How long have you all been awake? It's been about 8-9 months for me since i've found out how fucked up and depraved the world truly is. I couldn't imagine what it must have been like for people who have known all this stuff since 9/11. How have you dealt with it? How has it effected your personal lives? Have there been any benefits? and lastly, how the flying fuck have you not offed yourselves? Because Christ almighty this has been a heavy burden to deal with alone. All my friends and family think i'm going nuts, it's forcing me to become a bit of a recluse, and it sucks complete ass.
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Welcome aboard, it's a very heavy burden to carry. The best way to cope is to just tell as many people as possible. Talk to everyone and share. You'll find 100 call you crazy, but 1 won't and they'll be your new best friend.
I tried telling my friends but I got ridiculed beyond belief. I red-pilled the fuck out of my dad and it's all we talk about all day everyday haha. Thank God I have him.
This ^....and live your life right before God. Be an example for the sleeping world, it speaks volumes.
Yeah, you cannot make people open their eyes nor can you wake them up. You can only throw crumbs of truth in front of them, and hope something jogs them. This is exactly what Q did as well. He did not scream at us and try to change our minds. He simply threw crumbs and only those who wanted to, were able to see.
I think that is a coward's move.
If you're at the store and people are smearing God's name and talking about worshipping satan, do you just stand there and think, Well, if they ask my opinion, I'll let them know I don't agree with them, otherwise, I'll just let them spread their filth.
? Welcome to my world! I’ve been “awake” as long as I can remember. As a kid, I read actual books so I’ve always known about the cabal and whatnot, but I didn’t allow myself (yes, I tried to stay sleep) to really see the whole until about a decade ago.
How has it affected my life?! OMG! Let’s see... no TV meant I had more time to get to know myself - and I’m still learning who I am - beautiful journey, btw. But I’ve learned how to grow my own food (all kinds of methods), harness free water and energy from the earth (even made my own radio ?), but most importantly... I realized the most important stuff in life isn’t actually ‘stuff’ at all!
I suppose most would think I’m a little unappreciated, living the American dream and and all - I mean, who makes a 6 figure income and not give a shit about money? 5 bedroom house built to spec, yet it’s one of the few regrets - need a damn housekeeper just to keep it clean, LOL. But what can I say - I’m busy as hell crafting and shit! Last year, I made my own fire logs from repurposed cardboard, even made the best plastic mallet from used bottles (and it’s colorful & pretty!). Not that I am preparing for when SHTF, but I’m confident I’ll survive if it does.
So much more - I’m always excited to talk about it. But completely sucks ass - it does NOT for me! But don’t worry... you’ll find yourself. And once you do, you’ll start getting into shit you never thought you’d have interest in. Then your complaints will be about time... not having enough hours in a day because there’s so much to do, so much to learn!!! And time isn’t something you’d want to waste... we don’t get that shit back.
It sounds like we have had some similar experiences. I haven't owned a TV for over three decades. It's AMAZING what one can learn in all that extra time.
It’s wonderful, isn’t it! Lol.
How’s your sleep pattern, if you don’t mind me asking... since I stopped fighting trying to live life as a zombie (that’s what I call people who’s still asleep, lol), I maybe get about 4 hrs a night, if that - and I’m completely productive, even more so than if I got the recommended “8 hrs” bullshit a night, which actually zombifies me, lol. I can days without sleep and still be at the top of my game.
Speaking of recommendations... do you still eat the recommended meals: breakfast, lunch & dinner? I eat when my damn body tells me it’s hungry and I’m healthier than ever. I’ve never did the 8 glasses of water a day (although I think they lowered it to 6 now), I drink water when my body is thirsty... Recoup & healing times is much faster than the norm for me - I think it has something to do with the fact that I listen to my body, rather than what I’m told my body needs - as if they fucking know - every body has different needs.
To me, even my eating/sleep habits have to do with the “awakening” process; which doesn’t end when we realize ‘where’ we live.
I rarely sleep for more than five hours, it's been that way for a very long time. Years ago I used to worry about it, but like you I figure if I get tired my body will tell me and I'll sleep. And no, I don't eat three meals a day. I only eat when I'm hungry. My appetite can vary wildly depending on what I'm doing. I agree that everybody is different and their nutritional needs at any given moment will differ. I sort of naturally fell into intuitive eating and ask my body what it needs, but I try not to eat anything made in a factory. And a resounding HELL NO on drinking 8 glasses of water per day, that's a recipe for disaster in my opinion. My cells seem to need very specific mineral balance and I have found that drinking too much water causes a stress response at the cellular level.
