It really was. I don't usually talk/yell at the screen, but this was infuriating on a whole new level. And even at that, I avoided the majority of the garbage arguments--even the excerpts were excruciating!
I got to the point where I hit the mute button whenever one of the house counsel was speaking. I'd look at the screen and say "isn't your 5 minutes up now?".
Sorry no this movie has sucked ass. Or remind me about the good part? Was it when my wife lost her job due to wuflu? Or when half our tennenats couldn’t pay rent and we might lost our property? Or when my kids school shut down and my autistic son couldn’t get the care he needs? Or maybe it was when the election got stolen In front 100 million of us overnight? Yeah awesome!!!
Or maybe it was when half my clients went poof because chyna virus? Or losing half my friends because bullshit media brainwashing? Please oh please was it when we have to wear a mask everywhere in my blue shithole state?
Or my very old parents confined to home or my 30 yo cousin with lung damage.
The ending better be fucking way better than the suck ass show!
For real. People who have been talking about how great it has been are only showing us that they are sheltered enough from the consequences to say such nonsense.
I am both fed up with the system, but also potentially Trump himself for letting things get so bad.
I am allowing for the reality that there is some plan in place...but if it ends up being about winning in 2024 or some stupid shit, this country is doomed.
That's not a great movie. It's flat out irresponsibility, and a demonstration of grand failure.
What I believe it means is don't get caught up in it because it's all scripted. In that respect, you can enjoy it. Or better, don't get worried and upset about it.
But it's the Dems reality that has you/us where we are for the past 60 years. That is not the show.
Okay when its April or May and nothing has changed, your comments will come into play I believe. You have to remember SCOTUS is and always has been the key. It was just up to them when they were going to hear the cases. This month they are hearing the cases on several states election fraud. We knew it wouldnt be quick, unfortunately. JB knew this, thats why the asshat was making the world record run at EO's. He knows his future is bleak. So how does he get remembered, by being the POTUS who launched over 30-40 EO's (I stopped counting) in the first month of office. I think KH knows as well. I think you will see the speaker in a lot of hot water for FCC violations and for attempting a Coup, when she tried to get the military behind her to stop Trump when he was still in office. As hard as it is, be patient and let the plan work. Pay attention to all the little hints and subtleties about DJT. Like ...Trump 'Plans to Stay in the Arena,' Says Former White House Chief of Staff, or DJT recent message ...We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant and limitless American future... Then pay attention to all the "Shiney Objects" coming out. DJT Dinlaw running for Governor. Big shiney object if you ask me. Congressman Matt Gaetz is running heard in the background so watch him as well. HE IS A TRUE PATRIOT. So my friend and fellow patriot - Stay the course, settle back in and watch the show.
But there is a way... They can control the airwaves... They can post the evidence for all to see. The evidence is overwhelming.
If the plan is to allow Biden to run while they secretly have control in the shadows due to the fear of unrest if they expose the corrupt, then they're weak and incompetent. They're compromising the lives of the sane patriots to protect the emotions of the oblivious anti-American losers?
That would be the worst reflection of our military yet. Myanmar's has balls... So far, ours doesn't.
What people need to understand is that our government (outside of Trump) has been actively working against us for decades. It's not supposed to be this way. All of this COVID BS is not to protect us but to enslave us and to profit from us. I'm tired of living in a world ran by evil people because most citizens are complete and total retards. It's like the movie Idiocracy but this movie is real.
It's extremely difficult to remain positive when the worst criminals walk freely and sometimes even get nominated for "prestigious" awards. I'm so tired of evil prevailing. So tired of it.
Around 70 million people are on some form of social security payments with many being on a fixed income. I've seen plenty of talk about the old republic being restored and Trump being the 19th president and shit about USA inc. If something that crazy happened, I wonder what would happen to social security for those 70 million Americans.
The monies that have been siphoned off to corrupt politicians all these years, will now fund these programs there should be more than enough to take care of our elderly, our veterans, anyone who needs it. This is where it was to be going all along! Instead it’s been going into the coffers of the corrupt politicians like Xiden all of them. If the US goes back to the gold standard yes it’s going to be a tough transition but we can do it we need to do it.
That could work but honestly social security should be improved. I've known some old people that didn't retire in their 60s because they wouldn't get enough retirement social security to retire comfortably with.
