I'll miss telling her all the happenings going on over there
You still can - Just look up, and tell her. God bless you, fren, and I didn't catch your original post so I'd like to convey my deepest condolences and sympathy - I don't know what I'd do without my husband, I well up just thinking about it. I pray that you find some comfort in the days ahead, and in the mean time I will take your advice and hug my husband extra long tonight.
I know four people whose spouses passed over recently. In each case, the spouse communicated after death. In one case, for example, my friend went out shopping. When she returned home she found his favorite two DVDs on the coffee table - moved from the back of the drawer where they were normally kept. In another case, the surviving spouse's MP3 player continually selected songs whose titles were extremely meaningful to what was happening.
God has a plan for you, sounds like you are being called elsewhere and you are listening. God Bless and "hear from you when we hear from you", be well and keep the faith, always.
I missed your first post, Lupinate. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. There are simply no words at this time that will suffice. As much as it hurts now, it's only temporary, for you will see her again one day. Nothing and no one will take away your happy memories of her. May the Lord strengthen you and give you peace, fren. When you're ready to come back, know that we'll be here waiting for you.
Take care, Lupinate. I fully support your decision to take time away from all this craziness. I also humbly recommend you cling to Jesus and the word during this time. He's close to the brokenhearted and an ever present help in time of need. Love you, bro.
All the prayers and blessings for you as you navigate this next chapter in life. I really don’t know what to say except that my heart still aches for you as it did on Saturday when I read the news of your beloved wife’s passing. I’m so very sorry, fren! 🙏🏻
, and hopefully rejoin my beloved in the next life.
You will, friend.
I do not remember where I got the following but I've had it for many, many years. I hope it brings you a little comfort. Take care of yourself.
Those left behind to grieve do not realize that what lies ahead in the radiance is not lack of life -- but life itself! Not the end, but a beginning. It is not the end of a relationship, only an interruption. Our inadequate goodbyes in this place will be followed by a wondrous hello in another.
2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
We hope that you will always keep God's promises close to your heart. He promises that He will one day wipe away all tears and until that day He gives us the faith to sustain. The faith we will one day be reunited for eternity in our true home, which God as prepared for us. This life is temporary, what awaits in Heaven is eternal.
Yes, eternal life doesn’t end, so this is not the last time you will see them. This life is just the first step so ground yourself with something eternal and not the things of this earth since they will pass away. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You will be missed - please know we will continue to think of and pray for you. Check back in anytime you need a fren. ❤️ We’ll all be waiting with open arms.
Love and prayers to you. I lost my mom last month, but we were prepared for it. I see how my dad is struggling and I cannot imagine how you must feel. Know those we lose are in a much better place and would want us to live out our days to the fullest until we are together again. Just as we would want for them if it was reversed.
I can't even begin to imagine that pain and I'm truly sorry.
God bless fren and know were here if you need anything and your in our prayers. Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself, fren. May God shine his light on you during this dark time, and lift you up. My prayers and deepest condolences are with you, and please know your wife will always be near even though you cannot see her. ❤️🙏
Take it one day at a time but some days it will be one moment at a time. Grief is not a linear process so just roll with it, but she is with you. Look for the signs and look for her in your dreams. She was taken too soon but her work here was done. You WILL see her again, love never dies.
We love you, care about you and hurt with you. Our good wishes go with you as you heal, and find firm footing on your journey from here. God bless you and your family and may His spirit comfort and guide you always.
You will never be alone as your love for each other has left a permanent imprint on one another now and forever. While it may feel painful, you feel sadness only because she let you know the truest heights of love.
May God be with you in these trying times. May your wife’s spirit enter into eternal glory. I will pray for you, fren. Good luck, pray, and take this time discern your path forward. You’re never alone.
God Bless you and your family. Keep spreading the message and pray that more people get the word to keep this from happening to others. Love to you and your family fren!!!
Onwards, upwards fren. One day you will be reunited, until that time do your best to make this world great again... use her memories as motivation to push forward not only for you but for those who will follow in all of our footsteps. Peace.
Oh, Lupinate, I am so sorry. All I can say, in my inadequate way, is that I wish the sharp spires of grief soon erode down to the fond and wonderful memories you both shared. I share the same type of relationship with my husband that you shared with your wife. I am glad you experienced the same joy, and my heart breaks at what you must be experiencing now. I wish you peace and comfort. Know that you were, and still are, Beloved.
I'm sorry for your loss. I will keep you in prayer. May God shower you with His heavenly peace & comfort, fren.