Pretty sure I sound like a full on Nutter, lol.
Guess that makes two of us, lol. But I love your word choice: intuitive eating! That’s exactly what it is, thank you for that!
And you’re right about the mineral imbalance, too... just like they have us celebrating the new year in the dead of winter, they fooled us into believing we need to rid our bodies of the minerals/nutrients our bladder stores for our body until needed, lol.
At any rate - I’m just glad I’m not the only “kook” ? Although I may be a much bigger one, lol. Case in point - I can’t eat potato skins! Lol I know they say the skin is where all the goodies are supposed to be - but I’m sorry... ‘they’ lie about everything and it just makes sense that the skin, being a barrier and all - would have the most toxins; the baddies, right! LOL
For me it has been 4 years. It has made me really be calculated on who I let in. In conversations I will pick a tiny nugget of truth to drop and see how the person reacts. I do it through a joke or sarcastic comment. I keep the truth to myself mostly but I have my tribe.
I wish I had a tribe :( In Australia we are so privileged and detached from the rest of the world that everyone's convinced the world is perfect and we'll never face adversity ever again. Used to think you yankees were fucktards, now i'd kill to be one of you guys.
basically people think I'm mentally retarded, gullible, and they're afraid to ask about any of it. everyone deep down knows something is up, but they've locked their imaginations away for so long they are afraid of what they know is possible. hardest part is watching them live in fear.
I've been awake since 1987. I attended a seminar where the speaker presented biblical prophecy pointing to the coming One World government, famines, quakes and pestilence, a cashless society, the mark of the beast and the coming persecution for Believers, etc.
I was very young and being " awake" had a PROFOUND effect on my ensuing life decisions. I made some choices that my friends and family considered to be pretty radical based on what I learned that fateful day. I decided to leave the city and buy some acreage out in the country. I learned how to garden, raise and slaughter chickens, milk goats and cook from scratch. When It came time to have babies I decided to give birth at home and NOT vaccinate my children. I also chose to home school my kids so they would not get indoctrinated. Additionally, I vowed not to get into debt. I started my own business so that I could work from home. My marriage ended due to my ex-husband's horrific addiction to pornography. As such, my journey, especially as a single mother, has not been easy and was occasionally fraught with periods of being very poor because I refused to put my kids in school and get a "real" job. Unfortunately self-employment can be feast or famine income-wise. But we got through it.
I definitely lost family and friends along the way, my mother and step-father are the only members of my family who I still have a relationship with. There are some family members that I took the initiative to delete out of my life, there are others who deleted me. It's sad, but true. I guess the way I see it is that I'd rather have a few really meaningful connections as opposed to lots of superficial "friends". My now grown children are healthy, strong and completely grounded, we are very close. It's hard to put a price on that, so yes I view that as HUGE benefits. Plus I'm debt free and semi-retired at age 54.
Watching the destruction unfold all around us is depressing, but for me it's absolutely expected. One of the most frustrating events was 9/11. It was SO OBVIOUS to me that it was an inside job, but I couldn't share my views with anyone. Truly soul crushing depression and a deeply jaded/negative outlook on life was unavoidable. I've since found a variety of ways to mitigate the stressors. Offing myself was not an option cuz I had young kids. I am a bit of loner and it can suck at times, but I eventually remarried at the end of 2015. Try to imagine the burden of me having to explain my conspiratorial views to the men I dated! It was pretty damn funny and most dudes ran for the hills, lol.
this is so accurate ahahaha
The lockdown began a year ago for me, as well as this rollercaster ride. I began suggesting that the situation was so strange that i might not be surprised if aliens appeared. If you give me a Second Coming, I might just fetch some pop corn: the whole situation has both given me True Faith and loss of interest for conversations with normies. They’re just cattle whose business I do not mind nor seek.
There is no comfort in the truth, but somehow it's STILL preferable to living a lie.
I've been awake a LOOOOONGGG time. My whole life, really. When I was just a child I used to watch alien documentaries with my dad. Have always believed in aliens.
