I believe every word in that document about the vaccine being dangerous and against existing law. That being said, I want to see actual legal filings and against who and where they are filed, which court. Until these are actually filed and we have proof, it's just hearsay. If there are filings then that is public information and it should be available.
Get someone to shout loudly on camera about the sheer injustice of it, how it's unConstitutional, how this is the end of America, and "cut!". End of scene. Now we all go to the bar for cocktails.
There needs to be a sort of report card for those who post these posts.
and if it is just a BS post? post publicly the people BY NAME who put out this kind of info. If true we will celebrate them and their publication. Yet if BS, we DOX the $4IT out of them with MORE scrutiny than the bad actors.
To be fair, I do like the points of bringing people to justice for the PCR faulty tests, the nursing home scandals also for mandating every death to be a “Covid” related death. This should be top priority. CDC/WHO /MSM all should be held liable for their lies.
My long comment below was b/c I support the Covid vaccines b/c I believe Covid was cabal engineered but I believe the vaccines were white hat engineered.
I find it hard to distrust scientists, in a time where we needed them most, for their great achievements. Why are we persecuting them?
I don’t wear a mask outside and I roll my eyes when I see the dozens of secluded ppl (likely Biden supporters) 100-1000 ft from others wearing a mask outside.
If white hats made the vaccines then why do we have women with major fertility-related side effects and all types of people with major blood clot issues? Sorry but assuming that J&J, Pfizer and Moderna are somehow white hats is just laughable to me. These companies are part of the chemical cabal that rules pretty much every other industry on the planet. I recommend reading about the history of IG Farben and the shell games they played post-WW2 before you start giving them any humanitarian credit whatsoever. Sure, there might be a lot of good scientists working for these chemical giants, but they aren't the decision makers.
I hear your point, and in this world of various bad actors it’s understandable, maybe plausible, however their are serious holes in the argument. I haven’t read those books, but thanks for the the suggestion I will check out. For now, I’d like to focus on the topic you brought up, the infertility as well as blood clot adverse events. Are we talking rates of .00001% or are we talking 10%? It’s important to lay these facts so they can be judged.
While it’s devastating to have side effects, we wouldn’t have eradicated diseases like polio without vaccines- so yeah, I do believe they can cause some really fucked up AEs, but overall they help to obliterate really bad diseases. The majority of doctors agree. Generally speaking, right? Take w a grain of salt. There are always outlier vaccines that have long-term issues, but weren’t necessarily nefariously designed as lawyers would have us all believe...
So if we are going to use factoids about blood clots & JnJ vax, let’s talk about the real facts. Do you remember the original story on JnJ Vax? it was 6 in 6 million (don’t quote me on this but it was something similar)... all the anti-vax people saying why do I need a vaccine if Covid has a survival rate of 99.99% (25 year old rate) are now the same statistical experts who say I’m not touching something with a .000001 chance of getting a blood clot? The death rate for 85 year olds is pretty high (as high as 15%? I think), so imagine them weighing that decision vs the 25 year old. Add distrust for pharma industry and general distrust of gov’t (for right reasons), and we have a shitshow:
people who won’t take the vaccine and a continuation of Covid (reduced herd immunity)... This leads to yearly vaccines, which leads to more profit. If everyone got the jab, I’m not sure there would be anything left to fight off...
And here lies the issue. The 60,70,and 80 year olds don’t really have an option... their hand is forced by the data, death rates assoc. w Covid. Math tells us the risk of the blood clot for them is lower than the risk of dying from Covid. Those who claim” I had Covid last year or earlier this year and have antibodies” typically aren’t medical doctors- they feel safe but do we don’t know for sure if antibodies are indefinitely? Think Spanish flu, 1st wave light, people had antibodies, second wave was really much more severe.
So when we talk about rare side effects, we have to look at the big picture and not just assume they are trying to poison us. B/c for every tragedy of an infertility there are tens of thousands of people not on respirators and not dying a terrible lonely death in a hospital.
