It just occurred to me this is more proof that the scamdemic was planned by out of touch elitist assholes from Europe. Americans call it vaccine or shot. Jab is very European, right?
When reading policy papers I keep noticing more and more usage of "jab" in US instead of "shot".
Anyone else find this odd?
Its not a vaccine so they started calling it the jab. Some call it suicide jab.
Because doctors like Tenpenny and other frontline doctors are insistent that it is not a vaccine so do not call it one. It is a jab, a shot, gene altering therapy but it is not a vaccine.
AKA and Injection.
The “Jab” sets up the “Haymaker”.
Because, if you say "vaccine" they censor the post.
Probably British slang.
I prefer “kill-shot”. Much more descriptive.
I prefer the pre-historic line. Jabba-dabba-doo.
Pretentious ass-hoes can't help but be pretentious ass-hoes. Pretentious ass-hoes think everything European is better than U.S. so they adapt the European ways to prove how "smart" they are to their pretentious ass-hoe friends.
So nothing new under the sun then lol
Jab seems to be how the Brits call it. Shot how Americans call it.
I call it the experimental gene therapy shot.
Yeah, Fauci also has a financial interest in the Moderna shot.
There was some focus group testing (can't find the article, it's around here somewhere) and basically "jab" was determined to present the least threatening reactions or something.
Thanks that makes sense. However they have been calling it a "jab" in Europe for a long time far before COVID-19. I can see how they might consolidate terminology just seems like its been updating at a faster rate last few months.
Because "jab" sounds less threatening and to some, it might seem cool.
Jab sounds like name of a caffeinated soft drink or a new chat site.
because "poke" was already taken
Because needles jab into your skin, a lot of us here, I think refer to it as the Fauci ouchy
Alternatives: pierce, prick, stick, stab
You aren't "shot" by the serpent's fang.
You can get "jabbed" by the serpent's fang.
They are Satanists.
A term of affectionate disdain, unique to this space. ? A little humor about something that's actually not funny at all.
Elicits all sorts of reactions from users here.
"Twas Biden and the Nineteen Cov'd's Expired and fizzled out in June. All flimsy were the Biden votes
And the audit result's soon.
“Beware the Jabberdocs my son! The Palsy Bell's, the blood that clots! Beware the J & J, and shun The Pfrumious Pfizer shots!”
He took his life in his own hand; Long time the vaccine jab he sought -- So trusted he, almost brainlessly, And without a second thought.
And, as in naive hope he stood, The Jabberdocs, with needles arched, Came sniffling through the neighborhood, And tattled as they marched!
"Fuck you! Fuck you! And Fauci too!" The wise young man rolled down his sleeve. "I learned the facts." And thus unvaxed,
He up and took his leave.
“And hast thou shunned the Jabberdocs? Show me your arms, you squeamish lump! O jabless day! Callooh! Callay! And now we bring back Trump!"
"Twas Biden and the Nineteen Cov'd's Expired and fizzled out in June. All flimsy were the Biden votes
And the audit result's soon.
A vaccine is a muscle shot so they * jab" it into the muscle ,??♂️
Technically, you cannot use vaccine.
Shot is Nice, but may be top Nice.
Jab is better, as it is more theatening. See knife Jab.
It is not even European, as it does not translate equally to German, French, Castellano, Dutch, or any of the hundreds of European languages.
Spritze, or spuit, had something nepharious as usually drug addicts on heroïne use it. Not good.
So it is a form of framing.
When it appears more in official outlet churn- out it means it is catching on. Viral would be the designation.
It's a common use in Britain. We call all vaccines and inoculations, jabs. Measles jab, flu jab, MMR jab etc etc. Don;t know why it has caught on in the US though.
jab intransitive verb To poke or thrust abruptly. intransitive verb To stab or pierce. intransitive verb To punch (someone) with short straight blows
vaccine n. A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration to an individual stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection. n. A preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox when administered to an individual.
Not FDA approved. Certified for emergency use only.
We're saving the word "shot" for what comes next when they take all our guns away and stand us up in a firing line.
Polite ways of discussing raw subjects.
George Carlin has a great speech regarding the pervasive cancer of euphemisms upon our modern language.
I believe this is the bit you're referring to.