A Marine Corps battalion commander said he was relieved of his duties Friday after he posted a video demanding “accountability” from senior leaders for failures in Afghanistan.
Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller went viral Thursday after he posted a four-minute, 45-second video to Facebook in which he appeared in uniform and ripped into military leadership following the devastating suicide bombing at Kabul airport, which killed 13 US service members and at least 169 Afghans.
“People are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed this up,'” he said.
“I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever,” Scheller added, “but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone’? Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up?'”
This Marine lived up to the highest traditions of the Corps. Those in senior command did not. Simple as that. Those deaths could have been prevented but wokeness is more important it seems. The jab is the next line they will cross. Folks, our country's political and military leaders are traitors to their oath to the Constitution and to We The People. Trump needs to return and purge our country of this toxic communism starting from the top down.
Very brave of him. I did hear Erik Prince say on Bannon's show that he told him that if was fired, he would guarantee him a position within his company that would take care of the financial loss from being fired.
I was just thinking he should join Erik Princes company! Glad he has been offered a job.
The guy was right though, the others should also speak out, or walk out. Then what will they do? The military is now led by incompetents and outright traitors who are deliberately weakening it.
I understand in normal times it is an absolute no-no to speak out, but the last 4 years they seemed to ignore that as anti Trump military were free to spew their venom and ignore the chain of command (Vindman) and nothing was said. The genie is out of the bottle now and you have woke active duty blathering about white supremicists and even threatening to shoot their own people so fuck 'em.
Much like our founding fathers this man knowingly risked everything. True courage on display. I have a feeling GEOTUS will find a place at the table for this patriot.
Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. Say his name. It will live forever among the names of the heroes of the new American Republic. For a thousand years he will be honored in the same way Patriots today honor Paine and Washington, Jefferson and Adams. There will be statues erected immortalizing this greatest of Americans.
God Bless and Keep this man among men, this hero among heroes.
This is truly a case of doing the right thing and being totally bitch slapped for doing so. At work (Federal job) we say "Fuck up-move up" and that seems to be the way of the military as well. There is no possible way competent leadership would do this.
What if this operation is exactly part of the plan? The only time I see the press conferences is when salty cracker is talking about them.
Everything about bye-den is scripted. Which makes me think this was not his administration that did it. The ones who are really running the plan, pulled his pants down with Afghanistan and he's just standing there like an idiot, reading what he's told. He's also dodging the questions where if you made those decisions, you would know the answer to them. He can't fucking answer a question without it being scripted!!!
So if it was a deliberate action by the military to reveal the fake administration, then demanding accountability is probably not wise. But if you watch the media, that's what you think, and that's going to get you kicked out.
Do I think he deserved to be kicked out? No, not really, but then I don't know what's really going on. I would have put him on latrene duty for a couple of months, along with that lady who says the military will point guns at Americans. I ain't listening to the shitty lying complicit media. I just know that looking at the potato, that he's trying not to shit his pants constantly from fear.
Because right now, for appearances sake, clown world is still “in charge”. Nobody will be awakened if the injustices of this evil movement aren’t exposed, so that’s the mission right now. This Patriot has put his career and his life on the line to expose the rot. His sacrifice should be honored - people like him are showing us what true Courage is . . . what it means to stand - not just for what’s right, but to stand against what is wrong. We’ve been lulled into a false sense of “Justice” where the injustices being perpetrated against many (especially the children) were hidden from us, and we sunk deeper and deeper into our comfy, couch potatoe lives and became complacent. We stopped saying, “Wait! That’s not right!” We stopped demanding accountability from those “in charge”. We were taught to “put up and shut up”, and we obediently complied. Why do you think there’s such a backlash now against those who question the narrative? The more we wake up, the more we draw them out of their pretend benevolence, and the more injustices we will see. You have to know your enemy before you can stand against it. Through the courage of people like Col. Scheller, we can start to see where the battle lines are.
It is truly sad to see a Marine treated like this over integrity which is a core value instilled during "Boot Camp".
Trump will reinstate him
It's on us...We the People.
We must support him LOUDLY.
You’re still watching the movie aren’t you? Don’t take your eyes off the screen.
And that the marine expected to be held accountable for his actions unlike his inept leadership.
So very true. We are entering a very sad time for the military.
The sad time was when oboma purged the military of anyone with integrity. Only the corrupt and the silent stayed behind.
Sorry to tell you that started under daddy bush when I was in.
Not everyone.
A Marine Corps battalion commander said he was relieved of his duties Friday after he posted a video demanding “accountability” from senior leaders for failures in Afghanistan.
Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller went viral Thursday after he posted a four-minute, 45-second video to Facebook in which he appeared in uniform and ripped into military leadership following the devastating suicide bombing at Kabul airport, which killed 13 US service members and at least 169 Afghans.
“People are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed this up,'” he said.
“I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever,” Scheller added, “but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone’? Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up?'”
