I think my intent was misunderstood. By "non-existent", I meant that there is no "Qanon"-- only Q and anons. Separate, distinct. I was trying to point out the MSM's erroneous use of "Qanon". Downvotes really, really hurt.
According to Joe it is actually the S that is silent, as in the book of Psalms so it’s actually pronounced Jen Paki which, coincidentally (and probably fittingly, given the history of the Democrats), is a massive racial slur.
Also, the Q in "Qanon" is silent. And invisible.
There is no Qanon.
That's the point of the silent Q
Some people, they don't get it do they.
And invisible/non-existent.
I think my intent was misunderstood. By "non-existent", I meant that there is no "Qanon"-- only Q and anons. Separate, distinct. I was trying to point out the MSM's erroneous use of "Qanon". Downvotes really, really hurt.
We are all Q.
She has the same crooked smile as Biden
This isn’t “pure gold”
This is cruise-ship levels of comedy.
Pure Pyrite
I liked Johnheretohelp's admission that Biden was "potus.........piece of totally useless sh*t."
Nothing makes me laugh like POTATUS though
Based on this description, I believe I must be pyrite-deficient.
Pyrite is worthless and so is this meme
Once killed a fools hen and ate it aFter killing it with a piece.of iron pyrite. So not totally useless.
If only the original meme were this clever. I actually laughed at this. Bravo
She looks evil.
Like she gets off on lying and spreading bullshit.
she defended clinton and covered up pizzagate so yes
I'm still going to call her Raggedy Man and Peesack.
She came by it honestly working under Obamster.
According to Joe it is actually the S that is silent, as in the book of Psalms so it’s actually pronounced Jen Paki which, coincidentally (and probably fittingly, given the history of the Democrats), is a massive racial slur.
It has a man-nose.
Great meme!
The logic here is sound. (Pun intended. Golf clap expected.)
Hahahaha lol, that's good.
But does he really reside there?
Resident Xiden
This is OLD!
I mean GOLD! :)
"Saki" was actually the pen name for a British satirist. Oh the irony.
Thanks for the morning laugh! ??
Good stuff?She looks surprisingly ok here! A stylist doing her hair, make up and wearing a color that doesn't clash with her hair helps a ton.