Time is a weird thing. If you had told 7 yr old me that in 22 years women would dress up like bubblegum haired elves and masturbate on camera with canine dildos for cash and grown ass men would enjoy My Little Pony and be able to make a living off of video taping themselves playing video games I would have said, "Get the fuck out. Quit chewing on the erasers, put down the funny smelling markers Karl. You can't digest Elmer's glue man. Go air out in the hall."
...Boy... Was I ever short sighted. Apparently while I was trying to get Karl back to sanity somewhere in a trailer park a dirty old uncle was well on his way to making this an acceptable career path for Belle Delphine.
The utter ubsurdity of this comment is beautiful and made me laugh despite the ever-present sadness of its truth. Thank you. It was a well needed "It's sad but it's funny. " kind of laugh.
Sometimes if you don't laugh, you'll sit down and cry. It's good for the soul either way, but I think we'd always rather laugh. :) You have quite a way with words, I might add - I second that Amen.
Yeah. I remember a time when Carmen Electra and Pam Anderson were kind of trashy. You know? I remember people obsessing about the boob jobs and the swimsuits. "It's sinful." and "Those aren't even real." Now that's relatively tasteful. That's an average episode of Real Housewives now.
Hah, you're being facetious but compared to the thots of OnlyFans and ManyVids, Belle Delphine is very vanilla and I definitely wouldn't use her as the paragon of degeneracy that gets the desperate dudes to pay her. There are far, far worse
This is actually a great meme, even though it is designed to mock us.
Who doubts that there is something really weird going on with barely functioning Joe Biden?
They have lost the battle to keep it hidden that the Wuhan virus came from the lab. Fauci is losing the battle to keep it hidden that he used our tax money to fund development of the virus. It is only a matter of time before everybody knows this.
It will soon be revealed that Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide. Nothing can stop it.
Wacky ideas like flat earth gain a bit of following and then stop growing because there is no truth to it.
Our ideas are gaining critical mass. There is nothing they can do to stop it, because anything they try will vindicate us more than hurt us. Aliens? False flag attack? 'Russian Cyber attack'? We've already predicted them.
These guys are not ready for FE. When you try to tell them it only alienates you. Im confident that every lie will be revealed , in God's time. I know it is frustrating when the truth is so obvious! Chin up, Patriot!
Because the idea of every other round object in the universe (space) only showing the flat, round side to the Earth is beyond improbable. Planets can be seen rotating and unless you want me to believe they resemble the belt at a grocery store checkout...Which I won't. Also if the Earth was flat then please explain gradual dawn and dusk otherwise sunsets and sunrises would be instant on like a light switch is. And how thick are these flat planets? Maybe some are turned sideways and we can't see them......Silly at best.
Oh, the FE RETARDS have a stupid answer to ANY logical query you make to them. It’s like trying to wake up a liberal...DON’T BOTHER TRYING. They’re lost.
Flat earthers trying to add their shitty stuff to this movement has been a really big facepalm and often comes across as infiltration to make us all seem stupid.
You’re right it’s a non-issue cuz it’s TRASH. Believing this nonsense proves the state of Public Schooling. Is it a science fiction fan club of sorts? Is it a mis-interpretation of The Bible? Or is it brain washing from some YouTube “guru”? Doesn’t matter...it’s more GARBAGE our children should NOT HEAR.
Just watched a very cool documentary last night about Hollow Earth theory. Very well done. Some of the leaked imagery was like...wow. I can verify one part. Landed a non-pressurized modified aircraft we were ferrying from Milwaukee to Iraq; in Greenland. A small fjord and very tricky flying...it was July. The fjord was full of small recently broken icebergs. And the hills we could see, were GREEN. Speckled with flowers. Back to the documentary-at the beginning she mentions the mosquitos. Holy crap...they were huge and fast. And THIRSTY. We serviced, fueled & got outta there. Found it:
I remember learning that the Greeks figured out the Earth was round back when Europeans lived in caves. They used a tall stick and some other rudimentary measuring instruments. It wasn't too difficult.
They dont have any! And as soon as you show them how eclipses or The Southern Cross, or the Coriolis effect are irrelevant, they will cry: "What does it matter?" or "Why would they lie?" or the ultimate "You must be a SHILL!"
OK, I almost spit hot coffee through my nose at this one. Yeah, it's self-deprecating, but that is the advantage we have over the left.... they CANNOT laugh at themselves, not even once.
A kid crying in class is hard to laugh it. That was me when I was ripped from my natural home surroundings and shoved into public school with no heads up at all. My parents weren't really the "explain things" type. What's also sad about this picture is those are real tears and someone took a picture of him, which is humiliating. I hope this kid is okay. Probably got smuggled over the border and abandoned.
Time is a weird thing. If you had told 7 yr old me that in 22 years women would dress up like bubblegum haired elves and masturbate on camera with canine dildos for cash and grown ass men would enjoy My Little Pony and be able to make a living off of video taping themselves playing video games I would have said, "Get the fuck out. Quit chewing on the erasers, put down the funny smelling markers Karl. You can't digest Elmer's glue man. Go air out in the hall."
...Boy... Was I ever short sighted. Apparently while I was trying to get Karl back to sanity somewhere in a trailer park a dirty old uncle was well on his way to making this an acceptable career path for Belle Delphine.
The utter ubsurdity of this comment is beautiful and made me laugh despite the ever-present sadness of its truth. Thank you. It was a well needed "It's sad but it's funny. " kind of laugh.
God bless you in Jesus name, amen.
Sometimes if you don't laugh, you'll sit down and cry. It's good for the soul either way, but I think we'd always rather laugh. :) You have quite a way with words, I might add - I second that Amen.
