I've lived in FL for decades, moved to south FL over a year ago, I'm in the red area of warm weather. I used to be happy living in FL for the tropical weather but more so now days with our governor basically telling the federal government to fuck off and then our great president Trump officially making FL his home.
doesnt it rain in florida everyday at 4pm sharp? I went on holiday to disneyworld in 2003 and although i was about 11 y/o i distinctly remember it pissing down with rain at precisely 4pm everyday lol like clockwork
I remember seeing this pattern during a polar vortex a few years back, the shape of the jetstream literally looked like the central US was being teabagged.
Living in MN, I can tell you, this is absolutely not normal. We haven't had a cold streak like this in over 20 years. Even then, it didn't last this long.
Watch the leftists say, “see this is just more evidence of accelerated ‘global warming’, sorry, check that, ‘climate change’, so we need to step up our tyrannical measures to control and shut you down since you all are the cause of it, you can thank us by paying us more taxes
" More than 70% of the USA was snow-covered as of Monday afternoon, the weather service reported.
In another cruel weather twist Monday afternoon, portions of Florida, Alabama and Georgia were under a tornado watch, meaning weather conditions were favorable for tornadoes to develop.
Unfortunately, a second winter storm that hit the Northwest on Monday was forecast to bring more snow and ice to parts of the South, Midwest and East this week, weather.com said. "
I don't normally follow the weather all over but it certainly does seem odd that 70% or more of the entire country is covered with snow. Something seriously strange is happening.
I think we should be talking about weather a lot more right now, this is seriously not normal. There has to be something going on, this kind of weather is suspect, maybe those weather machine things? I forget what they were called but I know there's been methods of fucking with the weather for decades.
Copy of what I posted in the TX thread re: this storm since it's relevant...
I'm in DFW, TX and this sitch here is cray-cray. Internet and phone service is out all over the place and around 1.5 million people are without power in these frigid temperatures. Even if power doesn't go out from power lines falling from ice-covered trees, power grid windmills freezing up, or a car spinning into a power line pole or something, Oncor started doing ROTATING power outages ON PURPOSE here to conserve energy. It's wild!
TX isn't used to storms like this - we don't keep stockpiles of ice/snow treatment salts or equipment to even distribute them on roads. There was a 130-car wreck on I-35W in Fort Worth last Wed. (2/10/21) due to ice on the roads, killing 6 and injuring around 65 people (CodeMonkey lost a friend in that crash). 2 semi trucks collided with the 2nd one jumping the back of the semi in front of it. Crazy shit!
Really tragic situation. I spun off a highway thru a guardrail and into a ditch driving one ice-covered roads in TX decades ago and vowed to never drive on ice/snow in TX ever again. My rule is STAY HOME in shit like this.
Winter weather events like this simply paralyze our cities in TX. Sure is pretty with all the snow this week though - gotta say! We usually only get nasty ice here, so this nearly half a foot of snow is something to behold here!
If this is being manipulated, I sure hope it’s good guys trying to show that the Green New Deal and energy alternatives aren’t as great as they may think. Maybe to red pill some more people ? Just a thought. Who knows what’s really going on with this.
Weather reactions are always steeped in recency bias.This isnt that abnormal, it is just that it follows 3 or 4 warm winters in a row.
This weather we are seeing now was par for the course in the 70s. The Great Lakes froze 100% nearly every year and on some days you could see an image of Chicago hanging upside down from the lakeshore in Kalamazoo a couple hundred miles away from a trick of the atmosphere called cold air inversion. Look up the images if you dont believe me.. This year the Lakes were < 5% ice just 2 weeks ago.
Five or six years ago we saw around 10 nights dip to -30 in SE Michigan, something I had never before seen even for 1 night in my 55 years. This year we havent seen negative temps yet, though we are supposed to tonight. Ten or so years ago we had over 100 inches of snow for the year which broke the record by about 20 inches. In December 1999 it snowed almost every day here including the only time I have ever seen blizzard warnings in this part of Michigan.
Weather is always fraught with recency bias. We always think this extreme we are feeling right now is the worst ever and that is reinforced by the liars in the media to further an agenda. Why do you think The Weather Channel names every storm now?
I am a concrete contractor and supplement my winter income with commercial snow removal contracts. I have detailed snow and temp records going back to 1990 for my area.
Edit to say this is for my area. I realize the stuff happening in Texas is a bit unusual. But when the polar vortex breaks loose things like this happen. Or heavy frosts in Central Florida that kills the orange crop.
I've lived in FL for decades, moved to south FL over a year ago, I'm in the red area of warm weather. I used to be happy living in FL for the tropical weather but more so now days with our governor basically telling the federal government to fuck off and then our great president Trump officially making FL his home.
Weird weather thouhh for sure
doesnt it rain in florida everyday at 4pm sharp? I went on holiday to disneyworld in 2003 and although i was about 11 y/o i distinctly remember it pissing down with rain at precisely 4pm everyday lol like clockwork
Yes, but only during the rainy season. So usually May - October. From November - April, rain is very sporadic and can go days or weeks without rain.
Afternoon showers are common here but there's plenty of dry sunny days too
its supposed to be 63 here tomorrow in central florida. Brrrr. OK sorry.
Lmao.. Meanwhile, my fridge is 50 degrees warmer than it is outside right now.
Florida is lovin' that gulf stream right now.
There is NO WAY on God's green Earth that THAT is not weather warfare. HAARP all the way.
I remember seeing this pattern during a polar vortex a few years back, the shape of the jetstream literally looked like the central US was being teabagged.
Living in MN, I can tell you, this is absolutely not normal. We haven't had a cold streak like this in over 20 years. Even then, it didn't last this long.
