation this whole time by Mueller.
They broke in during the fire.
Doesn't the UK/GER [5 days] crumb expire today?
Did anons ever figure out what Q meant with the "BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START"
Was this Syria FF?
Learn our comms.
Recent timestamp 1238
22-Apr-2018 1:58:19 PM EDT
Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes.
Listen carefully.
No evidence to support POTUS targeting.
Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?
She had to win at all costs.
You know why.
How do people support/vote 4 these people?
Are you just looking at all the drops at or around 1112 and 1113? I'm on the east coast and Trump tower is as well, so I figured the EST time zone would correlate to the live location update from the eastern seaboard.
I captured it at 11:13 but I spent a few seconds looking around to see where it was before I realized it was the NYC location so to cover my tracks I realized 11:12 was a possibility.
Not sure what all this means i think we are all desperate for some news and Q has been dark for a while which if i am honest is a little hard not knowing what is going on but what else can we do.
Q has to go dark OP they cant tip their hand but the fact that seemingly every branch of the military keeps giving subtle nods to Q and 17 has to means something as its not normal for them to be doing that.
Now it could be George News is the new way of Q reaching out to the normies as most people don't really go on sites even like this.
Also it is possible to spoof GPS locations not saying that George News is doing this but just be aware it is possible.
I just wanted more eyes on this and thoughts on it as ir seemed it could be significant. I see theoties about George News and their past anon related stuff.
They're a bit mysterious in that it's so hard to find any info on them other than JFKs magazine was George and he'd drop nuggets.
Going back in their archives, they go as far back as november 2018 and their front page was the million (anon) mask march ehich I thought was funny.
Can we ask what do we really know about George? What fact do we know like who owns it, where is it actually located, financial backing etc.. We need to stop getting excited over pins on a Google map. I don't trust anything with out corroborating facts.
Before that dat the were known as The anonymous charity. Also known as the collective. They used the mask and voice synthesizer. There archives would go back at least to 2017 . I had been following them on youtube since before they started using George.
Their videos prior to George news.were awesome and well done. All things anons should have known and seen
Before that dat the were known as The anonymous charity. Also known as the collective. They used the mask and voice synthesizer. There archives would go back at least to 2017 . I had been following them on youtube since before they started using George. Their videos prior to George news.were awesome and well done. All things anons should have known and seen
FYI, these pins are incredibly easy to fake (at least on Android). All you need to do is download a GPS spoofer app and then set your location wherever you want. I just pinned myself in North Korea in my own Telegram channel. Probably shouldn't take these George pins as proof of anything.
I've been following for a hot minute.. This is so friggin exciting!!!
No offense meant but I have been studying Trump before he was elected in and realize the connection here with JFK Jr. but there are Man of us that do Not know why to get excited with some possible Intern posting a pin by Trump Tower when No One even knows where he is other than he is most likely in Florida after seeing the Superbowl video.
Why is it So Exciting to see George News by Trump Tower??
It means nothing, and I am far from a Doomer but it appears that if you speak critically about George News the users are not able to comprehend it and get upset, WHY?
If you show me ONE George time stamp or otherwise that aligns to a Q post with proof that it resulted in something then I will listen, seriously.
These are all legitimate points and more people more should be questioning rather than blindly following. I feel like it’s just someone trying to capitalize on Q and string us all along
Bingo! I was there at teh birth of Q and George News just entered the chat very recently.
In my opinion they are REALLY trying to capitalize on current events and become relevant and they have a number of Interns here that will downvote any user who disagrees.
The Mods should see if there is a pattern to their voting in George posts.
I do not buy it.
I'm OP and I'd welcome that investigation. I want to get down to the truth, there's so much coming at us from all sides. I just figured it's worth sharing because it could mean something but you never know!
I am not sure if you have seen the comments on other posts but it is weird how George news has all of a sudden blossomed onto the board, just because JFK JR started it and he was buddies with POTUS.
Some of us feel it is just guerilla marketing in a sense.
I don't like to tell others how to think but take a look.
Like a Newsmax type of vulture? Certainly possible I'll give you that. Paytriots are a thing for sure.
No I understand all this.
What's got me odd was Lara Trump.
In one sense you can say there is something worth diving into, but we gotta admit if she is involved to some extent the question is why ?
Yet, wouldn’t it make sense, seriously! He’d been getting blocked everywhere just cause folks can identify that it’s him somewhere for sure so whatever site he gets on gets shut down. Why not an alias?
