+Jared Kushner; I Thought He Was Looking A lot Fresher Baby Faced Than His Usual Smuggy Self+
+So Now We’ve Got Actors~Confirmed; GaeTz, Hunter, deSanTis, Xiden, and Now; Jared Kosher+
Unverified Telegram
Ghost Ezra is going to have you wondering if your own mom has been replaced soon enough.
Do your research. This freak is linking Kushner to the 666 building. Yes, there is a link, but there's a great twist at the end of it. The actual owner was ...? The "representative" of the builder who indicated they would give the demonic artwork to the demonic museum if it could be saved was ...? What name did that representative use when he indicated the blocks could not be saved...? What was under the 666 building? Who owned it after Vanderbilt? What were the logistics of the building? What do the buildings in sight of that location represent, and what did their location form? What's right outside the perimeter of what those locations form? Go dig, and you'll see Ghost Ezra is playing you people. He's playing you big time.
I personally like Ghost Ezra's content but this is hilarious!
Too funny!!
I would not put too much faith in Ghost Ezra if I were you. I have seen disinformation coming from that source in the past. I personally would not be surprised if some digging proved this to be such.
So, Kushner is being played by Matthew McConaughey? Give me a break. All this clone, actor, alien crap has to stop. Ghost Ezra is playing you people like a fiddle.
Hahaha right??
Kushner has had blepharoplasty from the Left to the Right photos. That's all. He might have lost some weight too.
I wonder what ConMan is short for? ?
Believing something because it is negative, or otherwise fits your belief system is called confirmation bias. At best this is a data point. At worst it is disinformation designed to pull people away from the truth.
siiiiiigh can we just stop with this embarrassing fanfiction garbage.
Disinformation is real, folks, and it goes both ways.
Looks the same to me. Different facial expressions, different periods in life.
I don't understand, what's going on here ?
Ivanka’s clone took the jab yesterday. Both her and his evil husband just have clones walking around. The real Ivanka and Jared are in GITMO. At least this is how I understand it.
WTH?!? Really?!? If that’s the case (which it’s not) then this whole “movie” we are watching is DS version, Trump is DS (which he is not) and we are all being played! Trumps own daughter is not involved, even if Jared is the traitor.
I never said nor implied Trump was deep state. Good attempt to twist my words like most Luciferians do. Unpacking court to 13. It is NOT. It’s packing.
Huh? I was referring to “ The real Ivanka and Jared are in GITMO. At least this is how I understand it.” Then I said “if that’s the case” and expressed my own opinion on what you stated. Far from Luciferian. Who is twisting who’s word? Maybe you were referring to another post, as no clue where the packing came in. Yes, I am aware that is happening today.
Why can’t that be the case and Trump be good. Who his daughter chose to marry is her choice. She choose her path.
Not calling you or nothing just pointing out everything is inverted. That’s what they do.
So the guy who set up the meeting with the Saudis and took the first steps toward bringing peace to the Middle East is said to be a black hat by a "ghost"?
You're being played. Really being played here. What is a ghost or a spook in spy language. He's telling you exactly what he's doing.
I have noticed 1 thing, the comments pushing back against the whole Clone/double thing have in the last few months gotten a LOT more aggressive, vocal and numerous.........
Certainly reminds me of reddit.....................................................
Unlikely that they would suddenly start adopting a black hat strategy given that they are all about using discernment and want people thinking for themselves and drawing their own conclusions.....
u/CL7 seriously has to be a paid account meant to distract. The grammar, sentence structure, and moving to the prime indicator -- the fervent need to reply to virtually every comment that disagrees. I appreciate that we have a lot of posters from outside the US here, but u/CL7 is more decidedly NOT LOCAL. Going through the post history is worthy of a 4 alarm migraine. Posting this crap from ghost ezra is akin to posting unverified telegram posts.
The following jumble of words just makes my head hurt and Shakespeare roll over in his grave:
Look especially at the upper eye lids and around the eyes.
Not the same person.
Same guy just in the later pictures he's aged a little from the first picture shown. Smiling vs. a more serious photo.
Who actually believes that he isn't the same person? So much disinformation being pushed on here right now...
I know, right? and then people go with it not realizing they are now unknowing agents of influence, pushing a false agenda.
I'm sorry, but this guy looks creepy.
That is a fair assessment
Can't stand men who pluck their eyebrows.
So he is saying trumps son In law is dirty??
Always been on the fence about Kushner. It was hard to realize he was a bad guy married to Ivanka. But this is the first I have heard of actors for Gaetz or DeSantis! I’m from Florida, and see their speeches all the time. I do not see the difference. But because of security for them I can see this happening, maybe. But, they are definitely not bad guys!
I've never bought into the hate for Kushner. He was the point man on just about all of Trump's biggest successes, which means Trump obviously placed a great deal of trust in him. Now Gaetz and DeSantis are bad too, lol?
Same here. POTUS Trump would not have put him in charge of so much during his administration if he was a bad guy.
None of this is believable.
The handsome pictures are the "before", the smuggy/WWII Nazi guard looking ones are the "after"... I think your statement is reversed. ?
Not sure why this is getting downvoted.... Here's a link to Jared with dimples at his wedding with Ivanka
January 6, 2021 - I noticed every Trump kid had their spouse / girlfriend but Kushner was missing.
I noticed that too!
Feel bad for Ivanka. Imagine finding out, then having to go along with a lookalike/clone charade, knowing the father of your kids is either in jail or executed.
she posed with the vax yesterday... maybe the answer to the question in the picture is NSA???
Wait what did Jared do?
Yep, I want to know too...no way!