I've heard of parents getting together and hiring retired teachers to teach their kids in a group. I'd like to see homeschooling blossom into a return of the little one-room schoolhouse sort of concept. Younger kids benefit from hearing the older's lessons.
I like it! And we need to figure out how to help all the kids have access to it. Not b/c of handouts or anything but b/c the kids left in the degenerate public system will one day be adults in our communities, and be our neighbors. Pulling our kids out is great, but we still have to fix the public system w/ vouchers for school choice or something to that affect if we want to insure that we don’t keep going down this communist government path. IMHO. 🤷🏼♀️ I love your small, one room schoolroom idea. Also, for the love, we need to go scorched earth on common core math! Just saying CCM makes me lose an IQ point! 😂
You're absolutely right. The schools are broken and need fixing. Until that happens there should be other choices.
I posed this old-timey schoolhouse thought elsewhere, and this reply I got is a great illustration of another benefit.
It would be a step back to real communities. The curriculums could be more tailored to each community/area/region so that they could teach what would be needed to rebuild local job bases for local businesses that need to replace the globalist corporate ones that have been taking over.
They are only doing what parents allow them to do. Get a backbone and stop it. Take your kids out of school and homeschool, if necessary. If you don't protect them, your life is meaningless.
We the People are the Plan and WE in a Great Awakening are the Storm and we need to start reigning in our civil affairs and rain our presence on the public school system. Over the top on analogies but it works...
Why in this day and age our we still sending kids out to brick n mortar schools?
They're so,...horse and buggy!
Be a parent in more than name only!
The only ones teaching your kids anything should be YOU!
If I could manage the sacrifice as a single mom anyone can.
I second this, I homeschooled for a couple years and then we moved to an online school where I have the ability to be IN classes with my kids and if I can't be IN class, I can watch the full class on recording later. There is NO communication with my kids that I don't see, I am copied on every single email they get and send. Our brick and mortar school wouldn't allow me to stand outside my 3rd grader's classroom at the end of the day because "that feels sneaky"....well then, get your state funding from someone else's kids because that was all I needed to hear to wake me the hell up! YOU DECIDE how your children are taught-do NOT complain about what is happening if your kids are dropped off every day and you drive away. It is OUR responsibility to teach our children!
The Rotschild-level people might be your typical greedy psycopath villains but the local school teachers? Judging by my mom, they're probably just gullible dummies who think the figures of authorities (TV & government) tell the truth.
They think the news is made by honest journalists and not propagandists and fear-porn merchants, the doctors in front of the cameras aren't bribed actors, the patients in hospital beds aren't there for other reasons, the "antivax nutjobs" are not a very large number filling immense boulevards during protests, and that the politicians can't possibly betray the citizens in such a unforgivable manner.
They're convinced that they're saving the world. They don't see the red flags. They don't have the self-confidence to think that they know better than most people. Communism is the expression of crab mentality. The Left is the cult of weakness (for the citizens not for their lord and savior the Big Government). They want to be on the side of the majority. It's democracy as a religion. The children are being converted to the new faith.
Cluster B personality disorder types who either need to be in authority, need to dominate (but cant so kids) or have a saviour complex often coupled with the near inevitable marytr/victim complex to follow. Same with nursing. They actually don't care about the truth, they care about acting out their cluster B disorders against people who can't fight back, be it the young or the frail.
So in your weird world, no one can be a teacher because they like the idea of helping the next generation or teaching children as a passion, it's only mental illness that causes people to want to be a teacher (or nurse?!). How odd, and I'd think that theory says more about you than anything about the actual world we live in.
Do you notice how what you wrote describes almost exactly what I did and you missed it? Perhaps what I said struck a nerve. Enjoying the idea of something is not not the doing of something.
Maybe this is why the big push from Harvard a couple of years ago re outlawing home schooling. They want possession of our children. Every day, less & less parental control. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Life is hard: If you can't afford to do that, then you need to question having kids in the first place. If you knew you couldn't afford to feed their bodies correctly, would you have kids? Oh yeah, we'll 'live on love...'
Otherwise, they are fodder for the indoctrination system. At least at the moment.