"While it's devastating to have side effects, we wouldn't have eradicated diseases like polio without vaccines"
Let me stop you right there. This is false, and it makes the rest of your words practically meaningless because everything else you're going on about is essentially based on this opinion of medicine. John McKinlay predicted that pharma would take credit for eradicating childhood diseases way back in 1977, and guess what, they did! Deaths from childhood diseases started declining PRIOR to vaccinations, and it was due to better hygiene practices and large populations centers getting sanitation under control.
You might also want to look into symptoms of polio and symptoms of exposure to DDT. Once we stopped spraying children with DDT, polio all but disappeared. If I wasn't at work and expected to get things done, I'd link you an article to that as well, but you can easily find it with a search I'm sure.
I think we know a lot more about viruses and the immune system than we do about the vaccine particularly as it relates to the longevity of immunity. Never has herd-immunity been dictated by vaccine compliance. Natural immunity has to be part of the discussion.. Even the NIH admits that those who have recovered from Covid have long lasting immunity.
Ths lawsuit is the precursor for the charges against Gates and Fauci and other perpetrators of vaccine eugenics and control of the masses through fear. Via crimes against humanity military tribunals in our own country.
Unfortunately, any legal proceedings like this take time. It may take a year to get through the preliminary hearings and court procedures alone.
During that time, Hundreds of Millions... possibly even a Billion more people will be "vaccinated".
By that time, we may be well into an international "die-off" and people will be dropping like flies due to the Covid "vaccine" effects. Any court trials will be halted due to the international crisis.
Basically... good idea, but will be too late to do much good.
Doctors for Covid Ethics has written three open letters to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 vaccine dangers. In those letters we have insisted upon evidence that risks of clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities were appropriately ruled out in legitimate empirical trials prior to human use.
The first letter, delivered March 1st, can be found here. The EMA’s reply of March 23rd can be found here, and our rebuttal letter, of April 1st, here, all summarised in a press release here. …https://doctors4covidethics.medium.com/press-release-doctors-and-scientists-accuse-medical-regulator-of-downplaying-covid-19-vaccine-d2431d5abdab
I’m tired of brainless laziness research and convoluted facts like anti-Covid vaccine posts. These actually harm, not help society. If I may rant a bit, I shall explain..
There is so much disinformation by the enemy (MSM/cabal) and I jump on this site for some hopium only to be disappointed with the constant teenager shit posts that make us all look like unscientific goons. Seriously, I can imagine these folks talking like Spicoli (Fast Times at Ridgemont High w the surfer dude voice) when posting garbage like “we’re all gonna die from vaccine gene manipulation”... STFU, unless you have a PHD or MD just STFU already! ?
In case you think I’m trolling, here’s where I stand:
Election fraud took place- Trump should be our president and he will soon be victorious, as America will ????.
Been following Q posts since inception. Daily! I know the ins and outs of the comms, not an autist, but proofs are statistically impossible unless it’s true and my gut tells me this moment in history really is biblical!
China released (or perhaps black hats?) the virus from the wuhan lab. Any points to the contrary are complete bullshit. Their intent was to kill many more (opinion), and lock the world down for control (Trump was a HUGE threat) and this was the best shadow war method they could think of.
Lucky for us their plan was shit as this virus wasn’t as deadly as it needed and other viruses probably would be too deadly. Media scare tactics used 24/7, this should be brought to court for sure, not the good guys who invented a vaccine for it nor the front line people treating Covid, fighting daily.
White hats helped us to uncover the bullshit spewed by Rinos and 100% of DEMs, especially HCQ advocates Dr Zelenko and Dr Simone Gold. Nonetheless, I believe that good scientists and researchers exist and that the vaccines are a force of good against an evil virus. Explain why else Trump would support them EVERY SINGLE TIME when asked ? What pissed off Trump was not the miracle vaccines but the disinformation/deception by the media on HCQ, which would have saved countless more lives in the critical junction leading up to the vaccine approvals . Side note, I think it’s bullshit they got approved after the election, but did you really think the FDA was pro Trump? Now, the pharma industry was def anti-Trump, but that doesn’t mean they are anti humanity or anti-profits. Any dangers to a vaccine and entire company goes belly up. Huge risk. They are not immune to law suits nor penalties and history has shown they have paid billions upon billions in fines in the past. But remember good American patriots work in pharma too and they are majority republican / Trump supporters. Workers and Middle Leadership 75% republican, top leadership 75% Democrat. They give an illusion of being democrat, like the rest of our country. We are the majority.
