This current pope is a member of the Jesuit order. They are socialists. This guy is NOT representing most Catholics or their Catholic doctrine around the world. He's a fraud and I am hoping he falls into the deepest pit in hell!
the vatican was infiltrated by satanists a long time ago. i dont think there are many true catholic priests left in the vatican. but i presume that that the satanists are fighting amongst each other.
It was probably infiltrated within a few years after the death of Peter.
I think the satanists in the priest hood are arguing over how far they can push things with a few trying to hold the rest back from taking things too far too fast.
The Catholic church has been polluted completely. Even if you take away the gateway to hell they call the Vatican. The doctrines are corrupt and will not lead to salvation.
The money changers were corrupt beyond what you are talking about. Selling a t-shirt or asking for money isn't what the money changers did in the temple. They controlled the animals you could bring in for sacrifice, they turned the area meant for gentiles into the area where they did their dirty business and forced people to give them money to be forgiven. There is more that I've learned about recently, but it's not the same.
Don't mistake me. There are gigantic problems with the church right now. The church taking in money from non corrupt practices isn't a problem, what the church does with that money would be an issue specific to that church and not representative of all churches. I wish the ratio was better, but sadly I feel it's getting worse.
BTW the people who supposedly represent him? Kind of a blanket statement there. There are plenty of people that represent Jesus how they should that aren't financially corrupt. Besides, every Christian is supposed to be a representative of Jesus. It's in the text. We are meant to all spread the good word and bring people into the kingdom. I know it's frustrating seeing how the church leadership is failing, but it's not all of them.
You know what, I wasn't even really thinking about the catholic church in my post. Sadly I just realized why. I've already forsaken catholicism to the point I don't even consider them in the same category. I would put the catholic church below Mormons at this point because of how corrupt their doctrines are. I already consider the Vatican to be the seat of the false prophet that rises with the antichrist.
You are preaching brother. I agree. It's even gotten worse sadly. They have taken the information from millenia of Satan doing research on us. People like to give a lot of credit to the nazis for their work on mind control and it is terrifying how far it's come since even then, but the truth is that the art of manipulating others is as good if not better than straight mind control in some ways. You only have to look at how successful they have been at starting civil wars even before color revolution was a term. What's the difference between a cult and the blm/antifa rioters? I would label the whole lgbt thing as a cult as well. They are using cultism as a weapon to divide us. Sadly it's crazy effective.
The protestant churches are, mostly, corporate churches now. The ecumenical movement (a RCC thing) exists to bring these churches back to the fold under a common religious banner. Even the Seventh Day Adventist church has been corrupted by the ecumenical movement.
The ecumenical movement is directly contrary to Christ's direction. We are commanded to come out of corruption and be separate.
Other churches have begun adopting certain aspects of Catholic doctrine. The big examples are the Trinity, Sunday worship (which most never left in the first place), advocacy for Sunday laws, the substitution of church tradition over Biblical law, celebacy in the priest hood (Paul specifically said priests should be married in 1 Timothy), belief that judgement comes in the moment of death (looking down from Heaven or roasting in Hell), etc.
The Seventh Day Adventist church accepted the Trinity doctrine back in 1980. They try to pretend it isn't the same as the Catholic doctrine and if you read the fine print, it isn't, but in a few decades it will be indistinguishable.
The Bible is pretty clear on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the Gospel Christ says he will return to His apostles in Spirit and that He and His Father will be among them in Spirit. This is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Christ/God. It isn't a third being. The RCC teaches of a triune godhead which aligns with Babylonian, Egyptian, and Theban teaching, all of which have a sungod somewhere in their theology. In Babylonian, that's Tammuz. In Egyptian it is Amun-Ra (one step up from their trinity). In Theban it is Amun. What day did the Catholics "move the sanctity of the Sabbath" to? Sunday. Sunday was so-called because it is the day the Romans used to worship their sungod. What does Lucifer mean? Light-bringer.
Exekiel 8:13-16.
13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. 14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
15 Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. 16 And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
Even with all of those changes.... if the churches are growing their number by the day, and millions are being brought to Christ.... is there really such a need to rally against the ecumenical movement?