Then in the the mid-90's my "awakeness" moved to the next level.
My parents HATED the Clintons. (Parents were always non-party Indies) They knew they were ultra-dirty. They bought this VHS video about how corrupt the Clintons are. It particularly focused on the Mena, Arkansas case. IF you don't know it -- and you should -- here's a link:
Judicial Watch
I watched that doc a couple times and we even passed it to friends and other family to try to "red-pill" them before red pill was a thing.
Then there was Flight 800 and the Princess Di assassination. The Princess Di assass, of all things, led me to uncovering the whole truth as we know it and that's when I put everything together and had my "Neo moment" of clarity that everything I was taught to believe -- the whole world was a lie.
About 12 years. The Denver airport started my journey.
Edit: my life is turned upside down. I can’t find anyone close to me to talk to about these things without feeling crazy as hell.
True, lol.
9/11??? how about since the waco tx incident and I pray, Bible study and put my faith in God's plan, its the only way to keep my sanity
I sobbed over Waco. And Ruby Ridge. Absolute utter ABOMINATION.
I’ve been awake since August 23, 2014, after James Foley’s beheading. (That wasn’t him in that fake, pitiful film.) Then pizzagate was exposed. Barf. This has completely affected every aspect of my life. Ignorance is truly bliss. But, there were people on the previous boards who had been wide awake since JFK! So, hang in there, magayd45! Just keep the faith that the truth will prevail, and try to enjoy this strange movie! Popcorn day is tomorrow, after all!
Yeah I never bought into the beheadings and the ISIS shit. What Toyota dealership was able to supply 5000 hilux pick ups complete with machine gun assembly as standard with no delivery wait time.
We had a beheading in the UK and the blood on the killer looked like red paint.
I've been awake since 2012 i would say, but it took robert deniro's actions towards President Trump to seek out why he would act like that. That is how i found Q
I've found the ones who distanced themselves from me when i begun down the rabbit hole, were ones i did not want on my team when shit hits the fan anyways. I post frequently on my facelog most my findings that arent "too much" for the normie to digest.
You will find there's more people who agree with you than are willing to admit. I get something like 5 private messages a day from friends that i figured had me blocked or unfollowed cause of my daily messages.
Come to find out, their eyes were opened by my message and they are afraid to "publicly" announce their feelings, even by a simple like. Its crazy.
Welcome aboard. 4 years and still head spinning. Wouldn't change it.
you're going thru the 5 Stages of Grief, except all at once, (with one difference*): Anger. Denial. Bargaining. Depression. *Resolution (instead of Acceptance).
Since the phony Iraq war. For some reason I knew Hussein was a con the moment I heard his campaign slogan. Never voted for this criminal, Flip Flop Mitt, or McCain.
Been at it since about 2003.
You have to choose words carefully when talking to normies. Turn off your TV (MSM) Take breaks from this stuff and go out in nature as much as possible or as needed.
Be patient and kind with those that reject your thoughts.
The anxiety and feeling of doom goes away, especially when you find more community and people to support you, it just takes time.
Don't let it become your whole identity, but try to keep up your own morals and beliefs, while constantly challenging the
For as long as I can remember I’ve been something of a Contrarian.
It was whilst having to sit and watch CNN on election night with my son ( he’d just spent 4 years at college in the States.) I felt like I was in a parallel universe where all things were wrong.Crapper and Cuomo were spouting such rubbish.
The next day I turned on the radio(right wing UK station) in the car and they had their anti Trump liberal professor in US studies spouting bile about Trump.
Via X22 I found myself here.
My first great awakening was many years ago, but when I participated in Pizzagate research on Reddit and then Voat, I hit a new level.
The more you speak and hone your red pilling skills the faster you will wake people up. Remember they are crazy not you Realize they will have no intelligent response to dispute you. You are more educated, and you know it.
been awake -ish since circa 2008 with regard to 911 and some things but really awakened in 2016 just through good ol deep diving online combined with my life experiences. if one goes deep enough you really can make sense of everything of great significance and explain why it's that way.
