.. most important holiday for the Jewish religion is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur! Which is sundown Sept 6-8, then Yom Kippur is Sept 16. Not to date fag but this is biblical and probably the most possible time frame shit will hit the fan I can think of... saving Israel for last?!!!. Throw in the 20 year 9/11 anniversary and there you have a perfect storm of events.
Plus September has historically been know for wars, terrorism, and month of preparedness. I am sure i am forgetting things bc it is late so apologies if this may be a little lacking but yall do your magic.
"Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, foreshadows the coming of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16) and Yom Kippur foreshadows the future event when all of Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26). They will look to Yeshua as He returns to this world and will realize He indeed is the Messiah (Zechariah 12:10). "
Don't be afraid to date fag!!
This is a great observation!
The normies that base their faith and happiness upon such information are missing an opportunity to learn. That's on them.
Thanks for the kind words fren!
I’m a fag.
Your birthday was a super spreader, Barry.
so were his cheeks
Not to date fag….. but I’m date fagging
Being a victim of date fagging myself, I've now come to think the more we hype these dates, the more word spreads to the evildoers.
Thus; they expend ammunition, chatter, and actions that the PATRIOTS who are in control are learning from.
Sure, we may look like idiots when things don't happen, but what REALLY is going on behind the scenes is likely forcing their hands and limiting any escape routes.
They would have been better off ignoring us. But they CAN'T. We're a dumpster fire and the wind's blowing the flames right into their house.
Well said.
Yes! Well said!
Sep 17 was the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution and Ingersoll Lockwood has been counting down to that date saying something will happen.
(The code on that page is all screwed up)
Well shit, see I knew someone would have something to add. Nice job!
That's odd. Says 52 days for me. Said 52 days a few days ago too. It is screwed up!
The counter code is screwed up lol. But the date is Sep 17 (John McAfee was born on Sep 18) - makes it all the more interesting
Ah, thanks for that. I saw from other comments that the date was Sep 17, but I didn't know whose birthday they referred to.
And the site says there’s an important birthday the day after the signing. But many years later. Ok, we’re in a Dan Brown movie now.
John McAfee
anyone who follows Christ is now 'spiritual' Israel
you are welcome....if we follow Christ, anyone on Earth, is now an Israelite heading toward Zion, the City of God, or Heaven is we like. Remember the Jews rejected Jesus, and they still do to this day.
I did not know that. So Messianics do believe in Jesus as the Son of God?
'waiting for the messiah to come' yes that is what I understood. Reason why Rome destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem in AD 70 is, per the Bible but inferred to some extent by Jesus that their rejection of him would be their downfall. 'Not one stone left upon another' came true. Jesus basically predicted that the Romans would get sick and tired of the Jews, in particular their religious establishment, and their complaining, bickering, money changing, politicking, and all around trouble making would do them in.
The Jews did crucify Christ after all.
That's an interesting theory you just proposed there friend. Saving Israel for last just took on a whole new meaning to me. Could it mean the rapture??? Or judgment of the saints. Whoah. Given enough time, thought, and distance between the posts, they always seem to line up in a biblical sense for me. Thanks for sharing that post.
From all that I have been exposed to and read and researched... The real Israelites were conquered and spread throughout the world - their worship practices, history, and artifacts were stolen and are used as cover for one of the greatest takeovers in history.
The Bible is clear on this, but when The Church tells people what to believe, and they believe it willingly and willfully, it's easy to gloss over the important parts.
Anyone who is a descendant of Israel (ie Jacob) would qualify. Words matter & we know the cabal has & will continue to twist words & definitions.
I suggest reading any of the Covenant books by Timothy Ballard. He goes in depth about the founders & the pilgrims coming here with their connection to the tribes of Israel with original sources as his evidence.
Before the Tower of Babel some fled to preserve themselves if the history of members of the Cheyenne Tribe here in the US is accurate. Their claim is so strong that the modern state of Israel gave them land recognizing them as members of a lost Tribe. They claim they were a mucher earlier scattering & that there were other members of tribes that have been brought to America since then.
Sean Little Bear is an interesting keeper of that knowledge.
End of the day there were multiple times Israel was scattered either by their own choice (ie fleeing before SHTF) or by God forcing it through their capture.
There isn't a single point where they all scattered. Consider a family with 12 children (not an apples to apples comparison, though a similar point). When the oldest turns 18, they may end up leaving for college, offer military service, get married & move away, etc... At that point the family begins to scatter on a smaller scale. Some may stay even until their adult years for various reasons & others might be lost completely due to their own choices of via kidnapping. End of the day there are multiple times where that family can and will be scattered/spread away from their starting home.
