Let’s not reintroduce these false ass social identity concepts/crisis/whatever the elites conditioned us into believing. This platform have opened up many of eyes; helped a lot of folks realize how we’ve been tricked into hating each other.
And BLM isn’t protesting. It’s a terrorist organization in disguised. It was established to create and further divide we the people. I’m black and I have never supported BLM, nor do I know any black person who does. The only people I know who used to (past tense), were my white friends who were guilted into supporting the movement. We - black & white alike - were and are all victimized by this program.
Yes, BLM and Antifa are created by Soros or someone like them to separate and destroy America. They're using the division of race. They're a terrorist organization.
However the useful idiots that join BLM do believe that there is White Supremacy and Blacks are being disenfranchised. Many regular people believe that Blacks are being killed right and left by policemen and don't know the truth.
The leaders of BLM may know of the statistics, but their followers, activists and the general public do not. So, yes the people of BLM do believe Blacks are being killed right and left by policemen. It's good to see the truth and the numbers. And I'm not white.
Thanks; you actually made me realize the narrative shift. The theme shifted from disenfranchised black to white supremacy... which I’m sure was intentional.
Initially it was all about inclusion, diversity, equality - seemingly innocent motivation. Now it’s moved onto white supremacy - lets rid the police, military of these ‘evil people who don’t think BLM’, which of course we know is bullshit.
Yes, I agree they did fool the general public - thankfully people are waking up and realizing they were tricked.
And actually, they’ve moved on from the blacks being killed by police theme because they accomplished what they wanted - people to believe it. This is why we’re not hearing about these injustices any more.
We’ve now entered into another phase of false flags...
No, I made no such claim. I said my white friends were (even pointed out past tense!) in the beginning when it was thought to be a legitimate movement - but it never was. Even blacks who opened local BLM chapters eventually realized it was all a sham and abandoned the movement as well. It was basically a bait and switch - the goal was to build an army of domestic terrorists.
Look at the BLM ‘protesters’ involved in holding people up in a grocery store in NY the other day... what do you see? Mostly whites dressed in antifa traditional black clothing. Again, I’m not saying only whites are BLM. I’m saying the ‘BLM movement’ that lots of people were conned into supporting (peacefully) is over.
There are plenty of discussions on this board you can search for to help you understand/learn about BLM. Antifa agitators injected within BLM protests started the rioting, which of course lots of sheep followed their lead and burned cities - this only happened in blue states. Many vids show scenes where an Antifa member started destructive behavior, even paying stupid blacks to throw bricks they planted throughout the cities before the protests even started in the cities. Local authorities were paid big bucks to allow it to happen; it’s even pointed out in Q drops.
Look at my posts from the other day... I created a collage with screenshots to show that BLM and Antifa have officially united. The only people who are engaging in their ‘protests’ now are those who were tricked/conditioned into becoming radicalized.
A local brewery supported them last summer and they have lost out on a year’s worth of business from me and my friends and family since. I see the owner at other places and act nice, I’m trying not to hate on him too much for it but he was pretty gung ho, publically on Facebook, into mocking even the idea that BLM was a Marxist organization trying to start a Communist revolution... Things their website proudly says as it flaunts their leaders’ credentials and their selfies with Maduro.
When I know what I know, it’s soooooo hard not to hate these people when they mock us because they’re so unbelievably ignorant, and are denying first hand evidence, stuck in Dunning Kruger idiot land.
It really is, and explains a lot of how people react to things, because you know they're too lazy to read beyond the headlines, and the headlines force them into reactive, emotional responses.
Another example, I just listened to an XM radio DJ say "i'm not into political issues" and then talk about how DC should be a state so they're represented.. The most useful of idiots.
A better movement is, regardless of skin color, uniting us around the idea of defeating the evil, corrupt 1 percenters of the NWO.
APART, we are weak.
Q Post 3907 - > We are all God's children.
We are, FATHERS.
We are, MOTHERS.
We are, SONS.
We are, SISTERS.
We do not look at race.
We do not look at skin color.
TDW transplants? I know of the site, but never been, lol.
