You must be joking. Have you any idea how many ARMED American citizens would rather die fighting than to be forced to accept an experimental injection of God knows what?
The cops and soldiers dumb enough to try would quickly find out what "fuck around and find out" really means.
There would be no putting the genie back in the bottle after that. The country would turn into a bloodbath overnight.
Perhaps that is what the DS wants, so that they can bring in tons of Chinese and UN troops. But even that won't work. Just like we never won the war in Vietnam. So too would they fail in the US, except Americans are more prepared for this than the Vietnamese were.
Yup he’s a real piece of shit. That led to the war protests - and then the eventual Dems taking house and senate around 72-74 and then they defunded the ARVN and then 2 million Vietnamese were slaughtered. Asshole burn in hell Cronkite
The Dems started this shit back then. The house/senate lost the Vietnam War. The military had it under control until they cut funding. Bunch of commie fags. Turns out the history they teach you in school is wrong and we need to go to primary sources to find what really happened
This really won’t go over very well. They can’t even isolate the virus so how can they mandate an experimental vaccine for a virus that may not even exist. (It’s the flu- nothing more) I’d say in response to a mandate- “prove it!” Prove to me there’s an isolated Covid 19 virus. Show me the scientific studies proving the virus and all it’s so called variants exist. Show me the studies proving the vaccine doesn’t harm or cause deaths. Then we’ll talk! Spoiler Alert-THEY CAN’T!
I'm wondering if it's a method of identifying compliant sheep or just another tool to create further division in society. The more people are divided, the easier it is to control them and less chance people will come together to oppose the tyrants.
Yeah, the plan fucking blows, just don’t say it here.
I hear so much moving of the goalposts, trying to justify why this or that has happened. My favorite is it had to be this way, to wake up the normies. I personally, am not seeing a mass awakening.
In fact, I see a mass hardening of lines, that should never have been drawn in the first place.
If we had just made a liberal omelette at any point in the past five years, we could have pulled through.
Q told us the end won't be for everyone. It's not our fault you're too selfish to see how much the Q team and Trump have sacrificed to save our Republic. No one ever said this would be easy. If you think this is difficult, imagine what all the innocent children of the world are feeling.
Ppl break commitments all the time. There are consequences for doing so. I assume professional and legal.
It is a terrible position to be in, I'm sure. If the pentagon supports it troops seem to be forced to choose between being sacrificed to support the great reset or dealing with the consequences of breaking that commitment. I just don't know what they are.
We are lucky -- daughter left the officer training in March. She said they're gonna force the vax. I'm out.
This is the courageous fully vaxxed secretary seen getting off his plane in a foreign country wearing a mask with a face shield? That embarrassing secretary?
This is how they weed out the patriots and free thinkers from the military. Hundreds of service members are prepared to walk away from their retirements over this. The same thing happened with the anthrax vaccine, and they had to revoke the mandate because they lost too many valuable members, especially pilots, who were unwilling to compromise their health.
Some theorize the lesson learned from the anthrax vax is why they haven’t forced it on service members yet.
Can you go more into the anthrax story? I'm in the military and am currently weighing my options. Under no circumstances will I comply so now its a matter of deciding whether to fight it or if I'll be given the option to get out.
Makes sense, military is about following orders and creating a sense of structure and discipline. They need loyal soldiers to follow orders and not think for them selves unless it's for the greater good
I have a youngfriend, who I have been providing guidance through my experience in making inquiries into joining the Navy. We talked about this earlier today, before I saw this news, where I asked him how he felt. About the possibility that they would inoculate him with a covid jab. His response was as I expected - worried, and that his health would be compromised. Now, after reading this subj news, I hope that the theory of placebos for Patriots is a practice up there at bootcamp.
May he rot in Hell. Their bodies, their choice. They did NOT take an oath to sacrifice their lives over a EUA, that has caused thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousand of injuries. It will only make our forces weaker. The survival rate is 99.7%.
Watch how many people leave, then the Pentagon will be clamoring for a universal dishonorable discharge. Imagine all the troops joining US for a change. Constitution and oath over orders.
As someone said; If they do this to the troops and nothing has happened, I'm out. I'm done, There might have been a plan at one time, but not now.
None of that matters if no one is held accountable.
