What was so significant about the 16 year plan ending in 2024? Why the rush to make up for "lost time"?
? Research Wanted ?
I've been mulling this question or series of questions over for a few weeks. The 16 year plan, that the cabal was intending and explained by Q; why? What is so significant about destroying America by 2024? Is there something on the satanic illuminati calendar that has incredible importance to them, is there a solar event that has meaning to them? Is 2024 important to the agenda 2030 plan?
I am assuming there is something important they are aiming for, otherwise things could have been business as usual, cheat here, lie there, misdirect again, project etc, until they overwhelmed us. Something isn't adding up here.
This is probably the best question I've seen asked on GAW.
Could be as simple as the cabal elderly want to see it happen before they die.
Right. A majority of these people have been doing their shenanigans since before I was born, not seeing their “life’s work” fulfilled would be the ultimate soul punch. Even demons know when they’re defeated.
4th Turning.
I’ve heard predictions that 2024 is when the housing market bubble will pop (from real estate investors, based on historic metrics)
Timelines have converged and are coming to a head. The great awakening isn't just about Q. Shit is about to get real. You can feel it, can't you?
Yes! I can. Spiritual warfare is at hand.
My opinion (and that's all it is, no sauce), is that the sun is approaching its 12,000 year micro-nova (for that there is sauce, just DDG-it) and the evil cabals sees it as an opportunity to cleanse the human race of Christians. How so? Well, if that micro-nova is going to wipe out 90 percennt of the global population, then if you position yourself well as the elite cabal and survive, then you rule the earth. Micro-nova coming between 2030-2045, apparently, so it's a good timeto position yourself as a ruling entity. Now, back to my depressed state of mind (I only recently learned that the micro-nova is on the way).
Dont be depressed Fren. The path of redemption(Jesus) is open to anyone willing to walk it. Walking into the fire and returning unburned probably isnt just a bible story.
I don't believe there is any significance to dates other than where they fell according to US Presidential Elections, thus 16 years ...
Considering Bush ushered in The New World Order during his address to the nation, plans long held, dates automatically line up with holding the seat of power in the White House.
As Q explains in the drop, the plan is categorized into sections. Military/Judiciary and the propping up of foreign adversaries. All takes time, and cannot be achieved without first holding the ultimate seat of power - The White House.
The dates simply coincide with Presidential Elections and are obviously an integral part of the plan succeeding.
A big portion of the Great Reset depends on the US economy collapsing and taking everyone else's economy down with it. They want stagflation. They're driving towards a Zimbabwe dollar situation, except with the USD. And given that Zimbabwe was able to escape their economic problems by moving to the USD, where are you going to go when the USD is worthless?
When that happens, you need to have something setup and ready to take it's place. The Euro, the Chinese Yuan, some funky Deep State Crypto Buck scheme... doesn't matter what, as long as your team (the bad guys) controls it and not the US with its unpredictable democracatic republic. You can set the prices for everything from oil to food. You can determine who the winners are and who starves to death. It's clutch.
And how do you get there? Devalue the USD. Start spending trillions on stupid stuff that doesn't advance the GDP. Give out handouts to redistribute wealth under the guise of "stimulus". Create fake shortages. Even better, see if you can get almost everyone to just sit home for a year and survive on government handouts while they burn through their savings and unemployment funds get zeroed out. Preface that with a decade of "quantitative sleezing", and bam.. you're like one major war or a handful of unexpected natural disasters away from your goal.
I think Trump jacked the plan up by ruining the timing of The Crash. I get the sense he actually stepped on the gas in a play similar to the whole GameStop drama we've been watching. He kept feeding the DS the US debt (which they had to eat or else the whole scheme collapses too early) while pushing the Crash Point to some place they couldn't control or forecast. I suspect his plan was to also use The Crash, but instead of switching over to Cabal Bucks use it to switch back to the gold standard or possibly the cryptocurrency the US Treasury has been working on.
And if that happened, the DS would be worse than screwed since they'd be left holding all of the old US debt, but the new currency standard would be something they can't directly control. They'd be the ones pushing around wheelbarrows full of worthless $1,000,000,000,000,0000 bills and not you and me.
I think 16 years is important because you can only keep juggling balance sheets and playing finance games for so long. They need everything to come together at the right time, or else they're exposed and in severe danger.
Interesting question. My theory is that the cabal is trying to steal/ destroy as many souls as possible before Christ returns. Satan can’t create new souls, he can only pervert what God creates.
I'm betting it DOES have something to do with their satanic pacts and timelines. Satan doesn't give out absolute free reign with the power he gives them, there are limits, which includes time limits, because in the end Satan is on a time limit. God granted him a limited time of power over the world for about 70-100 years, and that time is either up or it's going to be up soon. God only granted it because He knew that Satan couldn't win anyway, the gates of Hell would not prevail, and would make Satan's fall that much more triumphant.
Most of this shit has to do with their religion, which is not ours. However, they also use astrology (the simulation) and cosmic cycles, but so do the white hats. We are entering into the shit show of the century the next few years. So strap on your seatbelts cause Dorthey is going bye bye...
I'd love to tell you but you won't believe it
Would you whisper it to me- I won't tell anyone.
Oh look, a dipshit
I'll upvote just to show two dipshits can make a right
Because there's milestones to be kept like Agenda 2030 or 2050 whatever.
