Very amusing post! To the half of this board who though this post was real, please just lurk. Do not post. Do not upvote or downvote. You’ve proven yourselves to be gullible/ignorant and you’re shitting the bed.
Wait, you thought it was real, along with the 28 “autists” who upvoted you? Not surprised. BECAUSE I AM HIGH ENERGETICALLY PROCLAIMING YOU ALL AS GENIUSES. LOVE YOU ALL!
I frequent patriots win and decided to poke my head in here real quick to see what the deal was with March 4th and saw this post. Funniest stuff I've seen in awhile other than some drag queen at a Senate hearing where people were taking it seriously. Glad I saw this thread.
Ha ha awesome!
Very amusing post! To the half of this board who though this post was real, please just lurk. Do not post. Do not upvote or downvote. You’ve proven yourselves to be gullible/ignorant and you’re shitting the bed.
Nobody believed this was real, we all just had a good laugh. Suck dicks faggot.
Read the rest of the comments, and edit history if necessary. Plenty thought it was real.
I have to say...of all the sites I follow this one has the funniest members!
This sequence of events has my sides in shambles
Wait, you thought it was real, along with the 28 “autists” who upvoted you? Not surprised. BECAUSE I AM HIGH ENERGETICALLY PROCLAIMING YOU ALL AS GENIUSES. LOVE YOU ALL!
Nobody believed this was real, we all just had a good laugh. Suck dicks faggot.
EXCELLENT trolling.
This is flawless and hilarious
In all seriousness I was browsing GA in a mexican restaurant yesterday for an hour.
Name checks out? lol
I blame the cabbage man.
Gheez this is a year old post!!
Hahahaha well...
this comment is so underrated, it's a crime...
"Does this look like a Q to you? How about now?" time 15:12 to 15:14
sorry, it's just my favorite joke here :)
Remember, they can't understand or do humor (yet)
?..this is great!
Carpe diem fren!
Lol, I don’t even care if this is the same guy with 3 different accounts. Points for original humor.
No doubt!
Classic ?
I carry around a pocket projector and just project it on walls in waiting rooms.
Every time I enter a room, I always shout Q sent me!
I yell ‘WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL” then beeline out the door. Last time someone locked it and I looked like a total idiot.
Hahaha, the memes write themselves nowadays
I get the most interesting reactions when I do this in the restroom...
Lmao picturing that!
Haha i laughed while typing it. Just showing up to waiting rooms I have no appointment with like it's a St. Patty's pub crawl.
Me too. I want to see if there's anything new. I get FOMO. Kekittykek
Well played sir!! We'll played.
Top kek fren. Top fucking kek!
There are no coincidences.
Now that is funny. I love you guys and gals.. NO HOMO!
Lmaooo yes
I wondered if someone was gonna capture GodEmperorUSA's response.
I'm happy to see I wasn't let down.
I HAD to. He gave me GOLD and it became the trifecta.
I am gay for this meme. Excellent job, OP!
Wtf did I miss today?
I frequent patriots win and decided to poke my head in here real quick to see what the deal was with March 4th and saw this post. Funniest stuff I've seen in awhile other than some drag queen at a Senate hearing where people were taking it seriously. Glad I saw this thread.
Awesome Pede! I’m back and forth constantly. Like I said to another Pede, the opportunity presented itself and I ran with it. Right place, right time.
This makes me happy! Laughing like an idiot
That makes me happy Pede! Didn’t think it would bring this much joy to everyone!
It did! Thanks again
I check several times a day.
Get a room already sheesh
There are no quincidences.
Teehee -
How I sound explaining Q in a nutshell
Thank you for the levity.
Very much welcome. ??
I love it when things seem slow here...