Just a clarifying point - they said that each of their social media accounts had different phones and these pics were on what they called "twitter no. 1"
As the planefags have pointed out, there are two planes that are used with the call sign AF1. These planes can also be used for non-potus flights, as well. I doubt they take the time to swap out the glasses and napkins between these different types of flights.
All the above picture proves is that someone had the privilege of riding on one of these planes. As to who this person was, when it was, or why they were on it, well, we have no way of knowing.
If these photos are from Twitter 1....would that be signaling that this new George place is a replacement for Twitter 1? So possibly..... look to Twitter Just thinking...
On aircraft, same as boats, tall glasses are to be avoided because they tip easily. Don't assume that's alcohol just because it looks like a highball glass.
on the same post, there was some Kim Jung Un, ill, Rocket Man when GEOTUS walked into NK like a boss. That was the best day. I remember all of the exploding heads as the media were shitting themselves. that photo was also deleted.
I can imagine the conversation of the photo "yes I will have a pre take off beverage service, Your finest Diet Coke Please."
GEORGE is looked over by everybody on here almost, and openly is on Trumps side. Nobody gives GEORGE the time of day. Well GEORGE posted a series of photos and videos that only GEORGE has (nowhere else on the internet) and the pictures are taken from GEORGE.
In other words, GEORGE is close to DJT45. You and I are not. I think we should all trust GEORGE a little bit more after they proved how close they are to DJT45
Or they were able to acquire these photos. That is all they’ve proven. Once they’ve decided to stop with the bullshit games and show something substantial, we’ll start to care. They’re just trying to get attention to yet another bullshit media company. Fuck all of that to Hell. Maybe they think they’re being cute, but we’re all fucking done with cute around these parts.
Instead of spending $thousands to print up "presidential logo" napkins and engraved whiskey glasses... wouldn't it be better to spend that money on ammunition? or spend it on building one more panel in the border wall?
How about spending that money on securing the U.S. electrical grid from foreign interference?
I can think of a LOT of things our nation needs... other than engraved whiskey glasses. :>)
How bout we spend more time bitching about the millions sent to Sudan and Pakistani gender studies than the thousands or maybe even only hundreds spent labeling napkins? My company labels our promo items and covfefe mugs, it really isn't all that expensive, and the money goes to the AMERICANs who work at those printing/labeling jobs. Yeesh, pick your battles a little more wisely.
I wish they would put dates! This could be an old photo when Trump was in.
I agree. Just personally wish there was dates.
They are old photos though. The post said that they were photos from the phone used with their very first Twitter account.
Just a clarifying point - they said that each of their social media accounts had different phones and these pics were on what they called "twitter no. 1"
I'm no techno frog, but can you not check the metadata for dates n ting?
Tineye is not good with zero-day pictures.
Potus doesn't drink alcohol and that doesn't look like Diet Coke.
Who said this had to be the POTUS drink? When you go meet with someone do you only eat and drink what they are having?
Maybe that's the point.
If you can't demonstrate somehow that Potus is on the plane, then what's the point of posting a shot glass and a napkin?
It's more of a tumbler or an Old Fashioned glass than a shot glass but yeah. Just sayin... I like me some whisky...
Maybe its code.. Only KY can produce bourbon.
DJT doesn't wear lipstick either...hmmm?️♀️r
What about ChapStick.
could be, I've cleaned a lot of bar glasses,
and definitely see something that needs to be scrubbed.
My thought as well.
He does sell vodka and wine so he doesn't deprive others. How do you get on that plane without potus? It was obviously before jan 20.
Rudy's partial to a shot or seven, according to Patrick Byrne
You may have something there, fren.
Going from DC into Trump territory
this makes me want a whiskey.
As the planefags have pointed out, there are two planes that are used with the call sign AF1. These planes can also be used for non-potus flights, as well. I doubt they take the time to swap out the glasses and napkins between these different types of flights.
All the above picture proves is that someone had the privilege of riding on one of these planes. As to who this person was, when it was, or why they were on it, well, we have no way of knowing.