I hear it got really bad over there with shills. But for the real users... I don’t think I understand why they would shill here? Do they not like this community or something?
They hate this community. User of both. Them for sometimes funny memes. Here for actual research and critical thinking. Was apart of that group before they were a .win site and was forced to move. I’ve followed every q account on Twitter they got erased too. Forever in search of truth and real news.
Some of them don't, they think we're stopping them from starting a civil war. I think most acknowledge we're all family, but when they come here they often keep their TDW attitude of 'throw commies out of copters,' whereas if you follow Q you should realize that the left/right paradigm is false and we need to unite.
This is, at best, an ignorance driven misrepresentation of what the core of the BLM "movement" is attempting to change. It uses out dated metrics, fails to discuss the actual target populatoons involved, and...smells, of race baiting.
If the point was to remind everyone that a lot of senseless violence and property damage arose in the wake of the BLM "movement". Mission accomplished.
If the point was to provide counter evidence to the believed necessity of the "movement" by its memebers..... I'm afraid this dies not pass the bar.
The actual BLM rioters are 'useful idiots', while Soros is very smart. Who knew you could use scare tactics to intimidate the population into voting DemoKKKrat.
Are you familiar with BLM?
Let’s not reintroduce these false ass social identity concepts/crisis/whatever the elites conditioned us into believing. This platform have opened up many of eyes; helped a lot of folks realize how we’ve been tricked into hating each other.
And BLM isn’t protesting. It’s a terrorist organization in disguised. It was established to create and further divide we the people. I’m black and I have never supported BLM, nor do I know any black person who does. The only people I know who used to (past tense), were my white friends who were guilted into supporting the movement. We - black & white alike - were and are all victimized by this program.
I'll be honest all the blm supporters I've ever met were white, asian or brown.
Black Americans account for only 17 percent of those who say they attended a protest focused on race or racial equality in the last month, while 46 percent of those who said they attended a BLM protest are white. https://freewestmedia.com/2020/06/27/pew-research-majority-blm-protesters-are-white-democrats/?fbclid=IwAR2LyTBGoaA0_kHqUmMBMFHR_QzF1xv3DRe-VtvIq7jqR6DY6HfqWdRc5yM
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man".
Yes, BLM and Antifa are created by Soros or someone like them to separate and destroy America. They're using the division of race. They're a terrorist organization.
However the useful idiots that join BLM do believe that there is White Supremacy and Blacks are being disenfranchised. Many regular people believe that Blacks are being killed right and left by policemen and don't know the truth.
The leaders of BLM may know of the statistics, but their followers, activists and the general public do not. So, yes the people of BLM do believe Blacks are being killed right and left by policemen. It's good to see the truth and the numbers. And I'm not white.
Thanks; you actually made me realize the narrative shift. The theme shifted from disenfranchised black to white supremacy... which I’m sure was intentional.
Initially it was all about inclusion, diversity, equality - seemingly innocent motivation. Now it’s moved onto white supremacy - lets rid the police, military of these ‘evil people who don’t think BLM’, which of course we know is bullshit.
Yes, I agree they did fool the general public - thankfully people are waking up and realizing they were tricked.
And actually, they’ve moved on from the blacks being killed by police theme because they accomplished what they wanted - people to believe it. This is why we’re not hearing about these injustices any more.
We’ve now entered into another phase of false flags...
Urban Blacks blame Whites for everything and burned down their cities last summer.
Are you seriously claiming Whites are BLM ?
No, I made no such claim. I said my white friends were (even pointed out past tense!) in the beginning when it was thought to be a legitimate movement - but it never was. Even blacks who opened local BLM chapters eventually realized it was all a sham and abandoned the movement as well. It was basically a bait and switch - the goal was to build an army of domestic terrorists.
Look at the BLM ‘protesters’ involved in holding people up in a grocery store in NY the other day... what do you see? Mostly whites dressed in antifa traditional black clothing. Again, I’m not saying only whites are BLM. I’m saying the ‘BLM movement’ that lots of people were conned into supporting (peacefully) is over.