If America is destroyed from within, there is global hegemony for them.
Consider alternatives:
Where will you go if they force you to be hooked up on their grid, the Internet of Bodies? (8K VR? Can you see where this is headed? https://futuretimeline.net/21stcentury/2030.htm)
What stands in their way? WE, the People and some in the military. However, how can they progress if we are not divided, disarmed and left to their mercy?
You think Europeans in general will lend a hand? With what? They already are disarmed and dispossessed. In Europe everything is in place for the total crackdown on any dissenting voice.
You think the warnings of the French police and military are just a sideshow? There is a real prospect of this thing blowing out of proportion.
ISIS was defeated. And now, it spreads.
Just consider this picture of indonesia. https://static.republika.co.id/uploads/images/inpicture_slide/peta-penyebaran-islam-di-asia-tenggara-_130103152234-372.jpg
What happened in East-TIMOR?
Keep this in mind.
Compare this to this picture: https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2017/11/22105823/PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-20.png
Ever heard of the red/green alliance? See here: https://www.yaacovapelbaum.com/2019/08/16/the-red-green-alliance-and-the-real-devil-of-mogadishu/?like_comment=23788
How deep the rabbit hole goes? https://muckrack.com/george-eliason/articles Look for Chalupa's Aninmal Farm part one and two.
Set all this aside in factor in this: https://whatisthislife.weebly.com/islam.html?c=mkt_w_chnl:aff_geo:all_prtnr:sas_subprtnr:742098_camp:brand_adtype:txtlnk_ag:weebly_lptype:hp_var:358504&sscid=51k5_1144b8
Name me one Islamic country that is a shining city on the hill for having top notch free republican and democratic body politic and sustainable ecology?
We often are very forgetful when it comes to Chayna. Their stripes may changes, but not their strategy.
What was the cause belli for Nanking massacre? What happened as a prelude in Manchuria? What happened in Tibet?
What is the population makeup, north of the Amur? Why is China all of a sudden proclaiming itself to be a polar power? When Tom Clancy wrote the book "The bear and The Dragon" he was just writing out a irrelevant impossible scenario?
What do the CCP, Islam and the bolshevik billionaire club have in common?
What stands in the way?
Overlay this with the 16 year plan.
Please, keep in mind, any interest group can be hacked, infiltrated, co-opted and redirected.
However, you are aware of the all seeing eye and the pyramid, right? The general idea is to detest this symbol. In effect is means something different. on an individual level, once you connect to your soul, knowledge will come by itself, in the now.
All the levels in between, of the several commercial interest, political interest, all that happens is more and more layers are added, between you and you soul. And once they hook you up, by forced vaxxing and testing, you are inundated by dopamine effects, triggered by their signals to influence your behavior. Yes, obedience will feel good. Compliance will feel good.
This is what they teach kids at school. Get a fast test twice a week and you'll receive a tasty snack.
Certain places all of a sudden will feel good. Ever seen the TV show V? Look it up. Bliss is a very powerful motivator. And you then want to be hooked up, take some time out from all the shit that is going on, enjoy yourself, be somebody. In 8K it will look tremendous. Yes, you can climb the Northside of the Matterhorn. You can fall down and try again.
You'll live between six planks and you'll be happy. Virtually, cut off from your real being.
They need our military, lots of killing to be done to get to their 500,000,000 number. They are behind schedule.
This is my best guess: The current financial system is about to collapse. They have known it was coming and they know that one way or another we are moving into a new system. The 16 year plan was the plan to move from a old and dying system that they control to a new system that they control. If we move now into a system that they don't control, it could be generations or more before they get back in power (because once the people get out of their system, we'll never want to go back).
Good Question, I’ve had it myself. The best I can come up with, knowing this is a multi-generational plan, and nested in a cult 1000s of years old, and blood lines all over the world is:
Because this is an international plan, their influence and power has the greatest strength during this period before more elections are held, cronies retire, and they have to hand off to the next generation which isn’t fully initiated or in a position to take over. Also they don’t control the Israel situation and Obama was part of the deal with them, and I am guessing that deal came with a deadline associated with it. 16 years.
The Fed is already at zero interest rates. They're out of tools to keep this going. It's an emergency to them.
Isn't the path of (2) total eclipse something like one stroke of the X over america at start of hillary reign, the other stroke at the end. Spring 2024 will that be in the killing season symbol wise?
Toughen up, anon. We survived the 2000 end of the world by Y2K-related collapse... then the 2012 end of the world as predicted by the Mayan calendar. Piece of cake this planetary alignment. Besides, we have a few years as yet to practice our survival skills. ?
as far as precession i believe we are moving into aquarius...
I don't know much about space but when I read your link the topic of Pluto peaked my interest. A few years ago when pluto was downgraded from a plantet could that of been in attempt make people minimize the importance of the planet? I don't know probably looking into it too much.
I have thought the same thing. So at least you're not alone. Crazy maybe. But alone? No! ?
Ooh interesting. Good speculation! Hard to know for sure what matters and what doesn’t, but I think you have a good idea there.
reminds me of this video I just stumbled across from here.
Edit: forgot to mention this was posted the same day as Qs first post.
I'm sporting some nice Nike Decades.