And Chyna has just defeated us with the mighty pen. Well I know one marine who has already stated over his dead body will he get the jab. Unfortunately so many of these soldiers are trained to follow orders.....this is sickening. Stand up and say NO troops!
One would think the LAST thing "they" would want is thousands upon thousands of disgruntled, highly-trained "killing machines" walking the streets just itching for them to go full-on retard with mandatory jabs, gun grabs, UN invasion and/or rounding people up.
Mass protests this weekend. Our troops need to be shown that they have massive support.
Giving your entire active military force an experimental drug is BATSHIT INSANE
You must be joking. Have you any idea how many ARMED American citizens would rather die fighting than to be forced to accept an experimental injection of God knows what?
The cops and soldiers dumb enough to try would quickly find out what "fuck around and find out" really means.
There would be no putting the genie back in the bottle after that. The country would turn into a bloodbath overnight.
Perhaps that is what the DS wants, so that they can bring in tons of Chinese and UN troops. But even that won't work. Just like we never won the war in Vietnam. So too would they fail in the US, except Americans are more prepared for this than the Vietnamese were.
I am one. They will literally have to KILL ME before I take their poison!!!
We actually did win the TET offensive was a huge win Walter Cronkite said That's it the war is lost even then lies
Yup he’s a real piece of shit. That led to the war protests - and then the eventual Dems taking house and senate around 72-74 and then they defunded the ARVN and then 2 million Vietnamese were slaughtered. Asshole burn in hell Cronkite
The Dems started this shit back then. The house/senate lost the Vietnam War. The military had it under control until they cut funding. Bunch of commie fags. Turns out the history they teach you in school is wrong and we need to go to primary sources to find what really happened
Make them fire you, don't quit.
This really won’t go over very well. They can’t even isolate the virus so how can they mandate an experimental vaccine for a virus that may not even exist. (It’s the flu- nothing more) I’d say in response to a mandate- “prove it!” Prove to me there’s an isolated Covid 19 virus. Show me the scientific studies proving the virus and all it’s so called variants exist. Show me the studies proving the vaccine doesn’t harm or cause deaths. Then we’ll talk! Spoiler Alert-THEY CAN’T!
I'm not even sure it's really about the shot.
I'm wondering if it's a method of identifying compliant sheep or just another tool to create further division in society. The more people are divided, the easier it is to control them and less chance people will come together to oppose the tyrants.
Us unvaccinated are going to be the only soldiers left once the side effects kick in.
I hope the vaccinated don't go full zombie. Never go full zombie.
Or full retard
At this point they’re both
Please they didn't need the vaccine for that, they are already.
Be Simple Vacks!
Almost like that was the whole point.
How stupid does this have to get before they open up their eyes?
Fucking communists! This wasn’t part of the plan. I can’t take much more. I’m angry most of time by these demons.
Yeah, the plan fucking blows, just don’t say it here.
I hear so much moving of the goalposts, trying to justify why this or that has happened. My favorite is it had to be this way, to wake up the normies. I personally, am not seeing a mass awakening.
In fact, I see a mass hardening of lines, that should never have been drawn in the first place.
If we had just made a liberal omelette at any point in the past five years, we could have pulled through.
You can't move a goalpost that doesn't exist. Random anons coming up with random theories does not = Q or their plan.
If I hear "the ending won't be for everyone" again I'm going to bite the neck out of someone who says it.
Q told us the end won't be for everyone. It's not our fault you're too selfish to see how much the Q team and Trump have sacrificed to save our Republic. No one ever said this would be easy. If you think this is difficult, imagine what all the innocent children of the world are feeling.
Excuse me?
They've sacrificed lives that weren't theirs to sacrifice.
That is the ultimate selfishness.
They're not satanists, so no, they haven't sacrificed anyone.
By their inaction, they are sacrificing everyone that is dying to the vaccines for one example.
So yes.
Cool story, Mark. Anyway, how is your sex life?
yeah, i understand
Right there with you.
Simple. The military have been guinea pigs for years.
Ever heard of Gulf war syndrome?
Got many shots when i was in the Army and some times they wouldn't even say what it was you just walk in line and get stabbed in the arm.
Was shocked it wasn't mandatory at first because of my experience.
This is definitely to divide and conquer.
Can they quit the military? What would happen?
Ppl break commitments all the time. There are consequences for doing so. I assume professional and legal.