This was an all hands on deck needed moment- we needed hcq, vaccines, ventilators etc. I have known several people severely sickened or who died by Covid. This was a more contagious and powerful version of a “flu”...so I believe it’s real, and know that most are safe from it, but for those who aren’t safe- we need some type of resolution and HCQ isn’t it, the vaccines were the only way out. The hospitals having ICU filled were real. I KNOW family and friends that are MD/nurses in ICU and that was real. The vaccine creators are White hats and I’m sure it pissed off whoever unleashed this shit to see 95% efficacy. It’s these same motherfuckers who are spreading shit posts about 5G and how it will kill us if we are vaccinated. I’ve got news dumbasses, if anyone wanted us dead their are far better more efficient ways, including energy weapons nuclear and other... and finally if we don’t reach herd immunity then what the hell does everyone expect to happen? By spreading vaccine related garbage and connecting it to the cabal, we are aiding them in more control. Newsflash: The cabal doesn’t want Covid to end. If people don’t believe in the vaccines, then guess what, our future will look like India today. And you adolescents who don’t give a shit b/c you are young, your parents and grandparents could be at risk and eventually we all get old, so that’s the real risk - forever Covid- so stop bashing vaccines w zero evidence you are only helping the cabal.
Why are the black hat MSM demons trying to hard to force us to get vaxxed then? If the deep state players and controlled hollywood types are saying we are selfish for not experimenting with 10 month old gene therapy, why are they trying to coerce us to do so via poassports?
Thread from VOAT on 'Godlike Productions' of interest ~
Godlike Productions "Conspiracy Forum" banning for links to Voat (pizzagate)
submitted 4.4 years ago by Insubordinate
If you post on Godlike Productions (GLP), you will be banned for linking/mentioning Voat. Mentioning/linking to many other informative Pizzagate-related sites (Veterans Today) will also produce an immediate ban from GLP. Definitely raises a red flag. Beware.
GLP has some interesting threads. I was repeatedly banned without any explanation. Perhaps that was the reason as never dis other posters or use foul language.
Narcissism 4.4 years ago
Type Tavistock into GLP and you get banned straight away.
Aren't GLP the producers of music videos for Heavy Breathing and them? If they and Tavistock are linked that is beyond fucked up. i mean everything in the world points to it, particularly Katie Perry/Miley Cyrus, but those Heay Breathing videos take it to another level.
quantokitty 4.4 years ago
That's strange. GP is like conspiracy central so why would they care? Does the post quote VOAT? I know some sites have copyrights on what is posted/discussed. Otherwise, it makes no sense.
Insubordinate 4.4 years ago
The post that got me banned didn't even get posted... I was immediately banned when I hit the "enter" key. The post only provided a link to a Voat/pizzagate subverse... no quotes. Apparently, Voat is a banned site according to GLP. Indeed, why would they even care? They claim to be a "conspiracy site" after all.
Yuser_Manuel 4.4 years ago
GLP is a creation of Tavistock. If you look on their website the server is located on the island of Jersey, UK. If you aren't familiar with Jersey it is something to look into. http://www.highstrangeness.tv/articles/jerseydevils.php
Insubordinate 4.4 years ago
Thank you for the very informative link. I was unaware that GLP was based in the UK. The fact that GLP is located in Jersey, UK is extremely creepy. Jimmy Savile and the Queen's court of pedophiles has been linked to Jersey. The rabbit hole just gets deeper... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdpJSKQOEDoYouTube
think_whatif 4.4 years ago
Strangely, the forum owner, ^TrInItY^ and most of the mods come across as believers of pizzagate.
But, the insta-bans are out of control. I wont even post *any *links there anymore.
norobotono 4.4 years ago
GLP is Tavistock. They ban many things there including whole IP ranges sometimes.
The place is is only worth visiting if you are a misogynistic, racist homo/transphobic anyway.
Alex_A97 4.4 years ago
Was just about to mention that they're a front for T-Stock that will immediately erase you should you mention their name in full at all.