Plus, can you imagine all of the death threats that he, his family and any standing up for him must be getting for his and their courage, bravery and unrelenting push for justice and truth. God Bless, keep, protect, surround w/angels, lead and guide them, In Jesus Almighty, All Powerful name, Amen
I remember seeing GeorgeNews links pop up in qresearch at least a year ago, if not longer. It was clear they were marketing to the Q crowd, they would spam the board with an article and it would be followed by several hype-shills talking about how awesome it was that Georgenews revealed something...
And then you would click and it would take you to a fledgling site that seemed a little shady with a re-posted article from RT or something. Relevant information maybe, but not something they wrote themselves and yoi couldn't find elsewhere.
They seem to have come a long way since then. Thing is, I don't actually have a problem if someone wants to build a news aggregator for anons, like Drudge for digital soldiers or something...
But lately I have been thinking, when you call yourself "George" and now you post live locations at Trump Tower, you're doing something else! You aren't just a digital soldier in the cause helping to biild the new media, you are stringing people along with what is very likely well-played deception.
So at this point, they better be someone connected because they have certainly crossed the line of suggesting it.
I'm not going attack mode on GN yet just because it seems some important people have shared them lately. But I am monitoring them cautiously with a raised eyebrow.
You Gave Why would you need to?
I don’t agree.
Amidst the multibillion $ loss during his presidency, campaigns and legal bills against fraud/theft, I’d say askng for help from supporters may be in order.
I've been following George News since 2019 when they called themselves "The Collective." Their twitter was @TheCollectiveQ. Around mid 2019 they suddenly rebranded to George News and launched their website and Youtube channel. It may seem like they're capitalizing on the JFK jr name but I've never seen them ask for donations nor shill merchandise (until very recently and it's still very limited). In any case, I happen to enjoy their content, especially their military insider videos, so I see no reason to throw them under the bus.
Consider this; While still very wealthy, President Trump, the Trump family and their industry/corp, whatever it is called lost a few billion during his Presidency and campaign and I can imagine many legal bills for lawsuits to prove voter fraud and theft, why not ask for help??
Yup. The fact that George is linking to a merch shop is a red flag. ?????
See my above comment re; this
That seems unfortunate. I don't know if it's been considered, but does this mean that, for example, a dedicated group could arrange a silent subversion effort, using 20 or 40 accounts to upvote/downvote posts, without ever actually commenting at all? Meaning they could control post visibility and influence opinions without even risking the inconvenience of having their vote bots banned?
Wouldn’t be the first time and that’s the DemonRats main MO, not President Trump’s
Oh I wasn't implying Trump was doing anything here. I'm talking about antifa/storm shills. The entire reddit style of discussion boards is extremely susceptible to manipulation, and as you said, it's their main MO. I'd honestly want to recommend the site administration consider making at least a small adjustment to the way it works, but I doubt anyone would be in favor of it anyway.
Not even sure how that could be combated?!
I decided to get creepy after seeing you stepping down. I officially think you are George. But the George I found is 79. And I have a hard time believing a 79 year old can add gifs to a site like this. But I could be wrong ? either way. You stepping down sucks. I’ve come to see you as a fren. A great mod. Hate you won’t be responding to messages. So we can’t even talk to you. If this has anything to do with other mods. I’m out.
I know Q said "Hello George" at the end of one of his posts
I believe George News is run by white hats. From the very beginning of their appearance they have dropped crumbs just as JFK Jr did with George magazine. I haven't noticed a connection to time stamps and postings but there is definitely a connection and I don't think it's a scam.
Remember how we found out that 8kun was using a DOD server? Lately George News has given/relayed messages from White hats like the most recent one..."promises made, promises kept".
Be not afraid. The best is yet to come.
And redirects to george news. Just things to think about.
Absolutely correct about that...
Sorry I'm a little late to comment, but Codemonkey Z , Ron Watkins pinned a message about a month ago saying he was working on a new project, and I'm wondering if he's behind George with his connection to 8kun, and his radio silence?
Amen, right there with tou on this
We are going to stand strong in the gap together until this movie is over!
I sure hope and pray that the wait is Not long in coming
Me, too! Anxious & excited for the end of this movie! ?
George News has broadcast from the White House, from Mar-A-Lago, and from Trump Tower.
The relevance to Q -
Time stamps would be something you could look into if that were your interest
I thought he was talking to Soros, but now it's this?
he just says george so it could easily be this. we have to interpret.
