They don't. This is what people do when they panic I ternally from being ignorant to the questions being asked: they act irrationally, in this case OP is trying to ad hominem attack you.
There you go; The DeepState is in a non existent State. People are still in a DeepState oF Sleep; Truth is stranger than fiction at times after all of this irregular psychological/information warfare conflict on top of Covid~19 MindFugg; Losing The Election. We can agree to disagree on the Bidan images; but on the tyranny of The DeepState?? Not really there;
Tonight's the night I'm going to talk to you about of flu the subject of word association football. This is a technique out a living much used in the practice makes perfect of psychoanalysister and brother and one that has occupied piper the majority of my attention, squads, by the right, number one two three four the last five years. It is quite remarkable baker Charlie how much the Miller's Son so-called while you were out this word association immigrants' problems influences the manna from Heaven in which wee, sleekit, cow'rin', timorous beasties, all Americans speak. The really surprising partner in crime is that a Lot and his wife of the lions' feeding time we may B C D E Ffectively quite unaware of the fact or fiction section of the Watford Public Library that we are even doing it is a far, far better thing that I do now then, now then, what's going Onward Christian Barnard the famous hearty part of the lettuce now praise famous mental homes for loonies like me. Sew, on a button, my contention causing all the headaches is that unless we take into account of Monte Cristo in our thinking George the Fifth this phenomenon the other hand, we shall not be able satisfact- or fiction section of the Watford Public Library to understand to attention when I'm talking to you and stop laughing about human nature, man's psychological makeup some story the wife will believe, and hence the very meaning of life itselfish bastard, I'll kick him in the balls!
Biggest thing for me is probably the chin, you dont just go from a straight one to a cleft chin naturally, and I've not heard of him getting any chin surgery (also who'd get that so late into their life?)
Plausible reason to replace him with the slightly mocha-skinned Harris, an Indian-Jamaican whom they are going to pimp as the first African-American woman to be removed from office just for being a black female, which should cause everyone who isn't a racist nazi to rise up and destroy every home and business in their neighborhood.
the items that are actually interesting, and don't make sense in "facelift land", are that his hairline seems to have come forward in the upper corners, and that the holes of his ears are lower.
i'm not as taken with that because contacts are simple. there has also been debate about whether he is using a form of augmented contact lenses to help him pretend as well as he is.
But this shitty ass image above is NOT proof of that. It's just a retarded comparison between a vertical and smiling biden, and a slanted head closed mouth biden with some pointless lines drawn.
I'm with you that these are two different people. Old Biden has a flatter but more sloping forehead, New Biden has a more bulbous forehead. I have always thought this
This is the third Ezra post I’ve seen here today. Of all the people to spam why must we pick the one that’s a total nut job? I mean sure some Of his stuff is interesting but it’s for entertainment only and
Not to be promoted on a serious discussion board suck as GAW.
Again, good job! This side-by-side shows a LITTLE more believable facial symmetry than the Obama comparison, but it's still off significantly enough to reveal that it's two different people. I hear that Joe had a face lift sometime in the recent past, and that MIGHT account for the different levels of the ears, but the other features -- the cleft chin vs. no cleft chin, nose shape, and eye placement -- are dead giveaways. Thanks again for posting these.... good stuff!
Cmon man....a bunch of lines drawn across faces turned at different angles dont mean shit....this aint proof, its nonsense.....
Even if its a different guy,,,,this is NOT proof of such
military facial analysis.? what
Also, one is smiling one is not so I agree this is not proof.
But I have to say, the old Joe has a mean evil soul and the new Joe you don’t see that, you see a fool. I don’t know if the dementia does that.
yeah cause smiling changes your eye color and ear lobes
There are other differences in shape of the skull that don’t show here. It’s enough for me to have doubts that that is Biden.
how do these questions relate to the picture
if you want to change the subjet... ill answer one of the questions:
"Is PDJT been hiding, not making any statements??" ---
NO he literally made a speech last night and made alot of statements last week
They don't. This is what people do when they panic I ternally from being ignorant to the questions being asked: they act irrationally, in this case OP is trying to ad hominem attack you.
