Opposite here. I am an agnostic atheist and im super against satanists and think there is a massive righteous battle of good and evil going on in many ways, have never seen any reason to believe in a god.
That's all well and good, but I'm not opposed to a God, in fact I've wished I could believe in one for years. I've just never had the ability to. I'm not able to believe in something on faith. I need some kind of evidence. All this q stuff has shown me that evil Satanists exist, but nothing about a God.
Lol. Okay. But if you actually want the truth about God, which is the ultimate red pill, than it's easy to get it. Just say a simple prayer along these lines, "God, I don't know if you exist. I always thought you didn't, but if you do, I want to know the truth and I want to know you. Please reveal yourself to me." Literally, that's it. You'll get your answer. The only caveat is, you must humble yourself and be sincere. No mocking. Just be honest and truthful and cry out to God. He will answer. Do you really think people just wake up one day and decide to have faith in God for no reason? Come on, man.
Just as the biggest trick the devil pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist, the greatest trick the dems pulled was to convince the rubes the dems are the good guys.
I heard this “claim” back in the 90s and I ripped the guy apart about it and he fought me tooth and nail about it... he turned out to be a teacher...........
I don't believe owning slaves had anything at all to do with which party you voted for. It was more a matter of whether you needed slaves or not and if you had enough money to buy them.
Some of my ancestors owned slaves, and all were conservatives. They farmed, had large families who also worked in the fields, and they spent only what they had in hand.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the northern slave owners were liberals, and a lot were conservative.
People used to vote based on the individual, not by party. Otherwise, one party would stay in power forever.
Your point is well made, but OP is addressing the whole "All Republicans are racist" lie that is perpetuated ad-nauseum by the Dems and MSM. Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves. Republicans came to be as the party of abolition. Abolition is not a "conservative" or "liberal" thing. It's a "all humans should be free" thing.
Racists are racists. They are not limited to any specific party and they come in all shapes, sizes, sexes, and colors.
False, Dinesh D'Souza has a long running prize of a million dollars if anyone can prove that Republicans owned slaves. NO ONE can find even one record of such a thing and to this day, no Republican ever owned slaves.
Of course I can't prove how my ancestors voted back in the 1700s. Ballots are secret, and I don't know that they had actual party registrations back then, so there's no way to tell how anyone voted back then. I'm pretty sure my oldest slave-owning ancestor voted conservatively, regardless of what the parties were called back then.
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, and he was in what was usually called the Republican party, not the Federalist party. The party was really called the Democratic Republican party, so D'Souza would weasel on that one.
On the other hand, Chief Justice John Marshall owned slaves, and he supported the Federalist party. So whichever party you count as being equivalent to today's Republican party, there were slave owners in both parties. That's a documented fact.
Jefferson was not a Republican FFS. The Federalist party was not called the Republican party (the party of abolition of slavery).
No Republican ever owned slaves. Those who are documented were Democrats who changed their party affiliation at the time of the beginning of the Civil War. Democrats in Republican clothing. They were not Republicans (abolitionists) if they owned slaves. That would be an oxymoron.
The Northerners were the ones with the slave ships who brought them across the Atlantic in the Triangular trade.
New England -->Rum, tobacco, etc.--> England -->Textiles, etc. -->Africa-->slaves
-->Americas--> Rum, etc---->New England, etc or some variation with the ships sometimes embarking from England -->Africa-->Americas
There were a few routes but they involved ships owned mostly by men in New England.Most of the ships left from Newport, R.I. but other New England ports also served.
So, on the eve of a race war to "kill all crackers" and after blacks looted and burned every city for no reason at all, you agree with the globalists that Diversity Is Our Strength™?
Did you figure that our yourself or is that what you were taught during your "be less white" Critical Race Theory training?
My response post was to the first line you made: "I don't believe all our Democrat forefathers were evil." Nothing more nothing less. Apparently the guy who put it on his grave didn't agree with your statement.
Other than that I have no idea what you are talking about.
I didn't live in the time of Lincoln. Nor did I personally know any Dems from that era. But the dead man did. And BTW if you read the article you would know the dead man wasn't anonymous. I think it is uncanny that he had to put something on his tombstone to warn future generations about a political party. Many of what is in general actually turning out to be true.
As for my own opinion. There are many Dems in my area that voted for Trump. So you can't judge a book by its cover. However none of them ARE politicians.
Nor did I personally know any Dems from that era. But the dead man did.
How do you know the man wasn't insane or delusional or just full of shit?
Source that your dead man had rational and informed opinions to judge ALL Democrats by their political affiliations rather than the quality of their character?
There were some white Soros paid agitators, but almost all of the looting and damage was caused by blacks. This isn't my opinion: it's reality as show in every 2020 BLM crime spree video.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exst.
Opposite here. I am an agnostic atheist and im super against satanists and think there is a massive righteous battle of good and evil going on in many ways, have never seen any reason to believe in a god.
That's all well and good, but I'm not opposed to a God, in fact I've wished I could believe in one for years. I've just never had the ability to. I'm not able to believe in something on faith. I need some kind of evidence. All this q stuff has shown me that evil Satanists exist, but nothing about a God.
Lol. Okay. But if you actually want the truth about God, which is the ultimate red pill, than it's easy to get it. Just say a simple prayer along these lines, "God, I don't know if you exist. I always thought you didn't, but if you do, I want to know the truth and I want to know you. Please reveal yourself to me." Literally, that's it. You'll get your answer. The only caveat is, you must humble yourself and be sincere. No mocking. Just be honest and truthful and cry out to God. He will answer. Do you really think people just wake up one day and decide to have faith in God for no reason? Come on, man.
No, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world about muh party switch.
Paul Harvey 1965' "If I was the Devil"
There's another answer to that as well.
Oh no Golem, too much wrong-think for you. You're racist/hateful to point out the obvious.
Ba'al worshippers
You forgot education system
I guess the CIA is owned by the Democrats so you're mostly correct. :)
BuT tHe PaRtIeS sWiTcHeD!
Ask a democrat when this happened and they'll say before JFK but after LBJ.
Meanwhile, Carter won the south in 1976.
They don't explain it. They just continue doing it.
2+2=hAwHite SuPrEmeS!
Just as the biggest trick the devil pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist, the greatest trick the dems pulled was to convince the rubes the dems are the good guys.
The Great Party Switch! ;)
I heard this “claim” back in the 90s and I ripped the guy apart about it and he fought me tooth and nail about it... he turned out to be a teacher...........
They say the parties switched cus the black ppl started voting for them
Yeah the true colors show today
and now lets talk about the big lie...
Read the book 1984. It explains everything.
I don't believe owning slaves had anything at all to do with which party you voted for. It was more a matter of whether you needed slaves or not and if you had enough money to buy them.
Some of my ancestors owned slaves, and all were conservatives. They farmed, had large families who also worked in the fields, and they spent only what they had in hand.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the northern slave owners were liberals, and a lot were conservative.
People used to vote based on the individual, not by party. Otherwise, one party would stay in power forever.
Your point is well made, but OP is addressing the whole "All Republicans are racist" lie that is perpetuated ad-nauseum by the Dems and MSM. Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves. Republicans came to be as the party of abolition. Abolition is not a "conservative" or "liberal" thing. It's a "all humans should be free" thing.
Racists are racists. They are not limited to any specific party and they come in all shapes, sizes, sexes, and colors.
I know. But OP should omit the part about only Dims owning slaves, as it's incorrect.
False, Dinesh D'Souza has a long running prize of a million dollars if anyone can prove that Republicans owned slaves. NO ONE can find even one record of such a thing and to this day, no Republican ever owned slaves.
Wow. Really? I didn't know that. Thanks for info!
Of course I can't prove how my ancestors voted back in the 1700s. Ballots are secret, and I don't know that they had actual party registrations back then, so there's no way to tell how anyone voted back then. I'm pretty sure my oldest slave-owning ancestor voted conservatively, regardless of what the parties were called back then.
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, and he was in what was usually called the Republican party, not the Federalist party. The party was really called the Democratic Republican party, so D'Souza would weasel on that one.
On the other hand, Chief Justice John Marshall owned slaves, and he supported the Federalist party. So whichever party you count as being equivalent to today's Republican party, there were slave owners in both parties. That's a documented fact.
Jefferson was not a Republican FFS. The Federalist party was not called the Republican party (the party of abolition of slavery).
No Republican ever owned slaves. Those who are documented were Democrats who changed their party affiliation at the time of the beginning of the Civil War. Democrats in Republican clothing. They were not Republicans (abolitionists) if they owned slaves. That would be an oxymoron.
The Northerners were the ones with the slave ships who brought them across the Atlantic in the Triangular trade. New England -->Rum, tobacco, etc.--> England -->Textiles, etc. -->Africa-->slaves -->Americas--> Rum, etc---->New England, etc or some variation with the ships sometimes embarking from England -->Africa-->Americas There were a few routes but they involved ships owned mostly by men in New England.Most of the ships left from Newport, R.I. but other New England ports also served.
When do you people understand their is no different between a democrat and republican the Cabal controls both sides
Yes maybe a few are actually none Cabal members but its very few to make a difference
About that JFK thing...id bet my life it was bush sr
the parties switched
Well this guy had something to say about it going all the way back to Andrew Jackson. He even put it on his own gravestone: https://rightwingtribune.com/2019/03/04/the-129-year-old-grave/
So, on the eve of a race war to "kill all crackers" and after blacks looted and burned every city for no reason at all, you agree with the globalists that Diversity Is Our Strength™?
Did you figure that our yourself or is that what you were taught during your "be less white" Critical Race Theory training?
My response post was to the first line you made: "I don't believe all our Democrat forefathers were evil." Nothing more nothing less. Apparently the guy who put it on his grave didn't agree with your statement.
Other than that I have no idea what you are talking about.
Don't argue with a shill.
Why do you care what that anonymous dead man thinks?
Do you not have opinions of your own?
I didn't live in the time of Lincoln. Nor did I personally know any Dems from that era. But the dead man did. And BTW if you read the article you would know the dead man wasn't anonymous. I think it is uncanny that he had to put something on his tombstone to warn future generations about a political party. Many of what is in general actually turning out to be true.
As for my own opinion. There are many Dems in my area that voted for Trump. So you can't judge a book by its cover. However none of them ARE politicians.
How do you know the man wasn't insane or delusional or just full of shit?
Source that your dead man had rational and informed opinions to judge ALL Democrats by their political affiliations rather than the quality of their character?
A fat chunk of BLM are white anarchists and commies. Don't let the name fool you. It wasn't just blacks that burned, looted, and murdered.
No, that is not what happened in the slightest.
There were some white Soros paid agitators, but almost all of the looting and damage was caused by blacks. This isn't my opinion: it's reality as show in every 2020 BLM crime spree video.
Damn! That Wells Fargo window held out forever!
I do see white people in these videos, too. Not as many as the blacks, but they are there. 2:20 mark is a good example.
Good comp.
Get lost shill
Not a rational and informed rebuttal.