Insubordinate 4.4 years ago
I've been banned from GLP numerous times for simply posting facts. The latest bans at GLP regarding Pizzagate have me believing that GLP is involved in the cover up. The Judge Scalia death (murder?) and his alleged pedophilia ties seem to strike a particular nerve at GLP.
Oh, you mean the demented far left commies, yeah, no that's actually only illegal for anyone that questions their batshit crazy, clown world logic. You see, they make (and change) the law only when it suits them. They break the law every day, and if you complain, you are literally Hitler! and a bigoted, white supremacist.
White Hats did not use covid or try to say all other flu has disappeared... no, it is only the cabal that shows the world just how ridiculously gullible they believe all of humanity is.
I believe every word in that document about the vaccine being dangerous and against existing law. That being said, I want to see actual legal filings and against who and where they are filed, which court. Until these are actually filed and we have proof, it's just hearsay. If there are filings then that is public information and it should be available.
That seems to be the method, now.
Get someone to shout loudly on camera about the sheer injustice of it, how it's unConstitutional, how this is the end of America, and "cut!". End of scene. Now we all go to the bar for cocktails.
We need to see something real, here.
Cocktails before or after the hangings?
Apropos during.
No hangings.
That's the problem.
I'd say, it's about time we revived some old traditions.
Cynicism properly managed. I agree.
Not necessarily. US law is not the same as global entities law. USA is rare in allowing public access to everything.
I hope Fuellmich is successful. I also hope he has very reliable security 24x7x365.
hell... go for the TSAR BOMBA!!
30.06 Garand
Impossible to get though ?
ah,,, but I have a stockpile for JUST this time
I see you've played Ammo-Ka'blammo before
MK19 x 40mm
More like “fuck, my shoulder hurts”
It has already gone to shit. Its getting shittier by the day.
A few countries are finally getting the plunger out, but we have a ways to go.
Reiner Fuellrich provides a lot of Hopium, for sure. I have to believe he is the real deal. The "Abbreviated" video spells everything out. https://sunfellow.com/reiner-fuellmich-suing-the-powers-that-be-for-crimes-against-humanity/
Thank you! Let 2021 be the year of accountability because we will never get 2020 back.
This is a good start... but where are the US lawyers? Why is this being done in Germany and not the US?
Unless there are plenty of US lawyers in the "1000 lawyers" cited... I guess that would work.
There needs to be a sort of report card for those who post these posts. and if it is just a BS post? post publicly the people BY NAME who put out this kind of info. If true we will celebrate them and their publication. Yet if BS, we DOX the $4IT out of them with MORE scrutiny than the bad actors.
To be fair, I do like the points of bringing people to justice for the PCR faulty tests, the nursing home scandals also for mandating every death to be a “Covid” related death. This should be top priority. CDC/WHO /MSM all should be held liable for their lies.
My long comment below was b/c I support the Covid vaccines b/c I believe Covid was cabal engineered but I believe the vaccines were white hat engineered.
I find it hard to distrust scientists, in a time where we needed them most, for their great achievements. Why are we persecuting them?
I don’t wear a mask outside and I roll my eyes when I see the dozens of secluded ppl (likely Biden supporters) 100-1000 ft from others wearing a mask outside.
If white hats made the vaccines then why do we have women with major fertility-related side effects and all types of people with major blood clot issues? Sorry but assuming that J&J, Pfizer and Moderna are somehow white hats is just laughable to me. These companies are part of the chemical cabal that rules pretty much every other industry on the planet. I recommend reading about the history of IG Farben and the shell games they played post-WW2 before you start giving them any humanitarian credit whatsoever. Sure, there might be a lot of good scientists working for these chemical giants, but they aren't the decision makers.
I hear your point, and in this world of various bad actors it’s understandable, maybe plausible, however their are serious holes in the argument. I haven’t read those books, but thanks for the the suggestion I will check out. For now, I’d like to focus on the topic you brought up, the infertility as well as blood clot adverse events. Are we talking rates of .00001% or are we talking 10%? It’s important to lay these facts so they can be judged.
