Meanwhile, the media stands at the front door wringing their hands and worrying about the Durham "report" while the hundreds of thousands of investigations sneak through the back door and destroy them all....
Well, Durham is not putting together a report, so I suppose that part of it is. He's taken over a mountain of sealed indictments...271,000 of them. The word "report" keeps getting floated but there is not and never was a report. It's MUCH more lethal than a report 😉
Trump taught him how to win, and I think Rand realized the gravity of what Trump was going to accomplish. But the videos of Trump and Rand in the 2016 debates is hysterical.
Heck, I'm still waiting for an apology and a good explanation from Rand on why he sided with the commies and rinos on certifying the fraudulent election. Until that happens, no amount of ass kissing is gonna take him out of my f.u. pile.
I can't think up many good reasons for why Rand sided with the Marxists, based on all of his past actions- which are very much pro-patriot. Except for one possible reason. His life.
Rand has always been despised by the marxist left. They nearly killed him once, and beat the hell out of him another time. Perhaps he thought he would be more useful to America alive, than he would be by casting a vote towards lost cause. Perhaps giving the illusion that he can ally with the marxist uni-party is more valuable in the future because it helps keep him alive, literally. I would still count on Rand to do the right thing when it really matters, and his vote has a chance to alter an outcome. I feel that way about a couple of other senators that voted to certify that bullshit too, but only a few.
If his life was in jeopardy, he could've just brought that out in the open and asked for protection. With business doing telecommuting, and bars/night clubs shut down all over the county there was plenty of security people out of work who would've gladly provided personal protection.
...Life IS in jeopardy, not was. That man has been physically hunted by marxists for a long time, and it isn't likely to stop. I suspect his fake vote was cast simply to lower his target priority, because I believe he is a high priority target of the radical (murderous) left.
An open plea for help to the Oath Keepers is all it would take to put any actual Patriot under the full protection of some of America's finest soldiers.
Isn't it obvious? They had to think they got away with it. Not to mention riots and destruction in every city if they didn't certify, almost forcing martial law. Political disaster.
They can think whatever they want. But they didn't get away with squat! They'll soon find out that their decision to be part of the steal was the bigger political disaster.
Rand Paul is one of only 2 Republican senators to vote against extending the provisions of the Patriot Act including roving wiretaps, citizen surveillance and searching business records.
Rand Paul filibustered against the nomination of John Brennan for TWELVE HOURS.
Rand Paul is also the ONLY republican to vote against the gigantic COVID stimulus package.
Rand Paul was one of TWO republicans to vote against supporting NATO
Rand Paul introduced the bill which called Trump's second impeachment unconstitutional (getting 45 votes).
This is why him voting to certify the steal makes no sense. I expected Ted Cruz to puss out not him. If him or his family were being threatened yet again, he should've known that was a possibility ahead of time and hired security or asked patriots with Security/LEO/Military experience to assist.
He's already been physically attacked multiple times for his patriotism, once that sent him to the hospital. I don't think he's shaken by threats as much as others, but I do think he's part of the plan if there is one. He's the only one making Fauci squirm and basically advancing the country to the next stage of awakening in terms of the lab theory.
Rand gets covid in March 2020. His family is attacked by antifa in 2020.
Yet he never attacks Fauci until his big public stunt in mid-2021. Over a year later.
He waited an entire year despite having covid himself. Why? Wouldn't it be personal at that point? Wouldn't he have a vendetta that would benefit the public? (Two birds with one stone?)
But he waited an entire year despite his family being attacked by antifa and him having covid himself.
He let covid play out all in 2020 to sway the election and hurt Trump, and that is why he certified the 2020 election and sided with the Democrats on January 6th.
If he is willing to not speak up about the scamdemic to hurt Trump, despite his family getting attacked, and having covid himself. What makes you think he will speak up for you?
Make no mistake, Rand is a RINO.
He pops up at the right time and signs the right things so you can rattle off that list you gave us when someone says something bad about him. While all the pain and suffering of his inactions get memory holed.
On January 6th, Trump gave us a rare opportunity to see everyones true colors: politicians, family, friends, conservative news outlets; and its ugly, but it's reality. I say this as someone who used to respect Rand Paul.
