Nope. You get a declining standard of living and poverty as your reward.
(I know, I saw the /s but decided to answer the question honestly).
Once things get bad enough, the majority of the population would reject the leftist PC/woke bullshit... but considering how unbelievably stupid most people are (by design), it would have to get really, really bad first.
Don’t forget the Far East. The levels of smarts, self actualisation and drive being drilled into Chinese kids before they even start school (which begins at age 7) is nucking futz. They are being groomed by hyper competitive parents to not just win, but annihilate the competition.
The only logical way is to give them a dose of the "vaccine" once a week for the rest of their lives and see how long they last. If its so fucking safe they should be just fine for years on end. Now they can be the lab rats to prove their poison is safe.
I can’t figure out India. Some say Modi is based, I’ve seen many instances otherwise. Then you have the stand-off between China, then Covid insanity, and now they want blood?
I would like the trial and sentencing to be televised… and if execution, please also televise that for ALL countrymen to see.
They gotta stop their citizens of shitting on the street though. It’s mainly over populated cities… you know like San FranShitco
Living in that part of the world toughens societies up. We’re sheltered for the most part here and our neighbors aren’t enemies per se. Their societies are ancient compared to us too. On another note they got a warrant out for Gates too I believe haven’t heard followups as of late.
This reminds me of the theory that BG & MG were executed in India for child polio deaths. Given they both looked different in years after that solidified it for those inclined to believe it. At the time I heard the theory it seemed like, wow would/could India even do that? Till I see this. So I guess thats answered now.
I figure that if we don't execute some of these people and only give prison time our friends across the world will take on the task of executing them for war crimes or something equal to that such as crimes against humanity. Either way they'll get what's coming to them.
Let this rotten slag be the first to fall. This is the TRUE conspiracy: that even though an effective treatment and prophylaxis was found in April last year, (((they))) BURIED IT in order to March their poison vaccines out to kill even more people.
This is the world we live in right now. Unless the normies WTFU and realise this, we are all circling the drain.
Preaching to the choir, here...but just imploring you all to drill down on this and spread the word. I'm fairly certain that this part of the overall picture is the crack in the dam wall that will take the entire false narrative down.
Fucking vaccine passports... the hide of these demons knows no boundaries.
This is what needs to happen. Need to start putting the fear of God into these people. Too many getting away with slaps on the wrist that were responsible for many deaths.
Westerners, softened by “everyone gets a medal,” are about to be schooled by our friends to the East.
Nope. You get a declining standard of living and poverty as your reward.
(I know, I saw the /s but decided to answer the question honestly).
Once things get bad enough, the majority of the population would reject the leftist PC/woke bullshit... but considering how unbelievably stupid most people are (by design), it would have to get really, really bad first.
But what about muh feelins? Do they not matter?!
alllllmooooossstttt theeeerrreeeeee
Don’t forget the Far East. The levels of smarts, self actualisation and drive being drilled into Chinese kids before they even start school (which begins at age 7) is nucking futz. They are being groomed by hyper competitive parents to not just win, but annihilate the competition.
You rephrased “equity”.
About time some of these rats were put down.
Why rat let the real rats feast on them in a pit? Then use the revenue from the TV rights to pay the families of the victims?
The only logical way is to give them a dose of the "vaccine" once a week for the rest of their lives and see how long they last. If its so fucking safe they should be just fine for years on end. Now they can be the lab rats to prove their poison is safe.
While they live in a locked transparent box in public
Good plan B
You know, this seems quite significant.
Yeah I’m trying to figure out if it’s fake or not because it does seem huge unless it’s just saber rattling and nothing happens.
India doesn’t mess around, just sayin?
I can’t figure out India. Some say Modi is based, I’ve seen many instances otherwise. Then you have the stand-off between China, then Covid insanity, and now they want blood?
I would like the trial and sentencing to be televised… and if execution, please also televise that for ALL countrymen to see.
They gotta stop their citizens of shitting on the street though. It’s mainly over populated cities… you know like San FranShitco
Living in that part of the world toughens societies up. We’re sheltered for the most part here and our neighbors aren’t enemies per se. Their societies are ancient compared to us too. On another note they got a warrant out for Gates too I believe haven’t heard followups as of late.
This reminds me of the theory that BG & MG were executed in India for child polio deaths. Given they both looked different in years after that solidified it for those inclined to believe it. At the time I heard the theory it seemed like, wow would/could India even do that? Till I see this. So I guess thats answered now.
Their obituaries suddenly popping up then disappearing sure is suspicious.
Sauce? About the best i can do atm, but might still have it up.
I figure that if we don't execute some of these people and only give prison time our friends across the world will take on the task of executing them for war crimes or something equal to that such as crimes against humanity. Either way they'll get what's coming to them.
Can the lying murdering creep
Do it!
I think that lady is gonna get a second dot on her head.
With an exit dot? (It a man BTW)
another dude? I'm seeing a new trend here.
Way to go India!!!
Let this rotten slag be the first to fall. This is the TRUE conspiracy: that even though an effective treatment and prophylaxis was found in April last year, (((they))) BURIED IT in order to March their poison vaccines out to kill even more people.
This is the world we live in right now. Unless the normies WTFU and realise this, we are all circling the drain.
Preaching to the choir, here...but just imploring you all to drill down on this and spread the word. I'm fairly certain that this part of the overall picture is the crack in the dam wall that will take the entire false narrative down.
Fucking vaccine passports... the hide of these demons knows no boundaries.
And Netanyahu too
Proud to be an Indian right now, not like Pocahontas Warren - REAL Indian and also a PROUD President Trump supporter as well!
This is what needs to happen. Need to start putting the fear of God into these people. Too many getting away with slaps on the wrist that were responsible for many deaths.
That is interesting and should be strongly considered here.
Change that from India could sentence to HAS Sentenced. Much more appropriate.
If not for the Indian lives lost, do it for the Ethiopians he killed.
He isn't a doctor he is a murderer.