1941: Based unit carrying his weekly rations in an environmentally friendly mesh sack. Slowly winding up his ration sack of justice so he can king hit these Nazi faggots as soon as they turn their backs.
2021: Screeching harpie getting a taste of the socialism she so desperately craved after a stimmie check induced frenzy at the local shopping mall. She puts on a brave face behind her muzzle, but she is secretly hoping the socialist occupation doesn't last as long as it takes for her plastic bag to decompose naturally.
I’ve recently become interested in this Jewish/WW2 truth theme. Got any book recommendations and online resources where one could learn more? Sorry for the big request, but many here seem to know more than others about it. Funny how the fear of the Anti-Semite tag keeps this info suppressed…not funny.
I'm Jewish. I love Judaism. I love Israel. The Left trashing Israel was my red pill moment. I've listened to hours of lectures from orthodox Rabbis. Brilliant stuff.
I don't know exactly what the motivation was in the Holocaust. And I will always hold the Holocaust as horrific and Hitler as a monster -- as anyone who wants to annihilate an ethnic group would be.
But I will say... there were a lot of Jewish communists. Jews who left their religion looked for something to fill the void. And Communism became their golden calf.
There's a lot of liberal synagogues today that care more about being sensitive and woke than the Torah that Moses brought down from G-d.
And the more we stray from the commandments, the more G-d will punish us. So it says in Deuteronomy 28.
Hitler simply wanted to move them out of Germany, because they tend to be behind situations like the conditions of Weimar Germany. And The jews declared war on germany before hitler did, anyways. I disagree with Hitler philosophy that people need to be ruled with a strong hand in order to be good, but Hitler actually cared a bit about the people under him which is why he did what he did.
I have simple morality question for you personally. Is circumcision moral?
The holocaust was real. Too many eyewitnesses to it.
This is why I specified the gassing and killing of jews. I'm not denying they got sent to camps in an attempt to purge germany of them. I'm denying that they were gassed and killed. That was a lie. See the link I posted for more detail.
If the creator of the universe commands it, it is moral.
If you think the first thing "God" commands you to do to babies fresh out of the womb is chop off part of their genitals against their will, thats not god you're worshipping buddy, its satan calling himself god.
Just because something claiming itself to be god tells you to do something doesn't make the thing right or wrong. You're basically just taking the personal responsibility for your actions off of yourself and claiming that "god told me to do it its ok".
I can turn the argument on its head and say that the soldiers supposedly gassing and killing jews were just doing what they were told to. They had no moral responsibility to not gas and kill jews.
Just as the 12 tribes broke apart and scattered mankind is fractured as a whole. I refuse to take any sides regarding any Religions, I just seek Truth and learning. We’re reaching a time where EVERYONE will have revisionist history lessons. Aside from reading tons lately on disparate religions and of course following political leads here, I was leant an interesting read which many have labeled “heretical”. “The Touchstone Diary” and the author Connie Bickman spent 10 years researching globally writing it. It goes into the spreading out of the tribes to a degree, at the least it’s a fun read concerning the life of Jesus. Also been reading a Zecharia Sitchin book “There Were Giants Upon the Earth”. Kinda dry for some readers but since I got to visit Nimrud, south of Mosul and near Ninevah it connects a lot of pre-History dots that fascinate me. -Peace
If you ever get to Michigan Detroit area you can go to wast Bloomfield. Visit the holocaust memorial center It's a very sobering place right when you walk in when you walk in the 1st thing you do is walk through one of the original trains is there's walk through 1 of the trains an original train car that they Is used to take Jewish people in to the death camps. The guided tour is very sad And after you walk out what you see will freak you out
Great piece of context. Most are not aware that WW2 was really a war between National Socialism (Nazism) and International Socialism (Communism). Clearly communism won and wrote the history books. The allies joining in was splash damage. Who do you side with when your only choice is a douche or a turd? Probably the one that doesn't bomb you I suppose. Neither choice is a win.
Remember. Hitler led millions of German men - fathers - to their deaths. Their children grew up without their influence, and became the secular Merkel/Kasner adherents of today.
Hitler participated in the war on Christendom. His rule led to the deaths of millions of Christians. Even Rudolf Hess realized this when he tried to stop the war, and couldn’t fathom why he failed.
Hess came up with only supernatural explanations to decipher what was happening:
While in Scotland, Hess claimed to have discovered a "secret force" controlling the minds of Churchill and other British leaders, filling them with an irrational hatred of Germany. Hess claimed the force acted on Hitler's mind as well, causing him to make poor military decisions. He said that Jews had psychic powers that allowed them to control the minds of others, including Himmler, and that the Holocaust was part of a Jewish plot to defame Germany.
“Mind control,” is merely intention. The intention of these leaders was to slaughter good men. It worked.
In 1941 they had absolutely no choice. In 2021 they are too stupid and brainwashed.
Think where we would be in America without 2A?
We didn't go far enough. Globalist goals haven't changed.
Just more communist media brainwashing.
Please watch and correlate with what you know of WW2
Simple, fear created by government propaganda.
This it? https://www.amazon.com/Prelude-Leadership-Post-War-Diary-Kennedy/dp/0895264315/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=jfk+diary&qid=1625864555&sr=8-1
What's the gist of it?
Not the first time I've heard this angle. Thx
Cheeses, the same posture, positioning, bag hanging...eerie
The sheeple pose.
1941: Based unit carrying his weekly rations in an environmentally friendly mesh sack. Slowly winding up his ration sack of justice so he can king hit these Nazi faggots as soon as they turn their backs.
2021: Screeching harpie getting a taste of the socialism she so desperately craved after a stimmie check induced frenzy at the local shopping mall. She puts on a brave face behind her muzzle, but she is secretly hoping the socialist occupation doesn't last as long as it takes for her plastic bag to decompose naturally.
This exact image needs to be on billboards all over this country.
It's gradual, it was two weeks, then the weeks turned into months, then a year.
Don't kill grandma etc.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
(Plus brainwashing and censorship)
Another piece of the pie thank you for this.
I’ve recently become interested in this Jewish/WW2 truth theme. Got any book recommendations and online resources where one could learn more? Sorry for the big request, but many here seem to know more than others about it. Funny how the fear of the Anti-Semite tag keeps this info suppressed…not funny.
"One Third of the Holocaust" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MQxyferx8mht/
Also look into conditions in Weimar, Germany between WW1 and 2.
Tx pede! 😎
I'm Jewish. I love Judaism. I love Israel. The Left trashing Israel was my red pill moment. I've listened to hours of lectures from orthodox Rabbis. Brilliant stuff.
I don't know exactly what the motivation was in the Holocaust. And I will always hold the Holocaust as horrific and Hitler as a monster -- as anyone who wants to annihilate an ethnic group would be.
But I will say... there were a lot of Jewish communists. Jews who left their religion looked for something to fill the void. And Communism became their golden calf.
There's a lot of liberal synagogues today that care more about being sensitive and woke than the Torah that Moses brought down from G-d.
And the more we stray from the commandments, the more G-d will punish us. So it says in Deuteronomy 28.
The gassing and killng of jews is a jewish lie, presented by the jews in hollywood.
"One Third of the Holocaust" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MQxyferx8mht/
Hitler simply wanted to move them out of Germany, because they tend to be behind situations like the conditions of Weimar Germany. And The jews declared war on germany before hitler did, anyways. I disagree with Hitler philosophy that people need to be ruled with a strong hand in order to be good, but Hitler actually cared a bit about the people under him which is why he did what he did.
I have simple morality question for you personally. Is circumcision moral?
I am sorry. The holocaust was real. Too many eyewitnesses to it. Just as there were to the voter fraud (which they also try to deny)
Circumcision is part of the covenant between Abraham and G-d.
If the creator of the universe commands it, it is moral.
Asking if it is immoral -- might as well be the serpent asking Eve if it's really wrong to eat the forbidden fruit.
This is why I specified the gassing and killing of jews. I'm not denying they got sent to camps in an attempt to purge germany of them. I'm denying that they were gassed and killed. That was a lie. See the link I posted for more detail.
If you think the first thing "God" commands you to do to babies fresh out of the womb is chop off part of their genitals against their will, thats not god you're worshipping buddy, its satan calling himself god.
Just because something claiming itself to be god tells you to do something doesn't make the thing right or wrong. You're basically just taking the personal responsibility for your actions off of yourself and claiming that "god told me to do it its ok".
I can turn the argument on its head and say that the soldiers supposedly gassing and killing jews were just doing what they were told to. They had no moral responsibility to not gas and kill jews.
Man you people sure are obsessed with children's genetalia. You really think God would command such a thing? Satanic fuck.
Just as the 12 tribes broke apart and scattered mankind is fractured as a whole. I refuse to take any sides regarding any Religions, I just seek Truth and learning. We’re reaching a time where EVERYONE will have revisionist history lessons. Aside from reading tons lately on disparate religions and of course following political leads here, I was leant an interesting read which many have labeled “heretical”. “The Touchstone Diary” and the author Connie Bickman spent 10 years researching globally writing it. It goes into the spreading out of the tribes to a degree, at the least it’s a fun read concerning the life of Jesus. Also been reading a Zecharia Sitchin book “There Were Giants Upon the Earth”. Kinda dry for some readers but since I got to visit Nimrud, south of Mosul and near Ninevah it connects a lot of pre-History dots that fascinate me. -Peace
Never heard of him. Sounds interesting.
Very. Check it out...Sitchin has detractors, each with an agenda (of course). To many he’s done more research into pre-History than anyone else.
"I’ve recently become interested in this Jewish/WW2 truth theme. Got any book recommendations and online resources where one could learn more"
Pawns in the Game, 1956, discusses a lot of unknown WW2 truths as well as other various historic events since 1776.
Awesome fren!!! Thanks 😎
If you ever get to Michigan Detroit area you can go to wast Bloomfield. Visit the holocaust memorial center It's a very sobering place right when you walk in when you walk in the 1st thing you do is walk through one of the original trains is there's walk through 1 of the trains an original train car that they Is used to take Jewish people in to the death camps. The guided tour is very sad And after you walk out what you see will freak you out
My daughters live near there...I will look into it. Thanx.
Your welcome
I'm glad you're open minded and willing to learn the truth.
Wow...got lots to read now! Tx pede 👍🏽
You're very welcome!
Thank you ill look into it
Be more based. Post it anyway.
Great piece of context. Most are not aware that WW2 was really a war between National Socialism (Nazism) and International Socialism (Communism). Clearly communism won and wrote the history books. The allies joining in was splash damage. Who do you side with when your only choice is a douche or a turd? Probably the one that doesn't bomb you I suppose. Neither choice is a win.
The term "nazi" is a Judean slur for the peoples of Bavaria.
Remember. Hitler led millions of German men - fathers - to their deaths. Their children grew up without their influence, and became the secular Merkel/Kasner adherents of today.
Hitler participated in the war on Christendom. His rule led to the deaths of millions of Christians. Even Rudolf Hess realized this when he tried to stop the war, and couldn’t fathom why he failed.
Hess came up with only supernatural explanations to decipher what was happening:
“Mind control,” is merely intention. The intention of these leaders was to slaughter good men. It worked.
wow. Totally blows my mind, dewd. I want to respond, but a secret psychic force is controlling me . . .
Again - “Mind control,” is merely intention.
If my intent is to get millions of my people killed, and you have absolutely no fucking idea why, you’ll come up with an explanation however you can.
If I’m a rabbi, so is Q.
You and I both know that isn’t the case. Nazi simps aren’t on the side of victory. Think carefully.
Look at those pro-Israel shills downvoting the facts.
It's not at all surprising.