Agreed, while she has backed Trump on issues like impeachment and election fraud, she voted for Democrat bills and opposed Trump on things like the tax cut.
Sometimes you have to take the best you can get to replace someone horrible. I say that coming from Arizona trying to get John McCain ousted for 20 years before he died... He kept getting in because there was "nobody better", I had to resort to voting for liberals just to get rid of him. My argument against the idiots fighting me about because I am a conservative voting for a liberal was "You old white Republicans have caused the mess we are in, stop trying to tell me how to fix your problems when you have continued to do the wrong thing over and over again, I will support a liberal over a RINO in order to get them out, then vote for a Conservative on the next round."
We need to fight harder vs. the RINO establishment that has hijacked the republican party.
"Scorched earth" voting against RINOs is a valid, and arguably necessary tactic. We cannot move forward against the encroachment of marxist agendas within our society when RINOs continue to allow, and aid leftist ideologies. We need to vote both out of power, and currently it is much easier for us to vote the RINOs out.
"They thought you would follow the stars" could apply to political figures also. Cheney thought her name still had power over conservatives. She is getting a rude awakening.
Should be more concerned of her “affiliations” and yenta like behavior. She is loyal to Israel first. How many damn times do we have to sit back and pretend we don’t see the infiltration destroying us?
Everyone is saying he's just another Swamp Rat. Why the fuck did the President throw his support for her then? I love you, Trump, but I don't fucking understand, man.
Political reality is often "dance ith the devil" until you have a clear opportunity to kill him.
DJT is the master, but at this time he is not all powerful. He does not have full control of the board. The game is still being played and the black side still has powerful pieces.
Checkmate is coming but some moves remain to be carefully made. No mistakes allowed.
I haven’t researched Elise, but I’m wondering if Trump backing some of these RINO type people is just another way to continually illustrate how broken our system is. Over and over again, until the rest of the sheeple wake up. Maybe maybe not.
I trust Trump because promises made, promises kept.
If Trump trusted Q enough to work with him directly aboard AF1 and in the White House, then I think I can trust Q and the plan he's referred to on occasion.
Beyond that, nobody much else in the public sphere is worth it at this point
Just waiting on the backstab.
Time for words is over for her, now lets see her actions.
Maybe that's the idea, shove her into the spotlight with the reminder "don't forget what happened to your predecessor."
Makes sense to me
I think she's a RINO but that me.Lets see what her actions are before we condemn her.
Well who knows maybe she cares enough about keeping her job that we might be able to get a few years of good behavior out of her.
I like her...but yeah - we'll see. I don't think we're going to have to wait long.
That's not just you.
Yah. Perhaps she’s half a RINO !
Be very careful...look at her voting record. NOT a conservative.
Agreed, while she has backed Trump on issues like impeachment and election fraud, she voted for Democrat bills and opposed Trump on things like the tax cut.
Sometimes you have to take the best you can get to replace someone horrible. I say that coming from Arizona trying to get John McCain ousted for 20 years before he died... He kept getting in because there was "nobody better", I had to resort to voting for liberals just to get rid of him. My argument against the idiots fighting me about because I am a conservative voting for a liberal was "You old white Republicans have caused the mess we are in, stop trying to tell me how to fix your problems when you have continued to do the wrong thing over and over again, I will support a liberal over a RINO in order to get them out, then vote for a Conservative on the next round."
Yeah, you do have a point.
We need to fight harder vs. the RINO establishment that has hijacked the republican party.
"Scorched earth" voting against RINOs is a valid, and arguably necessary tactic. We cannot move forward against the encroachment of marxist agendas within our society when RINOs continue to allow, and aid leftist ideologies. We need to vote both out of power, and currently it is much easier for us to vote the RINOs out.
I was telling people I would have voted for Ebola over Hillary for POTUS.
But also was stoked to vote for our guy. ;)
Hillary is the worst of the worst you should vote for satan over her (pretty close)
I'm there.
Her voting record is indistinguishable from a liberal Democrat, just a fact.
At this point I'm good with anyone that isn't an outright criminal
Another Amy Coney-Barrett. Great.
Heard some questionable things about her but hope Trump knows what he's doing. Usually he does lol.
She can't be worse than Liz tho!
Don't trust her. The Donald has been pointing out all her bullshit. She'll be another RINO
That's kind of odd if he endorsed her
We don’t blindly follow potus anymore
"They thought you would follow the stars" could apply to political figures also. Cheney thought her name still had power over conservatives. She is getting a rude awakening.
Bad. Voting. Record.
Real bad. She's a NYer. That's the best we can come up with?
Rino out, rino in.
Should be more concerned of her “affiliations” and yenta like behavior. She is loyal to Israel first. How many damn times do we have to sit back and pretend we don’t see the infiltration destroying us?
You should read what some people have supposedly uncovered about her. If true, she is as bad or worse than Roberts.
Like what!? I know her voting record is terrible but worse than Roberts is alarming! ?
Everyone is saying he's just another Swamp Rat. Why the fuck did the President throw his support for her then? I love you, Trump, but I don't fucking understand, man.
Political reality is often "dance ith the devil" until you have a clear opportunity to kill him.
DJT is the master, but at this time he is not all powerful. He does not have full control of the board. The game is still being played and the black side still has powerful pieces.
Checkmate is coming but some moves remain to be carefully made. No mistakes allowed.
Well she does represent the district where the 10th Mountain Division reside. Ft. Drum.
Yeah, that’s not good
Meh.they could use that third brigade though.
I haven’t researched Elise, but I’m wondering if Trump backing some of these RINO type people is just another way to continually illustrate how broken our system is. Over and over again, until the rest of the sheeple wake up. Maybe maybe not.
Yep, the Sword of Damocles is already hanging over her head.
She's just as bad as Liz Cheney.
Possibly worse
Yeah, Cheney was at least American... not dual
OK, Elsie, now let's talk about that voting record of yours . . .
Or would you rather not?
She was against Trump on a LOT of key issues, so I'm not sure what the strategy is here.
Did she thank DJT?
The way he endorsed ACB?
Let's see if she is like the rest. Let's see if she bites the hand that feeds her.
Maybe she'll team up with Piglosi to arrange another impeachment of Trump :)
Let's just say, good luck with Stefanik. I have my reservations about that choice.
Rand paul is trash.
Yeah a useless coward
I trust Trump because promises made, promises kept.
If Trump trusted Q enough to work with him directly aboard AF1 and in the White House, then I think I can trust Q and the plan he's referred to on occasion.
Beyond that, nobody much else in the public sphere is worth it at this point
Who is/was Liz Cheney and why does it matter? European here trying to understand wtf is going on.
Daughter of Dick Cheney who was GW Bush's VP and a prominent 9/11 director-conspirator.
Cheney controlled a lot of the 9/11 attack from the WH situation room.
Huge hideous pedophile too, into human hunting, the works
WOW! She's attractive!
Nevermind. After reading some comments, I spoke too soon. :-(
Shes cute for sure
Ugly ass yenta, stop celebrating dual citizens
I am not yet convinced she is not a RINO. Maybe not 100%.
I'd probably hit it. I guess....