SUNDAY SELF-IMPROVEMENT DAY: Have you made any life changes thanks to the Great Awakening? What were they, and why? What prompted you to do it?

In addition to reinforcing my commitment to stay fit, healthy, and financially independent; I've made the commitment to support only small American based businesses and stop giving money to organizations that are contributing to globalism/communism and/or facilitated the 2020 election steal.
I cut the amount of reefer I smoke in half. So much anxiety permeating the culture. The reefer seems to make it worse sometimes. Does that count?
Quit drinking, dialed in my nutrition, and started lifting every single day for this whole shit show. Directing my nihilism for this clown world into bettering myself. At 200 pounds and 9 percent body fat, I'm now big and lean enough to wear no one gives me any shit for refusing to wear a marxist tampon on my face. I've gotten my friends to start taking fitness seriously, they constantly want to train with me, makes me feel good to lead by example.
What videos or programme did you follow
Right now I'm doing wendlers 5/3/1 with a big focus on BBB (big bit boring). Its an intermediate strength program with huge focus on compound movements, but I've added additional volume isolation wise. Shit ton of weighted pull/chin ups, benching, squats, deadlifts, and over head presses. Basically I do 3 strength sets with weekly changes in rep schemes, and then 3-5x10 at a lower load for hypertrophy. It is kicking my ass, but I'm repping out massive weight and my strength has skyrocketed from following the programming correctly. Strength work is in 4 week periods, so week one is 3x5, week 2 is 3x3, week 3 is your 5 rep max, then your 3 rep max, then you go for a PR on a one rep, and week 4 is a deload, so I just do high volume to drive mass through hypertrophy.
It might be a little too much volume for anyone without a foundation of strength in my opinion, but SL 5x5 is a great linear progression program to build strength for beginners, and as long as you're eating ebough and staying consistent, 5x5 moving into 5/3/1 would be a great way to build strength and mass.
Started biking when the gyms were closed and have stuck with it. I now bike to the gym and to work when I can.
Yes I have changed alot. I got clean from meth and heroin. Tough journey but feel so much better now that I'm past that. My thing was prayer. I started to pray. Not only for my own self but I started to find people on here that I could reach out to and pray for or just offer loving words of comfort. Keep it up cats. U got this. I will keep u in my prayers. Much love.
HOLY cow.
Congratulations on getting clean, if anyone hasn't told you good job lately, I'd like to tell you that, and that you've got a long prosperous life ahead of you, and having a strong connection with your higher power, to live everyday through the spirit of God has also helped me tremendously on my journey of sobriety from the booze!
So happy for your sobriety. Awakening is tough but living for God is the way.
I don't know what that thing is, but it scares me, and I hope it doesn't fall into my yard on on my house, or me.
Thanks GA
Wow! That is quite a list of good things. Especially the home schooling. You can't be too careful when it comes to who is influencing your children. No commies, for sure, and no big move for Lgbt whatever. They are poisoning the children's minds. I keep running into more and more girls who believe they are boys. Why is this?? Another one yesterday. Why?? What is so great about being a male?? Please tell me!! I don't get it at all.
Digital hygiene. Becoming untraceable in computer usage. Killing "smart phone" usage and creating the very complicated and extended protocols that I and my family need to put in place so that the minimum of our information and location are available at any given time.
It hasn't been easy, but little things like picking up a pizza instead of ordering it on the web or big things like switching primarily to a cash based situation and having multiple bank accounts and credit cards that are not in our names are worth it when I realize that I am protecting myself and my family from The Cabal.
Now anything we do in our home can't be traced to us. Our phones don't give up location data because we have farraday containment for our gear. We have anonymous email. Finally, we moved to dwelling in a community where we can talk to people instead of being part of the fragile, luciferian digital cybersphere. We teach others how to do what we've done.
Q changed everything for my family. Every facet of our lives, because we wanted to give to the Patriots just like Q. We were willing to suffer the loss of conveniences because Q suffered the risk of being killed for building a revolution. He did so much that we knew we had to change to be what this country needs.
Life's too short to be sober!
To each their own, but I'm opinionated in the fact that I don't want to rely on the consumption of mind altering substances to feel better or relaxed or to have fun.