Some enjoy working into their 70s and 80s but most people should know that rich people age slower than poor people largely due to poor people living a more stressful life because of life's expenses.
I know some rich in the elite are the sick fucks drinking blood in attempt to stay younger but I was just saying rich people in general. I love Trump but I never liked how there are so many senior citizens running the government.
I do believe this is covered by NESARA, as the dollar amounts to seniors basically pay them back for years of work, service and being taxpayers-in older descriptions of NESARA, $5,000/month is the number to shoot for-remember that todays COLAs are weak and figured incorrectly over items the elderly do not have as concerns...
Some people on social security get as low as $794 a month, as if that's enough for someone to live off of. To draw a better social security retirement, a person has to earn a certain amount of work credits but even then the social security retirement checks would be probably no more than $1,500.
People's best choice would be to put in 30+ years on one job and retire to get a good retirement but not everyone is perfect and works decades on one job. I never had a problem with some of my money paying for those on disability and unable to work.
Those with social security retirement paid in for it so they earned it. I think social security largely plays a role more so for those on disability that cannot work.
I started off with around that amount in 2007, and COLAs have added up to the $1008/month-I have been blessed with collectibles savvy and more than made up for the shortfall. 2019 saw a big reduction in purchases for resale so, I was getting ready to call it quits and 2020 happened-zero extra income and I then decided that this was as good a time to really retire.. so I have not been spending on anything but groceries and paying rent and bills; so far I'm doing it but my rent is still ??? for an increase-I was also blessed with a terrific manager of the unit who kept my rent as low as possible. I still have assets to sell if needed.. I am independent at 75YO, and my investment in social security has been a blessing for the 13-14 years, but I am eager to see what "The best is yet to come" really means..
I prefer having a job and good income but I also know there are nearly 70 million Americans receiving some form of social security income, be it retirement, ssdi, ssi. Republicans have a history of favoring those that work instead of those unable to work.
I don't know how many people on disability would rather work versus how many of them are happy sitting home collecting a check but either way America should take care of our own otherwise we'd be no better than a 3rd world country that lets people starve.
I personally feel that anyone over 70 should be allowed to have the luxury to live out their retirement in peace without having to worry about bills being paid. Of course when we get old and retired, we're not going to want to travel and do many of the things that cost lots of money so the need for money will not be as great but there should be enough of an income to have spending money after bills.
I'm 42 and when I was 16 I was working and when I was 18 I had plenty of money, no worries in life. There were jobs everywhere, sometimes more jobs than people. Now days the average jobs don't even pay enough to cover basic bills so people have roommates or if they're married they can have 2 incomes.
I know many people may not think about disability and social security because it doesn't affect them but you know, my father had an accident on a job, brain damage, ended up being on ssdi for decades because of it. Some people benefit from it and if we just say fuck those millions of people then we're not really America anymore.
"Senior citizens" doing anything is not the issue. WHO are the people running the government, young or old? Age usually brings or is supposed to bring wisdom. We need to protect and preserve that. Our country has been under attack since the signing of the Constitution. Recognize that. When the majority of Americans are clueless about our founding documents, our unalienable rights--all of them, not just the few enumerated in the Bill of Rights, the most important purpose of any level of government--to protect the people's rights and protect our country from invasion.......we have the shit show that we are and have been witnessing for a long time. We, the people, lost our right to constitutionally vet prospective candidates for public office; illegitimate party bosses choose those "candidates". We, the people lost OUR common law, OUR common law courts, OUR common law grand juries AND OUR right to quickly recall these serpents and/or indict them. Why do we not know this? See the 7th sentence. Free courses have been created for those who care to be the American citizens we were meant to be. There's also a comprehensive plan to take it all back. national liberty alliance dot org (remove spaces).
If you look at your paycheck or taxes filed, you'll see that people working pay in a social security tax so if it is to be up to old people to save money then the government should not get another penny of tax dollars.
We tell the elite, i.e. Rothschild, Windsors, Gates and others: you do not owe nothing and you will be unhappy. That means we seize, what they have stolen for centuries from common man.
Social security will go on for a while, but not forever. Because, to give to one means to take from others, and this cannot stand, unless it is a donation.
The new elite, that is the people who really have love for mankind and knowledge will teach the other people, how to rebuild familiy, small villages, and society.
