One person who has a blood clot is a friend if my dads. The other is a friend of a friend and not expected to make it. Sadly the only unvaxxed people I know are myself, my boyfriend, immediate family and a few friends. All the rest are vaxxed. This is really sad. I just wanted to share this with you all. I now personally know of two people affected by the Vax. Sadly his may only be the beginning :(.
Comments (96)
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It is only the beginning the vaxxed will start dropping like flies in the fall and winter during virus season. We have told them and told them and told them and they still chose to get a vaccine they knew was deadly.
I am hoping my brother will be ok, he only took one shot and not getting the second. I am going to order ivermectin from overseas to have just in case. But his wife is not getting any, I am a crazy conspiracy guy after all. will prescribe Ivermectin in the US. Ivermectin can be used to treat COVID, as a prophylactic, and even to treat long haul symptoms and post vaccine inflammatory syndrome. Everyone in America should have Ivermectin and vitamin D in their possession before the fall months this year.
Have you tried America Frontline Doctors? I was thinking of using them because I agree, need to have it on hand.
I have an hcq prescription through they would probably prescribe ivermectin too, but I never asked (i got my prescription last spring before ivermectin was known to help).
It is a very easy process, a bit more expensive than seeing your regular dr with insurance, but well worth the peace of mind for me.
You know a family who lost 2 sons from the vaccine? That's really awful, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Yeah right
I have the opposite, I know lots of vaxed people, and no word of side effects besides like a fever for the first day.
Me too… my whole family so far is okay. My husband and I are the only ones who didn’t get it.
Downvotes? Come on, people. It doesn’t mean that the vax is a good idea just because the people we know are okay. I pray we are ALL wrong about this… because the alternative is unthinkable.
I have 4 brothers, their wives, my parents, my father in law, and a handful of co-workers, all vaxed. Not a bad report from any of them
Getting down voted because I haven’t known anybody to have a bad reaction?
Shame on you for not knowing anyone who had a bad reaction. 😸
As if that's a flaw in your thinking or some other problem you can correct.
Me too - some family, couple friends and tons of co-workers and no issues.
My brother got both jabs . I thought he was doing ok till yesterday. He was cutting the lawn and comes in the house and says you know I’m not normally out of breath like this cutting grass. I thought uh oh.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are certain areas or genetics that are targeted so perhaps it won't affect everyone. We'll have to wait and see I guess.
And I still think some of the jabs are placebos - it is still in the human trials phase. I am hoping those that had no reaction just got saline
Inclined to think the same, especially considering some people don't seem to have any reaction at all and others are dying.
You got a single downvote? Umm.. your original comment is not sus but you making a big deal out of a single downvote is.
I got the downvote before any upvote, but whatever be sus, idc
the downvote
I'm in the middle. My cousin's neighbor got a clot in their leg from the vaccine which caused serious problems, and surprisingly, the medical people actually admitted it was from the vaccine.
But my close family that got it (not all did) are all okay so far.
same here. I have one girl who, 2 days after her 2nd shot was in the hospital with massive stomach pains and cramping. Turns out she has permanent gastritis and an ulcer the size of a golf ball. She said she's never had stomach issues in her life.
Other than that, nobody I know that's vaxxed - and nobody sharing anything on socials about someone THEY know - that's had a problem.
My MIL just got out of the hospital today.
She had a severe case of shingles. She had her 2nd vax about 5 weeks ago. Not sure if it's related, but possible.
I've heard but don't know for sure that shingles can emerge when the immune system is compromised. Is it possible the vaccine lowered her ability to fight infection and made the body weak enough for singles to come out? Sorry to hear this.
Yes, this is one of the reasons why you tend to see shingles in the oldet population more because as you age, your immune system just isn't what it once was.
My boss is in her early/mid 60s. You would not know it looking at her because she is in great shape. When she got her second shot, she wasn't aware she had a low grade UTI and the second shot just knocked her on her ass. She couldn't get out of bed for almost 10 days.
My sister just got shingles - she’s been double jabbed for a couple of months now. They told her she didn’t finish getting her shingles shot 🙄 Guess it’s a 2 shot deal and they said she only got 1.
Ivermectin also effectively treats shingles. I highly recommend you have her do some more research and refuse all future flu/shingles/covid "vaccines"
This video is about the studies on COVID. I can find a source on the shingles thing too if you want.