Life's even shorter when you're not
None. Just found a community that largely jibed with my thought process and like to keep up on news since the MSM has been entirely corrupt since the 1800s.
All right fren, what’s your secret…
Pine extract? Structure-water? Micro-current blood electrification? Frog soup? … is it some ocean seaweed far beneath the Mariana Trench?
How have you been around so long?
LOL. I have a strong foundation in Christ and have studied a lot of "deeper" things very seriously over the decades that tuned me in to all of the insanity we've been seeing. I was more than fully aware of the communist takeover about 25 years ago - but even with that I have been shocked each time I see everything more out in the open. While I knew about the commies and luciferian agenda back then, I learned over the last 10-12 years that it was already embedded deeply into the USA (and its capital was NYC) by 1900. This was when the rocket boosters fired and I've been blown away by what I'm seeing - and things frankly I can't even share on here because, even though we're all "conspiracy theorists", there are things that people still don't seem ready for due to the way they've attacked some of the comments I've made over the last several+ months. Oh well, everyone will see soon enough.
Check out Orthodoxy. It is the original Church, and is very serious in it's theology.
I'm praying for all you guys! This is the Great Awakening and God's Glory IS being manifested all over the world. We WIN!!!
Is this Joel Osteens church?
I used my stimulus money and tax refund to get myself out of debt, to bring up my credit rating. This place definitely helped me build the confidence to do that.
I get out with my grandbaby a lot more we go out and do yard work go for walks, or just go shopping, or to a playground. Yesterday during a break from yardwork we looked at clouds trying to see the shapes in them.
This year I've probably had more beers than I have in years, it's till under ten beers all year. Lol a hot summer day will do that.
The many crises and emergencies went through with my dad have enabled me to stand back from the situation and try to look at it from the outside, I try to help others see things that way sometimes we get tunnel vision and can't see the forest for the trees.
I’ve been trying to kick a porn addiction for nine years, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to do but it feels like I’m getting close to purging these demons out of my life.
Yes, porn is demonically controlled and very addictive. Everyone will now vote this down, but I am telling the truth.
Nah I’ve never been downvoted the few times I’ve mentioned it, nothing but support actually, unlike Reddit.
It’s one hell of an addiction to have that’s for sure, shit sucks.
BE the porn star. Tyler Durden.
Congratulations frogette … 40 Libras is an awesome feat. Hit me up if you want mouth watering, clean and healthy recipes. I pretty much can accommodate ANY diet or restrictions.
WE run a small family electrical contracting firm in northern Az-6 employees and 3 family members-i find out that two employees have been "vaccinated" for Covid I have read countless articles based on Vaxies eventually infecting those non vaxed around them--sure as shit they got all of us including themselves--we are now at 11 days worst over--we all sat home and grinded it out will return to work Tuesday--can't comment on vaxies future but the rest of us are done have our antibodies ----slipping out here and there we are learning of millions more of us proved the 99.9% cure correct
I've started a blog, formerly Patreon (removed without notice for what I post elsewhere, believe it or not) and now on [another site] where I bring news to folks who never will go to the research boards on their own.
My FB used to have personal things on it, and now it's simply an outlet for truth memes.
What prompted me? The upswelling of hope at the advent of Q posts, that we really aren't completely lost with no apparent hope of ridding this planet of cabal control...the mission of empowering the Human collective ~ leading to Human sovereignty.
Excellent. I’ve thought about blogging myself… random stuff, all pseudonym-anonymous. But hey this community has enabled me to type some ridiculous stories 😄
Yes. I started the pandemic with Nutrisystem and am now getting up early and working out after staying up late for 35 years. My business might be in jeopardy at this time so I need to be ready to pivot with minimal disruption.
I think Q and the people involved in this Awakening have brought me closer to God and nature ie the beauty of His creation. It has focused me and fine-tuned my discernment skills. As seekers we also are open to new experiences and tend to share them, I've tried to focus on natural healing. Not just the body but the mind. I am not associated with any specific dogma, sect or religious discipline although respect my Baptism. As a former war beaten ptsd sufferer I dove into alcohol & drugs to shield my worldly wounds, but Christ pulled me from those grey ashes and gave me new life. I find many human bright colorful experiences here and a way to express myself vs dampening each day watching life in retreat. For that I wish to thank all of you who make this experience worth it, & that being said let's go kick some DS azz!! 😂💕
Great to hear your story.
