In other news, the Covid virus is expected to mutate and completely render the new booster shots completely ineffective within 30-days.
Pfizer is anticipating this move and will develop and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th "booster shot", anticipating the Covid virus mutating to bypass each one within months of injection. None of the new "booster shots" will require lab testing or approval.
Lab rats are said to be overjoyed. They have ordered popcorn and are watching the human testing with amusement.
This is strange. . . .will this be grand-fathered into the current FDA approval application of Pfizer or added as a separate EUA? Third shots (which will be kill-shots for the elderly and immuno-compromised) don't have enough safety/efficacy data for the current application, which is supposed to be coming out very soon.
Haven't you noticed that they are ramping up the speed lately? My theory is that they know the truth is out and it's only a matter of time before it spreads far and wide, so they want to inject/injure/kill as many people as they can before someone puts a stop to it. Plus they know Trump is coming back and this time he won't be playing games with them.
SUPRISE! Everyone who is fully vaccinated is now FULLY IMMUNOCOMPROMISED!!
And when all the booster shot covidiots die it will somehow be the non-GMO people’s fault. Lol
well, they want to finish, before the truth comes out.
In other news, the Covid virus is expected to mutate and completely render the new booster shots completely ineffective within 30-days.
Pfizer is anticipating this move and will develop and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th "booster shot", anticipating the Covid virus mutating to bypass each one within months of injection. None of the new "booster shots" will require lab testing or approval.
Lab rats are said to be overjoyed. They have ordered popcorn and are watching the human testing with amusement.
Shares went south yesterday on news of new side effects. They need the prices to remain positive so Wall Street wins their bets.
This is strange. . . .will this be grand-fathered into the current FDA approval application of Pfizer or added as a separate EUA? Third shots (which will be kill-shots for the elderly and immuno-compromised) don't have enough safety/efficacy data for the current application, which is supposed to be coming out very soon.
Haven't you noticed that they are ramping up the speed lately? My theory is that they know the truth is out and it's only a matter of time before it spreads far and wide, so they want to inject/injure/kill as many people as they can before someone puts a stop to it. Plus they know Trump is coming back and this time he won't be playing games with them.
Immunocompromised patients are to costly to the insurance agencies and hospitals. A booster shot will most likely speed up their demise.
Hey this shot ain't working what should we do? Uhm let's give them more of the shot that will work!!
💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸💸💸💸
Looks like they are rushing to something. And that something can only be FDA approval.
I am guessing FDA approval requires this .... just spitballing
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Uuuh wut doin fda?
No fluckin way.
I'm a rare one who rcvd a note from my Dr from well known Uni hospital that stated I am unable to wear a mask at work.
More harm by the mask.
It's beyond any form of normalcy that this shite aka vakks get pushed thru WITHOUT any data
The good The bad The ugly of it all.
Flippin absurd
Just the booster? Not the actual vac?? That speaks volumes!
Gotta make sure anyone who received the placebo saline shots gets their poison this time.
The CNN article says that this is about authorizing a third shot. Immunocompromised were already encouraged to get the vaccine.
😂 Clowns. Get covid, have immunity. Simple. No booster shots needed.
Trump encourages everyone to take the vaccines.
Hello handshake. You must be new here.
lol u/#Banhammer
name checks out