Tonight's the night I'm going to talk to you about of flu the subject of word association football. This is a technique out a living much used in the practice makes perfect of psychoanalysister and brother and one that has occupied piper the majority of my attention, squads, by the right, number one two three four the last five years. It is quite remarkable baker Charlie how much the Miller's Son so-called while you were out this word association immigrants' problems influences the manna from Heaven in which wee, sleekit, cow'rin', timorous beasties, all Americans speak. The really surprising partner in crime is that a Lot and his wife of the lions' feeding time we may B C D E Ffectively quite unaware of the fact or fiction section of the Watford Public Library that we are even doing it is a far, far better thing that I do now then, now then, what's going Onward Christian Barnard the famous hearty part of the lettuce now praise famous mental homes for loonies like me. Sew, on a button, my contention causing all the headaches is that unless we take into account of Monte Cristo in our thinking George the Fifth this phenomenon the other hand, we shall not be able satisfact- or fiction section of the Watford Public Library to understand to attention when I'm talking to you and stop laughing about human nature, man's psychological makeup some story the wife will believe, and hence the very meaning of life itselfish bastard, I'll kick him in the balls!
All true and doesn't mean that those photos prove it. For me not enough. Other things plenty, those pics nope.
i have heard that question alot also.
Those eyes.
Biggest thing for me is probably the chin, you dont just go from a straight one to a cleft chin naturally, and I've not heard of him getting any chin surgery (also who'd get that so late into their life?)
Agreed, this ices it...this side by side comparison is what I've been asking for
Is it absolutely perfect? No, but come on man
ANYONE can now see the chin difference and the TEETH difference FFS
It's as plain as the nose on your face (which also looks different :)
It is now obvious to this hardcore skeptic that it is two different people.
I remember when Biden had his last vice presidential debate, and someone left the comment:
Biden = teeth
Those teeth were huge, white and glowing
The eyes are the window to the soul. Biden now has no soul. Look how black those eyes are. Creepy.
Why would they send out a double with dementia?
Plausible reason to replace him with the slightly mocha-skinned Harris, an Indian-Jamaican whom they are going to pimp as the first African-American woman to be removed from office just for being a black female, which should cause everyone who isn't a racist nazi to rise up and destroy every home and business in their neighborhood.
Possibly a set up that makes it easier for Kamala to take over.
Good point. I think she has been replaced too. Politics aside, she was an attractive woman two years ago.
Different eye color, different ears, different jawline, different chin, different nose.
Last i checked plastic surgery doesnt affect bones and cartilage...
Chin implants
And they literally break your nose during a nose job.
That said, I have no idea if he’s dead or not, and I know all politicians have doubles.
To what end though?
So easy to see.
Now, not ready based on those photos. I'd anything these make me think it is joe. Except for other reasons I don't believe it is.
Facial muscles do change the look of your face when you smile.
But I wouldn't be surprised if they were subbing Jim Carey for the days Biden believes he's still living in the 80's.
yeah doesnt change your eye color or shape of your ears
Both the old Biden and the new Biden have forcep dents in the side of their foreheads. You can’t fix side forehead dents with plastic surgery.
Both the old Biden and the new Biden are idiotic liars.
It’s the same dip shit.
I believe the younger Joe is a guy that just looks like Biden. I think I saw a pic of this look a like years ago.
the items that are actually interesting, and don't make sense in "facelift land", are that his hairline seems to have come forward in the upper corners, and that the holes of his ears are lower.
And blue eyes turning brown. What sort of surgery or dementia results in that?
i'm not as taken with that because contacts are simple. there has also been debate about whether he is using a form of augmented contact lenses to help him pretend as well as he is.
Also he’s probably Had a face lift
Botox and plastic surgery. Plus he's really fucking old.
He does have a double.
But this shitty ass image above is NOT proof of that. It's just a retarded comparison between a vertical and smiling biden, and a slanted head closed mouth biden with some pointless lines drawn.
Hear hear.
I'm with you that these are two different people. Old Biden has a flatter but more sloping forehead, New Biden has a more bulbous forehead. I have always thought this
This is the third Ezra post I’ve seen here today. Of all the people to spam why must we pick the one that’s a total nut job? I mean sure some Of his stuff is interesting but it’s for entertainment only and Not to be promoted on a serious discussion board suck as GAW.
It's sad and bizarre that someone at that level of power could vanish and be replaced.....and not many even notice it.
Again, good job! This side-by-side shows a LITTLE more believable facial symmetry than the Obama comparison, but it's still off significantly enough to reveal that it's two different people. I hear that Joe had a face lift sometime in the recent past, and that MIGHT account for the different levels of the ears, but the other features -- the cleft chin vs. no cleft chin, nose shape, and eye placement -- are dead giveaways. Thanks again for posting these.... good stuff!