All this money could've ended the world hunger in minutes, and saved millions of black people.
If they actually cared about black people, that is. ?♂️
? These people are stupid!

Where did all the money go?
At least 1/2 went straight to the DNC bank accounts. The rest was spent on political payoffs, BLM "leaders" skimming the money, "grass roots organizations" that are really money laundering schemes, etc... .
Not one cent made it to where it was supposed to go.
Agreed, I would love to see their books. If this is a non-profit, can there be an audit, or would it end up like the election ballots?
Correction: Where did all YOUR money go; this is a war against all that represents humanity. Fight back with your wallet!
Share bigly!
Yes, we only donate to local charities: Food bank Toys for kids at Christmas Schools Help out a family we know.
Isn't it funny BLM doesn't care that RIGHT NOW Black Africans are being sold in Africa by Black Africans?
And - WHY aren't the feminists fighting all the violence against women in the middle east? Child brides, genital mutilation, acid throwing, beatings, stoning and Honor Killings?
That stuff goes on in the West, too. Right here in America!
Corporate america got suckered into funding terrorists
Were they suckered, though?
Definitely not suckered as they're part of the problem.
The last thing BLM wants to do is help people.
Of course. Just thought it was a good red-pill meme for sharing.
LOL Liberals are so easy to dupe. No wonder they believe CNN... They freely give money to any organization that claims to be doing good. That's all it takes! LOL fucking liberal retards.
I mean, they're so gullible, they take advantage of each other! LOL
Laundering money. Nothing new here.
If my memory serves me well, Bernie Sanders got the most, 186 Million, Biden got 150+ million, Warren got some, Buttigeg, and the DNC, and the various Democratic State and National Groups all comprised the top 10 recipients. I don't believe there was a black person in the bunch.
They helped a black woman buy 4 houses in White neighborhoods.
Nothing from the Clinton Foundation? That's a real head scratcher there.
I feel the same way about the $$$$ spent on campaigning . Donations are great but enough is enough. Please Use this huge money to help others.
Right? I think every candidate should be given x amount of $, and x amount of time/space in media to present ACTUAL OPINIONS AND POSITIONS on issues. If anyone goes over budget they are DQ’ed.
Where is the source for this information? It's hard to use a meme to convince others.
For those curious, the list above come out to just under $303,000,000. That isn't including the "over 65 more" companies list at the end.
This is where I get a bit perplexed by this. Pokemon is owned in majority by Nintendo, so they don't really have any ability to donate money like that without it actually being from Nintendo.
I'm sure most of this is correct, but there is enough here to raise some doubts.
Stopped using this brand too, when I heard about it. Sent them a lengthy email as to why they would be losing my business as well as many other Americans.
Never even. Got a generic response back.
Fuck em all.
Lowes has never required a mask here, and they never involve themselves in this bullshit.
Fuck them all.
Somebody needs to offer a credit card that blocks purchases from every business on this list... and many more.... That way you can't accidentally give these motherfuckers a dime.