There are groups that are doing it the right way. I'd point you to take a look at the Association of Related Churches (ARC), and see how you jive with their doctrine. No offense, but you seem the type to find something wrong with it regardless.
I think the biggest problem Christianity has had in the last 50 years is too many people saying "No, THIS is the right way to worship"... when really, all that needs to be said is, "But if not for Jesus...."
The problem with Protestantism today is that it is lukewarm. The Protestant clergy is feminized to the point of apologizing to the rest of the world for asserting any sort of belief that might hurt a non-believers' fee-fees.
We're coming out of that cycle and entering a new one. The kids coming up through the ranks in protestant churches today are on FIRE for Jesus. They grew up in this hyper-sensitive world, and they know what it takes to get around it. PASSION is what bypasses it. You can mince words if you want, but it won't get you anywhere. When you introduce true passion and joy into what you do, any subtleties that are being misunderstood or misappropriated, or are misaligned or misattributed - they fall to the wayside. And the true and real and living message is what sticks.
Thats why I have so much hope for this younger generation, is we are learning from the mistakes of our parents. I know several folks with spirits that are on fire, and most if not all of them are younger than 20. The only reason we never hear about these people, is because our corporate media has blocked any mention of these great people, and because of that nobody talks about them.
Fair enough. I'm currently searching for a church for myself and my wife and am feeling a little jaded about it all. I shouldn't take that out on a whole group of churches. My bad.
Thanks. I grew up in a Christian school and have read the Bible through, but I'm looking for mentorship, which is why we left our previous church and are now searching. This world is full of people who have all the answers but give none of the leadership.
Definitely not a butt hurt catholic lol. Easter and christmas are not something churches should be doing and I see most protestant churches celebrating these things. How do you know? Well from what I see is our secular culture celebrates Christmas and Easter as well.
These come from pagan traditions, in the time these holidays were brought in to church is much like homosexuality and trans is being accepted in to churches now.
People should not be celebrating things that offend God.
My church celebrated Easter BIGLY. Hundreds received salvation. Our Easter broadcast was seen across the state on one of the primary news channels. It was an incredible move of the spirit. Anointed.
There was nothing we did on Sunday but celebrate the gift of Jesus. No egg hunting, no bunny rabbits, just Jesus. I do not believe we offended God, not even a little bit.
I mean that's good people got saved, but again in the Bible it says to do the "Feast of the Lord" not easter
It would also be wise to move out of worldly celebrations like easter because these newly saved people will be seeing what the world is doing and think that's okay to do stuff the world is doing because the church is doing it. That's why it's not great in a more logistical way.
Just like when all the celebrities thank Jesus for their awards then the baby Christians think it's okay to be apart of that world.. No Christian should not be a part of hollywood or the world.
That's how us conservative Christians have got in to this mess. Letting the world slowly drip in to the chruch.
Well the Roman cathic church is not Jesus. Church. The entire body of born again believers are. That's the Bible talking not me. cleave to the Word of God and ditch the organizations.
In fact historically the church Christ founded certainly is the Catholic Church. He prayed that we all might be one, but worldly interests mislead millions who rejected his authority vested in his church and they chose to set themselves up as their own little popes - thus we now have tens of thousands of denominations; what a scandal to those seeking the truth.
To study history is to cease being Protestant - cardinal Henry Newman, convert from Anglicanism.
Awesome that you went back! I can't bring myself to because I don't agree with Francis and alot of priests do. I'm so confused I just keep praying and reading my Bible but really miss the Eucharist. I know deceit will come from within the church in the end days (heck evil has always attacked the church from within and without) I think Vatican 2 has hurt the church. I don't understand Latin but am willing to learn so I can understand traditional mass but still not sure if that's even the way. Im hoping for an answer from above cause I think its a huge mess right now and don't want to be led astray. I'm afraid I already am
You don't need to understand Latin to enjoy the Latin mass. There are also Latin mass books you can buy that have all the Sunday mass readings in them with Latin on one side and English on the other, so you can follow along and learn at the same time. I highly recommend!
