That's good to have learned this. So in other words, you have decided to retire and the company's Vaxxx mandate helped initiate this. Albeit, this would had been completely different for some younger individual in the workplace having no retirement to fall back on, no? In these incredible days where all-things-are-outrageous, many of us have posted things that have happened to us and forgot to mention some details. I just wish that you would have mentioned your retirement from the start though. I could have given you kudos for your retirement. Not too many of get to do this anymore. The important thing we don't want to cause people to quit their jobs when there's much better options.
I am in 100%agreement. I have talked people out of quiting where I work for this reason. I have a plan and am fairly well off where as my coworkers are who are thinking about quitting are about to just walk out have only a couple of year invested
RN here. Corporate told my boss that she and her staff RN will have to be vaxed. She said I quit, and I know at least half of my nurses will too. Corporate backed down.
Nurses only get treated like crap because we allow it!
Kudos to your boss. If employees would all threaten to quit and walk off the job, it would leave the corp/company in an immediate bind. They'd have to scramble to find enough people with needed skills to be trained and cover the large exodus of employees.
That's why they played up all the "hero" bullshit last year, most nurses are emotional enough to fall for accolades that buff their egos when they should have been demanding more pay instead if the situation actually was dangerous.
I am also resigning soon. I’m in healthcare, and the most experienced in my unit. I’m devastated but I’m not even going to wait for my exemption to go through, give it to someone who absolutely can’t live without it. I can. And I can’t work for a hospital who is following through with this. Healthcare is so beyond fucked up. It’s honestly really sad and I just don’t want anything to do with it anymore.
Do not resign or quit. Doing so, limits your options. For one, quitting disqualifies you from unemployment compensation. Quitting also destroys a legal challenge, which is in my view, a valid one.
They have already stated they are not firing anyone but anyone who chooses not to comply exhibits voluntary resignation so they fuck you in regards to unemployment
Please do more research and understand this is a war. The virus was a bioweapon not a natural virus, no one has the actual SARS2 virus isolated. ccp only sent over computer mapping code of it. The vaxxx was already in the pipeline before the virus was released and the deep state, global elite plan to genocide a majority of the population using the vaxxx to do it. ccp infiltrated US & democrat-rino are communists.
".... anyone who chooses not to comply exhibits voluntary resignation so they fuck you in regards to unemployment."
That statement is unlawful and unenforceable. It is designed for 'some' people not to question their authority. It's a false-front and a facade to deceive those people. Do not believe it and stand up for your rights.
Exactly. Used masks are the new litter - they are everywhere, parking lots, parks, streets. Ugh! Too bad we can't make a case that masks kill turtles. POOF! Masks are outlawed in a heartbeat.
I have my final words ready, should the need to use them arise. Maybe wake some others up in the process.
For those who don’t understand why so many are opposed to getting vaccinated, below you will find a short list of reasons.
If you believe in science and doctors, you’ll do yourself a favor and review these links, even if simply for curiosity sake. Science and medicine is about research, right?
There is a mountain of highly credible “reasonable doubt” expressed by credible doctors and medical industry experts as to the safety of the vaccine; the links above are just a tiny fraction of what exists on this topic.
Those who have been vaccinated can still stand up for those who have not, to exercise their own free will to decide what risk they wish to take by choosing what they allow to be injected into their body.
I really don't like that people are using the "my body, my choice" argument against the covid shots, because that is not a valid argument regarding abortion, since an unborn child is not the person's body. (but thank you for all those links; I'm going to try to post to FB and see what happens)
As a nurse, my eyes have been opened for the past few years. I refuse to bend to their CRT and racial equality propaganda coming down the pike and to their false mandate against Covid. The medical community is either brainwashed or lying or both. I am sick of lazy nurses in nursing for a steady income stream, that don’t want to work. I believe in racial equality: treat everyone as you would like to be treated; treat your patient as if they were your mother, father, brother or sister; respect yourself-refuse to be treated like crap (I have been told by patients to F off, I have had water pitchers thrown at me); show professionalism in the work place. I will not bend to my employer mandating a fake “vaccine” that can kill or harm you, which is being pushed and the side effects ignored. See how the doctors, hospitals, administrators and patients fare when nurses walk out. Enough is enough. We will NOT COMPLY. Enough is enough. Every year hospital administrators want nurse to do more with less. Screw them. We are done.