Their earliest reference to scattering comes from the claims Sean Little Bear makes, there are claims from a House of Lehi (archeological dig in the Middle East currently ongoing offers support of this claim) that scattered & claimed to make it to the American continent, & then there are the claims of the pilgrims (by scatter date) being part of the Tribe of Ephraim, though there could be descendants of all the tribes scattered through Europe & other areas of the globe where no one would know if they accept the cabal's version of history.
Thank you. I need to go back and get the specifics accurate.
It amazed me that there are claims that the current state of Israel backs with a Tribe in North America as one of the lost tribes (Cheyenne). I might be missing up their migration story with one they tell of another Tribe their ancestors battled with (with might have been that pre Babel Tribe).
There is so much to remember & there were a couple years where I just consumed it all as fast as I could dig in & never thought to write down specifics. It was all so fascinating. LoL It is never to late to repent & do better moving forward. Thanks for helping me remember this.
You will likely already know much about what Timothy Ballard has to share about Israel & the founding of this nation then. He has multiple Covenant Books with toes of Ephraim to this country with original sources to back up his ideas. It is an interesting read at the very least.
Here is the post: https://files.catbox.moe/kapwqx.png
If you want some interesting historical context about our founding, I would suggest reading some of Timothy Ballard's work. He has multiple Covenant books using original sources & we find that even as early as those on the Mayflower who signed the compact held a sincere belief that they were Israel by blood & descendants of Ephraim.
It could be that a huge swath of this country & other parts of the globe are descendants of Israel (ie the 12 tribes, 13 including Levi) & have absolutely no idea it is in their DNA.
If I understand it, the tribes of Levi & Judah were left in Israel. The others were taken northward & dwelled there. The signers of the Mayflower compact held sincere belief they were descendants of Ephraim according to research done by Timothy Ballard. You can find more info about it in his American Covenant & other Covenant series of research about the founding of our nation that IMO has been stolen from history, just as we see the cabal trying th rewrite history & facts today with in regards to the jab & election.
interesting^ didn't know that about the people on the Mayflower. do you know if they also read the Geneva Bible?
I've been reading about the history of King James, and thought the Geneva Bible might be a good alternative.
I do not know which version they read. If I find the link I will share it later. Essentially there are two sources for the Bible. The King James translation from the original Hebrew & Greek, the second is the Alexandrian sources.
I have used the KJV & know there are mistranslations in it, though I believe it is the most accurate at this point from what I have seen.
American Herritage video series (available on Prime) with David Barton discusses setting up the ASV, though I didn't dig into it.
thanks for the reply/details, I'll have to read more about the Alexandrian sources. and I enjoy the language of the KJV, but I know he was against the notes in the Geneva Bible, so that makes me wonder...
that darn Q;) I question everything now.
You are welcome. I have had the privilege of learning so much about my own faith & where my parents had raised me up in false tradions simply because they had never been able to find sources for the full truth.
End of the day it has strengthened my faith in Jesus Christ & that when he visited other flocks he visited the entire globe (if He Visited the Americas, a book of multiple different tribal tales of a great white God across the islands & American continents).
Physical evidence of our saviors presence, influence, & love is emerging all over now due to technology & the cabal inability to use their "official" systems to spread misinformation about the truth.
That said I spent over a decade questioning everything I had believed as a child so that I could find evidence or proof for myself of the truth anywhere I could find it & choose for myself what direction I needed to take in life based on eternal principles & truth (granted I have failed personally often).
Ultimately I have found that God wants us to make & keep Covenants with him (granted I believe I am a physical descendant of Ephraim & that a given blessing to them is the ability to make covenants/contracts with God that he must fulfill if we keep to our end of the Covenant). He also wants us to practice mercy & share evidence of truth anywhere we can because that truth will lead all of us back to the mercy of Jesus & a charitable love for one another.
That said, much to the disappointment of my fellow church members I do not use my little influence to preach what they believe I should. I figure God needs all of his children to find eternal truths for themselves & be gathered where he needs them to be. If they decide to join with our sect for study & worship, that is fantastic. Though if an individual chooses to worship with a different sect & continues to seek truth that is perfectly fantastic as well, since I am always learning more & realising we ALL have been terribly decieved. I am hopeful this Great Awakening will shift our focus onto finding the full truth our Father in Heaven has been waiting to share with ALL of his children & just needed us to be ready for and desire to receive. I have not recieved it, yet and am still searching, though am excited to think that what I have learned has me believing we may be witnessing his return in full glory within 10-15 years, though I have a few friends who believe is must happen at least 30 years out. No matter what, I simply see how the information on this board lines up with quite a bit of end days prophecy in multiple scriptural sources.