Whatever works then
Duh!! Who would likely be in those places? Think about it
Also the White House.
For those who are unaware, HELLO GEORGE was in a Q post.
His live chat was in florida, but that Trump Tower pin was 20-30 seconds before it vanished. I was on the toilet on my phone so I was able to catch it XD
On duty, I see.
k then why do it? why does exist?
Its an easier to swallow Pill than people too afraid or stupid to use 8kun. You know, a format they're more comfortable with that can do the same things as the Chan or Kun but with sugar on it to make it go down better.
Cant argue the effectiveness, as I realized this explanation myself by listening to people I know talk shit about the Boards but "Oh hey do you know about this online magazine called George?" I laugh inside knowing its just a refined version of the Boards they're so afraid of.
People are afraid of the boards?
Yeaaaah, I don’t get that either
I've spoken to quite a few who do not know how to navigate the Kun or the Chan before it and found them intimidating, as well as shocking with all the talk there.
True seekers know it for what it is and know how to tune aspects out to get to the nuggets, but there's quite a few who dont know how to do that. Result is it turns them off.
So, yes.
So he can communicate without it getting pulled and sites getting pulled/banned
Great question and one we should wait and see born out.
No clue.
I don’t get why this exciting. Please explain
George news had domains and accounts previously registered as chans-names. Speakes Q-like.
Jfk jr had George magazine.
The chans domains suddenly changed to george news and it links based stuff.
No one knows for sure but now they were just at trump tower he had it up for a few seconds and took it down.
I just caught it.
8kun's website is but if you go to it redirects to George News.
George News is relatively new but they seem to be posting a bunch of based things and have pics and videos that often require clearance. They had a video from inside the B2 bomber that flew over the superbowl yesterday it was a video of them refueling it before it did the fly-over.
3 bombers as a flyover is really odd, as they usually use fighter jets. Just interesting to note, I'm not super well-versed, others know more than me.
Don't forget George has dropped pins in Mar-a-Lago also... gotta be connected to the POTUS.
Both possible times he posted EST as it lapsed between the two while I looked to see where he was and realized it was Trump tower on the turn of the minute.
Just something to consider.
Fair observation.
Unless they are using a GPS spoofing app... used to use it to help my kids catch pokemon...
Some people don't understand technology unfortunately
Came here to say this. You can just spoof GPS and make it appear that you are anywhere..... thousands of kids were doing it during the Pokemon Go craze.
I found out about them during that brief period where redirected to their website.
It still does.
I think the flight was called NIKE flight. Nike is a derivative of the Greek word Nikeo meaning super conqueror.
I really wish we had eyes on this. This feels...important.
He took it down and has thus link saying WRWY
Edit: we r with you with a video about the navy?
yup. gotta see something soon, but yup.
This. Neither Q or George or any of the military white hats have PROVEN that “we are in control”. Doesn’t matter if either is real or not until then. The US military has traditionally been nothing but brainwashed minions doing the will of the cabal under the guise of Patriotism. I still hold hope. God is on the side of good. That is OUR side. And God has PROVEN to me that he has the power.
You have missed way to much info sir. The placement of General Flynn as the pacific Commander, front line against the Chinese is pretty much the proof the military isnt listening to Biden.
Among other reasons.
Just curious but it has been rumored for a very long time that the Trump family was interested in acquiring a social media outlet/publication. Last year there were rumblings of Don Jr investing in OANN.
I always figured the reason they didn't go big was because Trump was still the sitting president. Conflict of interest and all that.
But now there is nothing stopping the family from starting their own media empire.
Maybe they are going to buy or at least take controlling interest of George?
There has been talk of a media company being a Trump venture.
As long as Biden isn't our president, I'll take Pompeo if need be.
Supposed to check the time stamps and compare with events this week
Check my other comments i linked them
Many companies are in Trump Tower, correct?
They've been there for a while.
I thought it was january of this year, I have to admit I know not much.
Been seeing their locations at Trump tower for past few days or week.
I took the screen shot at 11:12 or 11:13 EST I took it right away but I did spend some time looking around at first. 1112 or 1113 what do we have boys and girls? What are the Q drops from there? 1112 1113
1112 Apr 09, 2018 7:27:43 PM EDT Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 No. 973468 Apr 09, 2018 7:23:54 PM EDT Anonymous ID: 18808b No. 973390 Apr 09, 2018 7:23:10 PM EDT Anonymous ID: c27bec No. 973381 Witch Hunt has GOT to be referring to Hillary Clinton being under investigation this whole time by Mueller.