Yeah, it was definitely unexpected. She said she and two others in the admin office have not gotten the vaccine and they refuse. Because of this, she and her unvaxxed coworkers are being isolated and demonized. We felt kind of defeated the night he withdrew, but receiving that call shown a glimmer of hope in the situation.
Never quit or withdraw. Doing so, limits your options. What State is this? The vast majority of the States have exemptions for philosophical and religious beliefs. All States have medical condition exemptions.
This is nothing new for colleges to require vaxxinations. I went back to school
in the early 2000s and was required to answer whether I was vaxxinated. I wrote a supplement letter stating the State law for my exemption. I never had to state whether it was religious or philosophical. I only stated the law that provides the right.
The problem w/ religious exemption is exactly what her husband stated in his letter. Who gets to decide whether your religious reason is “valid”? Whoever is reviewing it may or may not share your religious beliefs (they probably don’t) but they get to decide if your religious reason is legit. Or, at least, that’s the way my clinic is portraying it. What’s your religion, what reason in your religion keeps you from getting the vax, have you ever received a vaccine before? Many people will get tripped up and denied on the “receiving a previous vaccine” question. Never mind that you might have grown in your faith and done research later in life and realized you shouldn’t be getting vaccines even though you’d previously done so. Anyone should be able to put “its against my religion”, period, with no other explanation needed. These tyrants are getting on my last nerve! 🙈I’m interested in this State law exemption. What state are you in? I’m in CO and for some reason I think I’m our State your employee can require a vaccine to be employed but I’m not positive and need to do more research.
"The problem w/ religious exemption is exactly what her husband stated in his letter. Who gets to decide whether your religious reason is “valid”?"
This is a lame excuse to not even try. To post this is misdirecting other people and sowing hopelessness and despair. Why don't you try standing up and fighting for your Rights? In writing to the school your objection, one simply identifies the Statute/Code/Law for the religious and/or personal belief objection and writes verbatim in the letter. In the letter, one should request they contact you if there is any questions. This was all that was required for me to be accepted at a private college for enrolling in my masters.
In case, there is a request for more information, which I don't think will be the case, have affidavits from other people that will vouch for your belief. As with any case, the more you have that can back up your belief, the better.
" Whoever is reviewing it may or may not share your religious beliefs (they probably don’t) but they get to decide if your religious reason is legit."
This simply isn't true. A law is a law. The school does not get to decide what the law is. They must follow what has been legislated into law. If your State provides statutory religious and/or personal belief exemptions, all that is required is to name the Statute/Code/Law. No long-winded letter is needed nor is wise. Be short and concise. Name the Law and thereby object and claim the exemption. I provided a link to the States having Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements
Colorado has both Religious and Philosophical Exemption statute.
Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-4-902, 903
This Statute tells you the procedure for opting out:
25-4-902. Immunization prior to attending school - standardized immunization information
This tells you who is exempt:
25-4-903. Exemptions from immunization - rules
(2) (b) (I) By submitting to the student’s school either a completed certificate of completion of the online education module or a completed certificate of nonmedical exemption signed by one parent or legal guardian, an emancipated student, or a student eighteen years of age or older that the parent, legal guardian, or student is an adherent to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to immunizations or has a personal belief that is opposed to immunizations.
Enacted Legislation 2020
Colorado Senate Bill 163 requires a person seeking a nonmedical exemption (either religious or personal belief) to submit a certificate of completion of an online educational module or a certificate of nonmedical exemption. It establishes an immunization goal of 95% of each school's student population and requires schools to publish its immunization and exemption rates on a document that is distributed to parents, guardians and students.
Now get crackin. And Stand up and Fight for your Rights.