While it’s devastating to have side effects, we wouldn’t have eradicated diseases like polio without vaccines- so yeah, I do believe they can cause some really fucked up AEs, but overall they help to obliterate really bad diseases. The majority of doctors agree. Generally speaking, right? Take w a grain of salt. There are always outlier vaccines that have long-term issues, but weren’t necessarily nefariously designed as lawyers would have us all believe...
So if we are going to use factoids about blood clots & JnJ vax, let’s talk about the real facts. Do you remember the original story on JnJ Vax? it was 6 in 6 million (don’t quote me on this but it was something similar)... all the anti-vax people saying why do I need a vaccine if Covid has a survival rate of 99.99% (25 year old rate) are now the same statistical experts who say I’m not touching something with a .000001 chance of getting a blood clot? The death rate for 85 year olds is pretty high (as high as 15%? I think), so imagine them weighing that decision vs the 25 year old. Add distrust for pharma industry and general distrust of gov’t (for right reasons), and we have a shitshow: people who won’t take the vaccine and a continuation of Covid (reduced herd immunity)... This leads to yearly vaccines, which leads to more profit. If everyone got the jab, I’m not sure there would be anything left to fight off...
And here lies the issue. The 60,70,and 80 year olds don’t really have an option... their hand is forced by the data, death rates assoc. w Covid. Math tells us the risk of the blood clot for them is lower than the risk of dying from Covid. Those who claim” I had Covid last year or earlier this year and have antibodies” typically aren’t medical doctors- they feel safe but do we don’t know for sure if antibodies are indefinitely? Think Spanish flu, 1st wave light, people had antibodies, second wave was really much more severe.
So when we talk about rare side effects, we have to look at the big picture and not just assume they are trying to poison us. B/c for every tragedy of an infertility there are tens of thousands of people not on respirators and not dying a terrible lonely death in a hospital.
"While it's devastating to have side effects, we wouldn't have eradicated diseases like polio without vaccines"
Let me stop you right there. This is false, and it makes the rest of your words practically meaningless because everything else you're going on about is essentially based on this opinion of medicine. John McKinlay predicted that pharma would take credit for eradicating childhood diseases way back in 1977, and guess what, they did! Deaths from childhood diseases started declining PRIOR to vaccinations, and it was due to better hygiene practices and large populations centers getting sanitation under control.
You might also want to look into symptoms of polio and symptoms of exposure to DDT. Once we stopped spraying children with DDT, polio all but disappeared. If I wasn't at work and expected to get things done, I'd link you an article to that as well, but you can easily find it with a search I'm sure.
I think we know a lot more about viruses and the immune system than we do about the vaccine particularly as it relates to the longevity of immunity. Never has herd-immunity been dictated by vaccine compliance. Natural immunity has to be part of the discussion.. Even the NIH admits that those who have recovered from Covid have long lasting immunity.
The REAL History of Polio – 20 Things You Didn’t Know
I'm more excited about this than I am about some election integrity committee. Best news.
Ths lawsuit is the precursor for the charges against Gates and Fauci and other perpetrators of vaccine eugenics and control of the masses through fear. Via crimes against humanity military tribunals in our own country.
Unfortunately, any legal proceedings like this take time. It may take a year to get through the preliminary hearings and court procedures alone.
During that time, Hundreds of Millions... possibly even a Billion more people will be "vaccinated".
By that time, we may be well into an international "die-off" and people will be dropping like flies due to the Covid "vaccine" effects. Any court trials will be halted due to the international crisis.
Basically... good idea, but will be too late to do much good.
Somehow came upon this post from 3 years ago. I guess he was mistaken.
He's in jail.
Doctors for Covid Ethics https://doctors4covidethics.medium.com/
Doctors for Covid Ethics has written three open letters to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 vaccine dangers. In those letters we have insisted upon evidence that risks of clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities were appropriately ruled out in legitimate empirical trials prior to human use. The first letter, delivered March 1st, can be found here. The EMA’s reply of March 23rd can be found here, and our rebuttal letter, of April 1st, here, all summarised in a press release here. …https://doctors4covidethics.medium.com/press-release-doctors-and-scientists-accuse-medical-regulator-of-downplaying-covid-19-vaccine-d2431d5abdab
from October.... https://greatgameindia.com/germany-legal-action-covid-19/
from November... https://www.cchfreedom.org/files/files/HFM%2011%2005%2020.pdf
this is the first I've heard about since last fall, so being kept somewhat quiet, which leads me to believe it's probably not a distraction
I’m tired of brainless laziness research and convoluted facts like anti-Covid vaccine posts. These actually harm, not help society. If I may rant a bit, I shall explain..