Yup . I see patients all the time with shingles after the death shot
Ivermectin treats shingles and post vaccine inflammatory sydrome.
We know 2 co-workers (young) and one elder family friend who all suffered long shingles attacks post jab.
It's related. There are quite a few shingles cases suddenly appearing in the vaxxed. More prominent in older vaxxed than younger.
I’m an urgent care doctor
I see tons of this shit.
I’m stunned. We’re being attacked
Hands down.
I know of 2 people that died within weeks to a month after taking it with no prior “known” health issues and I just found out last night that my brother in law now has heart issues 2 weeks after taking it.
My neighbor got the jab and stroked out in the yard less than 24 hours later. He is now in the hospital getting holes drilled in his head to relieve the pressure. Not sure if he is ever going to be the same. He is still alive.....for now.
My father in law has been going down hill since the jab. He got it in March, had a really bad seizure and was in the hospital for a week then rehab. They decided it was his diabetes meds and changed them. He seemed to be getting better but the pay few weeks he has declined. He can't get His legs to work right. He says that his legs feel lie they are 200 pounds and that he can't get his brain to connect to his legs to walk. They are doing PT now to retrain him to walk.
Heavy legs and potassium -
I know one neighbor who had stroke symptoms but recovered, two female relatives found dead at home, both had pre-existing conditions and my younger sister just passed away unexpectedly. She also had a pre-existing condition. All had received various covid-19 vaccinations.
I'm sorry about your sister. Prayers for you and your family.
That is terrible. Prayers for you and your family.
I know one who has had health problems ever since she got the first dose. She says she is not getting the second dose. She has had hives, tiredness and dizziness that I know of. The doctors have run all kinds of tests, which have all come back negative. She continues to think they're going to find something that will identify the issue and provide a remedy, like this is just a garden variety illness that she came down with, as if it wasn't the jab that did it and for which there is no cure. I don't know her well enough to know what caused her to get the jab, but she's a conservative Trump supporter and generally seems to have a good handle on political things, but apparently not about the virus scam.
She sounds like a good person. Buy yourself and her some Ivermectin, Pycogenol, and Borax. The 3 are theorized to stave off negative effects from spike proteins and even the vax. Colloidal Silver is another good immune system booster. Don’t listen to doomers. The fear just perpetuates more illness. Their attachment to the idea of doom is sometimes even giddy and it reeks. Everyone knows the most important component of healing is the belief you will recover.
I believe that stronger treatments than these will arise due to the nature of truth and knowledge being revealed as the plan comes together. If she can use these to survive until then, that is a win. I strongly sense the treatment will involve frequencies.
Guy at work had a clot in his brain had to have surgery, almost died.
My husband's cousin knows of 10 people who have died. But in our 5 branches of family, all the older folks who got vaccinated seem to be doing okay, which I find surprising. My mother was sick for 3 days after the 2nd Pfizer so I'm pretty sure she didn't get the placebo. My sister was sick for a day after the 2nd Moderna. He had an aunt that the magnet stuck to her arm.
There are not a lot of us in our 5 family branches who didn't get it. I pray that no one gets really sick.
Yep. A close relative of mine got a blood clot in the brain as well. Healthy. Exercises daily. No family history of such things. Now no memory at all. Can barely see.
my brother was hen pecked by his retarded idiot liberal wife to get it. She had him convenced that I was crazy and he would die if he caught the Rona. Well I tried my best to tell him what was what, but he got it to shut her the fuck up. Guess what happened. Seriously guess. Yup he is having heart pains ever since. He is not too happy and was saying I didnt tell him what the vax really was (he was ignoring me actually cause his wife said I was nuts). So sad. He is not getting the second one, but I fear that he is now heading down a bad road healthwise.
On a brighter note the crazy wife, apparently was having chest, abdomen and lung pains. So her heart was inflamed, her reproductive organs being attacked and micro blood clots in her lungs I guess. The moron is still going to get the second shot "for the common good". I guess my brother wont have to listen to her liberal verbal diarrhea for much longer. She is going to have a super reaction the second time if the first was that bad. Fuck her you cant fix stupid.
Would be really curious to know what states these issues are happening in? Is there any chance some of the jabs are saline and some are the real deal? If so, are they geographically distributed?
red states more deaths from vax?
blue cities saline?
inquiring minds want to know?
The plan was to reduce the world population. (Ultimate solution to human-caused climate change). It is working as intended.