Ok, wow. I never said that I wasn’t for standing up for religious freedoms or any type of freedom for that matter. As we speak I’m in the process of filling out my religious exemption and plan on fighting for my rights from any and every angle I can. And I appreciate the information about Colorado law, thank you. My point would still be the same when it comes to a law. Who gets to decide what is religiously exempt when bills are being passed and laws put in place concerning religion? I guess in the end I have a problem in general with anyone making laws in a state or mandates at a place of business that require you to have a “reason” for your religious exemption. Within my religion, my personal religious belief might be because I interpreted a certain verse or passage a little differently than the person next to me and that’s my right. It’s a personal, religious conviction and belief between me and God and I don’t believe anyone has the right to put parameters on that. I mean obviously you can’t make things up like “it’s my religious belief between me and God that murder is ok” or something dumb like that. But when it comes to something like vaccines, I don’t think anyone should be required to give their religious reason or that there should be a law. The law is the constitution that says we have freedom of religion and that should be enough. It doesn’t need explanation, it’s pretty self explanatory just like our right to keep and bear arms. That’s also just my opinion though on this particular topic but obviously and unfortunately not the way it is and so I have to work within the parameters that are given to me, which means I have to file a religious exemption and do my best to make sure it’s iron clad and within legal parameters. I’m not making excuses and just giving up. I’m just saying the entire thing is ridiculous from start to finish but that’s why, I’m assuming, the majority of us are here. The entire system is corrupt from every aspect and it’s our job to stand up, resist, and fight for our God given rights.
"Who gets to decide what is religiously exempt when bills are being passed and laws put in place concerning religion?"
Right now YOU do. It starts and ends with the people's house. That is, the State legislature, who creates laws. Those Religious and Philosophical Exemptions were encoded in law many years ago. It is your job (and all of us) to keep those laws in place and to also improve them, to which ALWAYS needs to recognize the SANCTITY of our body. If we are made in the image of God, there is indeed sanctity of Him within us. Sanctity within us gives us the Right over our own body and control over our own health to pursue happiness.
The School have to follow the law. Those Statutes should be looked up for any further insights for filling out the proper paper work. It appeared to me that the form you fill out is all that is required. Ensure you provide the correct information. And they must oblige you of your Right. That ought to be the end of it. I thought I read that Colorado requires you to do this each year. I thought this was odd, but very well, so be it.
"... anyone making laws in a state or mandates at a place of business that require you to have a “reason” for your religious exemption."
Where does CO law state you have to show a "'reason' for your religious exemption"? I didn't find this in the law. Go back and read for yourself. Put only relevant information down. Nothing more. Being concise is being short and nice. Less is more. Do not write information not required.
"Within my religion, my personal religious belief might be because I interpreted a certain verse or passage a little differently than the person next to me and that’s my right."
This is all irrelevant. A philosophical objection is also recognized by CO law. Short answer:
"As provided by CO State Law, CO Statute Rev. Stat. § 25-4-902, 903, I strongly object to being vaccinated based on my deep personal belief."
If it is a religious objection to being vaccinated:
"As provided by CO State Law, CO Statute Rev. Stat. § 25-4-902, 903, I strongly object to being vaccinated based on my deep religious belief."
End of story. The above is all you should need to write. Have a notary public sign the letter or form when you sign it. Make it look official. Verify the CO law for yourself. Ask other people who can add insight.
My daughter is leaving nursing for the same reason. Plus she found out she is pregnant and they have a mandate to do it by Sept 17. So when she doesn't do it they claim they'll fire her. She already had to give 2 weeks notice threat because they tried to pile 7 to 8 patients on her.
So they’re still going with the whole “it’s ok to give pregnant women this unapproved shot”? Wow! You know you’re up against some sick and evil people when pregnant woman aren’t exempt. You can’t even take freaking ibuprofen when you’re pregnant!! I can’t even with these people anymore! I’m sorry your daughter is going to lose her job but I’m so glad she’s not going to get the shot! Congrats on your grand-baby! ❤️
Like I’ve said, this is America in America we have freedom of choice to live live as we see fit based off of personal decisions. I don’t need someone thinking for me thanks for the skewed consideration.
Good for you! The reason we live in the beast system is because not enough people have a spine to say, "i will not participate".
Resigning is one option. I don't think employers can legally force people to get medical procedures. So you might be able to refuse the jab, force them to fire you, and then be able to take legal action against them. But you should probably consult a lawyer before considering that action.
Good. I don't know how any good person can work in healthcare these days... You must conform to mob mentality and only do what the narrative allows you to do. Doctors and nurses and all other healthcare staff are literally killing people by not doing their fucking jobs!