If this photo cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet, then it's proof that GEORGE was on the plane.
Is it just me or are the communications and images coming out of George lately reminiscent of Q? Has “17” became a “6”?
I might be slow on this, but what would “6” represent?
Oops, 7. lol!!!
The letter G.
This is an inflection point. Think mirror: the point between the past and future when both are the same.
We're on the brink.
Well thats pretty damn cool..
Looks like some flat Diet Coke. Maybe he changed brands and is having us guess his new drink of choice??
Trump doesnt drink alcohol
Implying that this is someone else's drink and not a photo from Trump himself. Someone else who was with him on AF1.
Looks like lipgloss on that glass
Is this the actual image or just a screen grab? Because when I reverse image search this is the only result that pops up
I believe I saved it but I don’t remember, sorry dude
If these photos are from Twitter 1....would that be signaling that this new George place is a replacement for Twitter 1? So possibly..... look to Twitter Just thinking...
On aircraft, same as boats, tall glasses are to be avoided because they tip easily. Don't assume that's alcohol just because it looks like a highball glass.
Highball glasses are tall glasses. Lowball glasses are short and wide. The photo shows a lowball glass.
I stand corrected. It is an Old Fashioned glass.
on the same post, there was some Kim Jung Un, ill, Rocket Man when GEOTUS walked into NK like a boss. That was the best day. I remember all of the exploding heads as the media were shitting themselves. that photo was also deleted.
I can imagine the conversation of the photo "yes I will have a pre take off beverage service, Your finest Diet Coke Please."
Its GEORGEs Glass and He has recently REAL recently been on a plane with POTUS-IN-EXILE.
Just saying, this type of cup/napkin would be pretty cheap to have made if you wanted.
Maybe it’s ginger ale? And for what it’s worth, here is great story about Trump and Nixon https://www.chron.com/news/nation-world/article/When-Donald-Trump-partied-with-Richard-Nixon-in-10807336.php
It tells me, be of good cheer, THE GREAT GAME is STILL in PLAY.
Anyone run this image for encoded messages? People were talking alot about that last week here. Maybe they noticed and put one in this image.
And the point of this is WHAT?
GEORGE is looked over by everybody on here almost, and openly is on Trumps side. Nobody gives GEORGE the time of day. Well GEORGE posted a series of photos and videos that only GEORGE has (nowhere else on the internet) and the pictures are taken from GEORGE.
In other words, GEORGE is close to DJT45. You and I are not. I think we should all trust GEORGE a little bit more after they proved how close they are to DJT45
Or they were able to acquire these photos. That is all they’ve proven. Once they’ve decided to stop with the bullshit games and show something substantial, we’ll start to care. They’re just trying to get attention to yet another bullshit media company. Fuck all of that to Hell. Maybe they think they’re being cute, but we’re all fucking done with cute around these parts.
Any pixel not shit in there?
The thing about that photo is DJT does NOT drink alcohol. So either that's not alcohol or that's not DJT's glass -- IF that's what's being inferred.
Simpler, could just be saying, that's our glass.
45 degree triangle created on bottom left
I see that our tax money is not well spent.
Instead of spending $thousands to print up "presidential logo" napkins and engraved whiskey glasses... wouldn't it be better to spend that money on ammunition? or spend it on building one more panel in the border wall?
How about spending that money on securing the U.S. electrical grid from foreign interference?
I can think of a LOT of things our nation needs... other than engraved whiskey glasses. :>)
A bit naïve to think that money isn't spent on engraving items related to the office of the president, I think.
How bout we spend more time bitching about the millions sent to Sudan and Pakistani gender studies than the thousands or maybe even only hundreds spent labeling napkins? My company labels our promo items and covfefe mugs, it really isn't all that expensive, and the money goes to the AMERICANs who work at those printing/labeling jobs. Yeesh, pick your battles a little more wisely.
I get your sentiment, but this is a stupid ass comment.