Because of shorter arm length, whites are generally better at heavy lifting and throwing. That's why the world's strongest men are white along with most quarterbacks in the NFL.
used to lift weights at the gym. a guy we called "stumpy" had short little arms and a big barrel chest. he could do bench press reps with 405, no problem. it wasn't fair because he only had to move the bar a few inches
Genetics in sports aren't really discussed because of the taboo of "racism", but it's an interesting subject. People of west African descent have muscular builds and are the best at short burst sprints. However, their dense muscles come as a detriment for swimming. The slender, long legged (particularly calf-muscle) east Africans are best at long distance running. Swimming is dominated by whites because they are more buoyant and store more fat (perhaps due to evolving in a colder climate).
That's not how I read it - trans women would beat women like her everytime (especially in things like hammer throwing, no contest) so bring it on.
I also don't believe that is a man, she has a woman's body and hammer throwers are always fat looking. Her face does look like a man in drag though with those fake eyelashes.
WTF kind of moron would wear makeup when you are guaranteed to get all sweaty and you'll end up looking like a clown. I'm surprised her lashes didn't get stuck together, or the glue got weakened and they fell off. Silly bint.
So... let's narrow that down, where a physically fit trans women could beat women most times... there's also the antifag trannies, who can barely beat themselves off.
Oh a mediocre male hammer thrower could beat a woman thrower hands down.
Berry's Women's World Record set in 2017 is a mere 25.6. meters. In 1986 the male World Record was 86.74 according to Wikipedia. Not in the same ball park.
Even back in 1913 the male record was 57.77 before training and athletic development really began in earnest.
It's a man. We can all tell, including you once shown,
for the same reason a forensic model can be made of people according to sex, race, age and nutritional profile, and photos of the person once identified, be VERY like the forensically created clay bust of the deceased person.
The skeleton never lies, it cannot. It CAN not. Not one whit.
Every single skeletal indicator is, he's a man.
They're ALL there and they're ALL there in CLASSICAL male ONLY
EVERY ASPECT of HIS SKELETON is that of a MALE human.
Not ONE indicates he even MIGHT be female.
It takes about 15 minutes to learn the difference
and there IS
no being wrong,
once you're shown.
Even if the people from the
''Them cold Nitrogen atmospheres is heaters now cause yaw used fiar and made'jYaw sum FIAR SIN!!'' say ''thair jist ain't noway two tayle!!''
To recap,
Cold nitrogen atmospheres haven't
''Done come heedurs frum fiar sin.''
That's not a woman.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to be wrong about whether he is.
You can teach someone who drives a TRUCK for a living
who dropped out of school in the 8th guvurmunt grayd,
to tell within 15 seconds of looking at ANYONE.
Because it's that obvious on ALL males and on ALL females.
ONLY those who have never looked up how to tell the difference for 15 minutes online,
never having someone show them the UNCONCEALABLE skeletal indicators,
can't tell;
once you're shown, no one will EVER be able to lie to you about it, again.
I am well aware of the forensic differences in skeletal structure. I am also aware of the difference in fat distribution around the body. Head to shoulder ratio, center of gravity etc. As a woman I am well aware of the variety of womens bodies, clearly you aren't. Sorry that is a woman.
There is a certain segment of people - usually male who obviously have no idea what women look like and think anyone who isn't ultra feminine and fragile looking, must be a man. Funnily enough that is the model the trans go for, a westernized barbie doll which is this current cultures ideas of what women look like. It's like a damn caricature. GTFO.
Betcha think all female celebrities are really trans too amirite. Some undoubtedly are, and most aren't . The ones that are, aren't shy about making it known.
The sulky bint we are talking about has the skeletal ratio of a woman, the head to shoulders, the hip to waist, torso and center of gravity. She also has the fat distribution of a woman - male/female distribute fat differently. Livers metabolizes differently as well.
You can say she is an ugly woman, or a butch looking woman, but she is a woman. Same as the lard arse who got first place. Non of them can throw the shotputs/throw a hammer as far as even a mediocre male hammer thrower/shotputter because they don't have enough muscle fibers no matter if they take steroids or testosterone.
Those masculine looking women the Soviets used to field for shot putting and hammer throwing were also women even though they were pumped up on steroids and testosterone. Wrecked their health afterwards. (Mind you they gave puberty delaying drugs to young gymnasts like Olga Korbut and she had damaged health as a result too. But they were all women and their Olympics times/results/records reflected that.)
Last night I was casually listening to a radio show and caught this..." ...and transgender women aren't allowed to donate their sperm..." ! I kid you not. I can't say what the conversation was bc I wasn't really listening, BUT...IF a transgender "woman" STILL has sperm...they "it" ain't NO WOMAN!