Being so ignorant when the information is all over the place, is no excuse. I have no respect for any healthcare people working this shit and keeping their mouths shut in order to protect their careers. Fucking evil.
My husband has worked as a paramedic for 7 years. He told me that this past year has opened his eyes to how corrupt our healthcare system is. He is looking into switching career fields because he doesn’t feel what health care is doing is right.
I’m right there with him and I’m not even in the same position as a paramedic, nurse, or doctor would be. I can’t even imagine working in the ICU or emergency medicine right now, I’d lose my mind. I had a patient tell me today that the “government” in Florida and Texas don’t want the population to wear masks. He legit thinks they’re trying to make it a law that people CAN’T wear masks. I tried to gently explain that they weren’t making wearing masks illegal, they just want people to be able to make their own personal choices w/o being forced one way or the other. He would have none of it and kept insisting they don’t want people wearing masks! 🙄🤦🏼♀️ I finally remembered my coworker’s biblical motto about “not casting your pearls among swine” and just stopped trying to fix stupid. 🤦🏼♀️
Someone deleted their comment that suggested my husband is putting our family in financial jeopardy by withdrawing. The comment was to confirm that this was not the case.
My husband still has a job and makes great money. He quit going to nursing school because he didn’t want to participate in the Covid shot or the medical tyranny he has witnessed over this past year. My husband is a great provider and protector all while still standing for what he believes. Please reconsider your tasteless response.
Good man. I resigned today myself.
Do not resign or quit. Doing so, severely limits your options.
Being fired I would have lost my retirement. This way I get to withdraw it and it is far more than I would have gotten in unemployment.
That's good to have learned this. So in other words, you have decided to retire and the company's Vaxxx mandate helped initiate this. Albeit, this would had been completely different for some younger individual in the workplace having no retirement to fall back on, no? In these incredible days where all-things-are-outrageous, many of us have posted things that have happened to us and forgot to mention some details. I just wish that you would have mentioned your retirement from the start though. I could have given you kudos for your retirement. Not too many of get to do this anymore. The important thing we don't want to cause people to quit their jobs when there's much better options.
I am in 100%agreement. I have talked people out of quiting where I work for this reason. I have a plan and am fairly well off where as my coworkers are who are thinking about quitting are about to just walk out have only a couple of year invested
No kidding, I get the mental frustration, but just let the cunts fire you
You don't get fired from school.
I bet that could get wrangled...good point Bones.
Take it to a local TV station.
They are always looking for stories.
Find out who is behind the policy
Name their names. Call them out. Ask why...
RN here. Corporate told my boss that she and her staff RN will have to be vaxed. She said I quit, and I know at least half of my nurses will too. Corporate backed down.
Nurses only get treated like crap because we allow it!
THERE's another example!! 👍🏼💕
Kudos to your boss. If employees would all threaten to quit and walk off the job, it would leave the corp/company in an immediate bind. They'd have to scramble to find enough people with needed skills to be trained and cover the large exodus of employees.
We all do.
That's why they played up all the "hero" bullshit last year, most nurses are emotional enough to fall for accolades that buff their egos when they should have been demanding more pay instead if the situation actually was dangerous.
I am also resigning soon. I’m in healthcare, and the most experienced in my unit. I’m devastated but I’m not even going to wait for my exemption to go through, give it to someone who absolutely can’t live without it. I can. And I can’t work for a hospital who is following through with this. Healthcare is so beyond fucked up. It’s honestly really sad and I just don’t want anything to do with it anymore.
Do not resign or quit. Doing so, limits your options. For one, quitting disqualifies you from unemployment compensation. Quitting also destroys a legal challenge, which is in my view, a valid one.
They have already stated they are not firing anyone but anyone who chooses not to comply exhibits voluntary resignation so they fuck you in regards to unemployment
Don’t give in to Orwellian language. You show up and force them to call security as you document everything.
WOW! That is so communist. A good attorney would tear that sham position apart.
I agree that it’s messed up but how exactly is it communist?
Please do more research and understand this is a war. The virus was a bioweapon not a natural virus, no one has the actual SARS2 virus isolated. ccp only sent over computer mapping code of it. The vaxxx was already in the pipeline before the virus was released and the deep state, global elite plan to genocide a majority of the population using the vaxxx to do it. ccp infiltrated US & democrat-rino are communists.
