I used the same term as recently as yesterday! I'm in it for the long haul, but have great difficulty understanding why so much is being allowed to spiral into the abyss. Small businesses close every day, maybe every minute or worse.
Not dooming, just sayin' -- the end of this madness cannot come soon enough.
We see it but normies are still asleep. It’s like those of us that know are sitting in the first car on the roller coaster and we are heading straight down!
Thought I was the only one to say that phrase anymore (all going to hell in a handbasket) lol. My grandmother was always a hoot, no filters, said what she said and didn't apologize for it, she said the best phrases ... my kids (all grown now) I'm sure have heard a number of them over the years as they would pop out of my mouth without thinking about it.
And I do agree, wish they would move it along (I know it all has to happen when it happens) because our world is going to hell in a handbasket... and very quickly too! Now they have conservatives going after "qanon" people, saying we are nuts, making things worse for conservatives and if it wasn't for us the NG wouldn't be needed in DC anymore. I thought people were waking up, but I wonder if msm is driving some away down the dark side.
Oh I use all kinds of expressions that have been passed on through the generations. I frequently say something is a far cry as in "the mountains in PA are a far cry from the mountains in CO. A lot of my sayings are PA Dutch in origin, and I'm always stunned when I say something that others have no idea what I mean and then remember that outside of a few PA countries, some of my expressions sound quite strange.
We have been consistently failed by all three branches (legislative, executive, judicial). The final case at the SCOTUS was their last opportunity to do the right thing. They failed. Now is the time.
ETA: When I refer to executive branch failures, that's all on resident Biden, not our beloved GEOTUS.
I think, as a whole, we have caused many to open their eyes. To question. To doubt. That is good. Very good. I have a strong hunch we will start seeing progress move into the public arena rather than just behind the scenes.
I know we are all supposed to hate Twatter, but it really is a shame that DJT doesn't have his Twatter account anymore. Before he used to be ever present.
They make money from vlogs, so it's profitable to give people the content they want. You won't make much money saying that Hillary Clinton obviously hasn't been arrested, and there is no reason to think she ever will be.
Thinking ahead - all the stuff to be released - it covers a lot of very BIG stuff and HUGE accusations. I'm picturing it to being a very fine line between this and madness. I'm starting to wish it will be kept private; the bad actors are gone, but we don't have any details. I'd like details but I just don't think the rest of the public could take it.
I'm starting to wish it will be kept private; the bad actors are gone, but we don't have any details. I'd like details but I just don't think the rest of the public could take it.
The masses need to see some level of details of WHY everyone was tried and executed, or they will automatically believe it was merely a horrific nazi nightmare of mindless slaughter and political purging. Remember, these are people who love their H'wood "stars" and pet politicians the way normal people love their dogs.
Please come back. We all have missed your smiling face, your positive attitude, your Americanism--everything that makes you the greatest leader in the world, not just in the United States. Your supporters base has grown greatly because you won bigly! We all love you and want you back.
Well hurry the hell up Mr. President. It's all going to hell in a handbasket.
I used the same term as recently as yesterday! I'm in it for the long haul, but have great difficulty understanding why so much is being allowed to spiral into the abyss. Small businesses close every day, maybe every minute or worse.
Not dooming, just sayin' -- the end of this madness cannot come soon enough.
We see it but normies are still asleep. It’s like those of us that know are sitting in the first car on the roller coaster and we are heading straight down!
Great analogy. We can hardly wait to get to the next and highest pinnacle!
Trust the plan duh
Thought I was the only one to say that phrase anymore (all going to hell in a handbasket) lol. My grandmother was always a hoot, no filters, said what she said and didn't apologize for it, she said the best phrases ... my kids (all grown now) I'm sure have heard a number of them over the years as they would pop out of my mouth without thinking about it.
And I do agree, wish they would move it along (I know it all has to happen when it happens) because our world is going to hell in a handbasket... and very quickly too! Now they have conservatives going after "qanon" people, saying we are nuts, making things worse for conservatives and if it wasn't for us the NG wouldn't be needed in DC anymore. I thought people were waking up, but I wonder if msm is driving some away down the dark side.
Oh I use all kinds of expressions that have been passed on through the generations. I frequently say something is a far cry as in "the mountains in PA are a far cry from the mountains in CO. A lot of my sayings are PA Dutch in origin, and I'm always stunned when I say something that others have no idea what I mean and then remember that outside of a few PA countries, some of my expressions sound quite strange.
Did he actually say that? Or are you talking to a meme?
Now that the last lawsuit has been tossed out, yes. It is time.
This is my feeling as well.
We have been consistently failed by all three branches (legislative, executive, judicial). The final case at the SCOTUS was their last opportunity to do the right thing. They failed. Now is the time.
ETA: When I refer to executive branch failures, that's all on resident Biden, not our beloved GEOTUS.
I think, as a whole, we have caused many to open their eyes. To question. To doubt. That is good. Very good. I have a strong hunch we will start seeing progress move into the public arena rather than just behind the scenes.
Your right but I doubt anything is going to happen
Enough already... Let's do IT
I know we are all supposed to hate Twatter, but it really is a shame that DJT doesn't have his Twatter account anymore. Before he used to be ever present.
I think he has several under John Barron that he says are parody accounts so they don’t ban him. Some of them sound like him.
I'm hearing some strong rumors Hillary was arrested. A few Latin American vloggers have talked about it.
Any ideas?
How did Latin American vloggers end up with that information??
They make money from vlogs, so it's profitable to give people the content they want. You won't make much money saying that Hillary Clinton obviously hasn't been arrested, and there is no reason to think she ever will be.
My Favorite President.
Time to drop the bombs!
I am holding onto a molecule, maybe an atom of HOPE now and I pray a lot.
Seriously, how bad must it get?
Thinking ahead - all the stuff to be released - it covers a lot of very BIG stuff and HUGE accusations. I'm picturing it to being a very fine line between this and madness. I'm starting to wish it will be kept private; the bad actors are gone, but we don't have any details. I'd like details but I just don't think the rest of the public could take it.
The masses need to see some level of details of WHY everyone was tried and executed, or they will automatically believe it was merely a horrific nazi nightmare of mindless slaughter and political purging. Remember, these are people who love their H'wood "stars" and pet politicians the way normal people love their dogs.
That's why it needs to happen on Joe Bidan's watch.
Beyond time!!!
Get on with it already
Pleassssssssssse now...its so stressing me out..I want this to happen...
Any time Pisani, any time.
at this point, time for what?
Amen to THAT!
Love this, going to share like crazy
I can't freaking wait! I will sing and dance in the street!!!!!!!!!!
Please come back. We all have missed your smiling face, your positive attitude, your Americanism--everything that makes you the greatest leader in the world, not just in the United States. Your supporters base has grown greatly because you won bigly! We all love you and want you back.
It's meaningless when Psaki says it, but if Trump does . . .
Are we at the precipice yet, or do we need to edge closer to the cliff?