1113 Apr 09, 2018 7:36:08 PM EDT Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 No. 973651 Apr 09, 2018 7:34:18 PM EDT Anonymous ID: 675dd2 No. 973608 Apr 09, 2018 7:11:56 PM EDT Anonymous ID: 2f22cd No. 973183
Recent timestamp 1238 1238 22-Apr-2018 1:58:19 PM EDT 8ch/qresearch Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes. Listen carefully. No evidence to support POTUS targeting. None. Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding? EVIL & CORRUPTION. She had to win at all costs. You know why. How do people support/vote 4 these people? Q
Are you just looking at all the drops at or around 1112 and 1113? I'm on the east coast and Trump tower is as well, so I figured the EST time zone would correlate to the live location update from the eastern seaboard.
George released location pins at certain times. The person posting wasn't sure if it was first pinned st 1112 or 1113 est
I am the first person that posted it :P
I captured it at 11:13 but I spent a few seconds looking around to see where it was before I realized it was the NYC location so to cover my tracks I realized 11:12 was a possibility.
Will someone splain this too me so I can get in on the action. What is significance ?
George news had domains and accounts previously registered as chans-names. Speakes Q-like.
Jfk jr had George magazine.
The chans domains suddenly changed to george news and it links based stuff.
No one knows for sure but now they were just at trump tower he had it up for a few seconds and took it down.
I just caught it.
They're also posting a lot of behind the scenes military footage too, recent footage.
They posted the refueling of the B2 bomber that flew over the stadium at the superbowl. From WITHIN the refueling plane. I just saw it today.
They have a LOT of footage from places that shouldn't have any access.
So this is the viral launch of what will be Trump's new news organization?
Perhaps. That's one of the theories, they broadcast location from Mar a Lago as well.
Not sure what all this means i think we are all desperate for some news and Q has been dark for a while which if i am honest is a little hard not knowing what is going on but what else can we do.
Q has to go dark OP they cant tip their hand but the fact that seemingly every branch of the military keeps giving subtle nods to Q and 17 has to means something as its not normal for them to be doing that.
Now it could be George News is the new way of Q reaching out to the normies as most people don't really go on sites even like this.
Also it is possible to spoof GPS locations not saying that George News is doing this but just be aware it is possible.
I just wanted more eyes on this and thoughts on it as ir seemed it could be significant. I see theoties about George News and their past anon related stuff.
They're a bit mysterious in that it's so hard to find any info on them other than JFKs magazine was George and he'd drop nuggets.
Going back in their archives, they go as far back as november 2018 and their front page was the million (anon) mask march ehich I thought was funny.
Can we ask what do we really know about George? What fact do we know like who owns it, where is it actually located, financial backing etc.. We need to stop getting excited over pins on a Google map. I don't trust anything with out corroborating facts.
It's difficult to find much, but you are more than welcome to look into it yourself as well. I'd encourage that.
Hard to find literally anything.
Their archives seem to go as far back as November 2018.
First article that appears is "Million Mask March" but they're anonymous masks from the V for Vendetta movie.
Three of the articles are anon-related featuring that anonymous face.
That's as much as I can dig up, I have to be at work for now, but I do encourage you to look into it and everyone else.
Before that dat the were known as The anonymous charity. Also known as the collective. They used the mask and voice synthesizer. There archives would go back at least to 2017 . I had been following them on youtube since before they started using George. Their videos prior to George news.were awesome and well done. All things anons should have known and seen
That was them? The shadowy anonymous/hacker types of guys that would expose the rigged system?
Yup, looking into it and almost no info out in the wild. Trying to dig around. I want to know the who the money is behind this.
From a guy who commented above you:
Sumpdins Habbenin
FYI, these pins are incredibly easy to fake (at least on Android). All you need to do is download a GPS spoofer app and then set your location wherever you want. I just pinned myself in North Korea in my own Telegram channel. Probably shouldn't take these George pins as proof of anything.
Why is this relevant to anything?
Idk read through the thread and see some of the responses and decide for yourself.
Not just this thread but in many others people have linked George news to the movement.
The teasing is getting a bit much. George news better not be a top tier kek troller
They could just be in the lobby bathroom.
Im not sure what you mean I just started following him today and got the live location notification, screened it, and it's gone.
I meant I'm following the account on Telegram. I know it's a news publication.