We had one just like this last year in Minnesota and Wisconsin
With this many people stuck inside for a while seems like a good time for those emergency broadcasts.
17 states without power.
Dude... this is NOT normal... and there are no coincidences...
Woke up to -22 in the "Blue" state of Minnesota...
Watch the leftists say, “see this is just more evidence of accelerated ‘global warming’, sorry, check that, ‘climate change’, so we need to step up our tyrannical measures to control and shut you down since you all are the cause of it, you can thank us by paying us more taxes
‘Twill be like clockwork. You are a shrewd predictor.
Grand solar minimum
" More than 70% of the USA was snow-covered as of Monday afternoon, the weather service reported.
In another cruel weather twist Monday afternoon, portions of Florida, Alabama and Georgia were under a tornado watch, meaning weather conditions were favorable for tornadoes to develop.
Unfortunately, a second winter storm that hit the Northwest on Monday was forecast to bring more snow and ice to parts of the South, Midwest and East this week, weather.com said. "
I don't normally follow the weather all over but it certainly does seem odd that 70% or more of the entire country is covered with snow. Something seriously strange is happening.
Grand solar minimum, too.
God loves Trump
And a “Dark Winter” too! ?
I think we should be talking about weather a lot more right now, this is seriously not normal. There has to be something going on, this kind of weather is suspect, maybe those weather machine things? I forget what they were called but I know there's been methods of fucking with the weather for decades.
maybe Q's "Storm" isnt metaphorical!
We shall see, only time will tell and hopefully this so called movie gets even more interesting
storm act signing on top of trump saying its gonna get cold at a meeting. very hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I hope something good happens.
I live in SE NC and it has been cloudy and rainy for almost 3 weeks straight. No sun at all. But at least it is not as cold elsewhere.
Copy of what I posted in the TX thread re: this storm since it's relevant...
I'm in DFW, TX and this sitch here is cray-cray. Internet and phone service is out all over the place and around 1.5 million people are without power in these frigid temperatures. Even if power doesn't go out from power lines falling from ice-covered trees, power grid windmills freezing up, or a car spinning into a power line pole or something, Oncor started doing ROTATING power outages ON PURPOSE here to conserve energy. It's wild!
TX isn't used to storms like this - we don't keep stockpiles of ice/snow treatment salts or equipment to even distribute them on roads. There was a 130-car wreck on I-35W in Fort Worth last Wed. (2/10/21) due to ice on the roads, killing 6 and injuring around 65 people (CodeMonkey lost a friend in that crash). 2 semi trucks collided with the 2nd one jumping the back of the semi in front of it. Crazy shit!
VIDEO of the beginning of the semi's crashing into each other & subsequent crashes from another driver on the ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGaWoNPcbTw AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNsJbdVi5iE
NEWS VIDEO & PICS with aerial shots: https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2021/02/11/pileup-100-cars-trucks-trapped-drivers-interstate-35w-fort-worth/
Really tragic situation. I spun off a highway thru a guardrail and into a ditch driving one ice-covered roads in TX decades ago and vowed to never drive on ice/snow in TX ever again. My rule is STAY HOME in shit like this.
Winter weather events like this simply paralyze our cities in TX. Sure is pretty with all the snow this week though - gotta say! We usually only get nasty ice here, so this nearly half a foot of snow is something to behold here!
dark purple zone. not unusual, but when I was kid the snow didn't cause burns and tears to exposed skin.
Not the storm I wanted, but I live in Chicago. We have had way worse.
Ok I'm getting more and more convinced that there are shenanigans happening.....!!!
Florida. Blessed and based
Using HAARP to punish conservatives
This storm is the same color purple in Sidney powels kraken profile pic.
This storm really rises questions about the Green New Deal. Hope you doing ok out there.
I am a very cold Okie. Pls Q, save us
The entire midwest- Meh
If this is being manipulated, I sure hope it’s good guys trying to show that the Green New Deal and energy alternatives aren’t as great as they may think. Maybe to red pill some more people ? Just a thought. Who knows what’s really going on with this.
Buried in snow here in Ohio.
As a Minnesotan, i just wanna say-- brr.
Texas is struggling for sure. Last signficant snow storm in north texas was about 7 years ago. Been even longer since something of this magnitude.
Is The purple area farmland?
Weather reactions are always steeped in recency bias.This isnt that abnormal, it is just that it follows 3 or 4 warm winters in a row.
This weather we are seeing now was par for the course in the 70s. The Great Lakes froze 100% nearly every year and on some days you could see an image of Chicago hanging upside down from the lakeshore in Kalamazoo a couple hundred miles away from a trick of the atmosphere called cold air inversion. Look up the images if you dont believe me.. This year the Lakes were < 5% ice just 2 weeks ago.
Five or six years ago we saw around 10 nights dip to -30 in SE Michigan, something I had never before seen even for 1 night in my 55 years. This year we havent seen negative temps yet, though we are supposed to tonight. Ten or so years ago we had over 100 inches of snow for the year which broke the record by about 20 inches. In December 1999 it snowed almost every day here including the only time I have ever seen blizzard warnings in this part of Michigan.
Weather is always fraught with recency bias. We always think this extreme we are feeling right now is the worst ever and that is reinforced by the liars in the media to further an agenda. Why do you think The Weather Channel names every storm now?
I am a concrete contractor and supplement my winter income with commercial snow removal contracts. I have detailed snow and temp records going back to 1990 for my area.
Edit to say this is for my area. I realize the stuff happening in Texas is a bit unusual. But when the polar vortex breaks loose things like this happen. Or heavy frosts in Central Florida that kills the orange crop.
For once I’m glad to be in California. Forecast for tomorrow is 73° and sunny...
Or...dark winter as promised?