This is a video explaining how to look at any human being and instantly tell whether they were born male or female.
There used to be another very good one called ''Who Is Chris Cyborg?'' narrated by a guy who was hispanic.
Since Chris Cyborg is a man who fights women AS a woman in mma there are a lot of photos of him only wearing some sort of skimpy work out suit and his proportions are extremely male.
Although the video was really an amateur video, the guy went a long way into all the reasons you can ALWAYS tell if someone was born male - or born female.
At a point about... oh, 20 + minutes into the video I linked, they show you a diagram of Serena Williams walking along, and his head-shoulder width ratio is 3:1
and his head-height - we're talking the skull at the very top of the neck - is 1/8th his full standing height. That is the ratio for a man.
For women, this ratio is generally, 7:1, such that the height of the skull is 1/7th the full height of the person. You'll see the ovals they drew onscreen.
A man's shoulders will be roughly 3:1 head width.
For a woman this ratio is more like 2.5 to 1.
Here's the actual video of the guy having an interview with some reporter, in which he's wearing that gray t-shirt.
I magnified it one time to 200% and then I full-screened it. I looked on my table here and there's a USB drive and some markers, and the USB drive is almost, EXACTLY the right size, to cover his head. Just a few pixels off on a HD screen.
If I hold it up and count head heights HIS HEIGHT is EXACTLY 8 head-heights.
The 8:1 relationship a human male's skull & height will have.
Check it yourself. He's a man.
No matter how many times he, and various homo-shills try to tell you he's NOT a man,
that's a man.
I also opened the standing photo of him and magnified the image until I had a marker exactly his head height.
I put the Paint for Windows on ''line draw'' and got a thin line, colored high contrast red.
Putting the marker carefully over his head I drew a line at the bottom, then went down to his feet.
His head-height/full height ratio is exactly 8, just like when I just laid something over the screen to compare.
Yeah since they are allowing men to compete as women I’m sure they don’t test or look for cock n’ balls anymore so I bet some of them try to do that while trying to hide the fact
The 2 sexy white chicks should have stomped his Whiney ass into the astroturf
Sort of like Hillary rigging an election and still losing.
Lol this ☝?
Donald Jr confirmed its a dude.
And good point OP. I didn't even make the connection before. This America hating male just lost to 2 females.
No wonder he got all pissy.
Two WHITE women, to boot.
Triggered on multiple levels.
Because of shorter arm length, whites are generally better at heavy lifting and throwing. That's why the world's strongest men are white along with most quarterbacks in the NFL.
used to lift weights at the gym. a guy we called "stumpy" had short little arms and a big barrel chest. he could do bench press reps with 405, no problem. it wasn't fair because he only had to move the bar a few inches
Very interesting point. Never thought about it that way.
Genetics in sports aren't really discussed because of the taboo of "racism", but it's an interesting subject. People of west African descent have muscular builds and are the best at short burst sprints. However, their dense muscles come as a detriment for swimming. The slender, long legged (particularly calf-muscle) east Africans are best at long distance running. Swimming is dominated by whites because they are more buoyant and store more fat (perhaps due to evolving in a colder climate).
Would that be bc in another life, certain ones were swinging from trees grabbing the bananas?
That's not how I read it - trans women would beat women like her everytime (especially in things like hammer throwing, no contest) so bring it on.
I also don't believe that is a man, she has a woman's body and hammer throwers are always fat looking. Her face does look like a man in drag though with those fake eyelashes.
WTF kind of moron would wear makeup when you are guaranteed to get all sweaty and you'll end up looking like a clown. I'm surprised her lashes didn't get stuck together, or the glue got weakened and they fell off. Silly bint.
So... let's narrow that down, where a physically fit trans women could beat women most times... there's also the antifag trannies, who can barely beat themselves off.
Oh a mediocre male hammer thrower could beat a woman thrower hands down.
Berry's Women's World Record set in 2017 is a mere 25.6. meters. In 1986 the male World Record was 86.74 according to Wikipedia. Not in the same ball park.
Even back in 1913 the male record was 57.77 before training and athletic development really began in earnest.
Gwen Berry, in short, throws the hammer like a woman. As you would expect.
meh...just a slightly built male.
It's a man. We can all tell, including you once shown,
for the same reason a forensic model can be made of people according to sex, race, age and nutritional profile, and photos of the person once identified, be VERY like the forensically created clay bust of the deceased person.
The skeleton never lies, it cannot. It CAN not. Not one whit.
Every single skeletal indicator is, he's a man.