There is so much disinformation by the enemy (MSM/cabal) and I jump on this site for some hopium only to be disappointed with the constant teenager shit posts that make us all look like unscientific goons. Seriously, I can imagine these folks talking like Spicoli (Fast Times at Ridgemont High w the surfer dude voice) when posting garbage like “we’re all gonna die from vaccine gene manipulation”... STFU, unless you have a PHD or MD just STFU already! ?
In case you think I’m trolling, here’s where I stand:
Election fraud took place- Trump should be our president and he will soon be victorious, as America will ????.
Been following Q posts since inception. Daily! I know the ins and outs of the comms, not an autist, but proofs are statistically impossible unless it’s true and my gut tells me this moment in history really is biblical!
China released (or perhaps black hats?) the virus from the wuhan lab. Any points to the contrary are complete bullshit. Their intent was to kill many more (opinion), and lock the world down for control (Trump was a HUGE threat) and this was the best shadow war method they could think of. Lucky for us their plan was shit as this virus wasn’t as deadly as it needed and other viruses probably would be too deadly. Media scare tactics used 24/7, this should be brought to court for sure, not the good guys who invented a vaccine for it nor the front line people treating Covid, fighting daily.
White hats helped us to uncover the bullshit spewed by Rinos and 100% of DEMs, especially HCQ advocates Dr Zelenko and Dr Simone Gold. Nonetheless, I believe that good scientists and researchers exist and that the vaccines are a force of good against an evil virus. Explain why else Trump would support them EVERY SINGLE TIME when asked ? What pissed off Trump was not the miracle vaccines but the disinformation/deception by the media on HCQ, which would have saved countless more lives in the critical junction leading up to the vaccine approvals . Side note, I think it’s bullshit they got approved after the election, but did you really think the FDA was pro Trump? Now, the pharma industry was def anti-Trump, but that doesn’t mean they are anti humanity or anti-profits. Any dangers to a vaccine and entire company goes belly up. Huge risk. They are not immune to law suits nor penalties and history has shown they have paid billions upon billions in fines in the past. But remember good American patriots work in pharma too and they are majority republican / Trump supporters. Workers and Middle Leadership 75% republican, top leadership 75% Democrat. They give an illusion of being democrat, like the rest of our country. We are the majority.
This was an all hands on deck needed moment- we needed hcq, vaccines, ventilators etc. I have known several people severely sickened or who died by Covid. This was a more contagious and powerful version of a “flu”...so I believe it’s real, and know that most are safe from it, but for those who aren’t safe- we need some type of resolution and HCQ isn’t it, the vaccines were the only way out. The hospitals having ICU filled were real. I KNOW family and friends that are MD/nurses in ICU and that was real. The vaccine creators are White hats and I’m sure it pissed off whoever unleashed this shit to see 95% efficacy. It’s these same motherfuckers who are spreading shit posts about 5G and how it will kill us if we are vaccinated. I’ve got news dumbasses, if anyone wanted us dead their are far better more efficient ways, including energy weapons nuclear and other... and finally if we don’t reach herd immunity then what the hell does everyone expect to happen? By spreading vaccine related garbage and connecting it to the cabal, we are aiding them in more control. Newsflash: The cabal doesn’t want Covid to end. If people don’t believe in the vaccines, then guess what, our future will look like India today. And you adolescents who don’t give a shit b/c you are young, your parents and grandparents could be at risk and eventually we all get old, so that’s the real risk - forever Covid- so stop bashing vaccines w zero evidence you are only helping the cabal.
Thank you for a nuanced view, especially 3 and 5.
viruses are not contagious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLpL_1tP5jM all vaccines are bioweapons https://miepbos.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/email-prik-2019.pdf
Why are the black hat MSM demons trying to hard to force us to get vaxxed then? If the deep state players and controlled hollywood types are saying we are selfish for not experimenting with 10 month old gene therapy, why are they trying to coerce us to do so via poassports?