As a Catholic who was also raised Protestant and has attended pretty much every flavor of church there is, I find it important to speak up for the millions of good Christian Catholics who get bashed constantly by others who call themselves Christian. Nowhere have I ever experienced the level of hate and disgust than by some Protestants who have zero understanding of Catholicism and have never set foot in a Catholic Church. I also have some Protestant family and friends who are some of the kindest, most loving examples of Jesus’ love here on earth. So there is good and bad on both sides of the aisle, so to say.
I can also say that throughout history there has been much good as well as bad that has come from the Church. Catholics passed along faith and tradition through the dark ages, copied illuminated manuscripts of the Gospels, the full Bible, built communities to serve the poor and orphans, trained scholars and priests. They established the first universities. They carried the light of Christ for humanity through the dark ages. Saintly men and women lived and died for the faith and their love for God. Missionaries and explorers were sent throughout the world spreading the news of Jesus. Protestants gave the world a printed Bible, that while one can argue about the books, gave the ability for so many more people to have access to Scripture, and in some ways created an easier, more accessible doorway for people to learn about Jesus. We also have instances of dark times, like the inquisitions and puritanical Salem witch trials.
So while I believe institutions can be corrupted, as we have unfortunately seen, we have to have faith that God will carry us through and we have to look through a historical lens and not just a 2021 lens. I don’t know what it looks like but I know neither side is perfect. We have a 2,000 year old Catholic Church institution that has been infiltrated by communists and other evil people, and 20,000+ sects of Protestant Christianity each with their own “pope” in the form of a preacher, pastor, or church board. Let’s pick up our crosses and stop the hate, find common love in Jesus. Look, I’ve been heartbroken by so much of what I’ve experienced and seen through the years with institutional “church” on both sides. It leaves you feeling like you don’t have a place and you don’t belong. Honestly the happiest years of being Catholic for me was when I went to the Tridentine Latin mass. It was beautiful, simple, reverent and comforting, like nothing I had really known in the Novus Ordo. But I guess when you think about it, Jesus was the ultimate outsider who came to unite us all, and he was the bridge between ancient Jewish tradition and Christianity that would grow after his ascension. I’m sure there were times when he felt lonely, as though he didn’t belong. Prayers for all of you as we navigate these strange times.
As another faithful traditional Catholic, thank you for saying this. I've not gotten as much hate from atheists as I do from Protestants who think they know better or know more about my own faith than I do. It's really disheartening and really annoying.
at the age of 10 Years I begged my parents not to go to the Church anymore. I caught them lying. Preaching one thing ad doing the opposite. My mother relieved my from it and opposed the Church that wanted to pay for all my School and University to make me a Catholic Priest. I was the Best Student of the Bible in my School back then. After a lifetime of searching I found my way back to Jesus. Today I am not affiliated to no Church. I still couldn't find any community, and I'm fine with that.
The black Pope Satanists took over around 1534 when the Catholic church defunded the Knights Templar and let the Khazarian Mafia burn them at the stake. This is where Friday the 13th bad luck idea comes from.
Sone source is, Fall of the cabal series.
Our sources in Italy say that the entire Catholic Episcopate is in turmoil. Not a Few no longer hold Bergoglio to be a Pop, and judge that he is a flagrant Heretic. There are calls for a Synod to Depose him in public.
I have NOT gone to my Catholic church since the new fake Pope was put into office.
When I say the Apostles Creed I say "I believe the old Catholic Church" instead of
"I believe in the Catholic Church"
I have to continually ask myself why people let these organizations and their appointed 'rulers' have any say in their relationship with G_d? Where in the Bible is any earthly ruler appointed to be the medium between us and G_d?
I don't mean this to be an attack because I'm truly curious what answers there are out there for this! Admittedly I'm recently reborn in Jesus, though have been 'awake' for some years now regarding our earthly situations so there is much growing I intend to do in my faith--including reconciling how others connect to the Most High.
I can understand if having an intermediary to G_d is how someone was both introduced to faith and possibly raised that way from childhood. Even so, I can't reconcile how aware adults can be close to Him when false idols are placed anywhere in that relationship. A relationship which you alone have the power and will to cultivate, and a relationship that you can build, rely upon, and carry with you until the end of your days.
