If u had been taking the flu shot and this year ur skipping which i agree with, just be mindful, you may get the flu, have zinc ready, and vitamin c,d taken daily i think. Be outside even if its in ur car if it gets to cold. Just do not stay indoors.
You should probably consider Nutritional Therapy. Go to the website of the Nutritional Therapy Association and look for a practitioner either near you or someone who can do a long-distance consult. It's easy! They will guide you to good health without medicines.
This is true. And theres an easy way to test this for ourselves. Make sure to go outside 20-30 min a day, adjust for the season. In the hot summer we go out earlier and need less time. For fall and spring we can go out whenever., its easy. Winter in LV is ok so we can still get some sun D. But for anyone in snowy/cold just dress warm and still go outside and take a vit D supplement for sure. We still take D supplements but based on how much we are outdoors. I cant say enough about the difference noticeably since being deliberate about this.
Also when my kids had a cold Ive taken them in the direct sun. The cold clears up within day or 2, its fascinating to see. Try it if you get a cold/sick anything--get out in direct sun, it will blow your mind. Ive set up a lounge chair all comfy and laid my little ones on it for 20 min and theyre better next day.
My grandmother was on a huge amount of Vitamin D, she was in a nursing home at 93, and she caught Covid (they said) and expected her to die within a few days from it, but she never even showed a symptom. She was already on her way out too, showing all the signs of 'end of life' but Covid was literally nothing to her.
So true. I never questioned basic vaccines, just didn't like the flu vax because the one time I took it I got sick. I thought, "why not just take my chances rather than be 100% sure I am going to get sick?" Now I am glad I didn't take the flu shot.
I think vaccines are like anything else they corrupt. Real scientists invented vaccines for the right reason. The cabal just infiltrated like they do with everything.
My mother used to make me get the flu shot every year when I was a teen. I got violently ill every year. She would claim it would have been worse had I not gotten the flu shot. Me, barely able to pick up my head, and violently vomiting, would ask "How much worse can this be??? Death?" When I got older I started refusing to get the flu shot. Haven't had such a bad flu since. Sure, I've gotten sick, but nowhere NEAR what it would be when I got the flu vax. After hearing many many stories of parents who's children suffered irreversible side effects due to the regular recommended childhood vaxs, I decided not to vax my child. It doesn't make sense that they tell you to stay away from a lot of types of seafood while pregnant because of the high mercury levels but then as soon as your child exits the womb, fill them up with enough mercury for a 500lb man.
I’m the same. I was vaccinated as a child and had various boosters and other vaccines as an adult working in the medical field. Now I don’t trust any of the vaccines.
Don't get their vaccines. C'mon folks. These people are evil and have been evil for decades. Don't take their shit! They didn't just start wanting to kill us and/or profit off our sickness until we're dead... This has been their "MO" for decades.
I've only gotten one of those ... I was as sick as a dog that year :-) ... never again. That 99% of the reason I don't want a damn thing to do with the jab ... I couldn't care less what level of genius these people think they are that make that shit ... they are doing nothing but gambling when they make those annual concoctions.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they've been spiking those flu shots with other garbage just to see what it does after seeing this COVID fiasco.
I used to take the flu shot every year. Now, I'm worried if there was CRAP in those shots. Taking NAC once a day for a week to cover me. Apparently it breaks down Graphene Oxide.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. Your body doesn’t make it and it’s not found in foods, but it still plays an important role. Like cysteine, NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout your body, such as helping to maintain your immune system
I was thinking the same thing. Usually get the flu vaccine every year but this year I think I will pass. Don't trust anything anymore.
If u had been taking the flu shot and this year ur skipping which i agree with, just be mindful, you may get the flu, have zinc ready, and vitamin c,d taken daily i think. Be outside even if its in ur car if it gets to cold. Just do not stay indoors.
You should probably consider Nutritional Therapy. Go to the website of the Nutritional Therapy Association and look for a practitioner either near you or someone who can do a long-distance consult. It's easy! They will guide you to good health without medicines.
Drink bone broth (grass fed) and get good restful sleep. God helps those that help themselves.
This is true. And theres an easy way to test this for ourselves. Make sure to go outside 20-30 min a day, adjust for the season. In the hot summer we go out earlier and need less time. For fall and spring we can go out whenever., its easy. Winter in LV is ok so we can still get some sun D. But for anyone in snowy/cold just dress warm and still go outside and take a vit D supplement for sure. We still take D supplements but based on how much we are outdoors. I cant say enough about the difference noticeably since being deliberate about this.
Also when my kids had a cold Ive taken them in the direct sun. The cold clears up within day or 2, its fascinating to see. Try it if you get a cold/sick anything--get out in direct sun, it will blow your mind. Ive set up a lounge chair all comfy and laid my little ones on it for 20 min and theyre better next day.
Yes, D and zinc.
My grandmother was on a huge amount of Vitamin D, she was in a nursing home at 93, and she caught Covid (they said) and expected her to die within a few days from it, but she never even showed a symptom. She was already on her way out too, showing all the signs of 'end of life' but Covid was literally nothing to her.
Get out in the Sun, no covid!
Look into what Robert F. Kennedy has been saying. It now seems very likely he's been right all along.
He is coming to my church next week to talk! Excited to hear!
So true. I never questioned basic vaccines, just didn't like the flu vax because the one time I took it I got sick. I thought, "why not just take my chances rather than be 100% sure I am going to get sick?" Now I am glad I didn't take the flu shot. I think vaccines are like anything else they corrupt. Real scientists invented vaccines for the right reason. The cabal just infiltrated like they do with everything.
My mother used to make me get the flu shot every year when I was a teen. I got violently ill every year. She would claim it would have been worse had I not gotten the flu shot. Me, barely able to pick up my head, and violently vomiting, would ask "How much worse can this be??? Death?" When I got older I started refusing to get the flu shot. Haven't had such a bad flu since. Sure, I've gotten sick, but nowhere NEAR what it would be when I got the flu vax. After hearing many many stories of parents who's children suffered irreversible side effects due to the regular recommended childhood vaxs, I decided not to vax my child. It doesn't make sense that they tell you to stay away from a lot of types of seafood while pregnant because of the high mercury levels but then as soon as your child exits the womb, fill them up with enough mercury for a 500lb man.
I’m the same. I was vaccinated as a child and had various boosters and other vaccines as an adult working in the medical field. Now I don’t trust any of the vaccines.
Don't get their vaccines. C'mon folks. These people are evil and have been evil for decades. Don't take their shit! They didn't just start wanting to kill us and/or profit off our sickness until we're dead... This has been their "MO" for decades.
You’re absolutely right, pede! I think most vaccines are poison, except maybe tetanus.
I've only gotten one of those ... I was as sick as a dog that year :-) ... never again. That 99% of the reason I don't want a damn thing to do with the jab ... I couldn't care less what level of genius these people think they are that make that shit ... they are doing nothing but gambling when they make those annual concoctions.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they've been spiking those flu shots with other garbage just to see what it does after seeing this COVID fiasco.
I used to take the flu shot every year. Now, I'm worried if there was CRAP in those shots. Taking NAC once a day for a week to cover me. Apparently it breaks down Graphene Oxide.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. Your body doesn’t make it and it’s not found in foods, but it still plays an important role. Like cysteine, NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout your body, such as helping to maintain your immune system
Never had the flu shot once in my life and I've only gotten the flu once.
So glad I'm officially out of the NG so nobody can mandate a single vax to me ever again.
Weren't they talking about adding the vaxx to the flu vaccine? Like a booster?
They want to make the flu shot with mRNA technology, too. No thanks. Never getting one again.