It’s also a JUBILEE YEAR!!
“The Jubilee is the year at the end of seven cycles of 7 seven years (50th year). According to the Book of Leviticus, Hebrew slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.
On August 15, 1971 Richard Nixon took the USA off of the gold standard and gave us a completely fiat money system that we have been living under for the last 50 years.”
Stole that quote Bc it sums it up better than I could word ;)
Well that lines up. My family will be celebrating this year even if it is only for educational purposes.
Thanks for that!
stop the prick teasing please, LOL! nice observation anon! - things feel like their picking up for the community, its nice.
Q says Biblical all the time so...I'm with ya plus the poetic justice of us not knowing the truth for 20 yr on 9.11 anniv. then BOOM! Could happen btw that timeframe.
Check out www.redefininggod.com. He is running numerous scenarios and has predicted mayhem for September.
You actually have three well four of God's Feast days hitting in September. Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) Wake up!!, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Repentance, (Feast of Tabernacles) a memorial of the Exodus ending with the (Eighth day) . Remember it is in Gods time frame not ours!! May it ever be so and more .. There is so much in these Feast Days that God has appointed. Three times through out the year all Males are to attend, they are Passove(Unleavened Bread), Shavout (Feast of Weeks), and Tabbernacles.
Trumpets = little Trumps?
Like...us, for example? Kekekek
I had a very morbid thought the other day and I almost don't want to talk about it...
...But what if Israel has already been taken care of -- by their own hands, mind you -- due to the high concentration of vaccine use in the country?
Not a thought you'd want to have, but it did occur to me...
I have thought this many times and we will see them taken care of as they continue to force boosters etc... but I think it is still bigger than that.
Date fagging is a game of moving the goal post further and further out until you can't see it anymore and then move it again.
Is it August or September, because the post stickied 4 hours before this one said August was the hot month. I'm playin, I datefagged September last week because the deadline for all military getting the jab mid-month seemed like a red line to me! Keep the ideas comin!
I think the issue for a lot of people when putting dates out there is that they assume it is the end or turning point. When actually it is another set of events. Some more important than others. It is called the Great Awakening for a reason. Everyone has to awaken to the truth, and it takes time. August is the time for election fraud to come out, September the fall of the Cabal. Just my intuitions, who knows it could be next year, but these dates are very important, especially when the deep state is warning us of it.
I hope Israel gets what it fucking deserves.
yeah come to find out the are involved with 911
I'm reading comments here, and of course the above post. The Bible is clear. Jesus predicted the decimation of the Temple. In AD 70 the Romans did just that. Most were killed, the rest scattered and died. There is no direct blood lineage this day to the ancient Jews who lived in what was Palestine under Roman rule.
The FACT is that the Jews who live in Israel, and other places like the United States are not Semitics via the blood of David ect ect. The truth is their Semitic blood comes from when at the height of the Mongolian Empire, the Mongols controlled parts of Eastern Europe and intermingled with the whites who lived there. This is where the the modern Jewish people can trace their lineage to.
Look at the Prime Minister and President of Israel. Do they look Semite to you?
pointing to a religious holiday and saying something big is going to happen with no other evidence or reason is far worse than date fagging. I'm surprised all the positive takes in here. i guess im just a little jaded on dates.
Anyone here listen/watch to Bo Polny?
No, but tell us more.
Oh, he is an analyst of time. You should take a look at his latest video where he shows the Biblical timing of events. Even offers free PDF documentation of his analysis.
Thanks so much
Awesome thanks!
This is wild stuff thanks again for sharing.
Good information.
41 “The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, 42 “and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth
I needed this, i feel the tension growing in New Mexico, i know the citizens here are going to comply with yet another lockdown, unless of course things change soon, i gave myself a small panic attack about going to the grocery store today thinking that over the weekend while we were enjoying the freedoms texas has that new mexico went back to being new Auschwitz even though we've been "open" its very easy to go anywhere in NM and feel the increased pressure to vaxx or mask, the public facilities all reek of communism its despicable. PLEASE DEAR GOD DON'T SKIP NEW MEXICO, I SAY TAX REVOLT LETS THROW THE VACCINES INTO A MASSIVE CALICHE PIT AND BURN THEM ALL, WE WILL NOT BUY THEM AND WILL NOT ALLOW TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO FUND ANYMORE OF THIS AGENDA, MAY GRISHAM BE PUT TO DEATH FOR HER CRIMES.