I don't mean to say that those testifying aren't worth following or listening to (but use discernment, trust your intuition); my commentary is more focused on trying to clear the fog and hear input from others regarding the individual and their direct relationships with G_d.
The amount of hate I as a Catholic receive on this site from Protestants and other sects of Christians is staggering and it's bothering me lately. Yes I know the Catholic Church is corrupt, yes I know our "Pope" is a Jesuit satanist, yes I know about the sex abuse scandals (elementary schools have about 10x as much but nobody is crying about that), yes we faithful and non-Novus Ordo Catholics know all of this. You think we're blind to it? We're just as mad!
But I'm sick of having to sit here and read all of the nonsense Protestants and Lutherans keep spewing about a topic they're not very well versed on. If you did just 10 minutes of research you'd know that the masons planned to infiltrate the Church hundreds of years ago, and they have. Read the document "Alta Vendita" and you'll understand why things are happening as they are today. Also, read Dr. Taylor Marshall's great book "Infiltration" which documents and timelines the entirety of the corruption inside the Church, who was responsible for it, the dates, etc. It is truly an eye opener.
But even though my beautiful Holy Mother Church is being corrupted by imperfect humans, I know that she can never be destroyed or completely dirtied, as she is Jesus' bride, He will never let any real and lasting harm come to her. We've seen evil enter the Church before and it will happen until Jesus returns, but it can never fully take it over.
Although the United States are being run by evil people, will you not still fight for it? Will you not still protect it? Do you no longer believe in it simply because of those few people? I believe in the United States, and I will keep fighting for it until I'm gone. The same is true for the Catholic Church. Evil people rule it currently, but that doesn't mean I will abandon her. I will fight til my dying breath for her beauty and glory. Because Christ died for the Church, so will I if necessary.
Ever wonder why the catholic church scares satan so much that its always under attack but never defeated like other religions? Im proud to be part of the church that Jesus himself created and ive known deceitfullness would come from within the church. Other religions came about from the catholic church by changing what they didn't like or removing traditions they did not agree with just like today different religions are changing with the times and that is leading many to sin. God doesn't change his commandments because of the times. Anyway sorry for going on. Just incase it got lost along my rant I agree with you
Thank you for your kind words, and you're so right, the left doesn't attack these other denominations, or try to force them to approve gay marriage, but they always do so with the Catholic Church. They know that if the Catholic Church falls to their ideals, then everything will follow suit.
Isn't it true that every single Christ-focused church on earth has at least one person shining a light in it? If we confess our faith in Jesus as our only Saviour, we are already saved. And if we are saved, then we are light in the darkness. Since Christ fulfilled everything on our behalf, we only need to believe in Him.
This current pope is a member of the Jesuit order. They are socialists. This guy is NOT representing most Catholics or their Catholic doctrine around the world. He's a fraud and I am hoping he falls into the deepest pit in hell!
He also pushes the fag agenda and “sustainability” aka satans-ability.
He just released a document explicitly saying the church cannot bless homosexual relationships because sin can not be blessed.
Hoping a human being burns forever in hell is wrong, period. You do not know his heart.
We can’t hope that he goes to hell
the vatican was infiltrated by satanists a long time ago. i dont think there are many true catholic priests left in the vatican. but i presume that that the satanists are fighting amongst each other.
It was probably infiltrated within a few years after the death of Peter.
I think the satanists in the priest hood are arguing over how far they can push things with a few trying to hold the rest back from taking things too far too fast.
Jesuits are Luciferians. It's why they call their leader the Black Pope.
Weren’t all the catholic scotus justices jesuits?
This guy fucks.
The libero is italian for "beforeitsnews"
Lol, people want entertainment. That's why there are all these storytellers posing as news.
The Catholic church has been polluted completely. Even if you take away the gateway to hell they call the Vatican. The doctrines are corrupt and will not lead to salvation.
Sadly the Roman catholic church h is a control tool for Satan.