Give it up. So many Rand haters that don't understand he's a constitutionalist. He spoke out against the fraud more than any other Senator, but he did his job as well in terms of confirming the electoral college vote. Blame the Senators from GA, AZ, etc. not the best Republican we have in the Senate.
It was up to Pence ultimately to send it back to the states, so if you want to blame someone in that process it would be him.
Thank you. It was an interesting read. As for it being Rand Paul, the anon said he smokes Marlboro Reds. Is Rand Paul a smoker? I find that hard to believe but who knows.
I saw Durham on a milk carton earlier today........
He's riding shotgun with McAfee on the Kraken while they try to intercept the Ever Given before it reaches Epstein Island.
Meanwhile, the media stands at the front door wringing their hands and worrying about the Durham "report" while the hundreds of thousands of investigations sneak through the back door and destroy them all....
Durham is a MacGuffin ?
Well, Durham is not putting together a report, so I suppose that part of it is. He's taken over a mountain of sealed indictments...271,000 of them. The word "report" keeps getting floated but there is not and never was a report. It's MUCH more lethal than a report 😉
"It would appear that all timelines are converging and the outcome becomes ever more certain the closer we get."
August can be pretty hot
"Datefag loaded sir, your orders?"
I really do hope its August 2021, and not some other August in the future. August 2020 wasn't nearly as hot as many of us were hoping for.
Lin wood infected language
Trump taught him how to win, and I think Rand realized the gravity of what Trump was going to accomplish. But the videos of Trump and Rand in the 2016 debates is hysterical.
He willingly certified the stolen election for sleepy joe.
Its scary how much people forget this.
I hope he knows something.
Sounds like he does.
If you think Rand is a bad guy, then you should have absolutely zero hope for anything, because he's one of the best we got,
Now that's sad.
Randy is currently smiling upon him from heaven.
Heck, I'm still waiting for an apology and a good explanation from Rand on why he sided with the commies and rinos on certifying the fraudulent election. Until that happens, no amount of ass kissing is gonna take him out of my f.u. pile.
I can't think up many good reasons for why Rand sided with the Marxists, based on all of his past actions- which are very much pro-patriot. Except for one possible reason. His life.
Rand has always been despised by the marxist left. They nearly killed him once, and beat the hell out of him another time. Perhaps he thought he would be more useful to America alive, than he would be by casting a vote towards lost cause. Perhaps giving the illusion that he can ally with the marxist uni-party is more valuable in the future because it helps keep him alive, literally. I would still count on Rand to do the right thing when it really matters, and his vote has a chance to alter an outcome. I feel that way about a couple of other senators that voted to certify that bullshit too, but only a few.
If his life was in jeopardy, he could've just brought that out in the open and asked for protection. With business doing telecommuting, and bars/night clubs shut down all over the county there was plenty of security people out of work who would've gladly provided personal protection.
...Life IS in jeopardy, not was. That man has been physically hunted by marxists for a long time, and it isn't likely to stop. I suspect his fake vote was cast simply to lower his target priority, because I believe he is a high priority target of the radical (murderous) left.
Then hire security and carry on doing the job you were elected to do. There's plenty of patriots that would gladly provide protection.
An open plea for help to the Oath Keepers is all it would take to put any actual Patriot under the full protection of some of America's finest soldiers.
I know right. It's not like we didn't know ahead of time that this was gonna happen.
Isn't it obvious? They had to think they got away with it. Not to mention riots and destruction in every city if they didn't certify, almost forcing martial law. Political disaster.
They can think whatever they want. But they didn't get away with squat! They'll soon find out that their decision to be part of the steal was the bigger political disaster.
I obviously agree, the cheaters will regret it. But it had to be allowed in order for the sleeper network to basically reveal itself.
Hopefully this is just more of that 5th dimensional chess cuz RP didn't do himself any favors bending the knee.
Weirdly enough, Yahoo news has reported on a Durham twice the past two weeks.
Last week the AG confirmed they won’t be blocking public dissemination of his report.
MSM has oddly enough started reporting things that contradict their narrative. NBC including a statement that new covid spreads faster now vaccinated
That's a good question.
Most of the Republicans with balls weren't born with them.
Most of them make weak little pussies look like super heroes.