Given that free energy (zero point energy) will be widely available and the knowledge to live peaceful with nature and soil will make it possible, that people will be able to grow plants to feed themselves. Now in conventional agriculture to feed one man a year you need almost 2 acres of land. With Terra Preta, that is black earth, a mixture of charcoal, compost and soil, you need only a fraction of land ( i.e 270. sqf. or up to 50m2.). That means you can grow food for 40 up to 60 people on 2 acres per year.
I have a problem with #2, Social Security. I PAID into it for FIFTY YEARS, I'm not taking from others, THEY ARE because they raided the fund decades ago.
Nobody will get lost, the people like you, who paid for so long, have earned what you paid for. The transition is not easy, but you might agree that the future should be different than the past?
When social security was started, you had all those baby boomers paying into the system. For quite a while, all there was were payments going in without money coming out. The SS balance got very large. If the congress wouldn't have illegally used the SS fund as a piggy bank it, the SS program would be in good shape.
Though I think socializing costs and privatizing profit is one of the features of the current system. This goes for Soc Sec as well, as it is the biggest ponzi scheme out there. Illegal, but still. It can be privatized and personalized, and would then be within the confines of the law.
I've always been the type of person that likes being outdoors plus I live in south FL a few miles from the ocean so if I wanted to, I could catch plenty of fish. I'm only 42 now but if I make it to 70, 80+, I'd like to think I'd still enjoy being active. If things ever got the way you described, I doubt it would be an issue if donations from people were asked.
Keep low on fish. When I was 45, my health was bad. Everything hurted, asthma and more.
Now I am 60 weight great, health great, nothing hurts. So, what did I do? I changed my diet to plant based, not more than 5% animal protein. Walks, at least 10000 steps a day.
I moved to Southern Greece, we have no winter here, just a kind of cld rain season, but mostly you can just wear shorts and t-shirt. Over 320 sunny days per year, alot of Vitamin D3.
Now I try to close the natural circles by composting everything that is natural and producing Terra Preta. Also starting own garden, and buying land to teach people. or
Here in south FL, it's pretty sunny and warm all year aside from a few chilly spells. When it comes to food though, whatever makes you feel good to eat is good. Myself I'm a big meat eater and probably always will be.
Plants provide so little actual nutrition and flavor and feeling of satiety, I scarcely eat them any more. I have plenty of energy, only need to sleep six hours instead of eight, weigh 30 pounds less, and spend way less on food. At 60 I'm in the best shape of my life, and I haven't gone a day without eating bacon in over three years. YUM saturated animal fat FTW
So the way we handle 'social security' now is fundamentally flawed.
The systems that were designed 50 years ago are much better I assume trump would go back to that.
The current system does not take into account individual needs, it does not look at the problem type instead pays people a below poverty line amount and expects them to figure it out.
This does not work for the mentally ill and disabled, it does not account for vets, it does not look at retirement or job loss. The needs of each of these groups is completely different and should be treated as such.
Mental asylum's are a great example and a Trump favorite, people with significant mental health issues do not need the additional stress of money management to their already difficult lives, they need a place to be looked after. Instead since some fuckwit wanted more money and power these poor people were thrown on the street to fend for themselves.
As for job losses this could be covered by income insurance which for most able bodied persons who can work this is a better solution since the support and the problem are temporary. This means that you would not have to sell your car or pull your kids out of the fancy school if something went wrong. It also would incentivize the insurance company to help find you a job.
My point is that social security as we know it is not a solution it is a curse and the changing and removal of it to something better is a good idea.
Even if it takes a thousand years, we should try to give our best. We might be the first generation on this journey, and not see the end. I am proud, to be with my fellow brothers and sisters to help heal us, the animals and the earth. That does not mean believing all kind of bs. or fake experts. It means try to find the truth. As long as we are in this incarantion, we will have many errors, I think. God bless us.
And I hope President Trump will soon be back for the US and the rest of the world!
Ha ha ha you're the first to compute that one I believe
Seriously. This is the second time they've tried to impeach Trump for something we all know one of them did.
It really was. I don't usually talk/yell at the screen, but this was infuriating on a whole new level. And even at that, I avoided the majority of the garbage arguments--even the excerpts were excruciating!
Swearing at the propagandists on the news has become a new occurrence for me.
