Lauren displays weapons, so the appropriate witty counter is to display menstrual pads?
Sorry, maybe it's my white male brain not understanding. But what's the joke? 'Cause I don't get it. Hey! Can one of you sexist pigs check your privilege for 5 minutes and mansplain this one to me?
The only lesson I picked up from this is in the event of unrest and you are unarmed, go to Lauren's house. She has weapons and if you need them, menstrual pads. She just doesn't feel the need to display them.
Why are all these feminists so god damn chauvinistic? Everything must be about drawing attention to their vagina in one way or another. Not women's bodies as they'd have you believe, but their vagina specifically.
White female brain here and I still have no clue what the joke is and know the person who did this probably doesn't either. Maybe because one can cause blood and the other collects it? There, I came up with xir's witty solution... Again, the left can't meme. Also, I'm assuming the xir in the picture is sponsored by StayFree/Always? Cause what a waste of environmental resources. Why not use a menstrual cup or cotton reusable pads. She's going to cause the destruction of our planet sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The horrors!!!!!!
Now I got the message, Lauren will shoot her "StayFree" bullets at the commies when they invade, the other gal will throw her "StayFree" maxipads at them. Brilliant !!
My first thought was “why does anybody still choose to use toxic hygiene products that are harmful not only to the body but also to the environment?” I mean, I’m not even a tree-hugger and I know that.
Oh look everyone look a hot woman senator who open carries. She is so based. La Dee da. I don't buy it. It's just a distraction. We are falling for it hook line and sinker. Can someone point out legislation she supports? Why cause distractions? Has she helped? All I've heard out of her corner is she likes guns, and lots of men comment on her good looks. Looks like a pace and lead to me.
Lauren displays weapons, so the appropriate witty counter is to display menstrual pads?
Sorry, maybe it's my white male brain not understanding. But what's the joke? 'Cause I don't get it. Hey! Can one of you sexist pigs check your privilege for 5 minutes and mansplain this one to me?
The only lesson I picked up from this is in the event of unrest and you are unarmed, go to Lauren's house. She has weapons and if you need them, menstrual pads. She just doesn't feel the need to display them.
Why are all these feminists so god damn chauvinistic? Everything must be about drawing attention to their vagina in one way or another. Not women's bodies as they'd have you believe, but their vagina specifically.
White female brain here and I still have no clue what the joke is and know the person who did this probably doesn't either. Maybe because one can cause blood and the other collects it? There, I came up with xir's witty solution... Again, the left can't meme. Also, I'm assuming the xir in the picture is sponsored by StayFree/Always? Cause what a waste of environmental resources. Why not use a menstrual cup or cotton reusable pads. She's going to cause the destruction of our planet sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The horrors!!!!!!
LAUREN BOEBERT rocks! Geraldine..... hhmmmm
Yeah Lauren is HAWT!! Gerald is NAWT!
But I have to ask, what is Gerald's point?
There was no point. Geraldine's a moron that thought she was being witty then immediately got shot down.
She's ugly too. No-one wants to see a close up of her ugly face.
Ever see people who just LOOK like they stink?
Oh yeah, this is one of them.
Menstrual products and a douche. Well done.
You know, the Left has destroyed all the mystery about women and it bugs the shit out of me (I'm a woman).
Not really, a good woman always stands out in a crowd. Be a lady and the right people will always be in a awe of you :) A rose will always be a rose.
Yes, they are disgusting
Took a lesbian to a ball game. Offered to buy her a hot dog, but she only wanted the bun.
/slow clap
she would have been better off not even replying. The post is stupid enough already, no need to give any attention to it whatsoever.
Yes, it was a stupid post but Boebert's response, funny as hell as it is, also makes a valid point that I doubt this moron can recover from.
Holy crap, she's married and has 4 kids? Figures. The good ones always are.
Geraldine's got a real face for radio.
Imagine defending yourself with feminine hygiene products.
Literally, Love Lauren Boebert - she is my new idol since Kayleigh is on the sidelines currently
Still love my desantis too ?
Geraldine looks like a member of the tribe.
Finally someone shows some balls in Congress!!
And it's a girl. Ha.
twitter is stupid
I’m not a Lesbian, but I probably would make an exception for her
One gun fits all.
I am a man, me too.
Smarmy bitch thinks it displays her femininity? Lmfao, tjeybrhinkntjeybare so clever and theybare simply just stupid.
I know this is not the gentleman's way of talking but Boebert is HOT AS HELL AND THEN SOME! She is so cute. Man oh man.....I'll leave it at that.
Now I got the message, Lauren will shoot her "StayFree" bullets at the commies when they invade, the other gal will throw her "StayFree" maxipads at them. Brilliant !!
This lady is so stupid :)
That's a Spicy meat-a-ball-a!
You may not be but GERALDINE here prolly is.
Why does "Geraldine" look exactly like a walking stereotype of feminists?
She is on the right track with all those "StayFree" packages, lets see, put the guns and the pads on the same shelf. Great Message !!
"Hey Geraldine . . . EEEWWW . . .
Or is it really "Gerald, in which case, "EEEEEEWWWW"
OF COURSE "Geraldine" has a nose ring, hipster cringe glasses, and looks like she has more cats than she can support.
As I have started to identify as a black mexican tranny whos an illegal immigrant (come on free health care!) id smash
That looks like a disgusting man
My first thought was “why does anybody still choose to use toxic hygiene products that are harmful not only to the body but also to the environment?” I mean, I’m not even a tree-hugger and I know that.
Oh look everyone look a hot woman senator who open carries. She is so based. La Dee da. I don't buy it. It's just a distraction. We are falling for it hook line and sinker. Can someone point out legislation she supports? Why cause distractions? Has she helped? All I've heard out of her corner is she likes guns, and lots of men comment on her good looks. Looks like a pace and lead to me.