Nice try.
10k docs sounds like a concensus to me.
They should sell raffle tickets for who gets to pull the lever to drop Fauci by his neck, straight into Hell.
Is there a link to the suit filed? I didn't see one, it seems like a message board.
I bet this is why ‘the divorces’ are beginning...as if Patriots won’t still get it all.
Thread from VOAT on 'Godlike Productions' of interest ~
Godlike Productions "Conspiracy Forum" banning for links to Voat (pizzagate)
submitted 4.4 years ago by Insubordinate
If you post on Godlike Productions (GLP), you will be banned for linking/mentioning Voat. Mentioning/linking to many other informative Pizzagate-related sites (Veterans Today) will also produce an immediate ban from GLP. Definitely raises a red flag. Beware.
One example of a link banned by GLP (why?)... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/08/24/vt-exclusive-largest-pedophile-ring-in-history-70000-members-heads-of-state-the-rats-scramble/
AgainstPedos 4.4 years ago
GLP has some interesting threads. I was repeatedly banned without any explanation. Perhaps that was the reason as never dis other posters or use foul language.
Narcissism 4.4 years ago
Type Tavistock into GLP and you get banned straight away.
tjarco 4.4 years ago
please submit screenshots/archived pages here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030
jonnythaiwongy9 4.4 years ago
Aren't GLP the producers of music videos for Heavy Breathing and them? If they and Tavistock are linked that is beyond fucked up. i mean everything in the world points to it, particularly Katie Perry/Miley Cyrus, but those Heay Breathing videos take it to another level.
quantokitty 4.4 years ago
That's strange. GP is like conspiracy central so why would they care? Does the post quote VOAT? I know some sites have copyrights on what is posted/discussed. Otherwise, it makes no sense.
Insubordinate 4.4 years ago
The post that got me banned didn't even get posted... I was immediately banned when I hit the "enter" key. The post only provided a link to a Voat/pizzagate subverse... no quotes. Apparently, Voat is a banned site according to GLP. Indeed, why would they even care? They claim to be a "conspiracy site" after all.
Yuser_Manuel 4.4 years ago
GLP is a creation of Tavistock. If you look on their website the server is located on the island of Jersey, UK. If you aren't familiar with Jersey it is something to look into. http://www.highstrangeness.tv/articles/jerseydevils.php
Insubordinate 4.4 years ago
Thank you for the very informative link. I was unaware that GLP was based in the UK. The fact that GLP is located in Jersey, UK is extremely creepy. Jimmy Savile and the Queen's court of pedophiles has been linked to Jersey. The rabbit hole just gets deeper... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdpJSKQOEDoYouTube
think_whatif 4.4 years ago
Strangely, the forum owner, ^TrInItY^ and most of the mods come across as believers of pizzagate.
But, the insta-bans are out of control. I wont even post *any *links there anymore.
norobotono 4.4 years ago
GLP is Tavistock. They ban many things there including whole IP ranges sometimes.
The place is is only worth visiting if you are a misogynistic, racist homo/transphobic anyway.
Alex_A97 4.4 years ago
Was just about to mention that they're a front for T-Stock that will immediately erase you should you mention their name in full at all.
Insubordinate 4.4 years ago
I've been banned from GLP numerous times for simply posting facts. The latest bans at GLP regarding Pizzagate have me believing that GLP is involved in the cover up. The Judge Scalia death (murder?) and his alleged pedophilia ties seem to strike a particular nerve at GLP.
WWF? Godlike?? I am banned their and you should be banned their too. You think spooks are on this site....
Is this not huge? This feels like BIG news
Oh, you mean the demented far left commies, yeah, no that's actually only illegal for anyone that questions their batshit crazy, clown world logic. You see, they make (and change) the law only when it suits them. They break the law every day, and if you complain, you are literally Hitler! and a bigoted, white supremacist.
White Hats did not use covid or try to say all other flu has disappeared... no, it is only the cabal that shows the world just how ridiculously gullible they believe all of humanity is.
Bet all the fucking kid fuckers will try tearing this down (in the public eye) every night on cable news!
Fake laugh tracks every puppet head bounce