My kid got sent to the principal last year (7th grade) because his science teacher told his class that anyone not getting a future vaccine was selfish and deserved to be ostrocized. He told her that this was science class and her personal feelings shouldn't be brought up. Thankfully the principal agreed but nothing was done to the teacher
I think it's more just a general thing with kids this age, not covid. Things like this is usually to keep the young kids from randomly touching things as they're walking somewhere as a class, or to keep kids from touching and messing with each other. I don't think that has anything to do with covid.
So thankful that all I have to worry about is the fact that for some reason the middle school teachers seem to think that if my daughter sits next to her boyfriend they are some how gonna do the deed. (She has anxiety pretty bad and she’s kind of attached to him, and no, I know for a fact they aren’t doing it. The most they have done is hug and they’ve never been left alone, plus they are both good kids, but I digress) they’ve done away with masks, plastic dividers etc.
You know, I see videos from people all the time, who have cameras set up in their homes to make sure their dogs and cats are safe while they are away. But these same people send their kids to public schools and trust that some strangers are going to do what is best for their children.
"What are WE ALLOWING them to do to our kids?"
Pull your children from public schools mandating this illegal non-sense.
Private schools. Home schooling. There are options other than submitting to the devil.
Pray for our children
Hire based teachers to teach neighborhoods. Pay them to home school. Organize.
I've heard of parents getting together and hiring retired teachers to teach their kids in a group. I'd like to see homeschooling blossom into a return of the little one-room schoolhouse sort of concept. Younger kids benefit from hearing the older's lessons.
I like it! And we need to figure out how to help all the kids have access to it. Not b/c of handouts or anything but b/c the kids left in the degenerate public system will one day be adults in our communities, and be our neighbors. Pulling our kids out is great, but we still have to fix the public system w/ vouchers for school choice or something to that affect if we want to insure that we don’t keep going down this communist government path. IMHO. 🤷🏼♀️ I love your small, one room schoolroom idea. Also, for the love, we need to go scorched earth on common core math! Just saying CCM makes me lose an IQ point! 😂
You're absolutely right. The schools are broken and need fixing. Until that happens there should be other choices.
I posed this old-timey schoolhouse thought elsewhere, and this reply I got is a great illustration of another benefit.
Agreed!! There are options, think outside the box and get kids out of public schools!!
To Christians who say it’s a “mission” field. Don’t force something on your kids that they can’t understand or choose for themselves.
I have a relative who used that "my kids are salt and light to the unsaved in the schools" line. All of his kids are living in sin right now.
Yes remember your children spend more waking hours with these people than with family.
Lefties are doing this to their kids. We aren’t.
Making slaves
Never surrender your children to the state.
They are only doing what parents allow them to do. Get a backbone and stop it. Take your kids out of school and homeschool, if necessary. If you don't protect them, your life is meaningless.
We the People are the Plan and WE in a Great Awakening are the Storm and we need to start reigning in our civil affairs and rain our presence on the public school system. Over the top on analogies but it works...
No education is better than that!!
Creating antisocial little automatons, that's what.
God help those that hurt our children. I will have no mercy on them...
Why in this day and age our we still sending kids out to brick n mortar schools? They're so,...horse and buggy! Be a parent in more than name only! The only ones teaching your kids anything should be YOU! If I could manage the sacrifice as a single mom anyone can.
I second this, I homeschooled for a couple years and then we moved to an online school where I have the ability to be IN classes with my kids and if I can't be IN class, I can watch the full class on recording later. There is NO communication with my kids that I don't see, I am copied on every single email they get and send. Our brick and mortar school wouldn't allow me to stand outside my 3rd grader's classroom at the end of the day because "that feels sneaky"....well then, get your state funding from someone else's kids because that was all I needed to hear to wake me the hell up! YOU DECIDE how your children are taught-do NOT complain about what is happening if your kids are dropped off every day and you drive away. It is OUR responsibility to teach our children!
This right here!!!!! 👆
Future 'Re-Education Camp Guards/Compliance Officers'. Fraudci's wet dream
And/or compliant occupants of said camps.
