As more information has come out, more people are waking up at different times, I wonder who is the one person that literally shocked you that belongs to the Deep State and convinced you or shocked you into seeking more info? I think this is a good resource to help Red pill others. For myself, the one that has hit me the hardest was Tom Hanks but now I can't watch any of his movies.
Comments (49)
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Sean Hannity and Fox News.
Haven't watched or listened to either since 11-03-2020. Fox News is banned at my house.
I knew Hannity was completely full of himself, but thought he was at least neutral. That guy is Deep State to the bone. He owes his soul to the Cabal.
Do you have anything (to read) for Hannity? Always been sus about him but never looked deep enough.
Trey Gowdy.
That little worm clearly knows exactly what the swamp has been doing for decades. And not only did he do nothing at all about it- besides grandstanding about "muh justice" in front of the cameras, but he turned into a full traitor by becoming a puppet propaganda mouthpiece for the uni-party. I'd love to break his fucking nose.
When started getting Botox and lip fillers, I knew he was DS. His big old greasy eighthead blinded me.
For me it's the opposite: they were all suspect to me, so I was not surprised. But I always had a strong feeling about Jim Caviezel being a good guy. I'm glad I was not wrong, intuition works.
Tom Hanks......makes me mad I cant watch Forest Gump without feeling dirty....ha
Me too! Watched it almost everyday along with Splash
Saving Private Ryan has always been one of my favorites. Now, I just can’t wait it. Tom Hanks has been in a lot of my favorites. Fucking pedo.
I didn't like him or dislike him but Alec Baldwin's skits made me look into things even further. And when I did the sheer amount of these preaching privileged people turned out to be astounding.
Mike pence
Donald Tru.... Nah I'm just fucking with you. Pls don't kill me.
For me its The Rock. Can't say I'm surprised, just disappointed. His charm was quite entertaining and his rise from WWE to one of the highest grossing actors in history was interesting. Now we know the price he paid to get there.
Decades ago as a kid in the 60s we learned Rock Hudson was queer, that made me realize hollywood was corrupted and looking around we began to notice other things which were not as they should be. The studio arranged a fake marriage for him, hid him well.
All downhill from there.
No Name, for sure. I never liked him, but once I started following Q, it all began to make more sense. Then all during Trump’s presidency, seeing WHO would freak out about him....I started questioning everything.
Yeah it made that election with the hottie make more sense. I was still getting my news from the daily show and they did a good job highlighting the absurdity of it all.
Clint Eastwood
Mine was Will Ferrell, I loved Step Brothers, Talladega Nights, Anchorman, the Landlord video with Pearl on Funny and Die. Stupid, mindless humor and then I woke up on Voat. I miss those days sometimes.
Tom Hanks
Honestly, when I saw the Lolita Express flight logs and realized all the people on it hated Trump, my eyes opened and never shut.
For movies, I had a feeling they were pedophiles or weird people with kinky fetishes for a long time, and my friend, who's also an avid movie goer, was telling me back in the early 2000's about Stanley Kubrick spilling the beans on what goes on in Pedowood and that was around the time he released "Eyes Wide Shut". Since then I kept that in mind when watching movies until around 2015, I eventually stopped after all of the stupid virtue signaling that crept into the movies. I watch movies to have a brief escape from reality but nowadays, movies are reminding me of what's going on right now as well as revealing a lot more than what's actually going on, that can be scary because it's quite possible that will turn into reality.
This is why I had this feeling the whole time that the movies are there to condition us into thinking "bad stuff" only exists in movies and never in real life so we would say, "Oh balderdash! That only happens in the movies! You're a silly nilly!" I get that response a few times when I pointed out that X celebrity is a known pedophile and they laugh it off like my supposedly devout Christian friend, who's another avid movie goer, and they kept denying the stuff I told them -- even with irrefutable proof (Kevin Spacey) and they still deny it. I seriously doubt they are "devout Christian".
same attitude when you try to explain they are all transgendered to get into the club in the first place....
I'd have to say, Tom Hanks. He always came across as the innocent, slightly nerdy guy in all of his movies. It turns out he was a better actor than I gave him credit for, as he is anything but innocent.
My best red pill source has been Adam Curry and John C Dvorak from the “No Agenda” Podcast. Been listening to them for 15 years covering all of the Deep State.
Thanks! I just followed on Podbean.
I have completely banned anything by Fleetwood Mac that includes the abortion-happy groupies that invaded the band. And THEN, it gets deep. Music industry has been corrupt ever since they could broadcast it.
But, what about Fleetwood Mac with Peter Green?
Can't say about the shape I'm in, I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But, don't ask me what I think of you; I might not give the answer you want me to...
'Cause you're the Green Manalishi with the two pronged crown..........
stevie nicks is a man
"It" clearly stated that there wouldn't be the greatness of Fleetwood Mac if not for abortion rights. At that point, I decided that their "greatness" had just become a bad movie...
POPE FRANCIS. Now he's coming out ok with vax even though aborted babies used to make it. He will address this with no medical background but church issues he is quiet on.
bernie sanders 2017
Senior: JFK
Junior: 9/11
J E B !!!! 🖕🛩. : never was.
Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove Cocksuckers the both of them. IMHO anyway. Feel free to provide sauce to change my mind.
The Turkey Comms Reagan used in his letter to Sr wouldn't make sense at all if Sr killed JFK. JFK's pardon (first ever by a president) of a 55lb (5:5, you've seen Q use that) Turkey 3 days before his death was a refusal to Clowns to let bygones be bygones.
Reagan's oval office transition letter to Sr. telling him not to let the turkeys ( CIA Clowns) get him down. 6 Turkeys illustrated.
Picture of all recent presidents sitting down with Lady Gaga (gag comms) standing behind Bush and Bush Sr. Standing behind = the puppeteer. Obviously not the musician herself but Clown controlled.
Indications that Clowns asked Trump to run in a Perot-like manner in 2000 so that Dubya would lose. Trump was punished by a costly divorce and loss of family members when he backed down.
Indications that Clowns wanted to same from Trump in 2016, seeing him as a weapon to destroy Jeb. Certainly explains chummy atmosphere MSM had with Trump early on. Morning Joe NH primary comes to mind.
Far harder to reconcile this than that any given celebrity is a pedo at this point in the game.
Shill alert! Go read Q
Q tried teaching us Comms.
>Learn to read the map.
trying really hard, is like herding kittens in here sometimes
>We may have OVERESTIMATED your ability
Nice cherry picking bud, I can do that too.
You mean to tell me that two former Presidents who were only not assassinated/Heart attack'd due to submitting to Clown Gags (Gaga) couldn't be told to "attack Trump"? Mean words. Mean tweets. That Q post you mentioned is filled with Puppeteer details (SA arrests aka Al-Waleed aka who was blackmailing most our politicians).
I'll show you the decode man from a guy 100x smarter than I am, but you got to be willing to get your mind blown.