Make local news about local news again
I got to the point where I hit the mute button whenever one of the house counsel was speaking. I'd look at the screen and say "isn't your 5 minutes up now?".
its rare that their theatre of absurd reaches the vomit inducing levels but this is one of those times
??Van der Veen's?? interview with that CBS twit should even red-pill some. He tore her apart!
Been a great movie! Can't wait for the spectacular ending!
Sorry no this movie has sucked ass. Or remind me about the good part? Was it when my wife lost her job due to wuflu? Or when half our tennenats couldn’t pay rent and we might lost our property? Or when my kids school shut down and my autistic son couldn’t get the care he needs? Or maybe it was when the election got stolen In front 100 million of us overnight? Yeah awesome!!!
Or maybe it was when half my clients went poof because chyna virus? Or losing half my friends because bullshit media brainwashing? Please oh please was it when we have to wear a mask everywhere in my blue shithole state?
Or my very old parents confined to home or my 30 yo cousin with lung damage.
The ending better be fucking way better than the suck ass show!
For real. People who have been talking about how great it has been are only showing us that they are sheltered enough from the consequences to say such nonsense.
I am both fed up with the system, but also potentially Trump himself for letting things get so bad.
I am allowing for the reality that there is some plan in place...but if it ends up being about winning in 2024 or some stupid shit, this country is doomed.
That's not a great movie. It's flat out irresponsibility, and a demonstration of grand failure.
God bless you for having to be on such a "verge of destruction"! I pray the GESARA/NESARA stuff is true and that you will reap in the future.
Enjoy the show is taken out of context often.
What I believe it means is don't get caught up in it because it's all scripted. In that respect, you can enjoy it. Or better, don't get worried and upset about it.
But it's the Dems reality that has you/us where we are for the past 60 years. That is not the show.
The undoing is the show
Okay when its April or May and nothing has changed, your comments will come into play I believe. You have to remember SCOTUS is and always has been the key. It was just up to them when they were going to hear the cases. This month they are hearing the cases on several states election fraud. We knew it wouldnt be quick, unfortunately. JB knew this, thats why the asshat was making the world record run at EO's. He knows his future is bleak. So how does he get remembered, by being the POTUS who launched over 30-40 EO's (I stopped counting) in the first month of office. I think KH knows as well. I think you will see the speaker in a lot of hot water for FCC violations and for attempting a Coup, when she tried to get the military behind her to stop Trump when he was still in office. As hard as it is, be patient and let the plan work. Pay attention to all the little hints and subtleties about DJT. Like ...Trump 'Plans to Stay in the Arena,' Says Former White House Chief of Staff, or DJT recent message ...We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant and limitless American future... Then pay attention to all the "Shiney Objects" coming out. DJT Dinlaw running for Governor. Big shiney object if you ask me. Congressman Matt Gaetz is running heard in the background so watch him as well. HE IS A TRUE PATRIOT. So my friend and fellow patriot - Stay the course, settle back in and watch the show.
But there is a way... They can control the airwaves... They can post the evidence for all to see. The evidence is overwhelming.
If the plan is to allow Biden to run while they secretly have control in the shadows due to the fear of unrest if they expose the corrupt, then they're weak and incompetent. They're compromising the lives of the sane patriots to protect the emotions of the oblivious anti-American losers?
That would be the worst reflection of our military yet. Myanmar's has balls... So far, ours doesn't.
What people need to understand is that our government (outside of Trump) has been actively working against us for decades. It's not supposed to be this way. All of this COVID BS is not to protect us but to enslave us and to profit from us. I'm tired of living in a world ran by evil people because most citizens are complete and total retards. It's like the movie Idiocracy but this movie is real.
It's extremely difficult to remain positive when the worst criminals walk freely and sometimes even get nominated for "prestigious" awards. I'm so tired of evil prevailing. So tired of it.
Around 70 million people are on some form of social security payments with many being on a fixed income. I've seen plenty of talk about the old republic being restored and Trump being the 19th president and shit about USA inc. If something that crazy happened, I wonder what would happen to social security for those 70 million Americans.
The monies that have been siphoned off to corrupt politicians all these years, will now fund these programs there should be more than enough to take care of our elderly, our veterans, anyone who needs it. This is where it was to be going all along! Instead it’s been going into the coffers of the corrupt politicians like Xiden all of them. If the US goes back to the gold standard yes it’s going to be a tough transition but we can do it we need to do it.
