Ohhh..........Yeah I have a whole box of pictures from my goth days, I'm so happy that I got that out of my system before FB, now I can just burn them and they'll go away forever.
I was an 80s kid. I didn't look like that. But 80s kids were tough ,especially boys were boys. We played dodge ball footfall. Rode bikes without helmets and we left in the morning and parents or mine said " I don't wanna see you till supper time or I'll put up to work " which meant cut grass, rake, stack wood and any other chore ..oh and don't ask for money for doing chores Because the answer was " you need to earn your keep , you have a roof over your head and food in the fridge "
The product of consuming soy formula as an infant, eating/drinking out of plastic containers through adolescence, and subsisting off of soybean/canola oil riddled junk food.
This is perfect. The 70s were a good time, too, with long, long hair straight hair parted exactly in the middle. Funny to see pics where everyone who is bald(ing) now with a full head of luxurious hair in their 20s!
They were !! I still remember 1976. It was all red white and blue !
And the 80,s were fun. No cameras no cell phone no internet. It was great kids could be kids not bombarded by the BS today
Agreed and we only had like 5 channels lol
At night it was muppets or dukes of hazzrard. Good stuff. No crossdressing sissy shit where everyone gets a trophy
There were winners and losers. If you lost you got picked on and you tried harder to win the next time
I do miss those days
The year I graduated high school - you're right everyone displayed patriotism. Sadly, we took our country and freedoms for granted. Look where that has gotten us.
Of course, the anti US feeling began in the 60's by the same type different name groups we see today. Bill Ayers involved in both.
I remember as a young kid looking forward to the return of Halley's Comet, and then it came (1976?), and it was a dud! It was more than made up for by that comet in the early 90's that was fantastic! I was able to go into the woods in NC with a 35mm camera and a tripod, and got great photos of it (now, if I can only find the photos :) )
Ohhh..........Yeah I have a whole box of pictures from my goth days, I'm so happy that I got that out of my system before FB, now I can just burn them and they'll go away forever.
the only other people who witnessed those worked at the local one-hour photo lol
Better goth than trans I imagine.
Undead! Undead! Undead!
But the images are burned into your, and many others, retinas :)
Hahaha I was an 80s kid. I didn't look like that. But 80s kids were tough ,especially boys were boys. We played dodge ball footfall. Rode bikes without helmets and we left in the morning and parents or mine said " I don't wanna see you till supper time or I'll put up to work " which meant cut grass, rake, stack wood and any other chore ..oh and don't ask for money for doing chores Because the answer was " you need to earn your keep , you have a roof over your head and food in the fridge "
Amen! Grew up a girl in 80s Midwest
Good times. Good times indeed
We are getting back to that eventually
Coincidence 60s counter culture turned into 70s gay disco culture turned into 80s glam culture turned into grunge feminist riot girl culture turned into weakened/feminized millennial culture?
All manufactured and controlled by the Rockefellers.
Definitely would explain how rock and roll used to be about sticking it to the man, and now it’s largely sponsored by the man.
Now the sound of music comes in silver pills
Engineered to suit you building cheaper thrills
The music of rebellion makes you want to rage
But it’s made by millionaires who are nearly twice your age
More than just them...
The product of consuming soy formula as an infant, eating/drinking out of plastic containers through adolescence, and subsisting off of soybean/canola oil riddled junk food.
You are 100% correct. You win the prize! ?
Pesticides also cause endocrine/hormonal disruption.
This is perfect. The 70s were a good time, too, with long, long hair straight hair parted exactly in the middle. Funny to see pics where everyone who is bald(ing) now with a full head of luxurious hair in their 20s!
They were !! I still remember 1976. It was all red white and blue ! And the 80,s were fun. No cameras no cell phone no internet. It was great kids could be kids not bombarded by the BS today
The Bicentennial was fantastic!
Yeah, we spent every minute outside. News was for the adults. Those really were the good old days - kids today can't fathom life without a screen.
Agreed and we only had like 5 channels lol At night it was muppets or dukes of hazzrard. Good stuff. No crossdressing sissy shit where everyone gets a trophy There were winners and losers. If you lost you got picked on and you tried harder to win the next time I do miss those days
Yep, after school was Gilligan's island or Get Smart.
Just started watching Get Smart again ...
UHF and VHF. No remote. Remember Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom? Dragnet? We also played Smear the Queer ... good times.
The year I graduated high school - you're right everyone displayed patriotism. Sadly, we took our country and freedoms for granted. Look where that has gotten us.
Of course, the anti US feeling began in the 60's by the same type different name groups we see today. Bill Ayers involved in both.
Yep. I was a Deadhead.
I remember as a young kid looking forward to the return of Halley's Comet, and then it came (1976?), and it was a dud! It was more than made up for by that comet in the early 90's that was fantastic! I was able to go into the woods in NC with a 35mm camera and a tripod, and got great photos of it (now, if I can only find the photos :) )
Don't mess with Jesus!
THE Jesus. 8 year olds, dude.
You said man, nobody fucks with the Jesus.
THE Jesus Numba 1
I think Yoda said that.
Hilarious and sick!!!!! So true. Make it stop!
The result of 3 generations of child molestation and abuse... that is the truth
Best meme by far lol
This is very sad
"Why oh why did I get the jab?"