My point was that communism is an economic system
That's a fancy way of saying they fire you. They want you to resign so you can't sue them.
That statement is unlawful and unenforceable. It is designed for 'some' people not to question their authority. It's a false-front and a facade to deceive those people. Do not believe it and stand up for your rights.
ME TOO!!!! I'm just disgusted that my employer is selling our their employees for the almighty dollar!!!!
Exactly. Used masks are the new litter - they are everywhere, parking lots, parks, streets. Ugh! Too bad we can't make a case that masks kill turtles. POOF! Masks are outlawed in a heartbeat.
I have my final words ready, should the need to use them arise. Maybe wake some others up in the process.
For those who don’t understand why so many are opposed to getting vaccinated, below you will find a short list of reasons.
If you believe in science and doctors, you’ll do yourself a favor and review these links, even if simply for curiosity sake. Science and medicine is about research, right?
There is a mountain of highly credible “reasonable doubt” expressed by credible doctors and medical industry experts as to the safety of the vaccine; the links above are just a tiny fraction of what exists on this topic.
Those who have been vaccinated can still stand up for those who have not, to exercise their own free will to decide what risk they wish to take by choosing what they allow to be injected into their body.
My body, my choice. (?)
I really don't like that people are using the "my body, my choice" argument against the covid shots, because that is not a valid argument regarding abortion, since an unborn child is not the person's body. (but thank you for all those links; I'm going to try to post to FB and see what happens)
Every link got the "fact check" label from FB :) (but at least the links are there for people to click)
It sometimes only takes one person to stand up for the rest to remember they can too. We're stronger together.
As a nurse, my eyes have been opened for the past few years. I refuse to bend to their CRT and racial equality propaganda coming down the pike and to their false mandate against Covid. The medical community is either brainwashed or lying or both. I am sick of lazy nurses in nursing for a steady income stream, that don’t want to work. I believe in racial equality: treat everyone as you would like to be treated; treat your patient as if they were your mother, father, brother or sister; respect yourself-refuse to be treated like crap (I have been told by patients to F off, I have had water pitchers thrown at me); show professionalism in the work place. I will not bend to my employer mandating a fake “vaccine” that can kill or harm you, which is being pushed and the side effects ignored. See how the doctors, hospitals, administrators and patients fare when nurses walk out. Enough is enough. We will NOT COMPLY. Enough is enough. Every year hospital administrators want nurse to do more with less. Screw them. We are done.
Upstanding man.
Hat tip! Hopefully others will follow your courageous act!
Impressive the college admin reached out to him and suggested he appeal.
Yeah, it was definitely unexpected. She said she and two others in the admin office have not gotten the vaccine and they refuse. Because of this, she and her unvaxxed coworkers are being isolated and demonized. We felt kind of defeated the night he withdrew, but receiving that call shown a glimmer of hope in the situation.
Never quit or withdraw. Doing so, limits your options. What State is this? The vast majority of the States have exemptions for philosophical and religious beliefs. All States have medical condition exemptions.
This is nothing new for colleges to require vaxxinations. I went back to school in the early 2000s and was required to answer whether I was vaxxinated. I wrote a supplement letter stating the State law for my exemption. I never had to state whether it was religious or philosophical. I only stated the law that provides the right.
What school and State was this?
The problem w/ religious exemption is exactly what her husband stated in his letter. Who gets to decide whether your religious reason is “valid”? Whoever is reviewing it may or may not share your religious beliefs (they probably don’t) but they get to decide if your religious reason is legit. Or, at least, that’s the way my clinic is portraying it. What’s your religion, what reason in your religion keeps you from getting the vax, have you ever received a vaccine before? Many people will get tripped up and denied on the “receiving a previous vaccine” question. Never mind that you might have grown in your faith and done research later in life and realized you shouldn’t be getting vaccines even though you’d previously done so. Anyone should be able to put “its against my religion”, period, with no other explanation needed. These tyrants are getting on my last nerve! 🙈I’m interested in this State law exemption. What state are you in? I’m in CO and for some reason I think I’m our State your employee can require a vaccine to be employed but I’m not positive and need to do more research.