That could work but honestly social security should be improved. I've known some old people that didn't retire in their 60s because they wouldn't get enough retirement social security to retire comfortably with.
Some enjoy working into their 70s and 80s but most people should know that rich people age slower than poor people largely due to poor people living a more stressful life because of life's expenses.
I know some rich in the elite are the sick fucks drinking blood in attempt to stay younger but I was just saying rich people in general. I love Trump but I never liked how there are so many senior citizens running the government.
I do believe this is covered by NESARA, as the dollar amounts to seniors basically pay them back for years of work, service and being taxpayers-in older descriptions of NESARA, $5,000/month is the number to shoot for-remember that todays COLAs are weak and figured incorrectly over items the elderly do not have as concerns...
Some people on social security get as low as $794 a month, as if that's enough for someone to live off of. To draw a better social security retirement, a person has to earn a certain amount of work credits but even then the social security retirement checks would be probably no more than $1,500.
People's best choice would be to put in 30+ years on one job and retire to get a good retirement but not everyone is perfect and works decades on one job. I never had a problem with some of my money paying for those on disability and unable to work.
Those with social security retirement paid in for it so they earned it. I think social security largely plays a role more so for those on disability that cannot work.
I started off with around that amount in 2007, and COLAs have added up to the $1008/month-I have been blessed with collectibles savvy and more than made up for the shortfall. 2019 saw a big reduction in purchases for resale so, I was getting ready to call it quits and 2020 happened-zero extra income and I then decided that this was as good a time to really retire.. so I have not been spending on anything but groceries and paying rent and bills; so far I'm doing it but my rent is still ??? for an increase-I was also blessed with a terrific manager of the unit who kept my rent as low as possible. I still have assets to sell if needed.. I am independent at 75YO, and my investment in social security has been a blessing for the 13-14 years, but I am eager to see what "The best is yet to come" really means..
I prefer having a job and good income but I also know there are nearly 70 million Americans receiving some form of social security income, be it retirement, ssdi, ssi. Republicans have a history of favoring those that work instead of those unable to work.
I don't know how many people on disability would rather work versus how many of them are happy sitting home collecting a check but either way America should take care of our own otherwise we'd be no better than a 3rd world country that lets people starve.
I personally feel that anyone over 70 should be allowed to have the luxury to live out their retirement in peace without having to worry about bills being paid. Of course when we get old and retired, we're not going to want to travel and do many of the things that cost lots of money so the need for money will not be as great but there should be enough of an income to have spending money after bills.
I'm 42 and when I was 16 I was working and when I was 18 I had plenty of money, no worries in life. There were jobs everywhere, sometimes more jobs than people. Now days the average jobs don't even pay enough to cover basic bills so people have roommates or if they're married they can have 2 incomes.
I know many people may not think about disability and social security because it doesn't affect them but you know, my father had an accident on a job, brain damage, ended up being on ssdi for decades because of it. Some people benefit from it and if we just say fuck those millions of people then we're not really America anymore.
"Senior citizens" doing anything is not the issue. WHO are the people running the government, young or old? Age usually brings or is supposed to bring wisdom. We need to protect and preserve that. Our country has been under attack since the signing of the Constitution. Recognize that. When the majority of Americans are clueless about our founding documents, our unalienable rights--all of them, not just the few enumerated in the Bill of Rights, the most important purpose of any level of government--to protect the people's rights and protect our country from invasion.......we have the shit show that we are and have been witnessing for a long time. We, the people, lost our right to constitutionally vet prospective candidates for public office; illegitimate party bosses choose those "candidates". We, the people lost OUR common law, OUR common law courts, OUR common law grand juries AND OUR right to quickly recall these serpents and/or indict them. Why do we not know this? See the 7th sentence. Free courses have been created for those who care to be the American citizens we were meant to be. There's also a comprehensive plan to take it all back. national liberty alliance dot org (remove spaces).
Social security should be abolished. It should not be the responsibility of government to save our money.
If you look at your paycheck or taxes filed, you'll see that people working pay in a social security tax so if it is to be up to old people to save money then the government should not get another penny of tax dollars.
It’s on Bitchute.
No worry.