He's trolling. Notice there's no question marks...
Why did Rand Paul certify a fraudulent election... (asking for a betrayed nation)
Rand Paul is one of only 2 Republican senators to vote against extending the provisions of the Patriot Act including roving wiretaps, citizen surveillance and searching business records.
Rand Paul filibustered against the nomination of John Brennan for TWELVE HOURS.
Rand Paul is also the ONLY republican to vote against the gigantic COVID stimulus package.
Rand Paul was one of TWO republicans to vote against supporting NATO
Rand Paul introduced the bill which called Trump's second impeachment unconstitutional (getting 45 votes).
Rand Paul also voted against the 1/6 commission
This is why him voting to certify the steal makes no sense. I expected Ted Cruz to puss out not him. If him or his family were being threatened yet again, he should've known that was a possibility ahead of time and hired security or asked patriots with Security/LEO/Military experience to assist.
He's already been physically attacked multiple times for his patriotism, once that sent him to the hospital. I don't think he's shaken by threats as much as others, but I do think he's part of the plan if there is one. He's the only one making Fauci squirm and basically advancing the country to the next stage of awakening in terms of the lab theory.
Rand gets covid in March 2020. His family is attacked by antifa in 2020.
Yet he never attacks Fauci until his big public stunt in mid-2021. Over a year later.
He waited an entire year despite having covid himself. Why? Wouldn't it be personal at that point? Wouldn't he have a vendetta that would benefit the public? (Two birds with one stone?)
But he waited an entire year despite his family being attacked by antifa and him having covid himself.
He let covid play out all in 2020 to sway the election and hurt Trump, and that is why he certified the 2020 election and sided with the Democrats on January 6th.
If he is willing to not speak up about the scamdemic to hurt Trump, despite his family getting attacked, and having covid himself. What makes you think he will speak up for you?
Make no mistake, Rand is a RINO.
He pops up at the right time and signs the right things so you can rattle off that list you gave us when someone says something bad about him. While all the pain and suffering of his inactions get memory holed.
On January 6th, Trump gave us a rare opportunity to see everyones true colors: politicians, family, friends, conservative news outlets; and its ugly, but it's reality. I say this as someone who used to respect Rand Paul.
I hope you're right fren.
For what it’s worth I searched the time 715 and and post 4671 came up 2nd. You decide if it’s a coincidence.
Report? I don't want a report. I want indictments.
First indictment will shock the world.
I'm thinking it will be Fauci
DoooT!! RP asking... Hey we SEE YOU!!
Good question
Give it up. So many Rand haters that don't understand he's a constitutionalist. He spoke out against the fraud more than any other Senator, but he did his job as well in terms of confirming the electoral college vote. Blame the Senators from GA, AZ, etc. not the best Republican we have in the Senate.
It was up to Pence ultimately to send it back to the states, so if you want to blame someone in that process it would be him.
I'm wondering if the Durham report will be released the same week everything else will be coming out in August.
👆 Smartest guy in the room right here.
All they do is talk and issue strongly worded letters and give fiery speeches while asking for $17.76 donations to “fight for you”.
Lol. Grifters, the whole lot.
But, we are watching a movie...which sucks
There is no Durham.
Never existed in the first place.
I like how everyone just forgot Rand Paul willingly certified the stolen election for Sleepy Joe.
Waiting for audit results and announcements so they can distract from nothingburger
North Carolina, maybe?
Just sayin?
jrsenator anon???? look it up he is a prime suspect if it is not a larp.
Can you provide a link? "look it up" isn't good enough since big tech censored and removed so many things from search results.
here is neon covering something on it, take it for what it is worth. Some anon claiming to be a Jr. Senator which could just be a larp but if it were not it would be 1 of 50 people in the USA and Rand fits the description. Many anons have suspected rand but I don't screen cap every little piece of information that I may regurgitate later.
Thank you. It was an interesting read. As for it being Rand Paul, the anon said he smokes Marlboro Reds. Is Rand Paul a smoker? I find that hard to believe but who knows.
He sounds like Trump
I was about to point that out, but you beat me to it. RINOs are even more despicable than Democrats, which is quite a trick.
It had to go thru. CRIME and punishment.
Came here to say this. My very first thought.