I dont know anyone who has had clots (yet), but unlike coronavirus, every one I know who has gotten it has had bad reactions to it, no matter the shot. Up to and including fucking blood poisoning. Most of my siblings have got it, my department at work, and my wife's family. My neighbors. I'm scared of what might be coming this flu season.
A co-worker and his father got the jab around March. The father got belles palsy 3 weeks ago. He's also going blind in the droppy eye. Last week on Tuesday the father had multiple strokes and got flown to Phoenix were he continues to have mini strokes.
My mother got the Vax in March also. She's never had high blood pressure but does now and is on meds. I listened to a podcast and a woman was a caller who got the vax, one of her symptoms was wounds with scabs that don't heal. Well my mother came to visit for the 4th of July and she had wounds on her arms and scabs that wont heal. So the vax is slowly doing its thing to my mother.
Very sorry for your acquaintances. I think many people thought the shot was the right thing to do. Prayers for their recoveries and for your peace.
Yup. Healthy 40 year old woman in my fam went in, immediately on a ventilator. Dead the next day. So fucked.
My boss is having chest pains due to swelling in his chest cavity (while the doctor who gave him the vax doses insists it's completely unrelated, of course). He's on anti-inflammatory drugs. He and his wife got extremely sick immediately after their second jabs. He's fully aware that they made a mistake. I've been passing along any remotely plausible information regarding the shot that I can to help them both recover. I like my boss a lot, and I don't want to see his 1yr old daughter become an orphan.
In addition, my best friend has both her mother and mother in law going through blood clots. Their docs have figured out those are adverse reactions and are operating accordingly. Thankfully, I got through to my best friend and she kept that out of herself, her husband, and her kids.
The Lord giveth and taketh. I'm thankful for those who are being saved (and Saved).
No, but I’m now seeing a heck of a lot more stories from anons about vaxx damage vs anons with stories about Covid damage over the entire period of time it has been going on. Damn shame.
Friend has been in constant pain and bleeding since getting the vax and the hospital appears to now be in favour of a hysterectomy.
I do. A very sad story indeed. My dad got a liver transplant years ago giving him the time to meet my daughter once (I'm glad for at least that). He came home from his job in Arizona to get his second dose and died soon after. Blood clots and cancer cells 17cm big! He went quick, was in medical coma. Not a blood father but he might as well should have been. He walked me down the isle and showed me what a real man is like. Now he's dead and my daughter is cheated a are two little boys. If shit comes out I'm suing the shit out of big Pharma. I've grieved but I'm still fucking pissed! I'll never really have the answers I seek. He knew he was sick (Intuition) and took the shot to avoid Covid, which I think killed him. This all happened mid April :(
So sorry 😢
Thanks frens ❤❤
My Dad had a stroke 3 or 4 days prior to his first jab and got his 2nd shot. He bounced back find after 2 or 3 days. Since getting the shots, he is going into A-Fib daily and has a hole in his heart. Hqd a positive checkup last year. Heart and all. No hole was noticed prior to this year. He has no energy. Dont know how much is stroke induced...but can't help but think the shots have hurt his heart health. Dont see him making it 12 months as quickly as he is deteriorating.
My parent has two friends who make regular social visits. They harangued her to get the shots (which she refused).
They have both been weak and sick since they got theirs and the man just had heart surgery due to heart failure.
My parent remains well, despite almost every comorbidity in the book.
My neighbor young and healthy died after vax. Former coworker older but still healthy died after vax. My aunt is now having heart problems and was injected back in March.
So I'm against the covid vaccines to the point people from my surroundings think I'm insane, but get this. Everyone from my family got the shot (mostly Pfizer and Astra) and when I asked if they experienced any side effects every single one of them told me that they didn't, not even a sore arm. This is weird af because a lot of people are literally dying from this shit right after taking it. There's definitely something weird about these shots. I think the spike protein could be designed to kill people with specific genes.
I stopped asking what siblings of mine are vaccinated. Second to the youngest of 8 kids, and the college educated siblings got the jab! Book smarts, yes, but being able to think outside the box, I would say now, no. I pray they got the placebo.
Lord, please let this movie end soon.
The solution is far worse than the problem.
Nearly everyone we know is vaccinated as well. Aside from missing a few days of work after each shot, I don't know of any other side effects among people we know.
We need to keep praying for healing and deliverance.