Oh damn I'm using that one
Why are there so many downvoting shills in here? This isn't even an inappropriate discussion or anything.
The money changers were corrupt beyond what you are talking about. Selling a t-shirt or asking for money isn't what the money changers did in the temple. They controlled the animals you could bring in for sacrifice, they turned the area meant for gentiles into the area where they did their dirty business and forced people to give them money to be forgiven. There is more that I've learned about recently, but it's not the same.
Don't mistake me. There are gigantic problems with the church right now. The church taking in money from non corrupt practices isn't a problem, what the church does with that money would be an issue specific to that church and not representative of all churches. I wish the ratio was better, but sadly I feel it's getting worse.
BTW the people who supposedly represent him? Kind of a blanket statement there. There are plenty of people that represent Jesus how they should that aren't financially corrupt. Besides, every Christian is supposed to be a representative of Jesus. It's in the text. We are meant to all spread the good word and bring people into the kingdom. I know it's frustrating seeing how the church leadership is failing, but it's not all of them.
You know what, I wasn't even really thinking about the catholic church in my post. Sadly I just realized why. I've already forsaken catholicism to the point I don't even consider them in the same category. I would put the catholic church below Mormons at this point because of how corrupt their doctrines are. I already consider the Vatican to be the seat of the false prophet that rises with the antichrist.
You are preaching brother. I agree. It's even gotten worse sadly. They have taken the information from millenia of Satan doing research on us. People like to give a lot of credit to the nazis for their work on mind control and it is terrifying how far it's come since even then, but the truth is that the art of manipulating others is as good if not better than straight mind control in some ways. You only have to look at how successful they have been at starting civil wars even before color revolution was a term. What's the difference between a cult and the blm/antifa rioters? I would label the whole lgbt thing as a cult as well. They are using cultism as a weapon to divide us. Sadly it's crazy effective.
Yes, and unfortunately the "protestant" church is headed that way now.
The protestant churches are, mostly, corporate churches now. The ecumenical movement (a RCC thing) exists to bring these churches back to the fold under a common religious banner. Even the Seventh Day Adventist church has been corrupted by the ecumenical movement.
The ecumenical movement is directly contrary to Christ's direction. We are commanded to come out of corruption and be separate.
Other churches have begun adopting certain aspects of Catholic doctrine. The big examples are the Trinity, Sunday worship (which most never left in the first place), advocacy for Sunday laws, the substitution of church tradition over Biblical law, celebacy in the priest hood (Paul specifically said priests should be married in 1 Timothy), belief that judgement comes in the moment of death (looking down from Heaven or roasting in Hell), etc.
The Seventh Day Adventist church accepted the Trinity doctrine back in 1980. They try to pretend it isn't the same as the Catholic doctrine and if you read the fine print, it isn't, but in a few decades it will be indistinguishable.
The Bible is pretty clear on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the Gospel Christ says he will return to His apostles in Spirit and that He and His Father will be among them in Spirit. This is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Christ/God. It isn't a third being. The RCC teaches of a triune godhead which aligns with Babylonian, Egyptian, and Theban teaching, all of which have a sungod somewhere in their theology. In Babylonian, that's Tammuz. In Egyptian it is Amun-Ra (one step up from their trinity). In Theban it is Amun. What day did the Catholics "move the sanctity of the Sabbath" to? Sunday. Sunday was so-called because it is the day the Romans used to worship their sungod. What does Lucifer mean? Light-bringer.
Exekiel 8:13-16.
Good stuff thanks for putting this in here. Hope you had a good Passover!
Even with all of those changes.... if the churches are growing their number by the day, and millions are being brought to Christ.... is there really such a need to rally against the ecumenical movement?
There are groups that are doing it the right way. I'd point you to take a look at the Association of Related Churches (ARC), and see how you jive with their doctrine. No offense, but you seem the type to find something wrong with it regardless.
I think the biggest problem Christianity has had in the last 50 years is too many people saying "No, THIS is the right way to worship"... when really, all that needs to be said is, "But if not for Jesus...."