They're ALL there and they're ALL there in CLASSICAL male ONLY
EVERY ASPECT of HIS SKELETON is that of a MALE human.
Not ONE indicates he even MIGHT be female.
N.o.t. ONE.
It takes about 15 minutes to learn the difference
and there IS no being wrong, once you're shown.
Even if the people from the ''Them cold Nitrogen atmospheres is heaters now cause yaw used fiar and made'jYaw sum FIAR SIN!!'' say ''thair jist ain't noway two tayle!!''
To recap,
Cold nitrogen atmospheres haven't ''Done come heedurs frum fiar sin.''
That's not a woman.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to be wrong about whether he is.
You can teach someone who drives a TRUCK for a living who dropped out of school in the 8th guvurmunt grayd, to tell within 15 seconds of looking at ANYONE.
Because it's that obvious on ALL males and on ALL females.
ONLY those who have never looked up how to tell the difference for 15 minutes online,
never having someone show them the UNCONCEALABLE skeletal indicators,
can't tell;
once you're shown, no one will EVER be able to lie to you about it, again.
simple....check "it's" DNA if it's XY then "its" a male.
He'll never be submitting to that.
u mean ' it ' will never submit !
He could very well be an ''it'' by now, huh. What a criminal creepster.
I am well aware of the forensic differences in skeletal structure. I am also aware of the difference in fat distribution around the body. Head to shoulder ratio, center of gravity etc. As a woman I am well aware of the variety of womens bodies, clearly you aren't. Sorry that is a woman.
There is a certain segment of people - usually male who obviously have no idea what women look like and think anyone who isn't ultra feminine and fragile looking, must be a man. Funnily enough that is the model the trans go for, a westernized barbie doll which is this current cultures ideas of what women look like. It's like a damn caricature. GTFO.
Betcha think all female celebrities are really trans too amirite. Some undoubtedly are, and most aren't . The ones that are, aren't shy about making it known.
The sulky bint we are talking about has the skeletal ratio of a woman, the head to shoulders, the hip to waist, torso and center of gravity. She also has the fat distribution of a woman - male/female distribute fat differently. Livers metabolizes differently as well.
You can say she is an ugly woman, or a butch looking woman, but she is a woman. Same as the lard arse who got first place. Non of them can throw the shotputs/throw a hammer as far as even a mediocre male hammer thrower/shotputter because they don't have enough muscle fibers no matter if they take steroids or testosterone.
Those masculine looking women the Soviets used to field for shot putting and hammer throwing were also women even though they were pumped up on steroids and testosterone. Wrecked their health afterwards. (Mind you they gave puberty delaying drugs to young gymnasts like Olga Korbut and she had damaged health as a result too. But they were all women and their Olympics times/results/records reflected that.)
LOL righto!
I'm the professional plants AND animals breeder, and of MANY different types, who's bred and raised everything from bacteria to birds for money.
You've never so much as walked dogs professionally.
I selected stock, prepared environments, bred, culled, treated animals of many types for money in my parents' business.
That started in about 1968, before you were born.
You've never so much as shadowed a seat in a Jr college genetics class.
You have Dunning-Krugered, sO badly.
Everything about his skeleton, PROVES he's a man.
NOTHING about his skeleton, even INDICATES he's a woman.
You have not ever bred, raised, tested, treated, culled,
nor have you ever advised others on a professional basis, how to do it, for ANY animal.
It's proven by the fact you wrote that ridiculous wall of bullshit.
That started in about 1968, before you were born
I was born in 1960.
And you are a moron.
I was just going by how biologically illiterate you are, and assumed you were a recent government schooler.
You certainly don't show the natural intelligence of someone 60 or 61.
In fact you're acting more like a tranny yourself. He's a man, you're never gonna escape that.
That's a man.
That's a man.
He's a man.
The man Serena Williams claims he's had MORE THAN ONE child.
He's still a man.
That's a man.
Imagine if "it" was competing with men....LOL...."it" would have been blown away!
"IT" got pissy
That's a man baby
First picture "it' looks like a male with false eyelashes and earrings.
Worst final fantasy character ever.
Bwuhahahaha!!! You just won the internet my friend.
I love this world.
Only God would be capable of such glorious shitposts.
?? I did not realize that POS was a trans - whoopsie, that gold medal should have had his/her/it's name on it! ??
Also: 1st place - DeAnna Price and 2nd place - Brooke Andersen
Lol no wonder xe was pissed
Doesn’t look like a man to me…
It's a man.
And look at the hips to waist ratio. That's a woman.
Yep. Nicknamed Dong Gone
It looks like an Oblivion NPC
Khajit has wares if you has coin.