🥱 Thanksgiving coming up too.
Am I a terrorist if I boost the economy while celebrating this religious holiday with family? Just wondering when these ideas end up crossing the line of using terror for political reasons.
Granted if you worship Lucifer in the masonic lodges for gain & power, I could easily see how Jesus is terrifying to you. It is silly to be terrified of Jesus instead of the devil your soul is sold to, but I can see their twisted logic in there.
If that's last, then I want to know what happens before that and when?
And then when September passes and we still have a pedo in the oval office this will just be a bunch of drivel. Datefagging hasn't gotten us anywhere.
Date fagging, while not always coming into fruition, keeps people hopeful and energies high. In order for the world to change in a positive direction we all need to be operating on a higher level. Dooming and and pessimism only lower your vibrations continuing the craziness you view in the world. It is all about perception. Keep the faith or just keep your negative comments to yourself.
I agree. We all need to be more positive and happy. In my view, the world is still a wonderful place, we are still a wonderful species created in God's image.
I am making an effort to be more positive and I'm not going to act like the world is burning just because the guy I voted for isn't president. There's more to life.
Are you sure about that
We will never accomplish anything by willingly buying into fantasy. I'm supposed to talk myself into September being the month of retribution? Even though we all know thats not going to happen?
Are we in search of the truth here or are we just making a fantasy/fan-fiction world to live in?
Also, Trump announcing last year September is National Preparedness Month!
While I'm unconvinced, I admire your attitude and positivity
Whereas this is true to some regard. It is also true that we need to be looking forward.... not in the rearview mirror.
Historians are nessasary to prevent past mistakes. However we need forward thinkers in the present to find our way to the future.
Maybe there are two kinds of datefagging then.
The one kind where you datefag and you get disappointed, because datefagging always leads to disappointment since the cabal and the white hats never forecast the true dates of their actions. Except the cabal, who predictably stage false flags for certain obvious dates.
And the other kind where you datefag but it's all in fun, it's lighthearted calendar play, you don't actually pin your hopes and dreams on "it" happening on THE SEVENTEENTH, when it passes you grin and look forward to the next date, because you're just playing a game to pass the time and amuse yourself.
Consider that we don't even actually know what the "it" is that we would datefag about.
So a game of fantasy, then.
Not necessarily or entirely.
Date fagging also creates pessimism in the movement as dates pass and nothing happens. I used to datefag way too much, due to a manifested datefag when I first started following Q posts. I think it was Trump announcing a declass on Aug 17th of 2018. It made me think datefagging was always legit. But as much as we think it’s all for us, it’s also for the enemy. We create dates shit will happen by, and the DS who lurks here also start to believe it, expending their ammo, while ramping up their fear. It’s part of the psychological war waged against them. I’m not against datefagging, but I now tend to just put my faith in God, that he knows when to do things, and I try to pray more. I didn’t even get too hyped up about the Lindell Symposium being a major event. But I stay hopeful. It’s now somehow easier lately, despite the negative draconian vaccine and mask mandates. I see pieces of the puzzle with Law of War manual, Devolution, and the Symposium trap set— all coming together. Things are definitely moving towards the climax. The pressure is building! I do like Biblical datefagging though, so I enjoy your post. God Wins!
Deep State put out to beware of terror attacks on religious holy days and 9/11, I am just tying it together.
While never coming into fruition...
There are a lot of Q proofs. When you say never that means the Q plan has never came into action. A date may be incorrect but eventually Q's post come true. So no.
I'm referring to specific dates, not Q in general.
Right, well we are on a Q page, and I did not throw out any exact dates just that the time looks to be upon us. History repeats itself, it is only a matter of time and I feel it can be soon. So many signs you just have to look.
Exactly. There isn't even any prediction or relevant info in this post.
"Hey guys, not to date fag, but Christmas is coming up"
Like seriously. What?
Pull your head out of your ass and read something. We have the deep state warning us of terror attacks with 9/11 and religious holy days coming up. They date fagged, I am saying it is a huge possibility that this is the time.
How does something this retarded get stickied?
I could be tagging 2 different timeliness together when I pull in "saving Isreal for last". But the high holy land on all of Earth is Mt. Zion and the holiest of all days is next month. Granted maybe it could be next year or the year after, who really knows.
Cool, shit still going down in September. There are many events that need to take place, Trump is going to be there to fix everything once shit hits the fan. This is God's time now.