That's what my high school chemistry teacher said in lab. She was laughing a lot. We had chlorine gas up to the countertops one day.
Thank you, glory to God if any words that came out my mouth edified you and God bless you in Jesus name as well, fren.
Yeah. I remember a time when Carmen Electra and Pam Anderson were kind of trashy. You know? I remember people obsessing about the boob jobs and the swimsuits. "It's sinful." and "Those aren't even real." Now that's relatively tasteful. That's an average episode of Real Housewives now.
You forgot to quote "real" in housewives xD
All the same thank you for the laughs. God bless you in Jesus name, fren. Keep the funny comments coming. They bring Light to the heavy hearts! Amen.
It's always fucking Karl, isn't it?
Karl was one of the most lucid classmates apparently.
Wow! You packed a lot into that little comment. Imagery-dense.
Belle Delphine is depressingly tame; she didn't use horse dildos or dog dildos. She didn't even go nude until like September of last year.
There were way worse degenerates, really
Hah, you're being facetious but compared to the thots of OnlyFans and ManyVids, Belle Delphine is very vanilla and I definitely wouldn't use her as the paragon of degeneracy that gets the desperate dudes to pay her. There are far, far worse
This is actually a great meme, even though it is designed to mock us.
Who doubts that there is something really weird going on with barely functioning Joe Biden?
They have lost the battle to keep it hidden that the Wuhan virus came from the lab. Fauci is losing the battle to keep it hidden that he used our tax money to fund development of the virus. It is only a matter of time before everybody knows this.
It will soon be revealed that Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide. Nothing can stop it.
Wacky ideas like flat earth gain a bit of following and then stop growing because there is no truth to it.
Our ideas are gaining critical mass. There is nothing they can do to stop it, because anything they try will vindicate us more than hurt us. Aliens? False flag attack? 'Russian Cyber attack'? We've already predicted them.
They can't stop us. Everyone will know that this kid has the smartest dad ever.
These guys are not ready for FE. When you try to tell them it only alienates you. Im confident that every lie will be revealed , in God's time. I know it is frustrating when the truth is so obvious! Chin up, Patriot!
The earth is round? Proof?
Because the idea of every other round object in the universe (space) only showing the flat, round side to the Earth is beyond improbable. Planets can be seen rotating and unless you want me to believe they resemble the belt at a grocery store checkout...Which I won't. Also if the Earth was flat then please explain gradual dawn and dusk otherwise sunsets and sunrises would be instant on like a light switch is. And how thick are these flat planets? Maybe some are turned sideways and we can't see them......Silly at best.
Oh, the FE RETARDS have a stupid answer to ANY logical query you make to them. It’s like trying to wake up a liberal...DON’T BOTHER TRYING. They’re lost.
Flat earthers trying to add their shitty stuff to this movement has been a really big facepalm and often comes across as infiltration to make us all seem stupid.
Yeah, he & I discussed that & he agreed withyour statement.
You’re right it’s a non-issue cuz it’s TRASH. Believing this nonsense proves the state of Public Schooling. Is it a science fiction fan club of sorts? Is it a mis-interpretation of The Bible? Or is it brain washing from some YouTube “guru”? Doesn’t matter...it’s more GARBAGE our children should NOT HEAR.
Aahhhh Haaaahh ☝?
Tell Ya what...I’ll entertain Hollow Earth theories. But not FE. Hey?
I have a feeling there is a far more interesting world deep within the earth. Deep sea maybe? Places where it’s hard for us to venture to.
Even deep sea expeditions are severely limited in what is possible.
Just watched a very cool documentary last night about Hollow Earth theory. Very well done. Some of the leaked imagery was like...wow. I can verify one part. Landed a non-pressurized modified aircraft we were ferrying from Milwaukee to Iraq; in Greenland. A small fjord and very tricky flying...it was July. The fjord was full of small recently broken icebergs. And the hills we could see, were GREEN. Speckled with flowers. Back to the documentary-at the beginning she mentions the mosquitos. Holy crap...they were huge and fast. And THIRSTY. We serviced, fueled & got outta there. Found it:
It’s insane. You noticed correctly. Since most aren’t handshakes I’m thinkin they came over from PW’s back door. Many sound like they’re 15.
All one can do is stay focused & be the example?
Lights in the sky are round object? Because NASA said so, Yea.
I remember learning that the Greeks figured out the Earth was round back when Europeans lived in caves. They used a tall stick and some other rudimentary measuring instruments. It wasn't too difficult.
The word “firmament” does NOT “prove” the FE idiocy. You can’t prove it so give it up (HERE aka GAW). This is a Conspiracies dot win topic.
No problem fren...I got too fired-up as well. Y apologies. Keep your eyes on the skies!!!
They dont have any! And as soon as you show them how eclipses or The Southern Cross, or the Coriolis effect are irrelevant, they will cry: "What does it matter?" or "Why would they lie?" or the ultimate "You must be a SHILL!"
OK, I almost spit hot coffee through my nose at this one. Yeah, it's self-deprecating, but that is the advantage we have over the left.... they CANNOT laugh at themselves, not even once.
I wish I could claim this as original content, but you are right someone made this to mock us. Personally, I thought it was hilarious too.
A kid crying in class is hard to laugh it. That was me when I was ripped from my natural home surroundings and shoved into public school with no heads up at all. My parents weren't really the "explain things" type. What's also sad about this picture is those are real tears and someone took a picture of him, which is humiliating. I hope this kid is okay. Probably got smuggled over the border and abandoned.
Ryan Long would absolutely kill it if he made a skit out of this.
i will laugh at this all day ... because it's true.
This is exactly how my adult children feel half the time.
Ya did good donkey, ya did real good.
Sorry kids but daddy gotta tell ya truth!