I didn't discover Q until the end of 2020 so my path may be much different than most here. While it'd different, as an engineer I very much appreciate that my path serves as a double check of reality in the sense that I got there a very different way without being directed to research certain matters.
it's this realization that has me convinced there's a very dark evil out there and that Q is real
in terms of relationships, reality is so much stranger than fiction since really awakening starting in 2016 that it was hard to socialize at times, and I'm very social with lots of friends. it was just very hard to have mundane conversations about the MSM BS propaganda and meaningless sports, etc especially knowing the evil behind so much of it.
it wasn't long before I felt it necessary to let all friends and family know that we were in a burning building. many still think I'm loopy I'm sure and it has strained some relationships for sure, but I do my best to make them realize I do it out of love.
I do have the slight advantage that I'm, if I can judge myself, a successful person both personally with relationships and financially. I recognize, albeit wrongly, that many judge a person's success and intelligence by their financial success. While I could argue long and hard about how this a terrible measure of true "success" and intelligence, I knew it would get normies to listen to me more than they might be willing to listen to others so I used that to my advantage.
I've redpilled my share of people but not nearly as many as I'd like to have.
anyway that's my story. good luck in your adventure and if you need any specific advice and think I might be of use do feel free to ask
10 years dude. I woke up when I was 17 so I don’t remember what it was like to be a normie honestly.
I have always known that 9/11 was more than meets the eye, but I always put it off as "bad government people doing bad things, nothing we can do" - just like killing Kennedy.
Meuller report was a big eye opener and I wondered by none of the MSM was really reporting clearly whether Trump was guilty or not. It was always "There is no collusion, BUT..."
On hindsight, these should have been the catalyst to get me to do more digging. But again I just wrote it off a generic incompetency of the establishment.
It was not until last year when the BLM craziness started that it really hit me in the face. Just couldn't ignore the blatant and constant lying by the media. Thats when I discovered Q and suddenly everything fell in place. All the open questions I had until then just clicked into place all at one.
When I started talking about this stuff to my dad, the only thing he kept repeating was "Are you okay learning all this? This stuff is really depressing, dont let it get to you".
Then recently I was talking to my gardener and bam - he has been following Q since the beginning. He opened his eyes long before 9/11 it seems. He never had kids for this reason. He didnt want to bring any new lives into this f'ed up world.
In a way, I am glad I wasnt fully awake until this close to the end. If I was, I dont know if I could have enjoyed my life to the fullest. Probably a blessing in disguise.
It also explains all those people, the whole lot of ex-intel, ex-CIA people, who are brilliant but they live like recluses. Many times they come across as crazy, but in reality they have just checked out of the society because they know how evil this society is.
If the Great Awakening does not happen, I dont think I can go back to the society. I will probably be a recluse the same way, interacting with the society just enough to ensure my son has a good life.
Since 2016. It definitely takes a long time to process everything and adapt, a year or two maybe. We all go through it. I don’t talk about it with people who are totally asleep. Only with those who have the potential to wake up. But they are few and far between.
I was always skeptical as a child...Never believed in Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy etc. I have memories of being confused about the things I heard on TV - and not believing what they were saying because to me it sounded off. I began questioning the things I heard and many times I KNEW the MSM was lying. Fast forward to adulthood, Waco TX, 9/11, Princess Di, Plane Crashes, The Gulf War, - there are so many. It does suck not having the rose colored glasses on, because it would be so simple to just ignore what is uncomfortable, but being awake has benefited me as well. It has helped me raise strong conservative sons and be an influence in nieces and nephews lives as well. I have always given them things to think about, not beaten anything in their heads. I have always asked them questions to help them question what they see and hear.
I have learned over the years that this approach has helped more than just hitting someone with information that what normies call crazy. Ask questions - I have found that "Does that sound right to you?" "Isn't it weird that.....", "do you really believe that..." Just simple open ended questions.
I have followed Q from the time Q started posting. Kinda stumbled across and have been digging ever since. Things finally made sense to me - I guess I went from awake to AWAKE.
I have met some of the most wonderful people on this journey. We are here for a reason. We were meant to be here - this time, this place. Our purpose is laid out for us. WWG1WGA is more than a saying.
I’ve been awake since last July. I’m still in the process of waking up over things from the past (9-11, Waco, etc.). It’s pretty lonely here. But I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’m blessed in that the majority of my family is conservative and heavily so, but My husband and I are the only Qtards that we know in real life. I’m so grateful for this community. I just hope I get to meet some of you someday in real life.