1 The access panel on the sign is generally protected by a small lock, but often are left unprotected.
2 A black control pad is attached by a curly cord, with a keyboard on the face.
3 Scroll down to "Instant Text"
4 Type what ever you want a hit enter to submit.
5 Add page (optional)
6 Run w/o Save
Should it will ask you for a password, try "DOTS" the default password.
In all likelihood, the crew will not have changed it. However if they did, never fear. Hold "Control + Shift" and enter "DIPY". This will reset the sign and reset the password to "DOTS" in the process.
Any clue what the consequences would be if you’re caught ? In my common sense mind I think it would result in a ticket or misdemeanor , but I assume they will classify it as an offense that can land you in gitmo. And I know the message you type will affect the penalty... but if someone just typed “have a good day” .... and they got caught, what would be their punishment ?
Not sure. My funeral is going to be held on Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. Full on Valhalla funeral pyre. I told my daughter she’s going to have to pay some fines.
I'll never understand why some people get so excited to get a vaccine where they still have to wear a mask and socially distance. You ask them why and they tell you that you could still get it or get people sick.
Then what's they point you fools?!?! Really sick of seeing all those virtue signaling "just got my vaccine" photos. You're not saving grandma.
People are retards that don't care about liberty... They're scared little bitches that would rather embrace total safety and rid the world of risk.
I prefer risk and liberty. I don't want to live the safest life on the planet, I want to live the free-est. But I'm also not a little bitch that's scared of an over 99% survival rate.
liberals worship the state so they are happy they are doing as the state wishes think or your religious beliefs(i am assuming and apologies if i am wrong) and substitute your God for theirs and that's how they behave
You either have the ability to critically think or you don't. Unfortunately our education system went the way of the dodo a while ago so we have a couple of generations who were never taught this skill.
And the maddening part for me is that they think they're brilliant, and if you say anything contrary to what they believe, stated plainly, dripping with common sense, they'll rage at you. Or maybe that's just my experience.
Yup! And then they'll tell you that you're putting everyone's lives at risk. But they've taken an experimental "vaccine", and believe they have the moral highground. Idiocracy is real.
Without the mask, people wouldn't know there is a plandemic, so of course, they need the vaccinated sheep to keep them on. It's the only way to keep the hoax going.
People are completely brainwashed. viruses cant be contagious thats why they want the debate to be about masks or not are they effective? in reality they cant be effective because viruses are not contagious to begin with. People just dont understand what a virus is and how the body makes it.
I live in San Diego and since the start of covid you can spot people wearing and not wearing masks. No one cares if you're out taking a walk or in public.
Some people do wear masks because they fear covid. Some because they think it protects others. Others cause it's required. Many reasons.
I sometimes wear it, sometimes don't. I'm not afraid to not wear it or to wear it. I'm not afraid of covid or the vaccine.
How to hack traffic signs
FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES 1 The access panel on the sign is generally protected by a small lock, but often are left unprotected. 2 A black control pad is attached by a curly cord, with a keyboard on the face. 3 Scroll down to "Instant Text" 4 Type what ever you want a hit enter to submit. 5 Add page (optional) 6 Run w/o Save Should it will ask you for a password, try "DOTS" the default password. In all likelihood, the crew will not have changed it. However if they did, never fear. Hold "Control + Shift" and enter "DIPY". This will reset the sign and reset the password to "DOTS" in the process.
Some systems use "detour" as the password.
Any clue what the consequences would be if you’re caught ? In my common sense mind I think it would result in a ticket or misdemeanor , but I assume they will classify it as an offense that can land you in gitmo. And I know the message you type will affect the penalty... but if someone just typed “have a good day” .... and they got caught, what would be their punishment ?
Not sure. My funeral is going to be held on Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. Full on Valhalla funeral pyre. I told my daughter she’s going to have to pay some fines.
I'll never understand why some people get so excited to get a vaccine where they still have to wear a mask and socially distance. You ask them why and they tell you that you could still get it or get people sick.
Then what's they point you fools?!?! Really sick of seeing all those virtue signaling "just got my vaccine" photos. You're not saving grandma.
People are retards that don't care about liberty... They're scared little bitches that would rather embrace total safety and rid the world of risk.
I prefer risk and liberty. I don't want to live the safest life on the planet, I want to live the free-est. But I'm also not a little bitch that's scared of an over 99% survival rate.
Benjamin Franklin approves this message
liberals worship the state so they are happy they are doing as the state wishes think or your religious beliefs(i am assuming and apologies if i am wrong) and substitute your God for theirs and that's how they behave
When some states require masks even if vaccinated, While others don't require masks for anyone, you know that something is way, way wrong!
You either have the ability to critically think or you don't. Unfortunately our education system went the way of the dodo a while ago so we have a couple of generations who were never taught this skill.
It's called "Common Core" in the U.S. under "No child left behind" by the W. Administration.
My fucking state. Washington. fucking stupid are the masses?
I am convinced all of Western WA is will never wake up.
I know that's a rhetorical question, but the answer is; fucking stupid beyond belief.
And the maddening part for me is that they think they're brilliant, and if you say anything contrary to what they believe, stated plainly, dripping with common sense, they'll rage at you. Or maybe that's just my experience.
And yet they've taken an experimental "vaccine", and believe they have the moral high ground.
Yup! And then they'll tell you that you're putting everyone's lives at risk. But they've taken an experimental "vaccine", and believe they have the moral highground. Idiocracy is real.
Without the mask, people wouldn't know there is a plandemic, so of course, they need the vaccinated sheep to keep them on. It's the only way to keep the hoax going.
We have always been at war with East Eurasia.
"That's how vaccines work! You can still get and spread the virus, your body just fights it off better."
Is the response I get.
People are completely brainwashed. viruses cant be contagious thats why they want the debate to be about masks or not are they effective? in reality they cant be effective because viruses are not contagious to begin with. People just dont understand what a virus is and how the body makes it.
Please take them off. Stop obeying stupid rules. Stop being afraid of covid ghosts.
I live in San Diego and since the start of covid you can spot people wearing and not wearing masks. No one cares if you're out taking a walk or in public.
Some people do wear masks because they fear covid. Some because they think it protects others. Others cause it's required. Many reasons.
I sometimes wear it, sometimes don't. I'm not afraid to not wear it or to wear it. I'm not afraid of covid or the vaccine.
Right. Good comment.
Same way with black vs. white and other social wars
The cabal wants continuous war
Make me.
fucking Socialist Utopia of Washington state.
We need to find the idiots who in anonymity make these decisions. Put their names out there. We pay them so public info is good to go.
When we find the. We tar and feather their asses and fire the. From. The job.
A local billboard has the ''Real heroes wear masks,'' bs sign. Luckily, it's only on for a few seconds and then another ad appears.
"Hero" is the most overused word in the past ten years. They have made it completely meaningless.
"Dumb-asses wear masks".
"You anti-maskers Trump fascists are putting my life at risk!!" He said as vaccine caused seizures went through his body...
The modern liberal, everyone!