There are plenty of discussions on this board you can search for to help you understand/learn about BLM. Antifa agitators injected within BLM protests started the rioting, which of course lots of sheep followed their lead and burned cities - this only happened in blue states. Many vids show scenes where an Antifa member started destructive behavior, even paying stupid blacks to throw bricks they planted throughout the cities before the protests even started in the cities. Local authorities were paid big bucks to allow it to happen; it’s even pointed out in Q drops.
Look at my posts from the other day... I created a collage with screenshots to show that BLM and Antifa have officially united. The only people who are engaging in their ‘protests’ now are those who were tricked/conditioned into becoming radicalized.
Crystal Clear brother. Thank you.
A local brewery supported them last summer and they have lost out on a year’s worth of business from me and my friends and family since. I see the owner at other places and act nice, I’m trying not to hate on him too much for it but he was pretty gung ho, publically on Facebook, into mocking even the idea that BLM was a Marxist organization trying to start a Communist revolution... Things their website proudly says as it flaunts their leaders’ credentials and their selfies with Maduro.
When I know what I know, it’s soooooo hard not to hate these people when they mock us because they’re so unbelievably ignorant, and are denying first hand evidence, stuck in Dunning Kruger idiot land.
dunning kruger is the funniest thing ever. think about it...
It really is, and explains a lot of how people react to things, because you know they're too lazy to read beyond the headlines, and the headlines force them into reactive, emotional responses.
Another example, I just listened to an XM radio DJ say "i'm not into political issues" and then talk about how DC should be a state so they're represented.. The most useful of idiots.
A better movement is, regardless of skin color, uniting us around the idea of defeating the evil, corrupt 1 percenters of the NWO.
Q Post 3907 - > We are all God's children. We are, FATHERS. We are, MOTHERS. We are, DAUGHTERS. We are, SONS. We are, BROTHERS. We are, SISTERS. We do not look at race. We do not look at skin color.
Thank you!
This chart is a shill’s wet dream ?
There has been a lot of these kinds of posts lately. Not sure if shills or TDW transplants.
TDW transplants? I know of the site, but never been, lol.
I hear it got really bad over there with shills. But for the real users... I don’t think I understand why they would shill here? Do they not like this community or something?
They hate this community. User of both. Them for sometimes funny memes. Here for actual research and critical thinking. Was apart of that group before they were a .win site and was forced to move. I’ve followed every q account on Twitter they got erased too. Forever in search of truth and real news.
That’s what’s up! Lol. I spend a great deal of my day surfing the web, looking for what truth myself ?
Some of them don't, they think we're stopping them from starting a civil war. I think most acknowledge we're all family, but when they come here they often keep their TDW attitude of 'throw commies out of copters,' whereas if you follow Q you should realize that the left/right paradigm is false and we need to unite.
Blacks commit 51% of murders, yet constitute 13% of the population.
There not upset there doing what there told to do and they get paid for it
It don’t matter because LeBron James is oppressed because white peoples are literally hunting them people down.
They're upset about not getting any of that money the Democrats promised.
Shit no man, they caught hell for putting this out!
This is, at best, an ignorance driven misrepresentation of what the core of the BLM "movement" is attempting to change. It uses out dated metrics, fails to discuss the actual target populatoons involved, and...smells, of race baiting.
If the point was to remind everyone that a lot of senseless violence and property damage arose in the wake of the BLM "movement". Mission accomplished.
If the point was to provide counter evidence to the believed necessity of the "movement" by its memebers..... I'm afraid this dies not pass the bar.
Anyone have a graph of the 2020 numbers? Posting 2013 is just going to get attacked.
There's a group that encourages black on black violence, they've been behind it for 500 years... It's how the takeover of the African continent began.
Yup. They’re retarded.
The actual BLM rioters are 'useful idiots', while Soros is very smart. Who knew you could use scare tactics to intimidate the population into voting DemoKKKrat.
YES. Don’t forget Myanmar suspended George Soros’s money.
Or so they say.
no actually is is far more stupid. unarmed black killed by police. these numbers are almost non existent. save for the fentanyl o.ds