They realize now that not enough of us are b washed. They likely know it’s a losing fight. Now, their focus is on them. That’s my guess, anyway.
Not my children.
They were I'd be fighting for their rights and if they didn't work homeschooling or sending them to a private school.
The Rotschild-level people might be your typical greedy psycopath villains but the local school teachers? Judging by my mom, they're probably just gullible dummies who think the figures of authorities (TV & government) tell the truth.
They think the news is made by honest journalists and not propagandists and fear-porn merchants, the doctors in front of the cameras aren't bribed actors, the patients in hospital beds aren't there for other reasons, the "antivax nutjobs" are not a very large number filling immense boulevards during protests, and that the politicians can't possibly betray the citizens in such a unforgivable manner.
They're convinced that they're saving the world. They don't see the red flags. They don't have the self-confidence to think that they know better than most people. Communism is the expression of crab mentality. The Left is the cult of weakness (for the citizens not for their lord and savior the Big Government). They want to be on the side of the majority. It's democracy as a religion. The children are being converted to the new faith.
Cluster B personality disorder types who either need to be in authority, need to dominate (but cant so kids) or have a saviour complex often coupled with the near inevitable marytr/victim complex to follow. Same with nursing. They actually don't care about the truth, they care about acting out their cluster B disorders against people who can't fight back, be it the young or the frail.
So in your weird world, no one can be a teacher because they like the idea of helping the next generation or teaching children as a passion, it's only mental illness that causes people to want to be a teacher (or nurse?!). How odd, and I'd think that theory says more about you than anything about the actual world we live in.
Do you notice how what you wrote describes almost exactly what I did and you missed it? Perhaps what I said struck a nerve. Enjoying the idea of something is not not the doing of something.
The body language of these children speaks volumes.
The movie Metropolis was a documentary.
It’s called indoctrination.
Creating the next generation of zombies.
Maybe this is why the big push from Harvard a couple of years ago re outlawing home schooling. They want possession of our children. Every day, less & less parental control. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Their little arms folded...
I can't wait to hear how the next new way to prevent the spread of COVID is straitjackets.
School to prison pipeline
If you saw this photo pre-covid everyone would freak out and demand this stop. But because someone gave us a reason to be afraid, we all complied.
this isn't to anyone in particular, just in general.
'Home school or die' - to quote Vox Day.
Life is hard: If you can't afford to do that, then you need to question having kids in the first place. If you knew you couldn't afford to feed their bodies correctly, would you have kids? Oh yeah, we'll 'live on love...'
Otherwise, they are fodder for the indoctrination system. At least at the moment.
*Some offense intended... *
The water is boiling, frogs. Are you ready to jump out yet?
My kid got sent to the principal last year (7th grade) because his science teacher told his class that anyone not getting a future vaccine was selfish and deserved to be ostrocized. He told her that this was science class and her personal feelings shouldn't be brought up. Thankfully the principal agreed but nothing was done to the teacher
God bless my MIL giving up her retirement to teach my children.
This breaks my heart and pisses me off
They are not 6' apart! Two feet will not stop the spread!! And what is this with mixing races?!? These children are not being brainwashed properly!!!
Training them to fear.
Teaching mindless compliance.
I've never seen that before. It's just plain wrong. 😡
I think it's more just a general thing with kids this age, not covid. Things like this is usually to keep the young kids from randomly touching things as they're walking somewhere as a class, or to keep kids from touching and messing with each other. I don't think that has anything to do with covid.
The parents love this
So thankful that all I have to worry about is the fact that for some reason the middle school teachers seem to think that if my daughter sits next to her boyfriend they are some how gonna do the deed. (She has anxiety pretty bad and she’s kind of attached to him, and no, I know for a fact they aren’t doing it. The most they have done is hug and they’ve never been left alone, plus they are both good kids, but I digress) they’ve done away with masks, plastic dividers etc.
You know, I see videos from people all the time, who have cameras set up in their homes to make sure their dogs and cats are safe while they are away. But these same people send their kids to public schools and trust that some strangers are going to do what is best for their children.
Why are parents allowing this?? I sure as hell would not.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Dear God save the poor souls who try to do this to my kids