This is a lame excuse to not even try. To post this is misdirecting other people and sowing hopelessness and despair. Why don't you try standing up and fighting for your Rights? In writing to the school your objection, one simply identifies the Statute/Code/Law for the religious and/or personal belief objection and writes verbatim in the letter. In the letter, one should request they contact you if there is any questions. This was all that was required for me to be accepted at a private college for enrolling in my masters.
In case, there is a request for more information, which I don't think will be the case, have affidavits from other people that will vouch for your belief. As with any case, the more you have that can back up your belief, the better.
This simply isn't true. A law is a law. The school does not get to decide what the law is. They must follow what has been legislated into law. If your State provides statutory religious and/or personal belief exemptions, all that is required is to name the Statute/Code/Law. No long-winded letter is needed nor is wise. Be short and concise. Name the Law and thereby object and claim the exemption. I provided a link to the States having Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements
Colorado has both Religious and Philosophical Exemption statute. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-4-902, 903
This Statute tells you the procedure for opting out: 25-4-902. Immunization prior to attending school - standardized immunization information
This tells you who is exempt: 25-4-903. Exemptions from immunization - rules (2) (b) (I) By submitting to the student’s school either a completed certificate of completion of the online education module or a completed certificate of nonmedical exemption signed by one parent or legal guardian, an emancipated student, or a student eighteen years of age or older that the parent, legal guardian, or student is an adherent to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to immunizations or has a personal belief that is opposed to immunizations.
Enacted Legislation 2020
Colorado Senate Bill 163 requires a person seeking a nonmedical exemption (either religious or personal belief) to submit a certificate of completion of an online educational module or a certificate of nonmedical exemption. It establishes an immunization goal of 95% of each school's student population and requires schools to publish its immunization and exemption rates on a document that is distributed to parents, guardians and students.
Now get crackin. And Stand up and Fight for your Rights.
Also, my mandate is coming from my employer, not a school.
Ok, wow. I never said that I wasn’t for standing up for religious freedoms or any type of freedom for that matter. As we speak I’m in the process of filling out my religious exemption and plan on fighting for my rights from any and every angle I can. And I appreciate the information about Colorado law, thank you. My point would still be the same when it comes to a law. Who gets to decide what is religiously exempt when bills are being passed and laws put in place concerning religion? I guess in the end I have a problem in general with anyone making laws in a state or mandates at a place of business that require you to have a “reason” for your religious exemption. Within my religion, my personal religious belief might be because I interpreted a certain verse or passage a little differently than the person next to me and that’s my right. It’s a personal, religious conviction and belief between me and God and I don’t believe anyone has the right to put parameters on that. I mean obviously you can’t make things up like “it’s my religious belief between me and God that murder is ok” or something dumb like that. But when it comes to something like vaccines, I don’t think anyone should be required to give their religious reason or that there should be a law. The law is the constitution that says we have freedom of religion and that should be enough. It doesn’t need explanation, it’s pretty self explanatory just like our right to keep and bear arms. That’s also just my opinion though on this particular topic but obviously and unfortunately not the way it is and so I have to work within the parameters that are given to me, which means I have to file a religious exemption and do my best to make sure it’s iron clad and within legal parameters. I’m not making excuses and just giving up. I’m just saying the entire thing is ridiculous from start to finish but that’s why, I’m assuming, the majority of us are here. The entire system is corrupt from every aspect and it’s our job to stand up, resist, and fight for our God given rights.
Right now YOU do. It starts and ends with the people's house. That is, the State legislature, who creates laws. Those Religious and Philosophical Exemptions were encoded in law many years ago. It is your job (and all of us) to keep those laws in place and to also improve them, to which ALWAYS needs to recognize the SANCTITY of our body. If we are made in the image of God, there is indeed sanctity of Him within us. Sanctity within us gives us the Right over our own body and control over our own health to pursue happiness.
The School have to follow the law. Those Statutes should be looked up for any further insights for filling out the proper paper work. It appeared to me that the form you fill out is all that is required. Ensure you provide the correct information. And they must oblige you of your Right. That ought to be the end of it. I thought I read that Colorado requires you to do this each year. I thought this was odd, but very well, so be it.