The problem with Protestantism today is that it is lukewarm. The Protestant clergy is feminized to the point of apologizing to the rest of the world for asserting any sort of belief that might hurt a non-believers' fee-fees.
We're coming out of that cycle and entering a new one. The kids coming up through the ranks in protestant churches today are on FIRE for Jesus. They grew up in this hyper-sensitive world, and they know what it takes to get around it. PASSION is what bypasses it. You can mince words if you want, but it won't get you anywhere. When you introduce true passion and joy into what you do, any subtleties that are being misunderstood or misappropriated, or are misaligned or misattributed - they fall to the wayside. And the true and real and living message is what sticks.
And that message is Jesus.
Thats why I have so much hope for this younger generation, is we are learning from the mistakes of our parents. I know several folks with spirits that are on fire, and most if not all of them are younger than 20. The only reason we never hear about these people, is because our corporate media has blocked any mention of these great people, and because of that nobody talks about them.
Your experience may differ, but I've not found one Protestant church with a televised service that wasn't spiritually compromised.
Fair enough. I'm currently searching for a church for myself and my wife and am feeling a little jaded about it all. I shouldn't take that out on a whole group of churches. My bad.
Thanks. I grew up in a Christian school and have read the Bible through, but I'm looking for mentorship, which is why we left our previous church and are now searching. This world is full of people who have all the answers but give none of the leadership.
Definitely not a butt hurt catholic lol. Easter and christmas are not something churches should be doing and I see most protestant churches celebrating these things. How do you know? Well from what I see is our secular culture celebrates Christmas and Easter as well.
These come from pagan traditions, in the time these holidays were brought in to church is much like homosexuality and trans is being accepted in to churches now.
People should not be celebrating things that offend God.
My church celebrated Easter BIGLY. Hundreds received salvation. Our Easter broadcast was seen across the state on one of the primary news channels. It was an incredible move of the spirit. Anointed.
There was nothing we did on Sunday but celebrate the gift of Jesus. No egg hunting, no bunny rabbits, just Jesus. I do not believe we offended God, not even a little bit.
I mean that's good people got saved, but again in the Bible it says to do the "Feast of the Lord" not easter
It would also be wise to move out of worldly celebrations like easter because these newly saved people will be seeing what the world is doing and think that's okay to do stuff the world is doing because the church is doing it. That's why it's not great in a more logistical way.
Just like when all the celebrities thank Jesus for their awards then the baby Christians think it's okay to be apart of that world.. No Christian should not be a part of hollywood or the world.
That's how us conservative Christians have got in to this mess. Letting the world slowly drip in to the chruch.
No, don’t throw stones at His church. Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against his church.
Well the Roman cathic church is not Jesus. Church. The entire body of born again believers are. That's the Bible talking not me. cleave to the Word of God and ditch the organizations.
I agree that the believers of Christ are the church.
In fact historically the church Christ founded certainly is the Catholic Church. He prayed that we all might be one, but worldly interests mislead millions who rejected his authority vested in his church and they chose to set themselves up as their own little popes - thus we now have tens of thousands of denominations; what a scandal to those seeking the truth.
To study history is to cease being Protestant - cardinal Henry Newman, convert from Anglicanism.
Then we have nothing worry about, fren.
Don’t wait for someone else to do all the cleaning. Get back to church, then ask God how you can help. You are part of his plan.
I believe Mother Angelica has preserved the Catholic Church through her Radio network.
She wouldn't take a dime from the Vatican and those who have followed after her have, thus far, resisted.
They begrudgingly accept what the Pope says, but every day I hear more and more the quivering in their voice in swallowing his nonsense.
Have faith, there are those set in place to pick up the pieces once the corruption is excised.
Welcome back
17 goals of agenda 2030... just saying.
Awesome that you went back! I can't bring myself to because I don't agree with Francis and alot of priests do. I'm so confused I just keep praying and reading my Bible but really miss the Eucharist. I know deceit will come from within the church in the end days (heck evil has always attacked the church from within and without) I think Vatican 2 has hurt the church. I don't understand Latin but am willing to learn so I can understand traditional mass but still not sure if that's even the way. Im hoping for an answer from above cause I think its a huge mess right now and don't want to be led astray. I'm afraid I already am
You don't need to understand Latin to enjoy the Latin mass. There are also Latin mass books you can buy that have all the Sunday mass readings in them with Latin on one side and English on the other, so you can follow along and learn at the same time. I highly recommend!