I randomly bumped into a woman the other day, she told me about her story beating her terminal illness. Now, what’s so ‘terminal’ about it? She’s right there in front of me holding a transparent cup filled with what I can only imagine is a vegetable smoothie of some kind. Either way, it’s definitely on the healthy side.
Her epiphany was the moment she decided to focus on her spiritual and mental well-being, rooted in God and face her deepest fears and anxiety … all her illness disappeared within the next few months.
Healing is 90% spiritual and mental. All I could do was nod in agreement and fascination while sipping on my home-made cold brew coffee infused with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and a small dash of vanilla extract.
Further...I occasionally fall-back to the old me, snapping to anger mainly at shillery. No man reaches perfection.
Oh yes...my Rebirth happened during intense prayer as I was at my worst. It wasn’t just an epiphany during physical struggle, it was an actual paranormal experience that was more beautiful than words can convey. I’d been praying for hours and slowly the room began to glow an amber color and an intense mixture of love, well-being and a surety that all was forgiven. I’d confessed and repented, the 2 keys to saving Grace. I knew that my gratitude needed to be witnessed so others could benefit. I was a changed man and many previous things that had been root parts of my life vanished or were no-longer “part of me”. It’s hard to explain but for example, music has always been one of my first loves. After the experience my taste in music radically was different and surprisingly the expected pangs of loss weren’t even present. I can’t listen to about over 70% of my previous favs. New interests took their place. I could elaborate further but you get me? Being “reborn” is absolutely conceptually described in that one word. Further I’ve been helping addicts recover and have helped a few with my holistic medical knowledge. I’ve got a mission, and it’s NOT about me...it’s about loving humanity & giving. Edit; coffee mmmmmm, cinnamon & HONEY 🍯
I just wanted to come here to say, you can’t take the sky from me.
That is all.
Serenity <3
March of 2020 I panicked, and started stress eating. Packed on a lot of weight around my middle. My sleep got totally messed up. Up all night, sleep during the day.
2021, fixed it. Now is not the time to be destroying my health. Took off everything I gained, working on trying to peel off a little more, sleep is back to normal, tightened up our nutritional protocols at home, doing more cooking and food gardening.
If you’re able to perform squats and deadlifts, those are the best full body workout you’ll ever need. Invokes your entire central nervous system.
So, what are your planting in the garden?
Because of Q, I found God.
Started with megalithic structure then kinda like piecing a puzzle together and slowly but surely came to the conclusion that God does exist.
Biggest eye opener in a long while.
That’s amazing … at some point, someone is going to ask you…
“How did you find God?”
“… what?”
“Here I’ll show you…”
Yeah, God is the ultimate red pill.
Also extremely grateful to change my relationship with money and hubby and i finally closed on our house and got out from the debt of that property. We were offered a property by family and now have homestead and weed growing goals, if you're a cannabis user, please grow or buy from non government dispensaries. We have to stop feeding the nazis. NM has a terrible government cannabis monopoly just in time for legal weed here. DEATH TO GRISHAM.
Im grateful to see how indoctrinated i was in college and grateful to be awake but also very ashamed of it. My friends tell me instead of a whore phase or party phase i had a liberal phase. Maybe if i had been irresponsible in college i never would've made it to that class 😂
I bought a pocket bible to carry in my purse next to my pocket Constitution booklet.
I found an all natural Covid killer. There is a river in northern California that has special virus killing properties. Only the elites now this and are using it. They do NOT want you to drink the water. The river is the Merced River.
Tell us more about that. What is it about that river that causes it to have that effect? Maybe we can find more rivers like that around the world.
God Bless you, Cats!
I've become a DIGITAL soldier.... dropping truth bombs where ever I go.
I no longer care what people think of me. I will preach it... regardless of where I am.
About to sit for my LPN exam, 2 more semesters then I'll be able to get my full nursing license! I picked a hell of a time to get into the field but I decided I had fucked around in my 20s long enough