Allright, so I know some pretty intelligent/perceptive men, for privacy reasons, I cannot disclose.
Here's the rub, my "friends" seems to think that McAffee is/was Q. (I KNOW, more than 1 individual.) Mentioned something about him operating off of some "boat/ship" and since McAffee was epsteined, they told me with utmost confidence that Q is dead. Personally, I didnt buy it. Have any of ya'll heard anything in the ballpark of such claims? As I respect the individuals highly, no insults from me. I only wonder, how would one come to such a conclusion?
What do ya'll think? Been racking my brain to avail. Thanks for playing. Peace and Grace frens.
McAfee is still alive.
Right after he "died", a military plane supposedly came from Barcelona to the states.
Not saying he would be. I meant to reply on endgames post below.
I dont think McAfee is Q at all.
Not what I asked, but I agree with you.
If we assume Q is a truthsayer, Q is not a person but a group. More importantly its a movement, with many people involved. If you took out a member of Q, even if it was the primary poster of Q drops, there would be someone to take their place. With the beginning assumption, Q can not be killed without taking out the entire group.
No one knows how large that group is. The "know it alls" are, according to our assumed truthsayer, less than 10 people. But how many are one level below that, say, the "know it mostly's". Probably quite a few. Below that, the "know some of it's"? Probably a lot. If you get all the "know some of it's" together you could probably recreate Q without too much difficulty.
You can't kill Q without killing a whole mess of people. Your friend has no basis for this line of reasoning. Without a solid basis the only logical conclusion is that your friend is incorrect.
If you are worrying about the "identity" of Q, or you think this person or that person was Q, then sorry to say this - you are missing the whole point of Q.
As I stated in the post I thought b.s.! But I was asking, how could anyone come to such a conclusion? I was dumbfounded, they really think that? Just reaching out to see of anyone else had a theory; I like to hear others views.
I am not worried, I wonder how anyone could make such a bold claim. I disagree with Q being 1 man, even macaffee.
I'ts a group of around 10 people. Only 3 are civilians, rest are military. This is according to the Q posts themselves.
We are talking about multi generation Generals tracing back to the special division supposedly created by JFK for this very reason - to take down the Cabal when the time was right. There was also talk that one or more Quantum computers and the Looking Glass project (visualising alternate timelines) is involved as well - its perhaps true.
Honestly, these people have not read much actual Q posts. If you do, you wont make such claims at all.
My point is, the identity really doesn't matter, and the humans behind this are probably mostly those we don't recognise their names.
I have no interest in speculating exactly who might be in the Q team, simply because its of no relevance.
Thank you.
Absolutely not. Could not even imagine that. NO!
Whoever it is will probably shock the shit out of us. I believe there is a post about revealing one day. Something to do with not believing who you are talking to. I'm not much of a researcher. I just get my information and news here.
Me too! Crikey.
I don’t know how long you’ve keen lurking here, but someone who has been paying attention for a while would know better.
Know better what? I clearly stated: quote incoming
Now what were you saying? facepalm.
You could have easily avoided this entire thread, but instead you chose to kick up some dust.
it's pointless
Never claimed that, tendie. Come on, radio.
Q is NOT McAfee.
Indeed, sir.
A kindly not even a speculation..
This thread brought to you by clowns in America.
Wrong. Asking if anyone heard such things. I was dumbfounded myself. Never heard anything like it. Kindly take your insults and sit on them.
It relieves you of responsibility. Seen it a million times from leftist groups. Also noticed your speech for having some pretty intelligent/perceptive people as friends. Are you the dumber one of this group of friends? Of course the source is uncle intel. Why don't you get back to us when you got real sources. This isn't CNN.
I dont doxx people, we are all civilians. Apparently you have poor reading comprehension and go straight to insults without addressing my question. I'll let you ponder what means, also. So take your amazing-ego and sit on it, dude. Seriously, read what I wrote, before you knee-jerk react, and HEAR what I SAID. This is absloutely uncalled for and you have no excuse for your misguided bullshit. God help you.
Something about a boat on the water he(mcaffee) supposedly operated from and his yuge IQ. I let it slide. I'm not the most poignant orator, and tend to jumble shit up anyways.
Well, read my whole paragraph, basically answers that question...
McAffee is/was a loon. Not in a bad way. But he like to spend his time having sex, doing drugs and drinking. I think he is/was hella smart.
But he's not Q. Q was dedicated and mostly serious.
Q made 4,953 drops.
That is a lot of effort. I'm not trying to insult McAffee, but he just doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do this.
I think that Q is a small team, not one person.
918 "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here"
This statement suggests it will be a person that holds some sort of shock value to Anons. Mcaffee doesn't really seem like he fits that description..
lol... we are Q... lmao.... no, we are anons.... we follow Q drops, ... we are digital soldiers digging out the truth to develop out proofs/ breads backed from the crumbs in the drops. Q is a group of less than 10, mostly military (much like the board of ingersoll lockwood inc.). 9-11... the pentagon strike, a surface to surface missile taking out an office on the lower level of the surface building... that one... that office was the office of a leader within Q... likewise, at another time, members of Q were on a plane which was taken out.... all of that and Q wasn't dead. I don't give a shit what anyone says... admiral rogers is still alive, flynn is still alive, along with others who are in the know...
it's sweet that people want to take on the mantle... truth is Q is a military op... Q is also: the name of the watchdog group of the nsa, its' also a level of clearance for the energy department, it's also the designation for the technology and gadget developer from James Bond (written as a means of disclosure but done so with false names and holywood flare but disclosure none the less). Any of those could be Q, we are followers and believers.... not in a person or a group but a movement organized thru info drops, researchers, and insiders who prove their worth thru the drops, the research, the proofs, etc.
don't diminish the ANON aspect of any of this... fame is not the path, exposing corruption is the purpose, in anonymity is the path. Logic and proof are the weapons we wield.
as for mcafee... he is the "another Snowden arises" that Kim Clement prophesied about. God wins and reveals his ways thru his prophets.
McAffee's not Q, but some say he might be Rusty Shackleford, who originally filmed Jeffrey Epstein's island with a drone. Interesting thing about that is Rusty Shackford has been posting many videos since McAffee's alleged suicide.
I think Pompeo is part of it. Definitely.
One thing for sure ; it aint Austin Stienbart.
I think: WTF is this shit? Q isn't a person.
Frens…should I invite a Glowie to Thanksgiving? Asking for a Fren.
Quantum computer - plan carried out by we the people. 10 or less know of the operation. We are all Q.
I said as much, <10 people, 3 civ, no response. I Let it go. But how would anyone come up with that conclusion? I'm baffled.
Seriously, can any of you read? I'm questioning the mental gymnastics required to arrive at said conusion. For fuck's sake; read what I wrote before concern commenting. Jesus in Heaven some of you have no freaking patience.
For this? No, none. You got your answer and you didn't like it. Now you bring insults. That. Is. A. Tell.
Few answers. Mostly what I can only guess are emotional reactions. And some bandwagoners eager to put a pede down for calling out blatant animosity with no basis.
Lemme quote myself one more time
How? That being said, what is your point, exactly?
Why not ask your friends? It is their conclusion after all.
I am a witness. I am not God; I control nothing and no one. Those who wish to hear, will hear.
Seems obvious, but I'll explain anyway.
Not one person has come to that conclusion.
But you can't accept that. So you keep hounding people.
It's lame, and not a great show of sincerity.
No we are Anons.
None of us have posted the 4000+ drops