This Marine lived up to the highest traditions of the Corps. Those in senior command did not. Simple as that. Those deaths could have been prevented but wokeness is more important it seems. The jab is the next line they will cross. Folks, our country's political and military leaders are traitors to their oath to the Constitution and to We The People. Trump needs to return and purge our country of this toxic communism starting from the top down.
Very brave of him. I did hear Erik Prince say on Bannon's show that he told him that if was fired, he would guarantee him a position within his company that would take care of the financial loss from being fired.
My old Boss...Mr Erik Prince 👍🏽 A true Patriot.
Princes company may be involved in catching some of these jerks so this local could be getting g a mission. To arrest some of them
I was just thinking he should join Erik Princes company! Glad he has been offered a job.
The guy was right though, the others should also speak out, or walk out. Then what will they do? The military is now led by incompetents and outright traitors who are deliberately weakening it.
I understand in normal times it is an absolute no-no to speak out, but the last 4 years they seemed to ignore that as anti Trump military were free to spew their venom and ignore the chain of command (Vindman) and nothing was said. The genie is out of the bottle now and you have woke active duty blathering about white supremicists and even threatening to shoot their own people so fuck 'em.
His follow up message after being discharged. https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFGM02Ox/follow-up-message-from-lt-col-sc/c/
He shall speak up, and join force with Flynn.
Thank you sir for standing up and demanding accountability. Semper Fi.
This just...doesnt seem real to me anymore.
USMC is a caliber above the rest and Im not buying this at all.
This guy is a hero. He is everything Milley and the cowards above him are not. May God bless and protect him.
Much like our founding fathers this man knowingly risked everything. True courage on display. I have a feeling GEOTUS will find a place at the table for this patriot.
Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. Say his name. It will live forever among the names of the heroes of the new American Republic. For a thousand years he will be honored in the same way Patriots today honor Paine and Washington, Jefferson and Adams. There will be statues erected immortalizing this greatest of Americans.
God Bless and Keep this man among men, this hero among heroes.
This is courage. We all need to throw our good names "on the table" and speak up much more often.
I’m praying there is a plan. Otherwise this is the fall of America. I’m so exhausted.
Patriot of the HIGHEST caliber!
Oh the irony. The man a a future in our newly purged military.
This kind of character should be in charge of situations like Afghanistan.
I'm thinking that "the military is the only way" does not mean what we think it means.
Thank You Lt. Col. Scheller.
I will stand and salute you every day until you are reinstated.
Demanding accountability of piss-poor leadership is considered "insubordinate." Top Brass is literally immune to criticism from The Untouchables.
So he's gone but not a peep about the staff sergeant that basically threatened citizens? Clown world
This is truly a case of doing the right thing and being totally bitch slapped for doing so. At work (Federal job) we say "Fuck up-move up" and that seems to be the way of the military as well. There is no possible way competent leadership would do this.
Hang in there. Hopefully when everything shakes out and truth is restored, he will be reinstated with a promotion!
What if this operation is exactly part of the plan? The only time I see the press conferences is when salty cracker is talking about them.
Everything about bye-den is scripted. Which makes me think this was not his administration that did it. The ones who are really running the plan, pulled his pants down with Afghanistan and he's just standing there like an idiot, reading what he's told. He's also dodging the questions where if you made those decisions, you would know the answer to them. He can't fucking answer a question without it being scripted!!!
So if it was a deliberate action by the military to reveal the fake administration, then demanding accountability is probably not wise. But if you watch the media, that's what you think, and that's going to get you kicked out.
Do I think he deserved to be kicked out? No, not really, but then I don't know what's really going on. I would have put him on latrene duty for a couple of months, along with that lady who says the military will point guns at Americans. I ain't listening to the shitty lying complicit media. I just know that looking at the potato, that he's trying not to shit his pants constantly from fear.
This makes me sick to my stomach.
Where is the accountability for the Generals at the Fucking Pentagon.
Because right now, for appearances sake, clown world is still “in charge”. Nobody will be awakened if the injustices of this evil movement aren’t exposed, so that’s the mission right now. This Patriot has put his career and his life on the line to expose the rot. His sacrifice should be honored - people like him are showing us what true Courage is . . . what it means to stand - not just for what’s right, but to stand against what is wrong. We’ve been lulled into a false sense of “Justice” where the injustices being perpetrated against many (especially the children) were hidden from us, and we sunk deeper and deeper into our comfy, couch potatoe lives and became complacent. We stopped saying, “Wait! That’s not right!” We stopped demanding accountability from those “in charge”. We were taught to “put up and shut up”, and we obediently complied. Why do you think there’s such a backlash now against those who question the narrative? The more we wake up, the more we draw them out of their pretend benevolence, and the more injustices we will see. You have to know your enemy before you can stand against it. Through the courage of people like Col. Scheller, we can start to see where the battle lines are.