Trump made a deal with the taliban to remove troops on May 1st. Biden will intentionally break this deal hoping for more strife in the area. This will give reason to ramp up troop presence and keep troops there indefinitely.
If they really are concerned about Q (like I think they are) keeping as many troops as possible in the middle east would make it harder for the Q team to do anything. It's probably why there are STILL so many guardsmen in DC
May 2nd the Taliban attacks. How many times will the US Govt. screw those who have trusted us to keep our word? I was all for attacking the Taliban after 911, but now I'm almost convinced 911 was a CIA job, and I'm pretty sure Isis is a CIA set up. After seeing the scamdemic and the steal, both of which I'm convinced are absolutely true, I'm rethinking a lot of what I used to believe.
President Trump promised we would withdraw by May 1st. There've been no attacks on US forces since that promise, and I'm sure that the Afghanis should figure it out for themselves without DS interference.
Feels bad knowing all that American imperialism was really our own Deep State -- in collusion with the other swamp rats of the City of London and the Vatican.
The three city-states with obelisks uniting as one evil, Baal-worshiping government.
I'd say this gets released to the press first. Then, they share it on their social media pages and it spreads like wildfire from there. Maybe it takes longer for the message to spread if it was only posted on
Well, that is all well and good sir. However, currently, the impostor in the White House seems to be the person that is at least acting in a fashion as President, and seems to be setting or at least headlining a whole bunch of stuff reversing everything you did.
May 1st = Beltane = a very important day for the occult.
Is DJT projecting something else?
May first is also the communist party's day. May day usually has communist parades.
Wasn’t there a Q drop with emphasis on MAYDAY?
If President Trump's date was at all related to the evil side, then it was telling them to shove it....
Trump made a deal with the taliban to remove troops on May 1st. Biden will intentionally break this deal hoping for more strife in the area. This will give reason to ramp up troop presence and keep troops there indefinitely.
That way they will always have a distraction ready to go off....
If they really are concerned about Q (like I think they are) keeping as many troops as possible in the middle east would make it harder for the Q team to do anything. It's probably why there are STILL so many guardsmen in DC
Say What
A R E U A B O T ? ^Bots can't read that. Try it in the future with suspicious accounts like this one. New account and weird/unreadable comment.
There are only 2k troops there.
May 2nd the Taliban attacks. How many times will the US Govt. screw those who have trusted us to keep our word? I was all for attacking the Taliban after 911, but now I'm almost convinced 911 was a CIA job, and I'm pretty sure Isis is a CIA set up. After seeing the scamdemic and the steal, both of which I'm convinced are absolutely true, I'm rethinking a lot of what I used to believe. President Trump promised we would withdraw by May 1st. There've been no attacks on US forces since that promise, and I'm sure that the Afghanis should figure it out for themselves without DS interference.
It does.
Feels bad knowing all that American imperialism was really our own Deep State -- in collusion with the other swamp rats of the City of London and the Vatican.
The three city-states with obelisks uniting as one evil, Baal-worshiping government.
Why doesn't your comment wrap? Can't read.
I think that got it - ty
Yup. Fixed. Thank you.
Reads OK here. It does put a slide bar on the bottom, but it only overlaps by one (empty) space, so sliding isn't necessary.
Have Win 10 and Edge.
Strange. Reading on android phone. Had to copy / paste elsewhere to read.
God Bless President Trump!!
"Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?"
What counties are those?
Maricopa County, Antrim County
If anyone requests the sauce, I hope this helps!
Why isn't this listed on
I'd say this gets released to the press first. Then, they share it on their social media pages and it spreads like wildfire from there. Maybe it takes longer for the message to spread if it was only posted on
...commit rape, child rape, conspiracy, corruption, sedition, treason, election fraud, and a coup
Well, that is all well and good sir. However, currently, the impostor in the White House seems to be the person that is at least acting in a fashion as President, and seems to be setting or at least headlining a whole bunch of stuff reversing everything you did.
Sometimes I feel like when President Trump writes these. It's almost as if he's telling xiden what to do.
Actual president.
How funny would it be if Harris, I mean Bai Den actually pulled the troops out by May 1st?
why arent there any april news releases on can the april statements be verified?
So who is in charge of the military?
I am taking bets that biden will withdraw troops on the 1st of May.
The trump effect continues.
Let’s make sure it’s him and not Jenna Ellis
I am glad You have no say in the matter!