Agreed! Sending prayers and love
You still can - Just look up, and tell her. God bless you, fren, and I didn't catch your original post so I'd like to convey my deepest condolences and sympathy - I don't know what I'd do without my husband, I well up just thinking about it. I pray that you find some comfort in the days ahead, and in the mean time I will take your advice and hug my husband extra long tonight.
I know four people whose spouses passed over recently. In each case, the spouse communicated after death. In one case, for example, my friend went out shopping. When she returned home she found his favorite two DVDs on the coffee table - moved from the back of the drawer where they were normally kept. In another case, the surviving spouse's MP3 player continually selected songs whose titles were extremely meaningful to what was happening.
Watch out for your sign!
I'll leave you this: http://www.victorzammit.com/archives/index.html
I just posted a similar communication I got from my mom.
Yes. Keep a chair for her and think of her sitting there, listening. Best wishes.
Virtual hugs, Lupinate -- hoping your path brings you to peace of mind.
God has a plan for you, sounds like you are being called elsewhere and you are listening. God Bless and "hear from you when we hear from you", be well and keep the faith, always.
I missed your first post, Lupinate. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. There are simply no words at this time that will suffice. As much as it hurts now, it's only temporary, for you will see her again one day. Nothing and no one will take away your happy memories of her. May the Lord strengthen you and give you peace, fren. When you're ready to come back, know that we'll be here waiting for you.
Take care, Lupinate. I fully support your decision to take time away from all this craziness. I also humbly recommend you cling to Jesus and the word during this time. He's close to the brokenhearted and an ever present help in time of need. Love you, bro.
All the prayers and blessings for you as you navigate this next chapter in life. I really don’t know what to say except that my heart still aches for you as it did on Saturday when I read the news of your beloved wife’s passing. I’m so very sorry, fren! 🙏🏻
I am truly sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my prayers 🙏
You will, friend.
I do not remember where I got the following but I've had it for many, many years. I hope it brings you a little comfort. Take care of yourself.
Yes, eternal life doesn’t end, so this is not the last time you will see them. This life is just the first step so ground yourself with something eternal and not the things of this earth since they will pass away. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You will be missed - please know we will continue to think of and pray for you. Check back in anytime you need a fren. ❤️ We’ll all be waiting with open arms.
Love and prayers to you. I lost my mom last month, but we were prepared for it. I see how my dad is struggling and I cannot imagine how you must feel. Know those we lose are in a much better place and would want us to live out our days to the fullest until we are together again. Just as we would want for them if it was reversed.
Thank you patriot! Sending love your way!
I can't even begin to imagine that pain and I'm truly sorry. God bless fren and know were here if you need anything and your in our prayers. Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself, fren. May God shine his light on you during this dark time, and lift you up. My prayers and deepest condolences are with you, and please know your wife will always be near even though you cannot see her. ❤️🙏
Nothing can separate us from His love-Romans 8:31. May peace find you, I lost my dad this year and I wish you peace and comfort in your time.
God bless, treat yourself kindly
God speed to you. This war has cost you greatly… rest easy & stay close to God now more than ever. 🙏🏼
God Bless
Take it one day at a time but some days it will be one moment at a time. Grief is not a linear process so just roll with it, but she is with you. Look for the signs and look for her in your dreams. She was taken too soon but her work here was done. You WILL see her again, love never dies.
We love you, care about you and hurt with you. Our good wishes go with you as you heal, and find firm footing on your journey from here. God bless you and your family and may His spirit comfort and guide you always.
You will never be alone as your love for each other has left a permanent imprint on one another now and forever. While it may feel painful, you feel sadness only because she let you know the truest heights of love.
Be well friend.
May God be with you in these trying times. May your wife’s spirit enter into eternal glory. I will pray for you, fren. Good luck, pray, and take this time discern your path forward. You’re never alone.
God bless u fren hope u find more strength than u ever imagined
((((((Hugs)))))) until we see you again. Be well my friend.
God Bless you and your family. Keep spreading the message and pray that more people get the word to keep this from happening to others. Love to you and your family fren!!!
Onwards, upwards fren. One day you will be reunited, until that time do your best to make this world great again... use her memories as motivation to push forward not only for you but for those who will follow in all of our footsteps. Peace.
Oh, Lupinate, I am so sorry. All I can say, in my inadequate way, is that I wish the sharp spires of grief soon erode down to the fond and wonderful memories you both shared. I share the same type of relationship with my husband that you shared with your wife. I am glad you experienced the same joy, and my heart breaks at what you must be experiencing now. I wish you peace and comfort. Know that you were, and still are, Beloved.
God bless you fren. I will keep you in my prayers
I'm so saddened to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you strength in the days ahead.
Please accept my sincerest and deepest sympathies as your mourn the loss of your wife.