It is a terrible position to be in, I'm sure. If the pentagon supports it troops seem to be forced to choose between being sacrificed to support the great reset or dealing with the consequences of breaking that commitment. I just don't know what they are.
We are lucky -- daughter left the officer training in March. She said they're gonna force the vax. I'm out.
As of two weeks ago, a deployed soldier in the family informed us he had to be vaccinated to go anywhere.
So he left the military right?
Nope, he took the shot and a week of illness to provide for my sister he's married to.
Hated to hear it, and hated to know it was a position he was even put in when trying to do the right thing for us back home.
Feels like blackmail, holding his family's future hostage.
It's absolutely blackmail.. Take the jab for $100 bucks OK if not we will enforce it on you !
Your sister will now have whatever he has from the jab...
Should have quit
And just like that CCP has destroyed the most powerful military on earth using irregular warfare.
However since I dont believe our military counterparts are morons this look like another PSYOP.
This is wrong on so many levels.
Precipice, anyone???? This is not good.
This is the courageous fully vaxxed secretary seen getting off his plane in a foreign country wearing a mask with a face shield? That embarrassing secretary?
This is how they weed out the patriots and free thinkers from the military. Hundreds of service members are prepared to walk away from their retirements over this. The same thing happened with the anthrax vaccine, and they had to revoke the mandate because they lost too many valuable members, especially pilots, who were unwilling to compromise their health.
Some theorize the lesson learned from the anthrax vax is why they haven’t forced it on service members yet.
They WANT them to leave.
Can you go more into the anthrax story? I'm in the military and am currently weighing my options. Under no circumstances will I comply so now its a matter of deciding whether to fight it or if I'll be given the option to get out.
Here, Fren:
I’ll refuse
Makes sense, military is about following orders and creating a sense of structure and discipline. They need loyal soldiers to follow orders and not think for them selves unless it's for the greater good
I have a youngfriend, who I have been providing guidance through my experience in making inquiries into joining the Navy. We talked about this earlier today, before I saw this news, where I asked him how he felt. About the possibility that they would inoculate him with a covid jab. His response was as I expected - worried, and that his health would be compromised. Now, after reading this subj news, I hope that the theory of placebos for Patriots is a practice up there at bootcamp.
Holy shit. It's beginning. The Great Awakening is upon us.
Fuck.... I have a very interesting decision to make now.
Your health is priceless. Can't serve anyone as a broken person.
Well I got to tell my friend Leroy, he's really against this madness. He's Calvary actually, I forgot what division he was in but he's active duty.
This seems like a red line.
What's the countermove?
May he rot in Hell. Their bodies, their choice. They did NOT take an oath to sacrifice their lives over a EUA, that has caused thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousand of injuries. It will only make our forces weaker. The survival rate is 99.7%.
They misspelled Comrade V Jarrett and put a full retard clown’s name instead. Sad!
Unfortunately it will go over just as we expect. They’ll all fall in line.
they only want sheep and they want to be owned by the ccp
And of course they will over pay pfizer
Watch how many people leave, then the Pentagon will be clamoring for a universal dishonorable discharge. Imagine all the troops joining US for a change. Constitution and oath over orders.
As someone said; If they do this to the troops and nothing has happened, I'm out. I'm done, There might have been a plan at one time, but not now. Audit Evidence None of that matters if no one is held accountable.
And Chyna has just defeated us with the mighty pen. Well I know one marine who has already stated over his dead body will he get the jab. Unfortunately so many of these soldiers are trained to follow orders.....this is sickening. Stand up and say NO troops!
I'd be looking for an early out if push came to shove.
Are you military as well? Do you think we'll be given the option to get out if we refuse to take jt?
No, but husband is a vet, and that's his opinion. He thinks those that are close to being done will ride it out and then leave.
So it figures that would be Ground Zero if they're going to try it on someone first it would be someone who takes orders.
I think things are about to get interesting pedes. In the words of Al Bundy... Lets ROCK!!!
Brother in law plans to resign once mandated.... they will loose all the soldiers with a brain... and that scared me
Cracking (...) lake fingers.
One would think the LAST thing "they" would want is thousands upon thousands of disgruntled, highly-trained "killing machines" walking the streets just itching for them to go full-on retard with mandatory jabs, gun grabs, UN invasion and/or rounding people up.
"These people are stupid."