I'm protestant but I would love to see Vigano as Pope.
The Pope will have a terrible May.
As a Catholic who was also raised Protestant and has attended pretty much every flavor of church there is, I find it important to speak up for the millions of good Christian Catholics who get bashed constantly by others who call themselves Christian. Nowhere have I ever experienced the level of hate and disgust than by some Protestants who have zero understanding of Catholicism and have never set foot in a Catholic Church. I also have some Protestant family and friends who are some of the kindest, most loving examples of Jesus’ love here on earth. So there is good and bad on both sides of the aisle, so to say.
I can also say that throughout history there has been much good as well as bad that has come from the Church. Catholics passed along faith and tradition through the dark ages, copied illuminated manuscripts of the Gospels, the full Bible, built communities to serve the poor and orphans, trained scholars and priests. They established the first universities. They carried the light of Christ for humanity through the dark ages. Saintly men and women lived and died for the faith and their love for God. Missionaries and explorers were sent throughout the world spreading the news of Jesus. Protestants gave the world a printed Bible, that while one can argue about the books, gave the ability for so many more people to have access to Scripture, and in some ways created an easier, more accessible doorway for people to learn about Jesus. We also have instances of dark times, like the inquisitions and puritanical Salem witch trials.
So while I believe institutions can be corrupted, as we have unfortunately seen, we have to have faith that God will carry us through and we have to look through a historical lens and not just a 2021 lens. I don’t know what it looks like but I know neither side is perfect. We have a 2,000 year old Catholic Church institution that has been infiltrated by communists and other evil people, and 20,000+ sects of Protestant Christianity each with their own “pope” in the form of a preacher, pastor, or church board. Let’s pick up our crosses and stop the hate, find common love in Jesus. Look, I’ve been heartbroken by so much of what I’ve experienced and seen through the years with institutional “church” on both sides. It leaves you feeling like you don’t have a place and you don’t belong. Honestly the happiest years of being Catholic for me was when I went to the Tridentine Latin mass. It was beautiful, simple, reverent and comforting, like nothing I had really known in the Novus Ordo. But I guess when you think about it, Jesus was the ultimate outsider who came to unite us all, and he was the bridge between ancient Jewish tradition and Christianity that would grow after his ascension. I’m sure there were times when he felt lonely, as though he didn’t belong. Prayers for all of you as we navigate these strange times.
As another faithful traditional Catholic, thank you for saying this. I've not gotten as much hate from atheists as I do from Protestants who think they know better or know more about my own faith than I do. It's really disheartening and really annoying.
Peace be with you.
Ann Barnhardt called this.
Do some research on the Malachy prophecies.
at the age of 10 Years I begged my parents not to go to the Church anymore. I caught them lying. Preaching one thing ad doing the opposite. My mother relieved my from it and opposed the Church that wanted to pay for all my School and University to make me a Catholic Priest. I was the Best Student of the Bible in my School back then. After a lifetime of searching I found my way back to Jesus. Today I am not affiliated to no Church. I still couldn't find any community, and I'm fine with that.
The black Pope Satanists took over around 1534 when the Catholic church defunded the Knights Templar and let the Khazarian Mafia burn them at the stake. This is where Friday the 13th bad luck idea comes from. Sone source is, Fall of the cabal series.
Wow! I had not seen this. Glad to see them rising up and acknowledging the craziness in the Vatican.
So now we have Resident Biden and Nope Francis. Nice.
It’s true. B16 is still the one true pope.
Benedict/Ratzinger still lives in the Vatican - so it would kinda fit.
I have NOT gone to my Catholic church since the new fake Pope was put into office. When I say the Apostles Creed I say "I believe the old Catholic Church" instead of "I believe in the Catholic Church"
You are mixing up Catholic and catholic (little c). Very different meanings
I have to continually ask myself why people let these organizations and their appointed 'rulers' have any say in their relationship with G_d? Where in the Bible is any earthly ruler appointed to be the medium between us and G_d?