I have a problem with #2, Social Security. I PAID into it for FIFTY YEARS, I'm not taking from others, THEY ARE because they raided the fund decades ago.
Nobody will get lost, the people like you, who paid for so long, have earned what you paid for. The transition is not easy, but you might agree that the future should be different than the past?
Really want to depress yourself?
2 Have a "finance" person calculate a "future value of a present sum" at a "safe" interest rate
When social security was started, you had all those baby boomers paying into the system. For quite a while, all there was were payments going in without money coming out. The SS balance got very large. If the congress wouldn't have illegally used the SS fund as a piggy bank it, the SS program would be in good shape.
Good points.
Though I think socializing costs and privatizing profit is one of the features of the current system. This goes for Soc Sec as well, as it is the biggest ponzi scheme out there. Illegal, but still. It can be privatized and personalized, and would then be within the confines of the law.
It would indeed take a lot of unwinding.
I've always been the type of person that likes being outdoors plus I live in south FL a few miles from the ocean so if I wanted to, I could catch plenty of fish. I'm only 42 now but if I make it to 70, 80+, I'd like to think I'd still enjoy being active. If things ever got the way you described, I doubt it would be an issue if donations from people were asked.
Keep low on fish. When I was 45, my health was bad. Everything hurted, asthma and more. Now I am 60 weight great, health great, nothing hurts. So, what did I do? I changed my diet to plant based, not more than 5% animal protein. Walks, at least 10000 steps a day. I moved to Southern Greece, we have no winter here, just a kind of cld rain season, but mostly you can just wear shorts and t-shirt. Over 320 sunny days per year, alot of Vitamin D3. Now I try to close the natural circles by composting everything that is natural and producing Terra Preta. Also starting own garden, and buying land to teach people. or
sounds awful
What is good for one man, might kill the other.
cool, my mum has coeliac; its great when people buy her biscuits and cakes cos it means i have to scoff the lot haha
Here in south FL, it's pretty sunny and warm all year aside from a few chilly spells. When it comes to food though, whatever makes you feel good to eat is good. Myself I'm a big meat eater and probably always will be.
Plants provide so little actual nutrition and flavor and feeling of satiety, I scarcely eat them any more. I have plenty of energy, only need to sleep six hours instead of eight, weigh 30 pounds less, and spend way less on food. At 60 I'm in the best shape of my life, and I haven't gone a day without eating bacon in over three years. YUM saturated animal fat FTW
if it is good for you, it is ok for me.
do what you will. if that answer is not enough, then just rant.
You mean Social Insecurity?
So the way we handle 'social security' now is fundamentally flawed.
The systems that were designed 50 years ago are much better I assume trump would go back to that.
The current system does not take into account individual needs, it does not look at the problem type instead pays people a below poverty line amount and expects them to figure it out.
This does not work for the mentally ill and disabled, it does not account for vets, it does not look at retirement or job loss. The needs of each of these groups is completely different and should be treated as such.
Mental asylum's are a great example and a Trump favorite, people with significant mental health issues do not need the additional stress of money management to their already difficult lives, they need a place to be looked after. Instead since some fuckwit wanted more money and power these poor people were thrown on the street to fend for themselves.
As for job losses this could be covered by income insurance which for most able bodied persons who can work this is a better solution since the support and the problem are temporary. This means that you would not have to sell your car or pull your kids out of the fancy school if something went wrong. It also would incentivize the insurance company to help find you a job.
My point is that social security as we know it is not a solution it is a curse and the changing and removal of it to something better is a good idea.
See, you are taking care, you differentiate. I guess, if we more like you, we will not have problems to find solutions.
Even if it takes a thousand years, we should try to give our best. We might be the first generation on this journey, and not see the end. I am proud, to be with my fellow brothers and sisters to help heal us, the animals and the earth. That does not mean believing all kind of bs. or fake experts. It means try to find the truth. As long as we are in this incarantion, we will have many errors, I think. God bless us. And I hope President Trump will soon be back for the US and the rest of the world!
Can't view pic?
I keep getting ERROR 404 now when trying to check out the files....
Someone please rehost this image— it's no longer opening.
How do you think Trump will have his rightful 2nd term of greatness?
I can't get your thumbnail to blow up so I can read it :/
Thank you! I’ve had this tab open all day