She looks like an ignoramus standing there in disgust hand on her hip, displaying her black privilege!
Let’s give a round of applause to the 1 and 2 spot athletes they look very happy to be representing our great nation .
Fuck that other thing.
If switched genders is getting so prevalent in sports, the Olympics should create them their own separate class.
Articles previously written state she is an actual female who gave birth to a son at age 15.
I’ll counter that they’ve said big mike has had two daughters…
Point taken, lol.
Yeah, that's a lie, he's a man.
satire, she looks like a dude
She is a she.
It's a man.
That's a female.
No it's a man I put up an independent post so you can learn to know the difference.
I'm not real sure what to do to link to it but there's a big comment I put up above,
explaining how you can learn to tell the difference between women and men.
He's a man.
Yes, she is.
In "it's" defense, noone in it's family has had to lift a hammer since the 1860's.
Should be stripped of medal. We don't want this crap representing our Country. Let her go to another Country if she hates the US.
He must of been really upset. He put his lipstick on sideways.
No talent..all theatre.
Reminds me of that no talent Madonna back in the day.
Can’t sing so she shocks.
Same formula this dude is using.
Last night I was casually listening to a radio show and caught this..." ...and transgender women aren't allowed to donate their sperm..." ! I kid you not. I can't say what the conversation was bc I wasn't really listening, BUT...IF a transgender "woman" STILL has sperm...they "it" ain't NO WOMAN!
What a disgusting thieving African parasite faggot.
What is with the paint on his/her lip?
It's MA'AM
Looks like a insufferable idiot you can just see it a mile off.
Gotta say, looks like a boy.
This is a video explaining how to look at any human being and instantly tell whether they were born male or female.
There used to be another very good one called ''Who Is Chris Cyborg?'' narrated by a guy who was hispanic.
Since Chris Cyborg is a man who fights women AS a woman in mma there are a lot of photos of him only wearing some sort of skimpy work out suit and his proportions are extremely male.
Although the video was really an amateur video, the guy went a long way into all the reasons you can ALWAYS tell if someone was born male - or born female.
At a point about... oh, 20 + minutes into the video I linked, they show you a diagram of Serena Williams walking along, and his head-shoulder width ratio is 3:1
and his head-height - we're talking the skull at the very top of the neck - is 1/8th his full standing height. That is the ratio for a man.
For women, this ratio is generally, 7:1, such that the height of the skull is 1/7th the full height of the person. You'll see the ovals they drew onscreen.
A man's shoulders will be roughly 3:1 head width.
For a woman this ratio is more like 2.5 to 1.
Here's the actual video of the guy having an interview with some reporter, in which he's wearing that gray t-shirt.
I started it at 90 seconds for you, you can see the link says t=90.
When you click on this, stop the vid.
I also full-screened it.
Get something and lay over his head so whatever you use is the same width,
Put that measurement to the side of his skull, and watch how
his shoulders are 3 head widths wide,
where if he was a woman, it would be more on the order of 2.5 head widths.
Let's go to how tall he is.
I opened this picture onto my computer:
I magnified it one time to 200% and then I full-screened it. I looked on my table here and there's a USB drive and some markers, and the USB drive is almost, EXACTLY the right size, to cover his head. Just a few pixels off on a HD screen.
If I hold it up and count head heights HIS HEIGHT is EXACTLY 8 head-heights.
The 8:1 relationship a human male's skull & height will have.
Check it yourself. He's a man.
No matter how many times he, and various homo-shills try to tell you he's NOT a man,
that's a man.
I also opened the standing photo of him and magnified the image until I had a marker exactly his head height.
I put the Paint for Windows on ''line draw'' and got a thin line, colored high contrast red.
Putting the marker carefully over his head I drew a line at the bottom, then went down to his feet.
His head-height/full height ratio is exactly 8, just like when I just laid something over the screen to compare.
He's a man.
This is from the first video I linked to, it's a picture of Serena and his brother before they were both transitioned into trannies.
It's later in the video at about 24 minutes but if you need a little pre-sauce to see if you want to go through it all, it's there for you.
Just shows that you suck at being a dude and a chick.
This butt hurt, entitled, pouting, f-king ungrateful attitude is not representing black people very well.
This, right here, is why no one takes them seriously.
Yeah since they are allowing men to compete as women I’m sure they don’t test or look for cock n’ balls anymore so I bet some of them try to do that while trying to hide the fact
The 2 sexy white chicks should have stomped his Whiney ass into the astroturf
I feel like pancakes.......maybe he/she/it can rep aunt Jemima........
I thought it was a guy right away and the dead giveaway is the false eyelashes longer than a camel's.
Women do that nonsense all the time though