Where does CO law state you have to show a "'reason' for your religious exemption"? I didn't find this in the law. Go back and read for yourself. Put only relevant information down. Nothing more. Being concise is being short and nice. Less is more. Do not write information not required.
This is all irrelevant. A philosophical objection is also recognized by CO law. Short answer:
"As provided by CO State Law, CO Statute Rev. Stat. § 25-4-902, 903, I strongly object to being vaccinated based on my deep personal belief."
If it is a religious objection to being vaccinated:
"As provided by CO State Law, CO Statute Rev. Stat. § 25-4-902, 903, I strongly object to being vaccinated based on my deep religious belief."
End of story. The above is all you should need to write. Have a notary public sign the letter or form when you sign it. Make it look official. Verify the CO law for yourself. Ask other people who can add insight.
Theybwill if you all tell them to fuck off.
My daughter is leaving nursing for the same reason. Plus she found out she is pregnant and they have a mandate to do it by Sept 17. So when she doesn't do it they claim they'll fire her. She already had to give 2 weeks notice threat because they tried to pile 7 to 8 patients on her.
So they’re still going with the whole “it’s ok to give pregnant women this unapproved shot”? Wow! You know you’re up against some sick and evil people when pregnant woman aren’t exempt. You can’t even take freaking ibuprofen when you’re pregnant!! I can’t even with these people anymore! I’m sorry your daughter is going to lose her job but I’m so glad she’s not going to get the shot! Congrats on your grand-baby! ❤️
Awesome! A man of conviction! You chose your mate wisely!
Like I’ve said, this is America in America we have freedom of choice to live live as we see fit based off of personal decisions. I don’t need someone thinking for me thanks for the skewed consideration.
Shuts a lot of people up
Awesome!!!!! Way to go!
Good for you! The reason we live in the beast system is because not enough people have a spine to say, "i will not participate".
Resigning is one option. I don't think employers can legally force people to get medical procedures. So you might be able to refuse the jab, force them to fire you, and then be able to take legal action against them. But you should probably consult a lawyer before considering that action.
Truly an Honorable letter. This is infuriating!!
Keeping you in my prayers. May God send you many blessings.
God bless!
I think you should make them expell you or fire you, then you can SUE the shit out of them
Good. I don't know how any good person can work in healthcare these days... You must conform to mob mentality and only do what the narrative allows you to do. Doctors and nurses and all other healthcare staff are literally killing people by not doing their fucking jobs!
Being so ignorant when the information is all over the place, is no excuse. I have no respect for any healthcare people working this shit and keeping their mouths shut in order to protect their careers. Fucking evil.
My husband has worked as a paramedic for 7 years. He told me that this past year has opened his eyes to how corrupt our healthcare system is. He is looking into switching career fields because he doesn’t feel what health care is doing is right.
I’m right there with him and I’m not even in the same position as a paramedic, nurse, or doctor would be. I can’t even imagine working in the ICU or emergency medicine right now, I’d lose my mind. I had a patient tell me today that the “government” in Florida and Texas don’t want the population to wear masks. He legit thinks they’re trying to make it a law that people CAN’T wear masks. I tried to gently explain that they weren’t making wearing masks illegal, they just want people to be able to make their own personal choices w/o being forced one way or the other. He would have none of it and kept insisting they don’t want people wearing masks! 🙄🤦🏼♀️ I finally remembered my coworker’s biblical motto about “not casting your pearls among swine” and just stopped trying to fix stupid. 🤦🏼♀️
That sucks but I totally get it.
By withdrawing in the grace period, we are not obligated to pay the tuition. We verified this before he withdrew.
Fair enough, My dad always says that.
I stay home and care for my kids while my husband works three days a week. Bills are paid and we don’t go without. Thanks for the concern though.
Good for you?
Someone deleted their comment that suggested my husband is putting our family in financial jeopardy by withdrawing. The comment was to confirm that this was not the case.
My husband still has a job and makes great money. He quit going to nursing school because he didn’t want to participate in the Covid shot or the medical tyranny he has witnessed over this past year. My husband is a great provider and protector all while still standing for what he believes. Please reconsider your tasteless response.
You don't need to make excuses for those fools, patriot. He took his stand as a free man that's all there is to it. I bet you are damn proud of him