I don't mean this to be an attack because I'm truly curious what answers there are out there for this! Admittedly I'm recently reborn in Jesus, though have been 'awake' for some years now regarding our earthly situations so there is much growing I intend to do in my faith--including reconciling how others connect to the Most High.
I can understand if having an intermediary to G_d is how someone was both introduced to faith and possibly raised that way from childhood. Even so, I can't reconcile how aware adults can be close to Him when false idols are placed anywhere in that relationship. A relationship which you alone have the power and will to cultivate, and a relationship that you can build, rely upon, and carry with you until the end of your days.
I don't mean to say that those testifying aren't worth following or listening to (but use discernment, trust your intuition); my commentary is more focused on trying to clear the fog and hear input from others regarding the individual and their direct relationships with G_d.
You missed the boat w/ the protestant revolt / the reformation.
The guys that founded the nation.
Fuck the Pope and the catholic church, just open your bible and start reading it. Start with Revelation to catch up on current events ?
The amount of hate I as a Catholic receive on this site from Protestants and other sects of Christians is staggering and it's bothering me lately. Yes I know the Catholic Church is corrupt, yes I know our "Pope" is a Jesuit satanist, yes I know about the sex abuse scandals (elementary schools have about 10x as much but nobody is crying about that), yes we faithful and non-Novus Ordo Catholics know all of this. You think we're blind to it? We're just as mad!
But I'm sick of having to sit here and read all of the nonsense Protestants and Lutherans keep spewing about a topic they're not very well versed on. If you did just 10 minutes of research you'd know that the masons planned to infiltrate the Church hundreds of years ago, and they have. Read the document "Alta Vendita" and you'll understand why things are happening as they are today. Also, read Dr. Taylor Marshall's great book "Infiltration" which documents and timelines the entirety of the corruption inside the Church, who was responsible for it, the dates, etc. It is truly an eye opener.
But even though my beautiful Holy Mother Church is being corrupted by imperfect humans, I know that she can never be destroyed or completely dirtied, as she is Jesus' bride, He will never let any real and lasting harm come to her. We've seen evil enter the Church before and it will happen until Jesus returns, but it can never fully take it over.
Although the United States are being run by evil people, will you not still fight for it? Will you not still protect it? Do you no longer believe in it simply because of those few people? I believe in the United States, and I will keep fighting for it until I'm gone. The same is true for the Catholic Church. Evil people rule it currently, but that doesn't mean I will abandon her. I will fight til my dying breath for her beauty and glory. Because Christ died for the Church, so will I if necessary.
Ever wonder why the catholic church scares satan so much that its always under attack but never defeated like other religions? Im proud to be part of the church that Jesus himself created and ive known deceitfullness would come from within the church. Other religions came about from the catholic church by changing what they didn't like or removing traditions they did not agree with just like today different religions are changing with the times and that is leading many to sin. God doesn't change his commandments because of the times. Anyway sorry for going on. Just incase it got lost along my rant I agree with you
Thank you for your kind words, and you're so right, the left doesn't attack these other denominations, or try to force them to approve gay marriage, but they always do so with the Catholic Church. They know that if the Catholic Church falls to their ideals, then everything will follow suit.
Does that say Ordo Militaris Catholicus?
Is this a real entity? Catholic military order??
Aren't they the Jesuits, ruled/commanded by the black pope?
Ditch all Christian labels. Christian is enough.
Pope has a bad May??
Isn't it true that every single Christ-focused church on earth has at least one person shining a light in it? If we confess our faith in Jesus as our only Saviour, we are already saved. And if we are saved, then we are light in the darkness. Since Christ fulfilled everything on our behalf, we only need to believe in Him.
Why do all cardinals publicly support Francis then?
And it took them this long to bring it up?
It is targeted for Infiltration by the Rofschild/Blavatsky/Theosophy/Hermetic/Freemasonic/Qabbalistic/Sufi establishment.
Old World Order versus the New World Order: