The idea of working 5 days a week for 40+ hours just to make ends meet (for a lot of people) and not have time for kids/family/life in general seems like it's purposely designed that way.
A lot of people don't even have time to raise their kids or stay informed on current events and many spend their little free time on distractions like Netflix. This seems like exactly what the cabal wants... To keep us distracted and enslaved, have the government raise and educate our kids, as well as break up families. And now they want to raise taxes which would force people to work longer hours just to keep up.
You can call it capitalism all you want, but it reeks of corporate slavery. It feels cabal-influenced. What are your thoughts on this?
I think both parents slaving away for wages will go away. We do all this due to the evil of taxes. Once we put all this, and people learn to find enrichment in life without solely material things, everyone will be able to have balanced lifes and spend more time with their kids.
The work from home effect has brought a lot of positive aspects with it, such as the ability to spend more time with your family throughout the day.
Things will change as the economic system changes, also if tech gets released that eases the burden of scarcity that will also improve the quality of life.
And not to mention the opening of Pandora's Box for some people seeing that they can TOTALLY do they jobs at home.
this all sounds pretty excellent
We are in a spiritual war where the satanic forces relentlessly fight to destroy the family. We need to recognize this fact and fight for our loved ones. The family unit was designed to nurture and protect our loved ones both physically and spiritually. It is not at all easy to maintain a cohesive family unit when there are so many designs against it. It is a work that requires much effort and diligence. Everything in this world is pretty much out to separate us from our Creator. We must open our eyes to discern good from evil and order our priorities accordingly.
the world is going to completely change over the next 6 months
I agree, and wish you could stop by and tell my family that, they think I'm losing it;)
they want to make long range plans with jobs, houses, etc, and I try to tell them none of that matters; of course they don't listen...
I wouldn't call it capitalism, but corporatism. In capitalism, the means of production bear the risk and cease to run operations when going bankrupt.
When you have easy money, it inevitably goes to unproductive endeavours, if money is sound and scarce, then jobs will go towards areas that are most productive, and prices would be anchored down, allowing savers to start saving for the future.
Observe the dog. Observe the cat. Observe humans.
Animals enjoy a lot more rest than we do.
Only because we feed them.
Essentially, notice that your argument and mine are the same. What you see is the same, just from a different perspective. AAfter all, you said, "People don't get enough rest as animals do because they are forced to take care of someone else.
You're right.
For starters, Industries will completely change. All the cancer clinics will close as the cure is released and your primary care physician will prescribe it to you. Oil/energy will collapse as we build an infrastructure of free energy from the ethos (Nicholas Tesla). Health care will be free because the actual cost is low. Farming and STEM will blossom in our schools Golly, This list could be endless. Once this transformation happens, the scope of work will follow. I see a one-income household mirroring the 1950s and most white collar jobs will be performed from the home.
Ethos???? kek
(Ethos means "custom" or "character" in Greek.)
Oh gosh… help me out here. What is the word I was looking for?
Agree completely. It’s amazing how clear it is once you open your eyes.
After five to six hours of work I'm spent. Studies show most people are. They just fill up the remaining time.
That's quite an admission. Why are you looking forward to child sacrifice & trafficking?
Well one we move away from fiat you won't need to work nearly as many hours.
This is an excellent question. We are in a spot where we could only imagine what society would look like.
In my perspective; work life balance would shift far further towards life.
Entertainment will become more insignificant as people seek out meaning and purpose over distraction.
Rather than large corporate conglomerates, we would return to a more local economy.
With more freedoms the "service" economy would shrink as more people have the time to do these things for themselves.
If people don't have as many "employment" opportunities, they will have an easier chance to become entrepreneurs.
But the table could be entirely flipped with education teaching people how to think instead of how to punch a clock. How would the medical industry look when the aim becomes to truly cure people? How would the justice system shift?
When the sickness is healed, work will be done because there is work to do... The concept of earn a living will fall. The abyss made by interest bearing debt based currency will disappear, and life will be for the enjoyment of living, not for the struggle of survival... The way Nature Intends.
If we were living off the land and working only for our family we would have very little rest either. At least it would be work for ourselves though
It has taken me a while to get out of the greed mind-set. Now I work a good job, put my time in at work, race home and enjoy life with my wife and little one. Make the time for reflection and relaxation and enjoy Gods blessings. Actually take vacations, have all but stopped doing side jobs, and focus my energy on enjoying life and helping out friends.
I don’t see it changing very much for most people.
All the cabal skimming and deliberate misallocation of resources will stop. Some suppressed tech and medicine will become available. War and conflict will reduce.
This is for starters. You cannot imagine the changes for us when the cabal are beaten.
I’m all for it, I just think there are lots of jobs that still have to get done and people like making money and having things. That’s not going to all of a sudden change.
Oh yes, and it would be better if it weren't a sudden change, but change at a rate we can cope with. We are all traumatized to an extent and we'll need to recuperate.
My grandparents worked sunup til sundown, walked to school bare foot uphill both ways in the snow and you people complain about 8 hours
Mandatory, if you are having kids one parent must be deticated to raising the kids. Sunday is a day of rest, all retail shops, including the Internet, are closed.
I think we've had enough of "mandatory", but I see your point.